Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The job I was fired from for refusing the vaccine, is having a COVID outbreak, and they’ve lost an entire department to quarantining. 100% vaccinated within 6 months.

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Send the boss a get well soon card

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Oh trust me, I’ve been making fun of them all day. Making memes of Sloth, from ‘The Goonies’, “Safe AND effective you guuuuuys!”

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would you need to be afraid, by making the names of those admins who introduced the mandates, official??? I think exposing the NAMES of those, who are responsible for this crime, might work better..

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They are hidden by design

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Update. The entire department went down with COVID, and so the company has now reinstated mask mandates for workers, and hired an “infectious disease specialist” to be there full time to constantly test workers, and do whatever nonsense it’s hired to do.

BTW, everyone at my job is in their 20’s-30’s and has to pass a physical to work there to begin with… in other words, it isn’t a nursing home….

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how can you stand to work for CRIMINALS?

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Lol. I don’t, they fired me for refusing the vaccine.

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Seems to me a lawsuit’s in order…

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Sorry, I didn't say the begin of the discussion! Anyway, WELL DONE:) Wish, every single human would do the same, and we wouldn't be here were we are now. Hope you have a better job now;)

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Dr. Sayed, I had few questions in your previous post.. Just hope you will look back into the comment section:)

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If you find the post and right-click on the time/date component next to your name you should be able to copy and paste the direct link to the post. It's a bug in substack that they don't make this obvious. Navigating mentions is not great either!

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Thank you for the response! The comment was the second newest on your post at:


it is from:

mejbcart Writes mejbcart’s Newsletter 22 hr ago ·edited 22 hr ago

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

After the lawsuit for violating my deeply held religious convictions. Names will be named..In good time.

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I’m glad you’re doing this! Praying for a very successful outcome for you 🙏🙏🙏

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Hey, that’s not supposed to happen: she said sarcastically.

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How can they claim there is no carcinogenic effects anyway? They never studied it. It's even noted in official documentation that it was never tested for carcinogenicity or genotoxicity.

It was just assumed to be safe.

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Check out section 3.4 (Toxicology section) and read the conclusion closely. The recently revised document says explicitly not to vaccinate pregnant or lactating women.

But it also says no carcinogenic studies were performed either.


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For them absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Since they will never look, there is always absence of evidence.

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pharma didn't accept cancer patients in the first covid injection trials, no pregnant women, no HIV patients... They knew if they had accepted cancer patients, their deaths rates would be much higher, in addition to the ~1200 deaths in the first few months, and that among completely 100% healthy volunteers.

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I see you've never met The Science, alias dr Faucist. When they say "believe the science" they actually mean "believe The Science" which does not mean the same thing.

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In a way it was "a given", gov would NEVER push something unsafe, lie to you etc. one of reasons why not many had stopped and apply basic logic:

There was NO WAY of assessing the consequences simply for the time

factor (or rather, lack thereof).

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Good point.

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I like your approach.

Action, not just talk.

Looking forward to results.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

That's a big can of worms. And they put themselves right in the middle of it.

The document does say it was updated on the 16th August 2022. So I'm not sure why they're trying to deny it

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

We now know two women dead from breast cancer who were in remission for years. They both took the clot shots. Another with new onset pancreatic cancer spread everywhere, dead. Next door neighbour ovarian cancer, had all four clot shots and now a 60 year old stomache cancer post vaxx.

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They are called coincidoma...

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

all just coincidental.

however the shots do seem to cause a lot of coinciditis....

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I saw my neighbor “walking” (limping, on crutches) down the road, crutches, cast on his leg, eye patch. He got three cancers at the same time, post vaccination, he blames the jab, “I knew I shouldn’t have gotten that damn thing,”

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Same thing happened to my neighbor who was in remission from breast cancer. After having to be fully vaxxed to visit her mother in a nursing home her cancer returned with a vengeance. She died in a few short weeks thereafter.

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As a cancer researcher, he was salivating at the thought of a new carcinogen injected into almost the entire planet's population. Talk about a growth market. Trillions of dollars.

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Actions like these will be important for building a case against these individuals when the harms become much more obvious down the road and will strongly discourage other similar acts of malfeasance.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Excellent post

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Excellent. Love it.

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Unbelievable! Thank you for fighting the fight. I just discovered your Substack this morning!

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I’m still stuck on the Chuck Norris vs. Robert Duvall!


Much love


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Some of my best work lol

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An acquaintance, with no family history of BrCa & past clear mammograms, just posted she has BrCa. Lucky for her, they caught it early. Oh yeah, she’s been vaxxed. Proudly.

While I know this can/does happen in some, many will never see the connection.

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Has his conscience Freed Eric?

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FOIA requests are the most powerful & underutilized tools citizens have to oversee public servants and spending of public funds; thrilled to see FOIA wielded as precision transparency tools. In a tech age twist of the old adage of the pen being mightier than the sword, we see the FOIAs are mightier than the tweets and nothing sweeter than turning the tables on dirtbags & frauds.

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Is there anything stopping them from deleting emails (or documents)?

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It's a felony in most jurisdictions

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Good job emails are stored under the data retention acts

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They are supposed to be stored. But with the federal govt. breaking every law with impunity, they can ignore retention laws as well. HHS violated the law for 30 years. Zero consequence. Why should they obey ANY law then? With no enforcement, laws are not worth the paper they are printed on.


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Too many perps and not enough rope?

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Chivalry ain’t dead.

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