I think there are some that genuinely thought that it was going to be effective. And those who were genuine would have told the recipient that the therapy was experimental and they should not take it if they were coerced. Did any administrator of vaccines do that?
Yes you need to understand how medicine works now. Doctors have to spend a lot of time in their own specialty and don't have time to look outside of it. So you only need to control the "experts". Those experts that you see in the "news" are not experts. They are controlled quasi-scientists. Think of Kyle Sheldrick, Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, Deepti Gurdusani, Eric Topol, Trevor Bedford. The only expert in that list is Bedford who was already deeply involved in the cover up in Feb 2020. All these people are controlled by the media narrative which gets pushed out by a pharma- or govt-friendly "expert" and then everybody falls in line. You only need to capture a few people (e.g. see the list of 24 zoonati "experts" in the Lancet). These people are not paid financially but in publication and career rewards (a good example being this shocker of a "paper" in reward to Graham Quinton-Bottley for his "work" in the nudge units - a paper which would never be published under normal circumstances because it adds nothing to the literature https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imcb.12572)
Most other doctors outside this environment (with notable exceptions), basically get their medical information from the "mainstream" media. They see what everybody else sees and doesn't look outside of that. The MSM refers to "government" approved sources. Those government approved sources are supplied with information by Pharma, and the people running the government departments have vested interested with those very same companies or the whole specialty (e.g. Kristine Macartney and "vaccinology"). Those are the same people that then are commissioned to produce "6 minute medical news" which is all the GPs read, and it comes through their phone as email notifications. Those snippets are curated by Pharma.
I suggest an alternative. She did have a severe adverse reaction (or died), and her family was paid off to keep silent with a non-disclosure agreement.
If she is alive, she could have settled this quickly. She hasn't, so either she can't or your theory is correct.
This is my theory as well. A SAE that is visible and/or audible that arose after her second interview. All the secrecy with the NDA screams that the company paid her to hide something post-injection by avoiding any public appearances.
My thoughts as well - the fact that so many people said "she's alive and fine" but she herself (except once in a mask with some doubt it was her) didn't appear publicly made me thing she was in bad shape and they didn't want us to know (that was early on - since then it's a pretty common thing). I did save this page which says she had an instagram account saying she was in Colorado in February: https://conandaily.com/2021/02/25/tiffany-dover-biography-13-things-about-chattanooga-tennessee-nurse/
Isn’t it possible she was actually injured and was paid off to keep quiet? Someone in her family said she had signed an NDA with the hospital? I felt like this was the more plausible scenario?
What kind of injury do you think would fit the clinical scenario of a collapse, followed by being competely coherent and well? If you believe the collapse was related to the injection and preceded some disabling injury then you would have to explain the recovery and normal function for the interview.
However, yes I agree she will likely have signed an NDA with the hospital. To keep quiet about what was planned.
I live about an hour away from Chattanooga and many of my family members have been in or treated by CHI Memorial hospital. I actually get all the Chattanooga news stations but I stopped watching them in the spring of 2020 because of the constant fear porn. I had heard about this girl's story but had no idea she worked at Chattanooga Memorial hospital. If this was a paid theatrical event and this hospital is involved in this level of fraud-- I think it needs investigating. Why her and why this hospital? That is a mystery to me. Jackson county Alabama isn't far from me either but I live in Tennessee. All I can say is.. GREAT article!!!
Go ask around in person to see her and wish her well. She’s a hero for surviving a brief vaccine injury right? Why wouldn’t friends family and employers want people supporting her?
Brandy Zadrozny, like Dorito, is a talentless hack and an absolute sociopathic ghoul. If she says Tiffany Dover is alive you know she’s dead. Blood on her hands.
The whole point of these inoculations was supposedly to return to normalcy and have people gainfully employed.If this nurse is no longer at the hospital and doing her job, then the "vaccine" has failed, whatever measure is used. Incidentally, in the video of her fainting, the gentlemen in white coats laid her to rest then stood about like tailors' dummies. No discernible efforts were made to investigate her condition, so upon reflection, the deduction appears to be entirely reasonable.
