The Pseudoscientific Swamp of Twitter
Twitter is merely the weapon that silences our voice. The people wielding the weapon are the real problem.
As many of my followers will know I got fired yesterday. Not from my employment (although many of those on my side of the COVID debate are under constant threat) but from the propaganda-driven social media entity known as twitter.
So, what did I say this time?
I said there is no such thing as a super cold. And that if people are dying from a cold this year you would have to be a submerged ostrich to believe it had nothing to do with the immune suppression afforded to 50m people in a country that has one of the worst records for winter death.
So, who might have taken objection to such a post in order to report it for “covid-19 misinformation” (Heil Twitler)?
Well yesterday was a busy day for me. I have learnt my lesson over time on twitter and no longer engage with leftist activists (because if they can’t win an argument, which is often, they report you and send troll armies after you - which is a shame because very occasionally they may have a point that both sides could find commonality with). Likewise I learned from the shock of the Public Health England data revelations posted back in June (thankfully archived not to engage with most public health doctors who are now simply government propagandists.
There was a lot of interaction on this. The thread went viral and good people like @eduengineer weighed in (and continues to do some great analyses on this data over on his blog). On the flip side it triggered a whole bunch of indoctrinated UK “vaccinologists” and “public health” people to not only get triggered by it but on their behalf, UK trolls desperate to preserve the narrative that the rapid vaccine rollout in the UK was obviously going to be successful took to mass reporting the account and multiple attempts to “debunk” the highlighted brought more hate. The ins and outs of whether the point was valid is still ongoing but the issue was that there is no point in debating people who don’t want debate. They just want you to accept their view and if you don’t, you should be silenced by any means necessary.
So I had learned my lesson mostly from these type of interactions. What I can’t control is people using my tweets to “quote tweet” to these delusional and indoctrinated scientists and doctors who are unable to debate (always because their arguments are built on sand) and that brings its own problems. For instance it’s no point “quote tweeting” this to Public Health England, Chris Witty or Boris Johnson. They aren’t going to change their mind - they are just going to make sure that whoever wrote it gets taken down so they don’t publish anything like it again.
Anyway back to yesterday. I guess I didn’t learn my lesson because there were 4 people I interacted with in an attempt to engage the debate on various things respectfully: Martin Kuldorff, Avi Bitterman, MoriartyLab and Ian Mackay. I didn’t get a response from Martin and I don’t think he saw my question, so he’s off the list. Let’s go through the other tweets.
Well not too triggered (and his response wasn’t true and I replied so) but still it appears that Avi is not that keen on difficult conversations having already attempted to have Steve Kirsch removed.
The next interaction is a very sad story. Mallory Flank is a young woman who was super keen on the covid vaccine and swallowed all the medical propaganda in particular from Tara Moriarty. Her descent into a terrible state after the vaccine, starting with alopecia but then much worse, is documented on her twitter feed which worryingly had its last post on the 4th Oct. I might have overstepped my mark with Tara Moriarty, but again, it’s a quote tweet so she may not have seen it and hasn’t commented. How she is allowed to peddle disinformation like “Myocarditis is very treatable and usually short-lived” is quite incredible, but underscores the difficulties we face on this platform. Just to be clear I was tweeting in support of Mallory here.
In the meantime I really hope Mallory Flank is getting the right treatment and is getting better. What I saw in this video shocked me (and I’ve seen many dying people). What’s more disheartening is the fact that she was crying out with tags to people that should have helped her (like the Alberta CMO) and got no responses. She clearly had trust in people who really didn’t care about her.
Now last but very much not least - “Ian Mackay PhD”. He has been very active in the covid “virology” space. He calls himself a virologist but with a somewhat secretive recent portfolio on his own website.
“New” and existing viruses hmm? Wonder who that reminds us of… Anyway I made a fundamental mistake. In general I had not blocked PhD’s with a different view to me. I have blocked many politicians, non-PhD doctors and media people but I have tended to keep twitter communication lines open to PhD’s on the basis that the whole ethos of gaining a PhD is scientific debate. It’s literally a doctorate of philosophy. The idea of silencing another PhD by fascist tactics would be completely contrary to what it stands for. Separately it should be noted that Ian Mackay is not a doctor of medicine. He is (was) a lab scientist. He has never treated a real patient. However his ego seems to have gotten the better of him and he is now practising medicine on twitter by promoting an investigational therapy to people he has never seen.
This is how it started….
Unfortunately I couldn’t resist and thought it would provide some balance if the responses were not all sycophantic… so I put out this benign request…
(The two beautiful young people in the picture are Adriana Takara and Tiffany Dover, whose stories are definitely worth reading about).
Anyway it seems that Ian wasn’t happy because anything that doesn’t suit his narrative (you’ve really got to see his timeline, it’s quite unbelievable)…
And of course I got the obligatory block. However the damage had been done. I think Ian was particularly unhappy with this one which has got to go down as one of the defining twitter moments in history, encapsulating with some dark humour the whole crux of the debate (that we are not allowed to have)…
Moving on, things take a somewhat darker turn in the real world. Followers would know that I have a stalker. The stalker account started off as @structuralbiol2 and then moved through various incarnations when each account was successively blocked. The latest incarnation was @arkmedic3 which tried to disguise itself as my account and interacted with a number of high profile followers of mine.
The insidious part of this is that @structuralbiol2 is actually a conman that prays on doctors and scientists via fake conferences. These people charge hundreds of dollars in fees for conferences that either don’t exist, get cancelled, or are run by people with no valid credentials. Of course for twitter these people are valued - even though @arkmedic3 is a suspended account, @structuralbiol2 and @structuralbiol (the same person) is still allowed on the platform. He now has another account @structuralbiol3 which is completely and utterly obsessed by a thread I posted months ago exploring the strange genomic sequences in the Pfizer vaccine. Although that thread started with somewhat random thoughts it ended up exactly where it needed to be - outlining that the 3’UTR of the Pfizer sequence has some serious issues which I posted on separately. He still can’t let it go though, and continues to create accounts despite being suspended. Perhaps twitter’s attention should be brought to this.
You can follow the conference scam on any of his other accounts or and it’s certainly worth knowing about the scam, it even has its own wikipedia page
So how does this link to Ian Mackay “Virologist, not really telling you what I’m doing for the last 5 years, not a doctor, but show me your pro-pharma adverts so I can persuade people to take an investigational RNA therapy please”. Well, here…
And there you have it.
Ian Mackay (and there are many like him) teams up with a conference scammer who prays on scientists and doctors to get yours truly removed from twitter.
He must be so proud of himself.
I hope this hasn’t been too long. If you find out any more about this episode, Ian Mackay or the “structural biologist” conman please drop a note in the comments.
I hope people also follow you on Telegram ( which is where honest discussions can still happen.
I'm a retired ICU RN and am stunned at how complicit the medical community is in all this. I'm afraid half of them couldn't pass a human physiology or immunology course and the ones that couod would deny its truths if it would make the professor happy.
This is bad for science and frightening for medicine.
Keep posting. Some of us are listening and are very thankful for you. :)
Ark, I truly appreciate all you have done fighting through the corrupt Twitter jungle. I hope you consider a lawsuit as Alex Berenson has done. You are truly an inspiration. I will be following on Telegram and Gab.