Any doctor or nurse who worked in the UK after the 90s would be familiar with Beverley Allitt. She is and was a nurse infamous for killing children by administering overdoses of insulin, and was given 13 life sentences for her crimes in 1991. This is what she eventually looked like at the time of her conviction.
She is so (in)famous that she is the subject of books and documentaries and even a Black Sabbath hit from 1994.
Beverley Allitt even made her way to the list on the British doco-series “Nurses who kill”. Yet her death toll pales into insignificance when compared to that of Tiffany Dover.
You see, Tiffany has been running a scam for a company called Pfizer and a hospital called CHI Memorial in Chattanooga, Tennessee. What she did was to engage in a theatrical set-up after she received her first dose of the Pfizer “COVID vaccine” on live TV. Then she collapsed. Here she is doing the thing. It’s quite amusing really, because anybody that has worked in medicine knows what people are really like when they faint (aka “have a vasovagal episode”). It doesn’t look like this.
Once you see it you can’t unsee it. But what happened next was more bizarre. She recovers and explains to the stupid public that this was just normal for a coronary care nurse to faint, because, obviously if you are in a cardiac arrest having a nurse who faints is really normal (BTW these videos have been archived).
My more eagle-eyed followers will notice the botox, the small mole on the forehead, the very blue eyes, the weirdly dyed hair and the eyebrow pattern. You’ll also notice that this video is (1) still allowed on youtube and (2) is made up mostly of Tiffany Dover spelling her name as T-I-F-F-A-N-Y D-O-V-E-R just in case you want to look her up on social media, local news, whatever. Because it’s really normal to spell out your name on live TV obviously.
And then she disappears. There are hundreds of web pages dedicated to this event (don’t worry, I don’t actually use Google)
Of course the only way to REALLY know that something is true or false is to check out the Reuters fact check. So here we are
Of course the Reuters fact check, just like all the other fact checks at the time, insist that Tiffany is alive and all the “conspiracy theorists” saying that she’s dead are crazy because obviously she’s alive.
Unfortunately for the Reuters “fact checkers” the video proof that Tiffany was alive has now been taken down and the Alabama health statement referenced in the “fact check” has gone. So I guess that means that “Tiffany is obviously alive, duh” isn’t that much of a fact check. In fact there was not one live interview of old Tiff at any time after the event, ever, on any channel.
It gets better. Not only did Tiffany “not die” but she was also “alive and well” according to USA Today on the 23rd December, although they conveniently forgot to actually show Tiffany either alive or well. But that doesn’t matter for the fact checkers.
Luckily the article includes the tweet from CHI memorial that shows her alive. The only problem is that they appear to have deleted it.
This is what the tweet looks like today
So, we have multiple “fact checks” that “Tiffany is alive, obviously” none of which actually show Tiffany alive. Obviously that doesn’t matter to the fact checkers. So just to seal the deal, NBC news push out a whole series of podcasts to prove beyond all doubt that the conspiracy theorists are crazy and that Tiffany is actually alive.
There is just one teeny bit of a problem with this podcast series from NBC news in that, despite the high profile of the newscasters, nobody interviewed Tiffany. Because, obviously she is too busy being alive.
Thankfully, because Tiffany is so in touch with the media, she has a youtube channel and so we can just catch up with her there… And again we have another oops because she didn’t post any updates since before the famous Pfaccine event. Oh well, it must be because she’s alive and busy. Here’s her most recent post - dated 2016.
Now, I hear you all shout “that means she’s dead”. Of course, but that would be too simple. You see there were many other things that happened after this event and one of them was that the Dovers appear to have paid off their mortgage and built a new house on the land that they owned. Of course none of that matters to “Dorit Rubenstein” who masquerades as a vaccinologist on twitter yet is a “law professor” with some very interesting vested interests and wrote this blog yet again claiming that Tiffany was alive, without any evidence that she was indeed alive.
So, now I’m going to make a statement of assumption that may shock some of my followers.
Tiffany Dover is alive and well.
This has to be the case. Once you realise this it will become clear that Tiffany Dover is responsible for more deaths than any other nurse in history. NBC said the Dovers built a new house, and I believe them. The only logical conclusion is that Tiffany Dover - in or around December 2020 when she collapsed on camera after her COVID vaccine - came into enough money to build a new house yet at the same time hide from the world. The second logical conclusion from this is that she received enough money to do this because she was part of a charade to create a narrative that “crazy anti-vaxxers” would claim that she was dead - and NBC would come along the next year and produce a scathing podcast against them, just to show how crazy they were.
Now I have told you this, please go back and look at the whole Tiffany Dover story. She is central to a charade that was intentionally planned to discredit anybody that raised concerns about the safety of the Pfizer COVID vaccine.
Those of us that have done this (raised concerns) have been shunned, censored and threatened and I hold Tiffany Dover personally responsible for facilitating this persecution. Without Tiffany Dover’s part in the charade it is likely that those of us raising concerns about the use of experimental mRNA technology for vaccination may have been taken seriously rather than being labelled “crazy anti-vaxxers”. Lives could have been saved.
How many lives? Who knows. Pfizer themselves knew of 1223 deaths by April 2021, and VAERS, Eudravigilance, DAEN and MHRA have reported tens of thousands of deaths related only to this vaccine.
Because Tiffany Dover was part of the charade intended to discredit those who raised concerns about the rollout of these novel therapies masquerading as vaccines, I am holding her responsible for every one of these deaths - 30,000 and counting - because she knew that what she was taking part in was a lie. It doesn’t matter that she didn’t know what the effect of rolling these therapies out globally - including to children who never needed them - was. That fact that she took part in a lie in order to promote a false agenda to the public means that she failed to uphold her duty as a nurse. The result was that millions of people were forced into taking a therapy that they did not want or need, and many thousands of people died - directly or indirectly - as a consequence.
For that alone, and barring a very good explanation, Tiffany Dover must be considered the most prolific homicidal nurse in world history.
If she doesn’t agree with this title, she is free to make a statement on her youtube channel. It’s a bit lonely there.
[UPDATE 1: h/t to @zaza40 in the comments for the link to where Phil Ygoda has posted a full resolution copy of the notarized signature of Tiffany and Dustin Dover in August 2021. You can verify the document for yourself at the probate registry for $1 a page. ]
For more insight into this story please check out this and subsequent posts on the telegram channel
Excellent analysis!!
Tiffany Dover being alive would be entirely consistent with “their” strategy of controlling *both* The Narrative and The Opposition to The Narrative.
The next step will be to trot her out at just the right time to demoralize and defeat The Opposition.
“Know the enemy, know yourself. And victory is never in doubt, not in a hundred battles.”
Sun-tzu, Art of War
I think you have nailed it….time will tell.
BUT if they have built a new house (with the alleged pay off money) and haven’t sold it…it can’t be that difficult to see if she is living there🤔