This is an interesting theory, and I'm open to anything, but I'm not quite convinced. If the purpose was to make conspiracy theorists look silly, then why not have her make a grand re-entrance to completely silence the critics? If you look at the comments on YT to the NBC piece, many people (and this includes me) became even MORE convinced she was dead, after watching that.
Can you clarify if the forehead mole in the second video is visible in the first? And also clarify your comment about Botox?
You can see the effects of botox on her forehead in the interview video, it's an aside though.
I have studied the moles previously - she has some freckles on her forehead in the video interview (watch the hires version) and these match the forehead of the person in the hires photo, which is not the same as the person (facially) in the stairs video
I’m not making an excuse for her. The more I think about it the more sense it makes.
She collapsed on tv. The vax maker pays her off and she or her family have to sign a non-disclosure agreement...including a requirement to stay away from press or social media.
And if things get too hot, they can drag her out (if she’s able) and say ‘see she’s alive you stupid anti-vaxxers’
Win-win .......still doesn’t absolve her or her family.......
I think we are saying the same thing. There are likely to be subtle differences in how this was played out, and what the Dovers (and the nurses at CHI) got out of this.
CHI got a $300m cash injection - it was in their annual report from 2021 (I think I kept a copy somewhere as I posted about it on twitter).
You would think one of the people at the hospital would try and become a whistleblower though? Paying everyone off to keep quiet? Even threats don't work all the time. There are people out there that love to gossip.
I guess there would only be a few people who knew what really happened.
What if the people she worked with were told "Tiffany is taking a break" then they go look her up and see the stories about her still working at the hospital.
All I know is the story is weird. Reminds me of the 2 10-15 year old boys at the same school that died within a week of each other. This happened just as the shots were being rolled out for that age group.
The media was very certain that these boys DEF DOD NOT TAKE A COVID VACCINE! In fact the covid vaccine wasn't given out until the week after they died. What was being given out was the flu shot so we know vaccines weren't involved.
I kid you not that was the narrative in the media.
This is an ingenious story - but (a) there is no more proof for this than for any other theory about Tiffany Dover.
And (b) even if true, you can't credibly blame the whole anti-anti-vaxxer thing on Tiffany.
The anti-anti-vax movement was well under way, even before the start of the scamdemic. It was a theme of Event 201, back in October 2019. Medical staff were being persecuted for not being fully on board the vax train since vaccines were first invented, and it has only been ramped up since then.
Back when covid was first announced, the whole story was about waiting for a vaccine to save us - and a lot of groundwork was done in preparation for silencing & discrediting anyone who raises doubts or concerns. Claiming that Tiffany Dover was dead, at least here in Australia, was a curious little by-way, but by no means central to the rubbishing of people who spoke out.
It's not hard to believe that the whole TV interview was a set-up, and that she got handsomely paid by Pfizer for shilling for them. But as a way to set up anti-vaxxers?
Until the Brandy Zodrozny hit job I might have thought that too. There was no need to do that series of podcasts and if there was, it would have been obvious to just do an interview with her.
I had assumed the podcast was to clog up search engine results.
When people search, it is likely to come up as the top result. You will also notice that the full 5 episodes aren't on youtube - they are all out there, but it's not easy to get them in one playlist. People will search and see that, maybe listen to an episode at most then give up. It's only the more autistic skeptics that will actually take the time to listen to the whole thing. Everyone else will just hear how dumb conspiracy theorists are and leave it at that after listening to half an episode.
I’ve fainted a few times (when I have a fever) and it’s not that sudden (for me, anyway). My hearing goes first, and then it’s like I’m sinking into a long dark tunnel as my field of vision narrows. Then I wake up with my head on the desk or whatever and usually throw up.
My colleagues told me I just slump, but I usually am aware enough to say “I don’t feel right” before it happens. It’s happened maybe 3-4 times in the last 25 years? Not often.
Yes, same here. I had a vasovagal response to a not very painful med procedure when in my 20s, and before I left consciousness, I said "I don't feel very well." My hearing went, too. They supported me as I walked like a noodle to a nearby chair, and then I was gone. LOL. They told me later that my blood pressure got MONDO low.
