
Note: the above was posted on telegram yesterday. I am trying out the "thread" version of substack to see how it goes. Feel free to comment and add anything you want about this subject, and we can take it in any direction.

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Thank you for posting on substack. I have been unable to re-enter my telegram account for the last 3 months because of the new QR code requirement with involves needing a smart phone (I am not getting one)

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Just applied to follow you on telegram. I’m not on gab, so don’t know if it will work.

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Thanks, but I am locked out of telegram indefinitely due to the new iphone requirement

You can however follow me on twitter @Antonio41107975

on gettr @entropyrider

and on substack too.

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

There is no question the tables have turned. The rats (politicians) are fleeing the sinking ship. I live in France and the MSM is actually reporting what we have been saying for a year and a half. Articles that talk badly against the "vaccines" are being shown on Google homepage. On Wednesday I was in a packed restaurant/bar in Normandy, it was as if Covid had never existed. It's over.

The Overton window is shifting in our favour.

As to what you posted? Amen is my only reply.

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I can't believe that you are writing this. In Australia they are starting to beat the old covid drum again. They are starting to talk about mandating the masks again! We are such a prison colony. I am going to a talk tonight about a guy who was beaten by Victorian police and is trying to fight them in court. A 1 year process requiring a barrister and a lawyer. In Australia a barrister costs $3000 per day and a lawyer $495/hour. We are being screwed so hard. I am just in shock that you describe your country it being "over". Seriously they are trying to get it going again here. The dumb Prim Minister just reinstated an isolation payment of $750 per week for people who get covid to stay at home and do nothing. Welfare country. We have a payroll of 17% public servants here that just sit around and do nothing but get paid. I am ranting now.

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The humorist and social commentator Clive James once said that the problem with Australia is not that it has too many criminals (historically it grew out of an English penal colony), but that it has too many prison warders.

In other words that ‘control’ mindset still permeates certain strata of Australian society and nothing will change until that strata is mollified.

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You're not ranting. You're truth-telling. Anger is holy when it's justified, as yours is. Don't apologize.

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Thank you, it will never get off my chest. I have seen and I didn't like what I saw and it changed me forever.

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I am a sadder and wiser human as well. Never before could I comprehend witch burning; to my horror today I do.

We have literally watched hundreds of thousands, no millions, or even billions of lives sacrificed to Pharma, Sociopaths and Cowards in Government, and Psychopaths with vastly too much money and power here on Earth.

Frankly some of what we are watching in horror sounds very biblical.

But the small sounds of sanity are returning in some places...

France made my day, and some news out of Canada, of all places, is good.

Also I saw some hopefull signs in Australia with the Medical-Legal Conference from a determined group of resistance.

Find those who think as you do and come together to defeat this evil that has swept across our world. In these times there is really nothing else to do....Blessings to you.

I have Australia in my prayers!

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Mentally healthy people don't go into politics. It's that simple.

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From New Zealand which really is a nation of sheep, watching the antics of the thugs in blue in places like Victoria beating citizens and carting pregnant women off to the cells for not wearing masks even though they were perfectly healthy was unbelievable. It would make me reach for an AK47 and go out into the streets. Little wonder that the govmint does not want an armed population. I would hate to live under those conditions where the police are so overtly brutish tools of the State.

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I live half in NSW and half in Victoria. I lost my job because I stood my ground. I come back here to stay with my son and I have great anxiety every time I come here. I studied the Martin Bryant case closely. That is what the Howard government used to disarm weekend shooters with licenses like my father who cried when he went to the local police station and handed in his 10 rifles. Telescopic too. I went to school with Julian Knight - Hoddle Street gun man. I sat next to him. I can see through the veil of lies. I cry a lot these days for what we have lost here. I am tough, but this relentless persistence and grinding by this evil government. I was reading about the Nugan Hand banking collapse last night. ALL tied to the FRAZER/WHITLAM government. Whitlam as a retired statesman was a joke. A simpleton. I used to look at him and this "This is the great Whitlam?" Adhern visited the Dictator a week ago. What parasites.

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Unfortunately we are being ground down in so many ways. Living in the UK for some years l used to own both pistols and rifles. These have now all been taken from the population. The statists want to do the same in NZ. Even things like oxygen acetylene are now impossible to own unless hired. We are being shafted and assured that is what we want. We'll no, actually it's what the companies and bureaucrats want. Boiling the frog slowly.

