Usually, we've seen birth rates go up regionally after there've been major weather events (winter storms mainly) when people have been shut in for a period of time. It's really what we should be seeing worldwide after the lock-downs, but we're not, and that should raise some questions.
Births DID go up in Germany! It can be clearly seen in the figures for 2021 the 2nd pandemic year, i.e. babies primarily conceived during the first pandemic year. It is logical to expect they would fall again after the lockdowns and life reverted to a semblance of normality. What was not expected was that the figures would fall by far in excess of the increases from 2021.
The German births data was highly stable in the 5 years before the pandemic. I think it better to exclude 2021 and use a pre-pandemic average with which to assess the % seasonal drop.
BTW April figures are down 12% (not 13%) on 2021, and those 2021 figures were in turn up 3.9% on the previous year. I have calculated a drop for April from the pre-pandemic average of 9.5%. It is, of course, still a lot.
You can check out my posts on German births where I have more details.
“Winter storms” --> Did the media publish devastating projections about health, economy (reset), did rents and costs of living increase (affordability of having children), did it increase suicide rates? How about messaging that keeps people in a constant state of fear and panic?
Stress can shut down activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, which controls the reproductive system. This can disrupt the connection between your brain and your ovaries and cause delayed or absent ovulation and irregular or missed periods. Stress does interfere with a woman's ability to get pregnant. Research has shown that women with history of depression are twice as likely to experience infertility. Anxiety can also have a negative effect by prolonging the time needed to achieve pregnancy.
“Two stressful events increased a woman's odds of stillbirth by about 40 percent, the researchers' analysis showed. A woman experiencing five or more stressful events was nearly 2.5 times more likely to have a stillbirth than a woman who had experienced none.”
Arkmedic has an entry explaining how to use BLAST. Here's an example of researchers using that tool. They found 41 sequences in the spike that could train our bodies to eliminate pregnancies.
"More research into potential autoimmune mediated infertility. Dotan et al published a paper in 2021 with their findings that SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein was found to share 41 minimal immune determinants (pentapeptides) with 27 human proteins that relate to oogenesis, uterine receptivity, decidualization, and placentation56. 23 of the 27 shared pentapeptides are also present in SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein-derived epitopes that have been experimentally validated as immunoreactive. They caution this may lead to reproductive dysfunction, recommend increased vigilence and in-depth experimental studies." Dotan A, Kanduc D, Muller S, Makatsariya A, Shoenfeld Y. Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and the female reproductive system. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2021 Dec;86(6):e13494. doi: 10.1111/aji.13494
Not yet. If it's stable as I suspect then it would indicate that the sperm production issue is a bigger thing than the ovarian issue, which would be good (because it's recoverable)
Vax and multiple shots ( 2 different things ) may effect eggs/ production longer term , second third etc birth rate is the one to watch. Too early though
5.2 billion jabbed, 4.6 billion double jabbed. Pretty amazing, when you think of it. Their are still trying to roll up as many children as possible, and get to the far flung places like rural Africa.
Nothing scientific about. It is a true testament to the power of globalization. Imagine how that must feel, getting so many people to do what you want, on false precepts?
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented mRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures
I just watched Children of Men. Chilling. There's another movie and TV mini series, that imo, has some bearing with what we're living through. One is directed by Mel Gibson and is called Apocalypto. The other is The Stand Series on Netflix--the 2020 version and it's starring Alexander Skarsgård. Apocalypto has references to fear and how we can be controlled with it. I feel like he was dropping hints.
I noted the birth rate dropped by around 1/5 across most of Europe in 2020, I guess 2020 was the effect of shutting the pubs, and 2021 the vaccine? I suppose it's one way of solving the housing crisis, pppffttt. Eugenicists hey? We didn't even vote for the WEF clowns.
On the one hand, the scale of this Eugenicist project is unbelievable- 5.2 billion injected, 4.8 billion double injected. 20% decline in births is unprecedented, and I could imagine that it will be permanent; or grow as the double and triple jabbed grow; and as children and even infants are injected. On the other hand, it is a failure- a 1 time 20% reduction in births, in a world with still climbing population, doesn't really change so much. At 1.1% annual global population growth, in 20 years we would be back where we are today. And the unjabbed may choose to have "extra" children, and the highest growth rate region, Africa, is the least jabbed. Also, this is a one-and-done game plan; I can't imagine that this will be attempted twice. So for all their efforts, they still fail- human population remains large, and continues to grow through the end of the century. In the meantime, they have awakened the lion; we the public are now aware of their intentions, and we are implacably opposed. Yes, they have purposefully killed 10s, even 100s of millions-- but their project is a failure.
