Following on from the post last week that has currently been read by nearly 50,000 people and appeared in one form or other in the Spectator and the Daily Expose….
….where the many possibilities for nuclear integration of plasmid DNA from the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” were outlined - it’s necessary to provide a short update.
The reason for this is that the article was long and there were a couple of things that couldn’t quite fit in and/or have been brought to my attention after the event.
So let’s have a quick dip.
Spike Protein gets into the Nucleus and carries DNA with it
This is something that really needs to be reiterated. Bear in mind that this is the protein not the mRNA or DNA that we are talking about here. It’s the spike protein that is produced by the “mRNA vaccines” that actually gets into the nucleus, and on the back of that any nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) can piggyback to also get into the nucleus.
How do we know this?
Because the TGA told us, without realising it. This was published in last year’s article but worth revisiting
And here’s the extract from the official TGA document that shows (in green) that spike protein is pictured in the nucleus (which is the fried egg thingy that you can see in blue in the slide next to the green one).
The point of showing this slide again is that it shows that the spike protein - that is supposed to have been produced outside the nucleus - has made it into the nucleus, and according to the papers from David Deans discussed in the prior article, this acts as a “carrier” for nuclear transport of any DNA that is present.
So, if there is DNA present (e.g. plasmid contamination) the fact that this spike protein is also present means that it will take DNA into the nucleus.
This of course isn’t just speculation. We already know that the spike protein gets into the nucleus from another paper which we have discussed here and which showed that spike protein was acting to suppress p53 - which is a protein that acts in the nucleus to repair DNA and protect against cancer.
Ergo, suppress p53 => induce cancer. I can’t repeat enough how significant this is but see below in the #NIHgate section.
More evidence that the combination of features in the COVID vaccines would transfect the nucleus
A paper that I didn’t include in the article last week and was reiterated to me by a number of people (so I had better not leave it out) was this1 with the catchy title
Which basically reiterates exactly what was being pointed out in the previous article, that is the combination of a liposome (transfectant agent) and a nuclear localisation signal (NLS) is a highly effective strategy if you wanted to get your DNA product into the nucleus of your cells.
What they are saying here is that, not only is the cationic liposome (think Lipid nanoparticle) a known transfection agent, but it works three times better if you have a protein around that contains a nuclear localisation signal.
This is exactly what happens in the presence of the spike protein from the “vaccine”.
What a lucky combination!
A Very Relevant Update to #NIHGate
Over a year ago I posted the following article which related to the fact that a friend of mine had put in a Freedom of Information (FOI) request in relation to the scandal of the fact that the bully boys from the NIH - in particular Eric Freed - had used their political clout to get a perfectly good paper retracted.
The paper that was the subject of this request was the one that I referred to earlier in this article (and many times before), which showed that the spike protein got into the nucleus and suppressed p53 therefore potentially providing a significant risk of cancer to any recipients of this gene therapy technology.
The original story (that the NIH went in to suppress a paper for political reasons) is bad enough. but after the FOI was submitted we expected that the NIH and HHS would actually produce the documents.
There were 490 pages of emails - which is a massive red flag that something much more nefarious was going on than a simple request to investigate a paper. I’m sure that Eric Freed’s tight relationship with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or the NIH’s funding of Moderna had nothing to do with his decision to bully the paper into retraction and then refuse to release the emails behind it.
But in the meantime here’s a nice photo of Eric with his WIV friends.

We are not letting this story go. The lives of millions of people are potentially at stake and thankfully Brokentruth has taken up the story in a series of articles here:
Please support them in anyway you can, either by sharing their articles, writing to the HHS and NIH, or even donating to their fighting fund.
In the meantime, #NIHGate is not going away. The NIH were involved in:
Covering up the origins of the Coronavirus with clandestine meetings involving Trevor Bedford, Anthony Fauci, Jeremy Farrar and Edward Holmes
Funding the manufacture of gene therapies masquerading as vaccines that had none of the efficacy that was claimed against infection.
Covering up a massive signal for cancer arising as a result of the gene therapies that they had produced.
We’ll stop there for today, but I am quite sure that this won’t be the last word on the corruption that appears to be rife at the NIH and its linked entities.
Perhaps their cat will run out lives soon.
We’ll be watching.
PDF version here:
After your last article, I came accross an interview with Kevin McKernan at here:
I found that to be very helpful to my understanding of the issue, for me, hearing it in addition to reading it makes it more understandable.
There is lecture/discussion planned for Monday, Oct. 9 at 2 pm New York time where some of this will be expertly discussed, albeit not with geneticists, link here:
Arkmedic, I again thank you a million times over for publishing this important research.
PS: you must be friends with el gato malo!
Clear, concise, understandable. And scary as all heck.
Thank you for exposing the nefariousness of all involved in the cover up.