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So tragic to see the fate of Australia some of my dearest friends are there. Too few Aussies know about Pine Gap and Whitlam coup that made you a CIA run territory in 1975. Best wishes to all my mates working hard to shed light on the overlords & fingers crossed for the balance to tip soon and lock the wankers in your horrid offshore refugee prisons.


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Nothing could be further from the truth where I live, in the San Francisco Bay Area, Baboon. If anything, covid fanatics are even more psychotic now than they previously were. The mandates for the poison injections are still in place, masks are still worn by the vast majority of the population, and not only that, ever-increasing numbers of them are wearing high-tech masks, such as N95s. In the past, most people wore surgical masks, or simple cloths masks. Now the majority of the population wear N95s, or similar high-tech masks, and not only that, many of them wear a second, cloth mask over the N95 or equivalent mask.

Masks and proof of vaccination are required even for outdoor events. However, with the inimitably hilarious logic which exemplifies covid insanity, masks are not required while eating or drinking at public events, whether indoors or outdoors.

I suggested a few days ago to a local theatre group which performs plays in outdoor amphitheatres during the summer that if everyone in the audience decided they were going to snack or sip drinks throughout the play they're currently performing, and if the actors used snacks and drinks as stage props, neither the audience nor the actors would need to wear masks.

I didn't get a reply to my message. I didn't expect one.

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My take on this is that those on one side of the divide are seeing such overwhelming evidence of the malicious intent of these injections that we cannot believe that anyone could possibly think they are Safe and Effective.

The thing is...

The people on the other side of the divide are not seeing any of this data or if they are they reject it and go with what Dr Fauci and the MSM tell them - because they trust those sources.

Also - most people will not consider that all governments would lie to their citizens. They will ask - why are they poisoning us - preposterous! And yes it is preposterous - why would the elites poison their subjects?

I have summarized the reasons why -- but even most people who understand the injections are not what we are told will reject this ... so to get someone on the other side of the divide to understand and accept this ... is pretty much impossible https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

That is the power of the Mass Formation Psychosis/ Hypnosis, BUT, the ones in the middle who are not totally under the spell are somewhat reachable. A while back I mentioned to a mask-wearing young couple just ahead of me in the checkout line at a store that no masks can stop viruses, and they thanked me and took them off! Frankly, I was shocked!

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You are absolutely spot on. In any population (broadly) 30% will be for and 30% against, and it’s that middle 40% which holds the key to achieving critical mass in one direction or the other. Hence the importance of disseminating ‘propaganda’, or as we on the side of Truth like to call it, ‘information’.

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Propaganda implies deception and manipulation. We just want people to learn about reality. It is SOOO bad all by itself, it doesn't need embellishing!

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You are "right on"! It is fear that shuts down rational thought processes, and the government agents and media have done everything they can to promote fear. People in that state cannot bear the thought that the government would lie to them and NOT "have their best interests at heart". That would be too terrifying, so to maintain some semblance of sanity, they have to deny it!

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It is very difficult to get anyone to look at anything I send them. Many have cast me aside to be honest. I'm going to try it from the financial aspect and say that the banks messed up big time and they know we wouldn't bail them out again so they decided to crash the economy which they can blame on the "Covid". To be honest, anyone with half a brain should realise that it is impossible to have 6, 7 8 waves of anything, more so respiratory illnesses in summer time and they should be asking what is different now that I am sick with this. Also if the first two, or 3 or 4 didn't work, why would a 5th? Israel is going for the 5th right now.

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I don't send anyone anything. I see no purpose. The decision has been made as Trudeau said in that leak nearly two years ago - it's not up for discussion

The people running this show are experts - they can convince most people a circle is a square - that 1+1 = 6.

They can run people around by the nose with a headline.... they could convince the world that Mother Teresa was pimping kids in the slums.

They run the matrix... and most people do not even know it exists... they believe what they are told by the MSM. Heck I even know it exists but I struggle to work out what reality is on any given issue.

Whatever the agenda is -- this is extremely important to them -- as we can see if anyone gets traction with a counter-narrative to the CovCON they are immediately shut down.

The fangs have not even unsheathed yet... they are playing nice.