The War with Russia is mostly to Isolate Russia so a China/Russia/Germany axis of trade doesn't develop, and to drive the cost of hydro-carbons up. They've tried for 20 years to get a global carbon tax, the people wouldn't go for it. Now they are trying to take as much hydro-carbon off the market as possible- Venezuala, Iran, Libya, Russia, no pipelines in USA or Canada. Humanity runs on hydrocarbons, make them expensive, and Humanity shrinks.
You have to be careful with the Germany data due to the huge influx of refugees (of reproductive age) at the time of ISIS... this produced a year-on-year increase in the first half of the decade. I went back 7 years in the data for this reason.
The four months worth of data is more than adequate to make the comparison because they are for the same four months for each of the years. The trend over the four previous years is clearly one-directional. The graph paints a VERY telling picture.
I'm afraid it's exactly how statistics work. You would have to adjust for the influx of reproductive-age migrants from 2012-2015, and we don't have the data for that adjustment. The influx slowed down by 2016 and so the population has been more stable.
You are losing sight of the forest for the trees. Other people have already looked at birth statistics for other countries and they show the same trend. And there is no benefit to including more months because birth rates are highly variable from month to month during the year but NOT when comparing any given month year-over-year. Therefore a four month sample is more than adequate. If you lump them together you lose specificity and they become MEANINGLESS for THIS purpose which is to show what happened 9 months after the main push to "vaccinate" was started. What you are suggesting renders the entire exercise completly invalid! Perhaps that is the point of your objection? To try to invalidate the data that very strongly suggests that SOMETHING HUGE happened starting quite precisely 9 months AFTER the mass "vaccination" program got underway?
I agree. A glaringly obvious “trend” that repeats over and over again for approximately the same time period in multiple areas might “insinuate” causality (a reasonable conclusion that begs more queries!).
I've read comments from youth about why this is happening. Everything from financial constraints to the awful world we're living in and no one wants to bring a child here. They can't afford to feed themselves, let alone a child. It seems a perfect cover has been found for the declining rates. It's one big groupthink. A dark cover while the machinations continue unabated in the background.
None of my children had the jibby.
Had the manipulation been any more obvious they would've sent soldiers around to our houses with baseball bats and hit us over the head!
Igor Chudov pointed out that abortion rates are also down… so unplanned, unwanted pregnancies as well, which points to fertility and not simply “choice”.
Usually, we've seen birth rates go up regionally after there've been major weather events (winter storms mainly) when people have been shut in for a period of time. It's really what we should be seeing worldwide after the lock-downs, but we're not, and that should raise some questions.
Births DID go up in Germany! It can be clearly seen in the figures for 2021 the 2nd pandemic year, i.e. babies primarily conceived during the first pandemic year. It is logical to expect they would fall again after the lockdowns and life reverted to a semblance of normality. What was not expected was that the figures would fall by far in excess of the increases from 2021.
The German births data was highly stable in the 5 years before the pandemic. I think it better to exclude 2021 and use a pre-pandemic average with which to assess the % seasonal drop.
BTW April figures are down 12% (not 13%) on 2021, and those 2021 figures were in turn up 3.9% on the previous year. I have calculated a drop for April from the pre-pandemic average of 9.5%. It is, of course, still a lot.
You can check out my posts on German births where I have more details.
I've written a new post exploring very early miscarriages caused by vaccination as a mechanism to explain the drop in German births.
“Winter storms” --> Did the media publish devastating projections about health, economy (reset), did rents and costs of living increase (affordability of having children), did it increase suicide rates? How about messaging that keeps people in a constant state of fear and panic?
Stress can shut down activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, which controls the reproductive system. This can disrupt the connection between your brain and your ovaries and cause delayed or absent ovulation and irregular or missed periods. Stress does interfere with a woman's ability to get pregnant. Research has shown that women with history of depression are twice as likely to experience infertility. Anxiety can also have a negative effect by prolonging the time needed to achieve pregnancy.
“Two stressful events increased a woman's odds of stillbirth by about 40 percent, the researchers' analysis showed. A woman experiencing five or more stressful events was nearly 2.5 times more likely to have a stillbirth than a woman who had experienced none.”,woman%20who%20had%20experienced%20none.
LOL! Oh, yes...I want even MORE disinformation from our filthy dirty corrupt "health" agencies.
Arkmedic has an entry explaining how to use BLAST. Here's an example of researchers using that tool. They found 41 sequences in the spike that could train our bodies to eliminate pregnancies.