I had (what was called by an ER doc) a vasovagal event. I was with my (then) husband and said, "I can't breathe," and tilted my head back to try to open my airway more and next thing I know he's lifting me off the floor. He said my eyes rolled back in my head and I crashed to the floor, he thought I dropped dead. Probably now wishes I had. 😂
I'm sure he doesn't 😉 but once you seen a real faint you'll know what I'm talking about. You would get caught out the first time but you react instinctively the second.
Agree. This used to happen to me a bit and if you are familiar with the sensation and know what's happening you can go down gently. But my son did it once and he went directly down, felled like a tree!
But everytime I've fainted, I have gone so pale that people comment on the "white as a sheet" look. She doesn't have that happen in the video, hmmm?
Excellent analysis!!
Tiffany Dover being alive would be entirely consistent with “their” strategy of controlling *both* The Narrative and The Opposition to The Narrative.
The next step will be to trot her out at just the right time to demoralize and defeat The Opposition.
“Know the enemy, know yourself. And victory is never in doubt, not in a hundred battles.”
Sun-tzu, Art of War
"Oceania was at war with East Asia. Oceania had always been at war with East Asia."
-- George Orwell "1984"
"Where is Tiffany Dover?"
-- Gonzalo Lira
I think you have nailed it….time will tell.
BUT if they have built a new house (with the alleged pay off money) and haven’t sold it…it can’t be that difficult to see if she is living there🤔
It would be remarkably simple to do.
I think there are some that genuinely thought that it was going to be effective. And those who were genuine would have told the recipient that the therapy was experimental and they should not take it if they were coerced. Did any administrator of vaccines do that?
Yes you need to understand how medicine works now. Doctors have to spend a lot of time in their own specialty and don't have time to look outside of it. So you only need to control the "experts". Those experts that you see in the "news" are not experts. They are controlled quasi-scientists. Think of Kyle Sheldrick, Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, Deepti Gurdusani, Eric Topol, Trevor Bedford. The only expert in that list is Bedford who was already deeply involved in the cover up in Feb 2020. All these people are controlled by the media narrative which gets pushed out by a pharma- or govt-friendly "expert" and then everybody falls in line. You only need to capture a few people (e.g. see the list of 24 zoonati "experts" in the Lancet). These people are not paid financially but in publication and career rewards (a good example being this shocker of a "paper" in reward to Graham Quinton-Bottley for his "work" in the nudge units - a paper which would never be published under normal circumstances because it adds nothing to the literature https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imcb.12572)
Most other doctors outside this environment (with notable exceptions), basically get their medical information from the "mainstream" media. They see what everybody else sees and doesn't look outside of that. The MSM refers to "government" approved sources. Those government approved sources are supplied with information by Pharma, and the people running the government departments have vested interested with those very same companies or the whole specialty (e.g. Kristine Macartney and "vaccinology"). Those are the same people that then are commissioned to produce "6 minute medical news" which is all the GPs read, and it comes through their phone as email notifications. Those snippets are curated by Pharma.
THAT is how it works.
Dr Peter Parry, a professor at University of QLD Brisbabne (child & adolescent psychiatry) wrote a paper on this very process years ago, can't find it easily right now but here is a flavour of it. https://www.counsellingconnection.com/index.php/2014/07/10/from-evidence-based-medicine-to-marketing-based-medicine/ Needless to say he has been very vocal about vax mandates etc,.
oh Arkmedic can you please approve me to comment on Telegram, I am 'Dreary Munich"
I suggest an alternative. She did have a severe adverse reaction (or died), and her family was paid off to keep silent with a non-disclosure agreement.
If she is alive, she could have settled this quickly. She hasn't, so either she can't or your theory is correct.
This is my theory as well. A SAE that is visible and/or audible that arose after her second interview. All the secrecy with the NDA screams that the company paid her to hide something post-injection by avoiding any public appearances.
My thoughts as well - the fact that so many people said "she's alive and fine" but she herself (except once in a mask with some doubt it was her) didn't appear publicly made me thing she was in bad shape and they didn't want us to know (that was early on - since then it's a pretty common thing). I did save this page which says she had an instagram account saying she was in Colorado in February: https://conandaily.com/2021/02/25/tiffany-dover-biography-13-things-about-chattanooga-tennessee-nurse/
You aren't playing along.
Hope her family's happy with their 30 pieces of silver.
