“…fraud vitiates everything.” Let the lawsuits begin!!!

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This is outrageous. Andrews, McGowan et al obtained a benefit by deception? For personal political gain, they allowed a gene therapy to be misrepresented as a "vaccine" as opposed to telling the truth? They obtained consent by fraud and then committed assault? Despite no testing being done for genotoxicity, they coerced the public to be injected with the untested product? The public has been lied to by the OGTR and TGA and there has been a cover up? Next will come a white wash now that the cover up has failed? This is a nightmare.

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And the dementia-laden commander-in-chief mandated it for Americans to keep their jobs.

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A system that permits the installation of incompetent and corrupt geriatric mobsters as commander-in-chief has unfortunate consequences. It happened because a cowardly and treacherous VP put self-interest before that of the nationnand signed off on the installation.

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Well said. And in a rare expression of self-awareness, that "cowardly and trracherous" former VP, finally recognized the futility of his presidential campaign and "paused" it yesterday.

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Maybe it's not personal gain? Maybe it's necessary


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Here is another slant on the topic you raise, “depopulation”. It’s seems “overshoot” was reach 18 years ago ... https://rumble.com/v3oap32-lets-talk-about-sustainability-and-thinning-the-herd.html

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The fraud extends to more than just the contents of the syringes.

The theory of contagion itself has never been demonstrated scientifically. Even during the Spanish Flu Dr Rosenau had sick people cough into the faces of volunteers and cover them in snot (basically every possible mode of transmission you can think of). But none of the volunteers got sick. Repeated experiments over the last century have all produced the same results.

We must conclude that colds and flus are not spread by 'contagious particles'. Like scurvy, the flu often manifests in the same time and space but not because of it is contagious, but due to a dozen other factors like seasonal changes, shared diet, environmental poisoning, stress and psychological factors (like being subjected to sustained 'fear porn' propaganda from the TV).

With no scientific evidence of contagion, nobody can claim 'viruses' exist either, given that they are defined (by virologists) as contagious particles.

Let's not forget that virology was invented as a means to FIND these hypothetical, speculative particles in order to save the failing 'germ theory' of disease (and the hugely profitable industry which rides on the back of this theory).

All attempts to find 'viruses' failed, and so virologists developed increasingly esoteric and unscientific methods to 'prove' the existence of their speculated particles. Dr Stefan Lanka has successfully 'found' SARS COV2 using standard virology techniques without even adding a sample from a sick patient - proving the whole thing is a fraud.

Virology is non-falsifiable and therefore fails to meet the basic criteria for science.

It's fraud all the way down.

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'They' own the judiciary!

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they own the judiciary!

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Big Pharma (Pfizer et al) 'own' the judiciary and have a 'licence to kill' called Zero LIABILITY! Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed to live longer)

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I don't recall anyone trying to deny that mRNA platform worked by transfecting cells. That was widely known, at least, here in the States. What they did do was redefine what a vaccine was by changing the definition from delivering an antigen to delivering or provoking an antigen response. So under this new broader redefined definition of "vaccine" the mRNA platform was included. Now what was the blatant lie was that it was wasn't possible for the synthetic mRNA to reverse transcribe.

The false argument was that there was that the mRNA needed to provide reverse transcriptase for reverse transcription to occur like with a retro virus. This lie glossed over the reality that there's already reverse transcriptase in cells from retro-elements (eg LINE-1) in the cytoplasm of transfected cells. So the only real question was whether or not there was enough reverse transcriptase for reverse transcription to occur. Several studies have demonstrated that there is enough reverse transcriptase in the cytoplasm of transfected cell for reverse transcription of the delivered mRNA to occur.

Other studies show that the the mRNA carrying LNP's go all over the body transfecting a wide array of cell types. These IM injected LNP's don't stay in the injection site. So pharmacokinetic studies were also needed. I go over this here in this blog: https://beyondspin.wordpress.com/2023/07/06/vaccine-or-gene-therapy-product/

The mRNA also interacts with other forms of RNA in the cytoplasm. Plus there are additional open questions about the DNA contaminants in the LNP's being injected into transfected cells and what that DNA does. These are open questions that need to be addressed.

