My attention was drawn by a good friend in Australia today to this pre-print article by the NCIRS, who are a major contributor to the NSW COVID vaccine surveillance reports (although their presence has become less obvious than it was in this November report espousing the “real world effectiveness” of the COVID vaccines conveniently just before the “boosters” were to be rolled out).
It was a criminal judgement by Beech-Jones because it was neither fair nor just and McCartney was abjectly wrong. His decision was purely political and had no place in common law which he transgressed grossly. The politicians were tyrants and the masses were deluded by fear. If they weren’t deluded by fear and were angry and Mass protests in violations of those tyrannical health orders Beech-Jones judgement would have been totally just and ethical and not political, purely to protect the legal system.
You cannot trust the legal system in Australia any longer as they have been corrupted.
Excellent (although horrifying) analysis. Where can I send this where it will get maximum effective exposure? (so many bureaucrats covertly and corruptly silenced; also most mass media).
Why not ask the radio stations on their phone in sessions? Ben Fordham and Jim Wilson were all for vaccine mandates and look what the result is. Ask them whether they are going to take responsibility for the excess deaths that have occurred as a result of demanding masks, lockdowns and vaccines mandates.
To my shock and horror, I found that the nursing home where my mother stayed, was covering up the true state of affairs. My mother died three to four weeks after her Covid infection and course of Molnupiravir. When I arrived at the home a week after her death, there were notices of 4 others who had died in the days immediately preceding and following her death. A week later they held a memorial service for those who had died in the last 10 months and the total was 22. This is an 80 bedroom nursing home with mainly low care clients. They used to publish a monthly newsletter with bios of tne comings and goings. The last was in September of 2021, when 3 died, which based on my experience of visiting the home for 28 years, seemed very high. Probably that many a year was the norm. The spate of 22 deaths started in November 2021 and ended in August 2022. In that time there were 3 Covid outbreaks and each was hailed a success as eventually all affected staff and residents were freed from isolation. The email updates over that time never mentioned anyone dying, or being hospitalised. I now suspect the true state of affairs was concealed, so no one asked the hard questions, until I lost my mother.
Glad there's thorough attacking of the holiest of holies in Oz. There's so many lies being pumped out in massive volume that it is a struggle to actually pick up one of these documents and pull it apart for what it is
Something else that needs to be monitored is the fallout from the new antivirals they are pushing on covid patients, Paxlovid and Molnupirivir. I would also like to know how many of those who died with Covid in hospital were treated with Remdesivir.
Good analysis, the situation in Australia and New Zealand would have reduced anyone associated with public health in an official capacity to a public laughing stock without the well coordinated campaigns. I wonder when and if those people without tens of millions of reasons to amplify the false and fast collapsing narrative will realise it’s against their own interests to continue doing so.
I just wonder if the high risks patients, and their "assumed" need to get the treatments, can skew the fatalities and hospitalizations in the vax group? Meaning, the comparison of "like population groups", low-med-high risks, head to head to really see if benefits are seen in any one group with/with-out treatments ( yes treatment/vax). The timing of the study period, the condition of the individual, and pre-natural infection can all be thrown into the comparison. And you are RIGHT, you can spin it anyway you want to, in your favor, especially if ya got 65Mil on the line! These charts, data cherry picking, are the only way to persuade. They dont talk about the immune system and resulting affects. That would be....... too correct!! IMO..Peace
I used to know Kristine socially, we had kids in the same class at school, and I always found her a lovely, kind and considerate person, although she was always partial to a European conference, all expenses paid which would usually be extended to include a ski trip!
I cannot comprehend that the same person would have taken the actions that she has done. I can only assume that she really is in a mass psychosis, like so many others, where even though her actions make no logical sense, her anxiety is such that she literally can’t think straight.
Could there also be an element of having given such grossly inaccurate advice, she now has to follow through with the pretense, in order to protect her own freedom. Surely the possibility of prison must lurk in the back of the minds of all those involved. If the public ever get to understand what has really happened she would likely lose her job and her freedom. Although surely we would all be more understanding if she would show some moral courage and speak out, even at this late stage.
