A new preprint from NIH and NIAID authors released on the 27th September confirms that spike protein translocates to the nucleus. This was denied by every single COVID vaccine (gene therapy) advocate to date.
More importantly this paper totally vindicates Jiang and Mei who were forced to retract their completely correct paper under political pressure from Eric Freed of the very same NIH, the funders of Moderna Inc. This was exposed in our article "Welcome to Gilead”
The Viruses journal that forced the retraction of the Jiang paper must immediately reinstate that paper and offer an unconditional apology to Hui Jiang and Ya-Fang Mei.
Eric Freed’s involvement in this retraction needs to be formally - and independently - investigated as a matter of urgency.
The FOIA for Freed’s emails on this matter should be just about due to be released. If they were to show collusion or political interference in Eric Freed’s request to retract the Jiang/Mei paper, Dr Freed will be under the spotlight - and the NIH with him.
Academic papers should only be retracted in the case of proven fraud. The whole future of academic science may well rest on the outcome of this investigation.
The fuckers even shut down the Died Suddenly Fecesbook group with 300k members. Only the fastest growing group in FB history, so what do they do? Close it!
Since our government enabled a de-facto violation of the Nuremberg Code by way of corruption and censorship, doesn't that make our government invalid? They've betrayed every one of the rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights, ignored the separation of powers in The Constitution, violated human rights in so many ways, and explicitly violated the Nuremberg Code they themselves brought into existence via United States v Karl Brandt et al 1946-47. This isn't over until enough people understand this, and withdraw their consent to be governed.
Social science confirmed that there is a "critical " number of people required for any social change to occur. So we dont need all people...just critical number ❤
Too bad you're not a member of Congress, or high in the Executive branch. Then not only would you be above (most) laws, but you'd probably have a speech writer.
The top 10 jobs that attract psychopaths, rank ordered, are:
1. CEO
2. Lawyer
3. Media (Television/Radio)
4. Salesperson
5. Surgeon
6. Journalist
7. Police officer
8. Clergy person
9. Chef
10. Civil servant
What's Bourla's job and what's Bancel's job? Note also the occupation from which judges and many politicians come.
Unfortunately, I can't disagree with you. Dr Aseem Malhotra, the top UK cardiologist who pushed the jab then recanted and called for its suspension after it killed his father, a former Vice President of the British Medical Association, along with untold numbers of others, has correctly noted that health policy is influenced by "a psychopathic entity," "its business model is fraud" and the motive for coercing g the jab was profit not the good of the patient or the public.
They will be stopped as we learn to re-inhabit the real world without screens or other self-delusionary tools of any kind. They can only flourish in a world founded on delusion.
Well if EVERYONE had voted that say they do not agree with the Democrats/Left/Commies… then we might have been able to beat their cheating, if not in Biden’s crooked election, then in many local & state elections.
We need more good people to run for local & state positions also.
If you think the solution will come in the form of a political party, I must tell you, you need to expand your research in that realm. We have [the illusion of] two political parties, but only one ideology. At least in DC. Both aides are happy to send money to Ukraine, and keep your family starving. Both parties are WEF shills, and both parties pushed mass vaccination (Trump still does), while taking ivermectin for when they are sick.
The only hope we have is a “conscientious objector” movement in medicine… IMHO
Like the doctor from yesterday. The British guy… Arkmedic already corrected my spelling once, so I’m not spelling it again… 🤪🤪🫣but the “Willfully Blind” doctor… I can probably weave an argument that “conscientious objector,” is the mirror image of “willfully blind”
Am I wrong? Does it make sense?
I’m asking seriously, this was just intuitive on my end…🤭
sign me up for that network. Where do you buy ivermectin for humans from? (if you do not mind letting me know). I still haven't got Covid but ...just in case...
Honestly, the damage is already done. Everyone injected who hasn't been noticeably injured may still have long-term issues caused by these shots, and the shots can't be removed from their bodies. So what we're doing now is "Never Again". Here's what I mean:
After my great uncle fought the Nazis in Europe he and my grandfather went to Memorial Day every year and promised we would never let a genocide happen again. Now it's happened / is happening again, in a different way. So now we need to renew our promise to never let this happen again by proving what happened, holding those responsible parties accountable in every way we can, and making sure this can never happen again.
It starts with FOIA, lawsuits and publishing better science, but this isn't over until the end of Nuremberg II.
Yes, it is interesting too look at the history of Fascism and why it happens. My Uncle fought against Nazi's as a bomber pilot and then was shot down, spent the war in a POW camp, and came home to help write and act in Stalag 17. This generation never understood that their efforts to stop these people did not work. The powers that be supported and still support Nazis You are correct we cannot forget or allow others to forget this time of great dying.
Interestingly phospholipid mediators, such as phosphatidic acid (PA), play important roles in regulating the nuclear movement of proteins. The Furin cleavage of the s1 and s2 subunits results in phosphorylation of TAU giving rise to highly phosphorylated TAU, an important precursor to fibrils and prion related diseases.