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".... this mass assault by fraud is never allowed to happen in the medical realm ever again."

That would require a truly unimaginable reinvention of the system, academia, biology, physiology, and IT and then a simultaneous return to honour, integrity, ethics, and the Word of God, words, meanings and intents largely expunged from the vernacular today?

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If nobody does the unimaginable, it'll never get done

Nobody said this would be easy. Start imagining and doing the corrections necessary. It's going to be a hard, generation-long (at minimum), hard job!

Heed the warning: "It's a jungle out there"

It's going to require good people to do very bad things to very bad people - just to survive! Deaths will be necessary.

Put your Simon Wiesenthal shoes on.

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I wanted to reply with brilliant descriptive affirmatives but I could not override my brain reacting to your post DING DING DING DING DING!!!

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My only worry is that the US gov will attempt to throw Pfizer under the bus, act like they had no idea, and wash their hands of it. Pfizer will file for bankruptcy, no one will go to jail, our regulatory agencies will continue their unholy union with pharma, and they'll do it all again by slapping some other company's name on the latest bioweapon. I hope I'm wrong and even the most ardent pharma loving drones will open their eyes to the truth.

Thank you so much for all you do doctor!

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Pfizer is going to be the scapegoat and they will go bust. Their share price is showing the way. They will be taken over by another pharma company who will not take on the liabilities and everything will continue as normal. This is the way the world works.

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Like Monsanto did with glyphosate, morphed into Bayer

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Not sure I agree. If you change your last name, that murder you committed just disappears? Somewhere along the line, jurisprudence will rear its ugly head and the matter of the murder will rise to the surface of the cesspool. Of course, by the day we are losing the functionality of our formerly called "judicial system". Garland is the go-between the old system and the new system whereby graft and corruption reign supreme. And ol' Jake Rothschild sits in his easy chair while munching on macadamia nuts and grins knowingly.

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Yes the murder disappears even if you don’t change your last name! Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in fines for killing people but I suspect their nett profit made it worthwhile. I think Bourla should be sent to prison. He has made a personal fortune out of this misery and will just walk away from it. If the justice system started holding CEOs responsible for this kind of behaviour it would slow down a lot.

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I hope you're right. Then again, look at all of the evidence to date and CDC is still recommending for 6 month olds.

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At least Pfizer would be gone. Break them all

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This is exactly what will happen.

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I also mention Onpattro in my latest interview (from a few days ago) that I will link in here when it's ready. :)

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Yesterday Peter Hotez wondered why so many of his friends and colleagues are "dying suddenly." He will never admit it's because of the clot shots. And also yesterday Matthew Perry at 54 died suddenly and drowned in his hot tub. He was proud of being fully jabbed and boosted. I hope Jennifer Anniston got the placebo.

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I figured these Hollywood entertainers would all get placebos. Evidently, not....

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I do believe most media personalities are useful idiots even though very effective.

Even more will be thrown under the bus when control has been gained and they are no longer of any value.

Same for politicians, doctors, bureaucrats and many more toadies. News media persons are owned by the investors and may not have any personal status.

The fact that smart retired people in authority have been so quiet in general is the biggest mystery to me.

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I hope she didn’t....

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Hey, Therapies are THERAPEUTIC. They TREAT a medical CONDITION.

These diabolical genetic shots do NOT TREAT ANYTHING. They are NOT gene "Therapies" so will everybody PLEASE STOP THE LIES, ALREADY!!!!!!!

All of the mRNA and Adenovirus-vectored DNA injections are GENE TRANSFER DRUGS!


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They’re also called bio weapons, weapons of mass destruction, & depop agents. These companies work with the DOD & FDA & other government agencies. Sick.

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I think they are most succinctly called transfections. The former biology professor J.J. Couey instructs the public that transfection has no place in the medical industry as any sort of medicine.

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Thank you!

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Keep in mind here that the reason the definition of "vaccine" was changed, was so that Big Pharma could take advantage of the blanket undemnity from prosecution under the PREP Act and beyond. Remember also that their patents were issued as either "gene therapy" or "gene therapy chemotherapy", but maybe they made a mistake in their patent applications?!!