See the comment from The Hundredth Monkey, regarding your comment on the "possibility of prison". The judiciary, in the main, protect the establishment, on the pretext that a proper judgement (eg on the basis of the public's right to know) would undermine the public's faith/trust/respect in our legal and political systems.
She has even spoken on ADE in the past so knows very well that not all vaccines work as advertised. When she first started her campaign I can accept her enthusiasm as this was common amongst doctors who didn't understand the dangers of mRNA therapies and who believed the hype from the pharma companies. But once she got into court it was all or nothing I think. She was presented the UKHSA data showing negative effectiveness and the response was incredible, just jibberish intended to conflate. The bottom line is that there is no humility in "vaccinology". Everybody with genuine and scientific, demonstrable concerns is labelled an "anti-vaxxer" which most of us are not, but it simply degrades medicine as a whole. If your drug works you should be proud to be questioned because you will have reliable and provable answers. Clearly this is not the case.
I’m persuaded by the mass psychosis argument. Irrational fear and lack of exposure to all sides of the argument. I was horrified when she started promoting the jabs for pregnant women. It made no sense.
I think you let her off the hook with the MFP explanation. Sure it’s possible, but that implies no intention and that she has just been ‘caught up’ in the whole thing. I think if you put together the facts that she accepts grants from Gates, has all but monopolised the grants from the Oz government, appeared to possibly commit perjury - whether deliberately or not - and now is likely behind data manipulation then I would argue the evidence speaks for itself. If true, this is fraud and given how many people it has or may go on to effect it is of the most grievous nature. I haven’t met her like you, so you have that context, I wouldn’t want to meet her as I’m not certain how I would react, she is beyond contempt in my book and at the core of the problem that brings us to where we are in the world right now is that she’s far from the only one. A dark cell would be too good for these people IMO
"Well that would mean that the probability of getting COVID-19 if you are unvaccinated according to Professor “multi millions” Macartney would be 20 times higher than the unvaccinated. So, 1660%."
It was a criminal judgement by Beech-Jones because it was neither fair nor just and McCartney was abjectly wrong. His decision was purely political and had no place in common law which he transgressed grossly. The politicians were tyrants and the masses were deluded by fear. If they weren’t deluded by fear and were angry and Mass protests in violations of those tyrannical health orders Beech-Jones judgement would have been totally just and ethical and not political, purely to protect the legal system.
You cannot trust the legal system in Australia any longer as they have been corrupted.
Excellent (although horrifying) analysis. Where can I send this where it will get maximum effective exposure? (so many bureaucrats covertly and corruptly silenced; also most mass media).
Why not ask the radio stations on their phone in sessions? Ben Fordham and Jim Wilson were all for vaccine mandates and look what the result is. Ask them whether they are going to take responsibility for the excess deaths that have occurred as a result of demanding masks, lockdowns and vaccines mandates.
To my shock and horror, I found that the nursing home where my mother stayed, was covering up the true state of affairs. My mother died three to four weeks after her Covid infection and course of Molnupiravir. When I arrived at the home a week after her death, there were notices of 4 others who had died in the days immediately preceding and following her death. A week later they held a memorial service for those who had died in the last 10 months and the total was 22. This is an 80 bedroom nursing home with mainly low care clients. They used to publish a monthly newsletter with bios of tne comings and goings. The last was in September of 2021, when 3 died, which based on my experience of visiting the home for 28 years, seemed very high. Probably that many a year was the norm. The spate of 22 deaths started in November 2021 and ended in August 2022. In that time there were 3 Covid outbreaks and each was hailed a success as eventually all affected staff and residents were freed from isolation. The email updates over that time never mentioned anyone dying, or being hospitalised. I now suspect the true state of affairs was concealed, so no one asked the hard questions, until I lost my mother.
Glad there's thorough attacking of the holiest of holies in Oz. There's so many lies being pumped out in massive volume that it is a struggle to actually pick up one of these documents and pull it apart for what it is
Something else that needs to be monitored is the fallout from the new antivirals they are pushing on covid patients, Paxlovid and Molnupirivir. I would also like to know how many of those who died with Covid in hospital were treated with Remdesivir.