And they won't have to resort to that - watch what happens in the autumn as hospitalizations and deaths blast off as they have in Australia and NZ... the fear will be off the charts

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I am dreading it. Parents are supposed to die before their kids and I am thinking that I will outlive mine who got coerced because they wanted to travel, also the majority of my friends, one a retired nurse too! Everyone has had some kind of sickness since. Of course, things didn't go as the people thought and they still couldn't go anywhere. I just thought mine had more brains. I did believe the narrative at first and went along then I discovered the truth of the PCR tests and realised it was a casedemic and fear porn.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I'm a couple of hundred miles north of you, in Humboldt County. It's a different world up here: very few people still wearing masks, but some. However, it is still worrisome to be living in a Blue State with a psycho, China-loving Communist Governor (and The Wicked Witch of the House's nephew!). We can't trust him to not go wacko with more stupid, useless mandates again. Their mask rules are such an example of how absurd are the people who promote them, and there are a lot of Sheeple in the state still who are hypnotized enough to go along with it. BUT, those same crazies are the ones that are most likely to experience adverse reactions from too many shots---so maybe it will create a sort of mathematical equilibrium: hypnotized and propagandized people (in the Mass Formation) who believe in Fauci-style fake science presumably are the most-"vaccinated" ones:

More shots=more adverse reactions.

More adverse reactions=more "slap-in-the-face" reality check.

More reality=more able to escape the Mass Formation and Wake Up!

Conclusion: (Could this actually be possible???)

More shots=more awake (OR more dead!?)

Or will they just continue to insist to the bitter end: "He died, but if he hadn't been vaccinated, it would have been worse!"


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Newsom is just like Trudeau!

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Funny you'd mention that . . . I almost wrote that very thing in my Comment!

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Probably because Newsome & Trudeau & Macron & BoJo & Jacinda etc are all part of Klaus Schwab's network of "Young Global Leaders" installed to implement WEF agenda not to serve the public as democracy requites. Dr. Malone has been doing a bang up job documenting these dirtbags to map their influence w this good intro and more in his research archive links.

oops just noticed the promised link is missing, sorry folks days late but c'est la me! :~)


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Love that "c"est la me!!"

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me too.. decades old favorite :~)

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California, Seattle, Oregon, Illinois, New York, Michigan, New Jersey come to mind as not only NOT budging on their Wuhan virus power trip, but wanting to take more rights away from citizens, EXCEPT the right to kill their own babies. Even in States like mine (N.C.) where there is a single Democrat Governor who vetoed almost 100 Bill's from the GOP led Congress in Raleigh!

We have the biggest Rinos in DC as well who vote with the Socialists (Tillis and Burr).

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Here in NYC wearing Ukraine flag face masks waving signs that say "My Body My Choice" while demanding vaccine cards to attend their events. Stunning madness.

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Really? Ukraine face masks. Good God may the saints have mercy on the mentality deficient!

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Same in Chicago. I just went to the store and like 80% of people had useless N95's on. Talking about Covid insanity with anyone (outside those that get it -which are unfortunately very few) is like touching the 3rd Rail. But screw that, I am "out" with my Covid opinion. I am red-pilling anyone who will listen. My goal is not to be "right." My goal is to protect the children from future mask mandates and shots, not to mention mental heath issues.

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Lol! Look at the bright side! Following the idiotic government protocols (including, of course, the fake vaccines) is a Cosmic I.Q. test designed to remove the overly domesticated humans with no sense or survival instincts from the gene pool! This is a gigantic "Darwin Awards" moment!

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Same for NYC.. our new stupider than DeBlasio Mayor Eric Adams extended jab mandates to all NYC volunteers in April 2022.. thus ended my longtime participation as park photographer.. practically I no longer have access to upload to official Flickr accounts so we can feel safer no virus will be spread in my jpg metadata.. LOVE SCIENCE

Idiot Adams also ordered jabs for all school kids. Adams along w Gov Cuomo's brainless replacement Kathy Hochul are competing with California for insane policy and lawsuits.


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SF is an outlier. I live just an hour away from the bay area and it is like a different world.

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Really? Sacramento (about 80 miles away) seems to me to be nearly as fanatic as the Bay Area. You must be in a more rural area.