So isn't this lovely, the recipients of the "vaccines" lose out in every which way and there is no safety testing while these Government Committees argue about semantics and Big Pharma makes Billions. without any risk of prosecution.

Doesn't that just perfectly sum up the state of our Western "Liberal democracies" today?

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The contempt the viral and vaccine world displays for the public is a sight to behold and they can barely conceal it. All of its history shows the contempt, the vaccine products contaminated with who knows what starting from the very first vaccine, they have always lied, tricked and deceived and it has never changed. Even the few scientists remaining who have integrity in the vaccine field have successfully been tricked. Lives lost or damaged permanently are just a means to an end, I feel as if I have come out of a hypnotic trance and how I could have allowed myself in the past to be vaccinated without asking one question or doing any research I will never know.

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If people knew what's in the vaccines...

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What could go wrong

When you introduce foreign materials into cells

Damaging organelles


Of both the nucleus and the mitochondria

It isn't like organs aren't made up of tissues

And tissues aren't made up of cells

So many warning bells

So many sirens

All shut up by the tyrants

As they pushed them into arms

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And into the blood, and into the hearts, and into the brains . . .

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Into every nook and cranny

In concentrations still unknown

For durations of uncertainty

They run around and roam

Until they're home

And find a cell to slip inside

Then stab and shank away

Crippling, sickling, sabotage

They spike and stab all day

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And then the immune system sends out the troops to blow up that cell! IF the immune system is still working, that is (and not shut off by a bunch of IgG4 antibodies!).

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If the cell is not destroyed however

Then it lives


And teaches its neighbours

Nasty new habits

And slowly

They consume you from the inside out

It might take a few years

A few tears

A few scares

But eventually

You'll find out

You are broken and they won't know how to fix you

If only

You never let it in you to begin with

Because somethings

They just cannot be undone

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“Because somethings

They just cannot be undone”

I wish I could express my profound sadness when I read these words. I find I do not have enough powerful words.

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I am not an expert, and have not tried it, but some say vitamin B17 from apricot kernels and ClO2 AND Wikipedia AND "the speed of science" tells us not to try it...

Dr Mikael Nordfors tried injecting ClO2 into turbocancers, according to Fritjof Persson, before he was murdered, probably by CIA or Mossad.

If it is dangerous, is probably about the dosage, like with everything.

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Well said.

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"...vaccines have traditionally been safe..."

What's the evidence for that statement?

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That's the basis on which the TGA are selling this therapy without a requirement for genotoxicity studies. It's not my rules

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Yes, I know it's not your rules...

But it's way overdue to examine the ever-increasing number of lucrative and supposedly 'traditionally safe' vaccine products and revaccinations on the taxpayer-funded vaccination schedule: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-07/national-immunisation-program-schedule.pdf

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Join the Highwire, supporting the investigation of childhood and adult vaccinations from a safety and legal point. ICAN is the legal arm of the Highwire with lawyer Aaron Siri pursuing cases of vaxx injuries. Time to put your money where your mouth is as they say. Make a donation today to support these efforts. This is one of the ways this fight will be won.

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I’ve put my time where my mouth is…fifteen years of it, starting with investigating pet vaccination in 2008.

See my websites:

- https://vaccinationispolitical.net/

- https://over-vaccination.net/

And starting to raise the matter on my substack, for example see:

Why did former Australian PM Scott Morrison overrule advice against compulsory vaccination?


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Dr. Raj Bhula, the current Gene Technology Regulator in Australia, is clearly a "transfection denier", LOL!

Now the injected folks are having also abnormal dental issues from the transfection. I'd guess it's the immune system trying to get rid of the transfected non-self.

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I wonder if it has the same effect on bones as it has on teeth ?? One you can see, the other not so much, .... until a shattered hip ?? I wonder if compound fractures are on the rise ?? Or are people just rotting from the marrow on out ??

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This bioweapon has so many ways to main and kill, causing anything and everything anywhere within the body that we'd never want to see happen, even to our worst enemies...

Not that the irony won't be somewhat amusing when those enemies behind all this DO fall prey to the infective effects of their own agenda...