This is quoting an entry by DoorlessCarp (valuable reading):
"More research into potential autoimmune mediated infertility. Dotan et al published a paper in 2021 with their findings that SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein was found to share 41 minimal immune determinants (pentapeptides) with 27 human proteins that relate to oogenesis, uterine receptivity, decidualization, and placentation56. 23 of the 27 shared pentapeptides are also present in SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein-derived epitopes that have been experimentally validated as immunoreactive. They caution this may lead to reproductive dysfunction, recommend increased vigilence and in-depth experimental studies." Dotan A, Kanduc D, Muller S, Makatsariya A, Shoenfeld Y. Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and the female reproductive system. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2021 Dec;86(6):e13494. doi: 10.1111/aji.13494
It will be blamed on cOvId SidE effEcTs
Bill Gates, Fauci and other eugenics/ sterilization satanists have achieved their mission.
Not yet. If it's stable as I suspect then it would indicate that the sperm production issue is a bigger thing than the ovarian issue, which would be good (because it's recoverable)
I wonder how many women lost their babies during pregnancy... due to the injections of course
Go read Naomi wolfs sub stack akd Jessica rose. They specifically discuss this. Devastating
Vax and multiple shots ( 2 different things ) may effect eggs/ production longer term , second third etc birth rate is the one to watch. Too early though
The multi-pronged depopulation agenda is in full swing and there's no way to stop it now. Or is there...?
Yes! Have lots more healthy babies!!! Anti-Vaxx, non-conformist, government distrusting babies!!!
Bio weapon jab
WEF wants you impoverished, enslaved and dead.
...and sterile
Uh oh. The chart is no longer slanted in 3D, yet I can still see the drop!
I'm just waiting for the "IT IS NOT A ZERO AXIS OMG" brigade
What a cluster. This mess is just getting started
Thank you for your reporting.
It is starting to look like it is going as planned, no problem.
5.2 billion jabbed, 4.6 billion double jabbed. Pretty amazing, when you think of it. Their are still trying to roll up as many children as possible, and get to the far flung places like rural Africa.
Nothing scientific about. It is a true testament to the power of globalization. Imagine how that must feel, getting so many people to do what you want, on false precepts?
Disclaimer of Liability ™
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (COVID -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented mRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
We care,
CEOs Murderna & Schizer.
Dr. Red Pill Fact Checker: They make sh$t!
Schizer (1minute video)
Murderna (1minute video)
Micro-Tech in COMIRNATY Quackcine – New Zealand D SOS
How to Detect your MAC Address (e.g: “Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af”)
Micro-Tech Patents (50) – Charles Lieber – Caught!
Covid-19 Quackcines Worldwide Democide - 1,291 Side Effects – Schizer Approval Document Reveals
Suppression of Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells - 100% of People Tested pre and post Covid-injections.
Safe and Effective: 16 German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Are 'Suddenly and Unexpectedly' Dropping Dead.
Schizer Massive Data Fraud: Time to Lock them all Up!
How Bad is my Batch?
The Covid Lies of the Century
Murderna Quackcine Patented 9 Months Before Plandemic on 2019-03-28
Covid-19 Plandemic Blueprint – RKM Lockstep 2010 Report.
Event 201, a High-level Pandemic Exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York
50 Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates
United States D.O.D issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before COVID-19 officially existed
Ten different surveys all show the vaccines are not "safe and effective" -- not even close
Dr David Martin | Covid Terrorism, Murder, and Racketeering
We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable!
Planned Worldwide Infanticides
'Blow-up Pandemic Mortuary' Set up in 2019 - UK
EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures
Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself
Dr. Ryan Cole: COVID Vaccines Are Producing Unusual And Surprising Numbers Of Cancers
The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart
"The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)
Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)
🔥🔥🔥Fire baby!!!
I just watched Children of Men. Chilling. There's another movie and TV mini series, that imo, has some bearing with what we're living through. One is directed by Mel Gibson and is called Apocalypto. The other is The Stand Series on Netflix--the 2020 version and it's starring Alexander Skarsgård. Apocalypto has references to fear and how we can be controlled with it. I feel like he was dropping hints.
I noted the birth rate dropped by around 1/5 across most of Europe in 2020, I guess 2020 was the effect of shutting the pubs, and 2021 the vaccine? I suppose it's one way of solving the housing crisis, pppffttt. Eugenicists hey? We didn't even vote for the WEF clowns.
It didn't drop though, that's the weird thing. And in fact 2021 behaves as you'd expect after "lockdowns" - with a slight rise in birth rates.
