Jul 29, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you very much for this, greatly appreciated.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Excellent choice of points and visual representation.

If it wasn’t REAL, TRAGIC and CRIMINAL I could see your article as inspiration for something like Monty Python and the Holy Grail: A comedic send-up of the grim circumstances of the Middle Ages as told through the story of King Arthur and framed by a modern-day murder investigation. When the mythical king of the Britons leads his knights on a quest for the Holy Grail, they face a wide array of horrors, including a persistent Black Knight, a three-headed giant, a cadre of shrubbery-challenged knights, the perilous Castle Anthrax, a killer rabbit, a house of virgins, and a handful of rude Frenchmen. Jokes aside, you really made it easy for EVERYBODY to UNDERSTAND, including TGA and plethora of corrupted Australian health officials, policy makers and doctors.

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I have only four words… “Bring out your dead!”

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Interesting that diabetes, cancer and dementia deaths are up so much. Why would that be? Also notable that Covid deaths comprise 4.5% of total April deaths, compared to 26.7% cancer deaths, 9% dementia deaths and 7.6% heart disease. I would like to see a cost benefit analysis on public health spending for our leading causes of death vs. Covid, which came in at 6th on the main causes of April deaths.

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Professor Stephanie Seneff talks about the neurodegenerative processes expected with these substances.

Dr Ryan Cole talks about the rise in cancers being seen and the processes, also linked to these substances.

Auto immune diseases, also covered by these two but also many other scientists.

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Yes there are many reasons to suspect neurodegenerative disease from spike but this is not manifesting yet... G-quadruplexes and miRNAs are major concerns. I think Ryan Cole mistook a cluster of cancers for a safety signal - I'd be interested to know if he still believes that endometrial cancers have jumped 20 fold as he said, because this pattern hasn't been seen elsewhere.

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Also this oncologist in Sweden has spoken of inflammation, tumours, rare cancers, and cancers in multiple organs now being seen?


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Interesting, thanks. It's an evolving experiment, that is for sure.

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Prof Gigi Foster UNSW Economics Dept - 2 papers .

This is 4 pgs to https://parliament.vic.gov.au/images/stories/committees/paec/COVID-19_Inquiry/Tabled_Documents_Round_2/CBA_Covid_Gigi_Foster.pdf

This is May 2022 https://docs.iza.org/dp15294.pdf 47 pgs long

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You're right, I thought of this an hour after I posted!

She's very good.

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My wife has friend who has now contracted diabetes post jab. Maybe a coincidence. Her friend is slim. No evidence, just an anecdote.

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Can we get some background to that link before clicking it?

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

That's a resource stored on cloudfront.net (CDN)

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Its a link to a graphic image only.

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Name checks out lol

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Seems ok. Just a link to an image.

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It's incredible that the Australian government and media - supposedly so interested in saving lives - aren't interested in this highly significant mortality anomaly. The dog that didn't bark.

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The media have been given tax free status during the "Emergency" on the proviso they "support" and drive government messaging. It works out around $40M PA plus the money they receive for propaganda ads to "Take the shot" and "See the doctor for covid pills" and "Jab your kids". They are bought and paid for and will only present "Government and vaccine positive" messaging.

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I'm guessing they are interested. There have been silent behind-the-scenes changes in data availability. Try doing an online search now for "stays in the arm" -- remember how that was used in all the official posters? Those seem to have been wiped, from what I'm seeing. (If anybody has saved any, I'd appreciate having a copy!)

What else is missing are photos of swab testing being conducted improperly, putting the olfactory region / cribiform plate connection to the brain at risk. There were thousands of those images, unaware of the anatomy and what they were showing. Suddenly they're all gone - at least from the search results that I was getting writing a post about it. Liability was realized?

Both of these examples may demonstrate that there is awareness of having made some serious mistakes - and making them disappear.

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The minute you allow the media to be controlled by one person or group. Game over. That should have been number 1 in the US constitution.

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Not really. Govt only pretends to care, virtue signalling. Maybe a handful of people in parliament who genuinely care.

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Assuming the cancer deaths are due to medical neglect might be challenged by those who think the vax suppresses immune response.

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What if it's the whole package?

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Reporting indicates the high levels of cancer deaths are a result of people missing treatments or denied treatment during the major lock down periods, people not reporting illness. The bigger concern is the number of women being diagnosed with fast growing tumors in the reproductive system. Two in my circle of friends and acquaintances, very healthy individuals, both of whom were vaxxed, both had numerous adverse events to the second shot and both caught Covid and were very ill. There are millions of women world wide in the same boat and medical workers are reporting the numbers are higher than anything they have ever seen.

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This draws attention to something I don’t see discussed as much because the horrific jab side effects get all the bandwidth - how much of a (moral) crime lockdowns and suspension of usual medical care were.

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The virus has never been identified, so how can a vaccine be made? the mRNA Injection is NOT a vaccine, vaccines built your immunity, these mRNA injections destroy your immune system, hence ALL illness's are increasing, it is the liability free, emergency injections that are causing all the deaths are many hundreds of common side effects, including blood clots and heart attacks, designed to kill us all.

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Viruses have never been proven to exist. Lookup Dr Stefan Lanka or Dr Sam Bailey or Dr Tom Cowan. It's one of the biggest cons in history.

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How do you figure it has not been identified?

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The plays book already written.

Putin a late addition to the credits.

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Is this just the beginning of what is to come on an even larger scale?

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I welcome the Hunger Games and the published deadpool to follow.

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"Suddenly died" is the new normal - 49 year old rugby league coach and former player, Paul Green, dies with no health issues noted by friends and relatives.


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I would appreciate others views on this. I don't know anyone in Australia who has died or is injured from this vaccine. I know of one woman who had a miscarriage right after the vaccine and two that had serious menstrual issues that cleared up eventually. I'm not saying globally there isn't an issue but I'm not seeing it at all. Any Australians like to comment?

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Funeral Director John O'Looney- update, baby deaths & funerals- 25th July 2022

74% rate miscarriages mentioned

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False. That is not what we are seeing on the ground, but the miscarriage rate appears to be higher (probably 5%->10%)

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Umm Looney.... Not sure I trust him. Call it built in radar. I could be wrong. I hope I am. I know something momentous is going on but I also know the best way to hide a huge truth is too have two opposing lies. 99% of people will gravitate to one or the other and completely miss the truth. Question everything on both sides of the narrative.

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I have a question re: Blast article. This is copy of my tweet:

Speaking of reactivation:


as in an old herpes infection>"HHV-6A is known to cause encephalitis,meningitis,and cases of myocarditis."

so..?: any HHV-6A sequence/ homologue found in the sc2 29K+ nucleotides like they found the rabies, gp120 and gp41, et. al?

Is there HHV-6A in SC2 genome that might be a link between ME/CFS and Long Covid?

(profound fatigue in long lyme disease too)

That's the question. I know Montagnier identified other (Turtle-on-a-fence) sequences by Apr. 2020.

I am looking for similar auto-immune triggering/damaging pathways that might be covertly known and used over and over again for intended (bad) outcomes. (Specifically the energy-depletion of mito-damage, but open to other things as that is why the word myocarditis caught my eye.) Can you or someone you know provide an answer/insight?

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