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Definitely shot right past "Six Ways From Sunday", that's for sure. What is it up to now, a bakers dozen ??

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Seems to be the whole loaf at risk... If you recall, not only rare but apparently completely new diseases/dysfunctions appeared with these jabs...

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Indeed and all the "Experts" are baffled. The "Science" must have failed them. Or the price was right.

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People were having bone density issues before 2020/21 because of the detrimental lifestyle impacts, the absurd misunderstanding on how the body uses calcium and cholesterol, but most importantly how the voltage gated calcium channels are opened and closed via EMFs🤨🤔🤔😐🤦‍♀️

These gene therapy shots, magnify any existing issues within an organism, while also breaking down the fundemental pathways and cellular functionally.

The shots are the worst kind of bioweapon created and distributed, but they are also not solely responsible for every single issue. They make them worse for sure.😭🤐😤

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Where can i find the jab effect on teeth? My sister is fully jabbed and has delaminating teeth

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These are very under-reported but some of the good doctors are still writing case series papers even though they understand that causality will be very difficult to prove in the current environment (of fascism & fear), these could be coincidences that just happened in some cases almost immediately after the dirty deed was done dirt cheap (if we don't count what we had to pay pharma in taxes...).

I really hope more doctors start writing case series papers on the possible AEs no matter what their specialty, as everything is possible with this shot. Here is one of the rare papers on dental problems post-injection but this can't prove causality, as they clearly explain in the discussion-section:


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Oct 29, 2023
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Thanks this is helpful

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I know a 50 yr old fully vaxed with a shattered hip need surgery

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50 is WAY too young for such things. The doctors are baffled, I'm sure. But I am equally sure they will be glad to do the surgery. $$$$

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"Transfection Denier" had to be put onto my On Deck list of new words and phrases, awaiting funny definitions. I have been slacking lately and now there are a dozen of them to get to.


Transfection Denier (Vaxxed Up To Date And Refuses To Acknowledge The Obvious, Even After Growing A Tail !!)

Nah, .. needs some work. I'll get around to it eventually though.

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What dental issues please?

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Sorry it took me, check out the comments i.e. from here:


Raises questions if these were injection-induced or coincidental? I bet the dentists don't think a vaccine could cause this, as they don't get the nature of the injection.

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I can’t believe ACOG still recommends jabs to pregnant women. Shameless, evil out there .

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The evidence just keeps piling up. Imagine if we were actually able to get uncensored emails........we could prove they knew the whole time.

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Put a call out to the white hat hackers of the globe, if it's in the ether, it's hackable😉🤔🤐

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I have been getting a niggling feeling that "Anonymous" hackers are just CIA or NSA having fun. If there was a real Anonymous that wanted to bring down governments all they have to do is drip feed extracted information. The Epstein flight logs should have been exposed long ago.

I suspect that almost any formal group (Anonymous looks like it has none but is possibly controlled) can be controlled with enough resources.

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Very possible and highly likely, but they cannot control every hacker. They know this, which is why every country around the world has implemented or implementing a biosecurity cyberwarefare policy and legislation. They want the censorship complex framework so they CAN control all hackers.🤨🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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We could prove it was all planned way ahead of time....

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Utterly extraordinary. It was 20 years before there was any compensation for the deleterious effects of thalidomide, even then the manufacturer did not admit liability. This is going to be a long war.

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Yep, I wrote a research paper on that almost 30yrs ago,and that was my first thought since they’ve released these shots

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The hubris of the woman also running the meeting with her snide, unprofessional “welcome to my world” and “no she’s disagreeing with you” idiotic comments...

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Yes! How obnoxious, I thought. So damned obnoxious.

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These horrible people who are gaslighting the public richly deserves what’s coming to them one day. I yearn for that day! 🙏🏻

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If you start and end with Merriam-Wedster’s definition of Virus (…Non-Living extremely complex molecules…), then consider the historical facts of Rockefeller’s Vaccine & Pharmaceutical industry beginning in the 1800’s, then the Rockefeller’s United Nations WEF & WHO, any legitimate scientist of law and medicine MUST admit that “compulsory vaccinations or medical treatments” of any kind are a “Crime Against Humanity,” not a protocol for saving lives.