On the one hand, the scale of this Eugenicist project is unbelievable- 5.2 billion injected, 4.8 billion double injected. 20% decline in births is unprecedented, and I could imagine that it will be permanent; or grow as the double and triple jabbed grow; and as children and even infants are injected. On the other hand, it is a failure- a 1 time 20% reduction in births, in a world with still climbing population, doesn't really change so much. At 1.1% annual global population growth, in 20 years we would be back where we are today. And the unjabbed may choose to have "extra" children, and the highest growth rate region, Africa, is the least jabbed. Also, this is a one-and-done game plan; I can't imagine that this will be attempted twice. So for all their efforts, they still fail- human population remains large, and continues to grow through the end of the century. In the meantime, they have awakened the lion; we the public are now aware of their intentions, and we are implacably opposed. Yes, they have purposefully killed 10s, even 100s of millions-- but their project is a failure.
Are you forgetting the double digit percentage of "all ages" mortality across the vxd world?
....and that's just the short term effects!
The idea that all this is some planned project is highly optimistic. Reality is much more dire.
Okay, so we know they are killing off us of Womanity.
How can we stop this shit show scamdemic disCog 1, and the war disCog 2, before we get nuclear disCog 3?
The nUkraine is also a massive depopulation event like any war...
Why did the West start war with my Homeland Russia
The US of Arrogance will lose the war although may remain Arrogant, but not US
Arrogance and political correctness...all contributing to very lousy decision making.
The War with Russia is mostly to Isolate Russia so a China/Russia/Germany axis of trade doesn't develop, and to drive the cost of hydro-carbons up. They've tried for 20 years to get a global carbon tax, the people wouldn't go for it. Now they are trying to take as much hydro-carbon off the market as possible- Venezuala, Iran, Libya, Russia, no pipelines in USA or Canada. Humanity runs on hydrocarbons, make them expensive, and Humanity shrinks.
you're talking about the cabal, right? i don't walk their walk, too busy mommin' here in oklahoma
deplorable asking...
Do you have data from 2000 onwards? This is too zoomed in; just 5 years worth of comparison and only limited months to compare.
You have to be careful with the Germany data due to the huge influx of refugees (of reproductive age) at the time of ISIS... this produced a year-on-year increase in the first half of the decade. I went back 7 years in the data for this reason.
The four months worth of data is more than adequate to make the comparison because they are for the same four months for each of the years. The trend over the four previous years is clearly one-directional. The graph paints a VERY telling picture.
I am afraid that is not how statistics work.
Zoom out for 20 years, include all the months, do an ANOVA test, report conclusions if difference is statistically significant.
Even better go and publish it.
We cannot pick and choose durations, months etc.
We are making fool of ourselves and offer easy prey to the other side.
I'm afraid it's exactly how statistics work. You would have to adjust for the influx of reproductive-age migrants from 2012-2015, and we don't have the data for that adjustment. The influx slowed down by 2016 and so the population has been more stable.
You are losing sight of the forest for the trees. Other people have already looked at birth statistics for other countries and they show the same trend. And there is no benefit to including more months because birth rates are highly variable from month to month during the year but NOT when comparing any given month year-over-year. Therefore a four month sample is more than adequate. If you lump them together you lose specificity and they become MEANINGLESS for THIS purpose which is to show what happened 9 months after the main push to "vaccinate" was started. What you are suggesting renders the entire exercise completly invalid! Perhaps that is the point of your objection? To try to invalidate the data that very strongly suggests that SOMETHING HUGE happened starting quite precisely 9 months AFTER the mass "vaccination" program got underway?
Well, even if that is the case (i.e. comparison of specific month/s within a year) zooming out is still required.
Also comparison of other set of months will be required.
It is also of remark that noone has calculated a p value; they just show bars.
What is the level of significance?
A trend is just that a trend; it does not infer causality. it is just an observational finding.
A trend may indeed be 'just a trend'. But a trend should attract a query. And consistent trends yet more queries.
I agree. A glaringly obvious “trend” that repeats over and over again for approximately the same time period in multiple areas might “insinuate” causality (a reasonable conclusion that begs more queries!).
I've read comments from youth about why this is happening. Everything from financial constraints to the awful world we're living in and no one wants to bring a child here. They can't afford to feed themselves, let alone a child. It seems a perfect cover has been found for the declining rates. It's one big groupthink. A dark cover while the machinations continue unabated in the background.
None of my children had the jibby.
Had the manipulation been any more obvious they would've sent soldiers around to our houses with baseball bats and hit us over the head!
Igor Chudov pointed out that abortion rates are also down… so unplanned, unwanted pregnancies as well, which points to fertility and not simply “choice”.
well it will help reduce gas consumption!
100% true
Instead of total, how about per capita?