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Or are they declaring Mission Accomplished and taking a vacation ... as the End Game approaches? https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Could u post some links? I am in Canada and my premier (leader of the province) followed Macron’s playbook. It would be nice to see our mainstream media start to report the same things.

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That's really good news! Thanks, baboon!!! ❤

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deletedJul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022
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Yes Estonia PM, Italy, Borris, Sri Lanka.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

New Zealand in spite of all the evidence coming out is still in denial over what is now transpiring. We are still being subjected to asinine ads on media advising us to get vaccinated- flu shots are now available, so whoopee! I keep sending information to my local MP without any apparent effect. Yesterday I visited a town mall which used to be hysterical about masks and hand sanitiser to find the faded posters still on the windows and fascist juveniles confronting me about not wearing a face nappy. Pushing back at them they invariably back off. While whatever passes for government here might still be pushing this crap, most of the thinking population have had enough and ignore the propaganda. I am hopeful that reason will prevail- especially when more people start dying in curious circumstances that do not normally occur. The threat of very painful repercussions will certainly deter politicians from continuing with this charade once a few of their ilk get hauled before the courts. It cannot happen soon enough.

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Completely agree, Charles. But sadly "most of the thinking population have had enough and ignore the propaganda." while true represents a tiny percentage of the population as far as I can see. My immediate family of 11 share a common trait of high IQ but I'm the only one that fits your description. The rest just are not thinking and have fallen for the evil one's propaganda.

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I am quite passive now. The jabbed people I know are all in denial or refuse to listen to anything but the official line. If you keep getting smacked in the head, how long should it take to notice? A pox on their houses, sorry to say it but they will get what's coming to them. Perhaps it pays to have the IQ of a nematode, I shall inherit the radioactive wasteland of whatever is left of this earth once the lunatics have their loverrrly war.

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Wait till the VAIDS results in a lot more deaths.

They'll be rabidly putting on the masks and rushing out for Booster shots


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The masked are already reluctant to divest themselves of these fashion statements. If the govenmint gave them permission to normalise their lives, they would still wear their masks. I have purchased one that looks like a gorilla all ready for when I heed to don it for monkey pox.

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Mine says "This mask is as useless as Jacinda". I also have one that parodied one of Comrade Jabcinda's many slogans -- "Unite Against Cindy-19," but I prefer the former. Got them both from trademe.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Igor Chudov has interesting perspective …he was recently suspended from FB. The horrifying data can no longer be hidden, so there’s a doubling down of censorship & continuance of the twisting, omission of facts as to why young adults are dying, including babies, alarmingly low birth rates, non Covid death rates—-these psychopaths are in cya mode. More dangerous now than ever & relying upon the propaganda to control their corrupt narrative. Stay tuned to Younts lawsuit against the Pentagon re “vax” mandate. They will lose in discovery if it gets that far…and all hell will break loose.

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Watergate era Washington we'd say, shredders must be running nonstop at (insert 3 letters)

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Hi! I also wrote about it as I was also cancelled by Twitter recently. I believe that it was because of the birth rate story that we both discussed.

Yes we are winning and the purpose of censorship is delaying the moment of reckoning for those who poisoned our young people.


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They know they are losing the narrative because they switched from "it wasn't made in a lab" to "it was vaccine research" using people like Dan Sirotkin and Rossana Segreto to push that story. Daoyu and Charles never fell for it, because (one of many reasons) you don't make an inhibitor (EK1C4) for a vaccine.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Did you see this article (via a Jessica Rose post)


Frankly, that it is a bioweapon horrifies me having just had Covid (unvaxxed, very few symptoms, short duration) not much I can do now!

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I too hope the tide has shifted. We have certainly waited far longer than most of us would have expected necessary for the maze of illusions to come crashing down.

We need to remember that for all the crimes 77X has committed, it is but a tool for those in power. Yes, it should burn, and anyone associated with it - along with the nudge units everywhere they were formed. But the political parties/governments acting as compliant puppets for this globe-spanning dark agenda bear more responsibility. Those governments paid bounties to hospitals to kill patients. Literally. And it only got worse from there. Until we root out every law they have perverted and influenced then we will remain hostage to that agenda, even after the current criminals have been locked away.