Once you add the fact that thousands of lawyers and their clients of the pharmaceutical, war-manufacturing and banking cartels—who own and control all mainstream media & government officials—didn’t even hide their investments in these mRNA gene therapy vaccines (just like Bill Gates & company), it is clear beyond any reasonable doubt to any legitimate lawyer, judge or jury that humanity has been set up to be used as psychologically-driven “terrified Lab-Rats” for a “gene modification experiment” coupled with a “mass genocidal protocol.”

For several decades on dozens of occasions in front of public audiences these cartels (so-called war-banking oligarchs and their talking heads) have explicitly-expressed their plans to use fear to install a New World Order nobody can refuse; ending the “naturally evolving” human genome; develop and install a permanent, synthetic trans-human protocol; genocide. So what does that say about the FBI and America’s State & Justice Departments, or all of the Security Briefers from Homeland Security?

Again, for the slowest & most distracted sheeple: these monsters methodically captured the attention of humanity with “manufactured fear” using brainwashed sheeple and laboratory created pathogens as terrorists, then used “their” media and government official’s “warning systems” in order to convince (threaten) all of humanity to participate in a permanent gene-altering experiment; genocide.

Closer examination proves that this entire pandemic has the exact same footprint and “war profiteering players” of the 9/11 FalseFlag event (Trump, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Graham, McConnell…and their handler-bankers; AIPAC controlling our elections). This is no different than all the other FalseFlag (PsyOps) events used to convince people to accept generational warfare against all life, not just humans. These political pawns and media personalities are playing all of us against each-other using very generic “good cop vs. bad cop” protocols. [I really do hate the word Protocol.]

For the past three to four years “they” have been feverishly pushing every country on earth to participate in another World War with another evolving financial takeover by-way-of one PsyOps FalseFlag event after another: Coronavirus made into COVID-Pandemic; Vaxx-Induced Diseases for treatment-profits; Energy-Weapon-Created Fires; Train Wrecks & Poisoning Water and Food Supplies; U.S. Military (HAARP & DARPA) ChemTrails to Seed and Fertilize Militarized Nanotechnology imbedded within the Vaxx Protocols and other medicines for both humans and farm animals; Trade Obstructions in conjunction with Block-Trading Put-Contracts w/ Inflated Usery Interest Rates to facilitate Crashing Markets; CBDC Spy & Control Protocols; the Nordstrom gas pipeline destruction; Pushing Terrified & Desperate Immigrants across all boarders around the globe; Ukrainian-Nazi-Jewish-Palestine, Russian, Iranian, Syrian, China-Taiwan…Mossad, CIA, MI666…created World War.

Again, Focus, sheep. All war is a bloody fraud. Humanity’s only legitimate war—if there could ever be an excuse for it—is NOT with humanity or any life form on earth, including all of the media & government lab created PsyOps viruses and alien threats, but a war against Lawyers and their client-criminals using terror protocols to “psychologically drive” people into perpetual, generational warfare against all of humanity and life itself; War Machines; GMO’s; Monsanto’s Herbicides; Insecticides…a methodical Genocide.

To end all of this madness all humanity needs to do is STOP listening to the money & power-junkies of mainstream media and government; STOP blaming and warring each-other, then BEGIN Arresting, Indicting, Prosecuting, Liquidating and Incarcerating Most LAWYERS and JUDGES, then we do the same with all of the bomb-sheltered Ultra-Rich disease & war profiteers—not just their front companies designed to absorb bogus lawsuits and go bankrupt to protect these rich monsters and their bought media personalities and politicians.

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Brilliantly said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

This may be of interest:

I have posted the following elsewhere and repeatedly.... and will likely continue to do so ... Please take what you like and leave the rest...



"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...


Aware Parenting website:

"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:




Why males are more violent:




Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




The Medical Mafia (2002)

~ Ghislaine Lanctôt

Direct link to PDF file: 👇🏼



Paul Valery declared “War is a place where young people who don’t know each other kill each other, based on decisions made by old people, who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other.”


Harry Patch, last surviving soldier of WW2, who died in 2009, bravely said “War is organised murder and nothing else”.

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