Good analysis, the situation in Australia and New Zealand would have reduced anyone associated with public health in an official capacity to a public laughing stock without the well coordinated campaigns. I wonder when and if those people without tens of millions of reasons to amplify the false and fast collapsing narrative will realise it’s against their own interests to continue doing so.
Thank you for this, appreciated very much.
I just wonder if the high risks patients, and their "assumed" need to get the treatments, can skew the fatalities and hospitalizations in the vax group? Meaning, the comparison of "like population groups", low-med-high risks, head to head to really see if benefits are seen in any one group with/with-out treatments ( yes treatment/vax). The timing of the study period, the condition of the individual, and pre-natural infection can all be thrown into the comparison. And you are RIGHT, you can spin it anyway you want to, in your favor, especially if ya got 65Mil on the line! These charts, data cherry picking, are the only way to persuade. They dont talk about the immune system and resulting affects. That would be....... too correct!! IMO..Peace
I remember the moment I heard of that judgement from "Justice Beech-Jones". That was the moment my faith in the Australian judiciary died.
I used to know Kristine socially, we had kids in the same class at school, and I always found her a lovely, kind and considerate person, although she was always partial to a European conference, all expenses paid which would usually be extended to include a ski trip!
I cannot comprehend that the same person would have taken the actions that she has done. I can only assume that she really is in a mass psychosis, like so many others, where even though her actions make no logical sense, her anxiety is such that she literally can’t think straight.
Could there also be an element of having given such grossly inaccurate advice, she now has to follow through with the pretense, in order to protect her own freedom. Surely the possibility of prison must lurk in the back of the minds of all those involved. If the public ever get to understand what has really happened she would likely lose her job and her freedom. Although surely we would all be more understanding if she would show some moral courage and speak out, even at this late stage.
people that knew dr. mengele personally and other s that saw him "work"all thought he was a very considerate and friendly man....
See the comment from The Hundredth Monkey, regarding your comment on the "possibility of prison". The judiciary, in the main, protect the establishment, on the pretext that a proper judgement (eg on the basis of the public's right to know) would undermine the public's faith/trust/respect in our legal and political systems.
She has even spoken on ADE in the past so knows very well that not all vaccines work as advertised. When she first started her campaign I can accept her enthusiasm as this was common amongst doctors who didn't understand the dangers of mRNA therapies and who believed the hype from the pharma companies. But once she got into court it was all or nothing I think. She was presented the UKHSA data showing negative effectiveness and the response was incredible, just jibberish intended to conflate. The bottom line is that there is no humility in "vaccinology". Everybody with genuine and scientific, demonstrable concerns is labelled an "anti-vaxxer" which most of us are not, but it simply degrades medicine as a whole. If your drug works you should be proud to be questioned because you will have reliable and provable answers. Clearly this is not the case.
I’m persuaded by the mass psychosis argument. Irrational fear and lack of exposure to all sides of the argument. I was horrified when she started promoting the jabs for pregnant women. It made no sense.
I think you let her off the hook with the MFP explanation. Sure it’s possible, but that implies no intention and that she has just been ‘caught up’ in the whole thing. I think if you put together the facts that she accepts grants from Gates, has all but monopolised the grants from the Oz government, appeared to possibly commit perjury - whether deliberately or not - and now is likely behind data manipulation then I would argue the evidence speaks for itself. If true, this is fraud and given how many people it has or may go on to effect it is of the most grievous nature. I haven’t met her like you, so you have that context, I wouldn’t want to meet her as I’m not certain how I would react, she is beyond contempt in my book and at the core of the problem that brings us to where we are in the world right now is that she’s far from the only one. A dark cell would be too good for these people IMO
Thanks, Dr Ican'tsee. I will send it off to her colleagues and plenty of Aussie pollies. She blocked me a while back.
There is a massive difference in sexing up data to get more money and to literally killing and maiming people.
Corporate capture strikes again...
"Well that would mean that the probability of getting COVID-19 if you are unvaccinated according to Professor “multi millions” Macartney would be 20 times higher than the unvaccinated. So, 1660%."
should the 2nd "unvaccinated" read "vaccinated"?
sorry if I'm misunderstanding 😬
Thank You for your vigilant work😀👍❗
I could not follow where the 83% figure came from. Can someone show how it was calculated?