If this Gordian knot of criminality and collusion is cut through, if the agenda is thwarted, the magnitude of the resulting scandal will eclipse every other such scandal for the past century. Imagine the ripples. Bigger and more numerous than any before them, across every sector.

What comes after? What does it look like? And how do we get there?

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It is one astronomical "Gordian Knot" alright. The Globalists are advancing their depopulation agenda NOW because they (their central banks) have run out of road for "kicking the can" down, economically. Debt-based fiat currency systems, Derivitives, the Fractional Reserve system for creating new money out of thin air, etc. are all Ponzi schemes by a Bankster Cartel for endlessly ripping off those who are not in their "club". Their only remaining option is to deliberately impolde the entire mess and establish a cashless Globalist digital money system for their World Government. And, of course, they devised COVID to be their cover and excuse for why everything is collapsing. And they are continuing by every means possible to suck the people of the world dry as the implosion proceeds: bankrupting small businesses and individuals, paying their buddies running the hospitals astronomical bonuses for venting and then killing "COVID" patients (diagnosed by fake PCRs).

Every single aspect of this was war-gamed ahead of time. The good thing, though, is that Evil tends to self-destruct because the evil people are also in denial of reality. We just have to keep spreading truthful information to wake up the ones not hopeless, and be a little patient. The pendulum is starting to swing the other way. Slowly.

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They have a bigger problem:

Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

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Yes, indeed. Wheels within wheels.

My favourite quote of late is: "Kill the Fed: Free the World".

But I think their gambit has gotten to the point of a runaway nuclear fission reaction. Erasing their evil, now, won't stop the end result of a century+ of momentum. There isn't an elephant gun in the world big enough to arrest it. Policies of late have been putting fuel on that fire.

Like you said, the can kicking has reached its limit. Locking in their privilege is now like a prime directive in whatever comes next Collateral damage be damned.

And their evil takeover is doomed to fail, I agree. That they think they can do what the Bolsheviks did, but on a global scale - and succeed with the benefit of technology(TM) - tells us how detached from reality they are. Bolsheviks wouldn't have succeeded without a whole lot of help. If we can negate the current help we might bring this to a swifter conclusion and spare a whole lot of innocents.

Another quote: Be Patient, But Prepare.

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The Globalists of his day put V.I. Lenin on a train to Moscow with $25 million in gold the stir up the Bolshevic Revolution.

The Americans sent Chang Kai Shek and the Chinese resisting Mao's takeover a big batch of riffles that were deliberately missing firing pins that allowed the Communists to win.

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No it was financed by Wall Street-the Americans (Globalists) - Bolshevik revolution. Taft. Not the European branch. There are branches in their dirty world. What happens with branches, they become disloyal.

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"I too hope the tide has shifted....

What comes after? What does it look like? And how do we get there?"

Whole comment was fab! As far as tides shifting the happiest yet was in Dr. Paul Marik's Telegram JAMA survey published Friday.. "1 in 4 Americans now believe it is justified to harass or threaten public health officials." w00t w00t!!

Globalist Managerial State were the only winners in the entire COVID fiasco and the bulk of humanity got everything worse by many measures. Folks are hotter than a hornet now that pain and loss and anger have displace fear.


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Nothing comes after our extinction.

Supply chains are on the precipice... starvation follows

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Jesus, Yeshua will come before our extinction be ready?

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

For feedback about your Substack use: I like substack a lot. The format works, and unlike other places, the comment sections are usually full of intelligent conversation with minimal spam. The email notifications are nice too, when they work, although I suspect some email providers are suppressing email alerts. Please stay on telegram though, that app has been a lifesaver. To help me stay positive, btw, my go-to read every day is coffeeandcovid. It's American based but he talks about world events too.

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SS does provide for now a place where we of alternative opinions are tolerated. But we must keep in mind that we are in the lair of the Big Tech ogres. We are almost certainly being played. Use those alternative Big Tech online communities as long as possible. As we did with Twitter during the early days of 2020, we will continue to benefit from the less-than- ideal community forums provided to us. Eventually, if we’re fortunate, we will be relegated to letter writing, smoke signals, long distance running, or horse back riding.

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Truth Social should help fill the gap. It's now available in the UK.