Isn’t it possible she was actually injured and was paid off to keep quiet? Someone in her family said she had signed an NDA with the hospital? I felt like this was the more plausible scenario?
What kind of injury do you think would fit the clinical scenario of a collapse, followed by being competely coherent and well? If you believe the collapse was related to the injection and preceded some disabling injury then you would have to explain the recovery and normal function for the interview.
However, yes I agree she will likely have signed an NDA with the hospital. To keep quiet about what was planned.
I live about an hour away from Chattanooga and many of my family members have been in or treated by CHI Memorial hospital. I actually get all the Chattanooga news stations but I stopped watching them in the spring of 2020 because of the constant fear porn. I had heard about this girl's story but had no idea she worked at Chattanooga Memorial hospital. If this was a paid theatrical event and this hospital is involved in this level of fraud-- I think it needs investigating. Why her and why this hospital? That is a mystery to me. Jackson county Alabama isn't far from me either but I live in Tennessee. All I can say is.. GREAT article!!!
Go ask around in person to see her and wish her well. She’s a hero for surviving a brief vaccine injury right? Why wouldn’t friends family and employers want people supporting her?
She's almost certainly dead, and her family was paid off/bribed/threatened/blackmailed to keep quiet:
• https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/nbc-news-reports-that-tiffany-dover
• https://rumble.com/vemcr7-tiffany-pontes-dover-morte-vaccin-pfizer-en-cause-.html
That's my take on it also. If they were planning to show her as alive and
well to stymie antivaxxers, they would have done so before 2 years past
the incident. As to the idea that she is badly and permanently injured,
she seemed to have an anaphylactic reaction - from what I understand
that would not be associated with all the other harms these shots do
in a delayed time frame.
We need a True Covid Crime podcast! I’m sure we could fill a series easily.
Kapow! 🔥🔥🔥
Folk should keep an eye out for ol Tiff at IKEA where she is no doubt stocking up on blackout shades in the curtain dept as we speak.
Brandy Zadrozny, like Dorito, is a talentless hack and an absolute sociopathic ghoul. If she says Tiffany Dover is alive you know she’s dead. Blood on her hands.
I agree with your first assertion but not your second.
The whole point of these inoculations was supposedly to return to normalcy and have people gainfully employed.If this nurse is no longer at the hospital and doing her job, then the "vaccine" has failed, whatever measure is used. Incidentally, in the video of her fainting, the gentlemen in white coats laid her to rest then stood about like tailors' dummies. No discernible efforts were made to investigate her condition, so upon reflection, the deduction appears to be entirely reasonable.
This is an interesting theory, and I'm open to anything, but I'm not quite convinced. If the purpose was to make conspiracy theorists look silly, then why not have her make a grand re-entrance to completely silence the critics? If you look at the comments on YT to the NBC piece, many people (and this includes me) became even MORE convinced she was dead, after watching that.
Can you clarify if the forehead mole in the second video is visible in the first? And also clarify your comment about Botox?
You can see the effects of botox on her forehead in the interview video, it's an aside though.
I have studied the moles previously - she has some freckles on her forehead in the video interview (watch the hires version) and these match the forehead of the person in the hires photo, which is not the same as the person (facially) in the stairs video
Here are a couple of links for those wishing to delve further into this mystery:
• https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/nbc-news-reports-that-tiffany-dover
• https://rumble.com/vemcr7-tiffany-pontes-dover-morte-vaccin-pfizer-en-cause-.html
I’m not making an excuse for her. The more I think about it the more sense it makes.
She collapsed on tv. The vax maker pays her off and she or her family have to sign a non-disclosure agreement...including a requirement to stay away from press or social media.
And if things get too hot, they can drag her out (if she’s able) and say ‘see she’s alive you stupid anti-vaxxers’
Win-win .......still doesn’t absolve her or her family.......
I think we are saying the same thing. There are likely to be subtle differences in how this was played out, and what the Dovers (and the nurses at CHI) got out of this.
CHI got a $300m cash injection - it was in their annual report from 2021 (I think I kept a copy somewhere as I posted about it on twitter).
You would think one of the people at the hospital would try and become a whistleblower though? Paying everyone off to keep quiet? Even threats don't work all the time. There are people out there that love to gossip.