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Get a Protonmail account.. they have free ones.. it's what Snowden uses no spyware & easier than Google gmail. https://proton.me/

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I am noticing a slight trickling through now on more platforms of alternative narrative, whilst the show seems to be going on with the relentless push of the next jab. I think it has to play out and maybe by booster no 8 everyone will know an unvaxxed friend or relative that's doing just fine and hopefully the penny may drop...

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FINALLY, I had a vaxxed friend (who is now having chronic health problems) email me with a "The only ones I know who are sick are all vaxxed."

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I reckon over time this is going to be a thing, and I often believe people only learn when things play out and up until now we have been bombarded with subliminal brainwashing from every direction bill boards tv, posters signs, it works en mass these are researched marketing nudge tactics..but i feel the narrative will unfold slowly with real life experiences.

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Populations and individuals should by all means seek justice, but achieving justice won't necessarily be possible under globalist-owned judges.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Imagine thinking you're a crusader against misinformation and injustice brought upon citizens by actors acting on behalf of another foreign power (or something to that effect), and it turns out you were the Nazi all along. I hope everyone on the 77th brigade soon wakes up to who they are and what they have done.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Huge fan of your work but on this, don’t share your confidence. Wish I did. The latest Twitter purge far-reaching and a deliberate erasure of the truth. Powerful entities at work and I don’t mean Twitter (which is obviously acting on instruction). Twitter whilst a pain, also an effective medium for getting information disseminated and discussions started - hence the need to silence voices like yours and Daoyu, voices which need to be heard. We can always link to Substacks! Soldier on ✊

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I think it's a dead cat bounce. You see, once all our accounts are gone - especially in such a short space of time, what purpose will the 77th serve? There will be more and more articles about the censorship and who is behind it. The 77th will be seen as the bullies (for pharma) that they are and they have drawn attention to themselves, like Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz and his CCP ties, Kyle Sheldrick and his fake (now retracted) "statistician expertise" and Deepti Gurdasani with her affiliation to the Jeffrey-Epstein linked HDRUK . They can play whack-a-mouse on twitter but when they do this they draw attention to themselves, and then people start digging. Skeletons will come out of the closet and it only needs one person from the 77th to defect and blow the whole thing open.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I feel these are third and fourth tier, along with those dozens of doctors who work in “public health” busy spruiking the accepted narrative. A level or two up you have the high profile virologists, the proximal originists, the Australian connection etc. Above that, the real power - enough power to direct government, control media and quash dissent: the Institutes, the Trusts, Big Pharma, the Alphabets. The real enemy. And a big one. Money, always follow the money. Nonetheless, inroads are being made by a small but persistent contingent of good faith seekers of truth. Godspeed.

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My favorite link at a mention of Aussie back-channels.. CIA coup (yes here too)


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“Whack-a-mouse” indeed, jikky!

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

No doubt that twitter is an arm of the 77th Brigade, Here is an article that features Gordon Macmillan's Linked in profile Head of Editorial, EMEA, Twitter whilst also referring to being a reservist in the 77th brigade. Since then he deleted his reference to the 77th Brigade hence only a screen shot of his linked in profile https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/twitter-executive-also-part-time-officer-uk-army-psychological-warfare-unit

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There is a reason our civilizations refuse to adequately seek out and rid themselves of tyranny. Those attracted to it (and there are many) cannot wait to repeat it. With the cabal between politics, governments, corporations and institutions after WW II, combined with the rise of Big Tech, we have had a strong environment favouring the rise of this one. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. But like what they are always selling us - they too are part of their own arc of boom & bust cycles.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The question is what comes next. Remember Jikki we are in the Matrix. There are only bad guys and worse guys...no good guys. The ones at the top back both horses. Whoever wins...they win. It is the old thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis (Hegelian Dialectic). Yes, Globo-homo will lose and they are losing but they will have accomplished their task which is to crash the system and make everyone sick. The hunger games are about to start and all democracies will fail.....then they will offer the solution. By then most people will be willing to accept anything just to make it stop and go back to normal. There will be no normal and no going back. This is the biggest change in the last 12-13k years and they are front running it.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

And no one has punished for GoF research in Wuhan ?

When THAT happens I'll feel better.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Facts don’t lie & truth always surfaces. New Zealand, Israel, Portugal, Australia are all proving the failure & risks of the vaccines, sadly in too many ways.

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And how can man die better

Than facing fearful odds,

For the ashes of his fathers,

And the temples of his Gods?

They've tightened up the Twitter new account creation process. Last account was created via Tor, did not require phone validation. Now they do.

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Yep immediately requires phone validation.

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My other question is, as I see it we need to keep trying to wake people up, how/where would you recommend starting the conversation with a friend or family member who is asleep at the wheel without scaring them off/losing them?

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Let them speak first. Then say OK now I've listened to you it's my turn. Then talk about how the policies (not the vaccines specifically) - lockdowns, masks, vaccines - have resulted in more covid and more deaths than ever before. That is undeniable. So then they need to explain how the government policies have done this. Ask them if the government has ever lied. Bring it to a human level and ask them if their spouse lied would they believe them the next time? That kind of thing. It's hard to debate on the data because they won't believe your data. So go for logic.

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Good luck with using logic if you're dealing with a fanatic, a zealot. Nothing at all can get through their programming, their iron-clad hypnosis.

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Logic only works with logical people. It requires an open mind. Where do you find those nowadays?

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Well, some I’m related to would respond that it’s because the unV’ed folks refused to comply/quarantine/mask and prevented us from reaching (the fallacy of) Zero-CoVid. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Tell them there are bio-weapons/WMD experts saying that C-19 is a bio-weapon, and so are the vaccines - and that these experts are seeking to testify before congress under oath. Tell them the first bio-weapon has killed 21.5 million people, and the second may have killed up to 24 million more. Tell them insurance vendors are reporting soaring all-cause non-C-19 mortality which only started showing up in 2021 when the vaccines were deployed. Once you've got them hooked, show them the Blast and Gp-120 articles here, and the Vanity Fair pieces on EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak. Show them the Daily Mail piece on the Moderna patented sequence in C-19's genome.

Will link those last two here:



And if this approach doesn't work, try grabbing them by the ears and screaming "WE'RE BEING EXTERMINATED WITH BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS!" in their face. Sometimes works.

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Have you ever really had that last one work?

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

You'd be surprised, but works best on people who already know you. ;)

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I believe you, but saying that to people is just going to make them think you’re a nutter. You need to work your way up to it slowly.

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If you are going to grab someone by the ears and scream in their face I assume you will be wearing a mask. Your garlic breath from a night out at a French eatery will probably distract them from the message. Those buttery snails can leave an impression.

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I like your approach; can we clone you please?

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Impossible. You will only end up making them despise you.

I've tried it -- much better to just not speak of this.

If they are already double jabbed and boosted - they are living on borrowed time.

No point in trying to stop them now -- let them live out the short time that remains... in ignorance

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It is hard to argue against a radio... but; I find that the following (thank you Dr. Simon) is simple to convey:

1) Why should I think the Quackcinne if it works for you?

2) If it does not work; why should I think the Quackcinne?

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Not seeing this happening. Not at all. Not a single CovIDIOT I know is emerging from the Mass Psychosis.

No matter what I throw at them - they respond with 'it can't be that because the vaccines are Safe and Effective' - that is imprinted in their minds.

Quite a few of them have taken a pass on the latest Booster... however watch as they Fear Machine gets ramped up as the north heads into Autumn... If they were not afraid of Omicron they'll be made to fear B5 or whatever new mutation(s) the leaky toxic shots dredge up from the swamp.

And then there is this VAIDS thing that's going around -- affects only the vaxxed up folks -- makes them get really sick cuz they'd smashed their immune systems.... so B5 or whatever will put a lot of them in the hospital - or morgue...

The response will be -- you got it - More Boosters!

This ain't a turning point for the good. This is likely the beginning of the end

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There will come a point where it will be undeniable. But yes, there are many in this bubble that they cannot escape from. Stockholm syndrome etc

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Think about what happened in Germany during WW2. The hypnotized German population was willing to follow their psychotic Führer to Hell, which meant the complete destruction of not only themselves but of their beloved country. This is the level of insanity we're up against. They will never wake up.

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Almost everyone. My dad escaped the Nazi and spent the war on the run. And just like now, there were a few, that held the line. And all of a sudden it collapsed. I’m slightly more optimistic than I was in January.

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Yes - they'll lose their minds if it comes to that...