I guess there would only be a few people who knew what really happened.
What if the people she worked with were told "Tiffany is taking a break" then they go look her up and see the stories about her still working at the hospital.
All I know is the story is weird. Reminds me of the 2 10-15 year old boys at the same school that died within a week of each other. This happened just as the shots were being rolled out for that age group.
The media was very certain that these boys DEF DOD NOT TAKE A COVID VACCINE! In fact the covid vaccine wasn't given out until the week after they died. What was being given out was the flu shot so we know vaccines weren't involved.
I kid you not that was the narrative in the media.
Dover was a "good german".
Incident happened, suits show up at bedside asking how much will it take, she gave them a number.
It all makes perfect sense now! Thanks for pointing me to this stack. 🙂
Dr. AKS... Thanks for posting this. Was not aware of the history of this. Absolutely a piece of agitprop.
This is an ingenious story - but (a) there is no more proof for this than for any other theory about Tiffany Dover.
And (b) even if true, you can't credibly blame the whole anti-anti-vaxxer thing on Tiffany.
The anti-anti-vax movement was well under way, even before the start of the scamdemic. It was a theme of Event 201, back in October 2019. Medical staff were being persecuted for not being fully on board the vax train since vaccines were first invented, and it has only been ramped up since then.
Back when covid was first announced, the whole story was about waiting for a vaccine to save us - and a lot of groundwork was done in preparation for silencing & discrediting anyone who raises doubts or concerns. Claiming that Tiffany Dover was dead, at least here in Australia, was a curious little by-way, but by no means central to the rubbishing of people who spoke out.
It's not hard to believe that the whole TV interview was a set-up, and that she got handsomely paid by Pfizer for shilling for them. But as a way to set up anti-vaxxers?
It just seems a very inefficient way to do it.
Until the Brandy Zodrozny hit job I might have thought that too. There was no need to do that series of podcasts and if there was, it would have been obvious to just do an interview with her.
I do agree that there is something that smells very, very off about the Tiffany Dover story!
Maybe it was set up to try to normalise fainting at injection time, and something went wrong?
I had assumed the podcast was to clog up search engine results.
When people search, it is likely to come up as the top result. You will also notice that the full 5 episodes aren't on youtube - they are all out there, but it's not easy to get them in one playlist. People will search and see that, maybe listen to an episode at most then give up. It's only the more autistic skeptics that will actually take the time to listen to the whole thing. Everyone else will just hear how dumb conspiracy theorists are and leave it at that after listening to half an episode.
Relieved to know you don’t use Google.
I’m interested in the fainting thing - how was Dover’s episode different to what you would expect from your medical experience?
Fainting is really sudden and so you don't fall into someone's arms. You literally keel over.
I’ve fainted a few times (when I have a fever) and it’s not that sudden (for me, anyway). My hearing goes first, and then it’s like I’m sinking into a long dark tunnel as my field of vision narrows. Then I wake up with my head on the desk or whatever and usually throw up.
My colleagues told me I just slump, but I usually am aware enough to say “I don’t feel right” before it happens. It’s happened maybe 3-4 times in the last 25 years? Not often.
Yes, same here. I had a vasovagal response to a not very painful med procedure when in my 20s, and before I left consciousness, I said "I don't feel very well." My hearing went, too. They supported me as I walked like a noodle to a nearby chair, and then I was gone. LOL. They told me later that my blood pressure got MONDO low.
I had (what was called by an ER doc) a vasovagal event. I was with my (then) husband and said, "I can't breathe," and tilted my head back to try to open my airway more and next thing I know he's lifting me off the floor. He said my eyes rolled back in my head and I crashed to the floor, he thought I dropped dead. Probably now wishes I had. 😂
I'm sure he doesn't 😉 but once you seen a real faint you'll know what I'm talking about. You would get caught out the first time but you react instinctively the second.
Agree. This used to happen to me a bit and if you are familiar with the sensation and know what's happening you can go down gently. But my son did it once and he went directly down, felled like a tree!
But everytime I've fainted, I have gone so pale that people comment on the "white as a sheet" look. She doesn't have that happen in the video, hmmm?
Thanks, I’ve only seen movie faints 😆