I suspect the Rubicon is in the rear view mirror already -- even if they were to wake up en masse now - it's too late to save them

Of course when the die off kicks off - the supply chains rupture - we starve

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I've been an "excessive researcher" for years and combatted my own bout of Lyme, which was quite like navigating the complex webs and misinformation of Covid, with a special hybrid protocol. Researched cost/benefit extensively before I was vaccinated last year, which led me to significant concerns about spike. But available evidence suggested I go for it, as a middle aged dude. But wow was I was duped on a lot of things through msm talking points--oh yeah, don't worry the shot stays in your arm like any other vaccine, mRNA breaks up asap, small load on your body, no bad effects blah blah blah. Part of a vax friendly community, most are "safe and effective" folks all day long. As I've dug back into the research DEEPLY this winter and spring as I contemplated vaccinating a small child, it's clear to me now that that is a terrible idea. Thanks to a bunch of brilliant doctors and scientists for illuminating "the more complicated story" and continuing to conduct and release really good research. I'm not convincing others right now who are firmly entrenched in their "safe and effective" mantra, but leading some in the right direction, and it does seem that parents of young children and pediatricians are holding tight in a way I wouldn't have expected even in Feb. some helpful "mainstream" pieces to illuminate the situation (e.g., vanity fair piece on lab leak linked somewhere here), but still need to dig deep to find truth. (PS - thank god FDA delayed approval of Pfizer this winter in smallest children. but alas, only to approve with an added extra special third shot for 6mo - 2yr in June, face palm. gave many of us a few more critical months, however, to see yet another wave, omicron, and how stupid this vaccine game is for young children through the onslaught of troubling evidence). Well, you all know, but our population really doesn't pay attention or understand the science. And it really goes in all directions depending on the topic, with corporate interests usually leading the narrative. It's two party politics messing up both sides to the point where we can't have a debate and real science. Anyways, I've fully shifted my perspective, but to be fair, I started out pretty skeptical of the whole covid situation through early research, and i know how to read medical journals. Anyways, be like me -- dig deep into "all sides" and find out the truth. If you can flip your position, you're doing it right. E.g., I hope that this crowd, when we think of the primacy of "body autonomy," can find linkages to abortion restrictions, wars on drugs, etc, for example, with parallel principles.

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I think you can assess the vaccination question without knowing molecular biology by asking (1) why are doctors/scientists who raise concenrs being suppressed (2) why are EUA gene therapy drugs being mandated if they are so effective? (3) if the vaccine is effective why are people who have taken them so worried about getting infection from those who haven't? (4) why are the drug companies sealing documents if their product is so effective?

It becomes a philosophical and logical analysis.

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Any attempt to reverse an opinion is a total wast of time. For over 2 years we have been sand blasted into submission, much better to let nature run its course and worry about the survivors. Tedros. Gates et al have yet to complete their work. Gates recently bragged about how spending 10 million dollars bought a return of 200 million. I wonder what he intends to spend the cash on when there is no one left manufacturing things.

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You gotta laugh at the absurdity of it all!

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Do you have any insight as to how the Supreme Court WA case with Falconer went? Were you able to see any of the testimony etc? Any faith left in the courts at all?

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I have no faith in the judiciary. However the courts provide one valuable purpose - discovery and visibility of documents. It is the last bastion of transparency although the NSW case showed us that even that can be suppressed. As far as the Falconer WA case I haven't heard anything yet... http://spectator.com.au/2022/07/challenge-to-wa-vaccine-mandate-set-for-july-13/

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I've just left Twitter. Wasn't suspended. I will live intentionally, as I wish, with free speech. I cast out anything that limits this. I suspended it.

I will no longer try to wake up people on that site. I play into Twit's hands doing that. When they are completely irrelevant it will have been of their own making. I am being the change I want to see.

I read their leaked emails how they were cautionary on censoring to the point that people leave the platform. Hah! I don't care what they have to say on that platform anymore. They can live the consequences of their actions.

I am moving toward the life I want to see--platforms that allow opposing views. Free speech.

Twit only has the place in my life that I allow. It's now removed.

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Clive should know, he came from here. Then the Europeans came after WW2 and had a very uneasy fit into this goal society, many of the Europeans see this agenda for what it is. The Aussies not so much.

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What's your Telegram channel?

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For those of us who won't join Telegram because it requires a phone number --https://gab.com/arkmedic

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