Nuclear translocation yet another feature of an extremely well designed slow kill bioweapon.
I'm not a scientist or a doctor, can you help me with this: I'm not vaccinated, but have gotten covid at least once - does this paper mean that the spike protein in "natural" covid translocates to the nucleus? I'm assuming the shot's spike does, but can you clarify for me in layman's terms? Thanks!
But I wonder if wild infection would be a rather limited exposure or maybe even aborted exposure, as the individual's immune system would attempt to prevent infection and may succeed before damage is done, whereas the shot would prevent that by causing the body to continually expose itself to only the most toxic part of the agent? Whole virus exposure allows the body to begin preventative response and may destroy the agent before it can proliferate, or in the proliferative but not translational stage, no?
Me too! And I haven't felt quite right since. My BP prior to covid was 110/70 and it's been very high ever since. I can't find anyone to confirm that there is a link or what to do about it except pharma drugs that I don't want to take. Thank you for asking that question.
Cardiologist Herbert Benson's "relaxation response" (secular transcendental meditation) has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure: https://youtu.be/nBCsFuoFRp8
Sunlight exposure, which is also good against COVID-19, is associated with reduced blood pressure. So is the use of hand grips, and both cardio (e. g., cycling) and resistance training exercise, but check with your doctor first to make sure exercise is safe for you.
I hope you find some way to reduce your blood pressure back to normal.
Regarding the spike protein itself, I would say (not a doctor, obviously) that there is a difference. S-protein in the virus is attached to the virus. S-protein from the injection is free.
Before being attached to the virus, it is produced from discrete subgenomic RNA molecules by ribosomes in quantity. From there it is supposed to be transported to the cell membrane. And thanks to cleavage it is also known to fuse with nearby ACE-2 resulting in fused cells (syncytia) at least before the Omicron era. So even in viral infection you have a long period where the question of nuclear localization might apply.
However, it is already expected that loads of NSPs and the N protein go to the nucleus so I don't see what is really substantive about the S protein doing the same until you bring it back into the context of the mRNA shots.
Thanks, the "Jikkyleaks" reference certainly illustrates a clear picture. Would the two side by side prolines in the s2 region referenced by both Stefanie Seneff and Jesica Rose leading to a mishapen spike protein with prion like properties expressing itself on the ace2 receptor area on the cell surface not be a unique problem to the injection version of the spike protein vs sarsCov2 spike protein?
In the injection version we are dealing with a massive autoimmune reaction to the thing while Sarscov2 at least initially is a normal immune response hence more treatable for this and many other reasons,
Even though some are skeptical of Dr. Li-Meng Yan I found her credible and in discussions with her the two proline inserts were deliberate designed to maximize harm with mishapen spike protein combined with other cell surface prions to form the fibrils, the basic building blocks to prion diseases,
Rare Neurological damage (CJD) et resulting from the injections appear to be far more common than with SArRScov2?
As mentioned an extremely well designed slow kill bioweapon seemingly juiced up to induce as many different diseases as possible.
Could you explain the risk in laymen's terms? What happens when "G-quadruplex-rich RNA colocated with Glycine-zipper-rich protein" are both in the nucleus?
They interfere with DNA repair mechanisms that can lead to the suppression of the very important tumor suppressor P53 protein that without it cancers to go unchecked.
Being colocated in the nucleus means these pathogens are there for a long time.
It is common sense that these action occur. Anyone with a decent education should and should have known this. Any time I hear these words “evidence based”, I run for the hills. Freed needs to pay and NIH. Reinstatement of the original article must occur. Maybe it’s time to write to the journal of virology demanding this action.
The idea that you could use a lipid transfectant and expect it to magically transport the nucleic acid package into the cell yet stop at some imaginary nuclear barrier, when transfectants are designed specifically to transport nucleic acid into the nucleus, is delusional. Yet here we are.
In the authors' summary in the preprint, the researchers state that the nuclear localization signal motif PRRARSV may supersede the importance of the furin cleavage site and act as a novel pathogenic feature of SARS2
.Can some one explain this, please? Does this help explain how the furin cleavage site is merely just an initiating step in cellular entry?
Basically, the RR's we're seeing are Arginine-rich regions, featured e.g. in HIV-1 Tat protein, which is an old favorite in the lab because it shoots whatever you connect it to through the body's protective barriers and heads straight for the nucleus. Or you can modify the R's and try to make it stay in the cytosol. It's used as a transfection agent. And Spike also has it - which I interpret as likely stemming from the desire to transfect something, rather than just being a nice spot to cleave.
Tat also causes an array of neurological issues and contributes to Syncytia (big gobs of cells) formation including in brain, along with GP120 - which coincidentally is also in the Spike. They've found Syncytia gobbling up Lymphocytes. Tat also interacts with extracellular matrix, e.g. MMPs - so if you take MMP chaos + syncytia globs and stuff that in a blood vessel, you might end up pulling out rubbery white goo on the autopsy table. Purely hypothetically speaking.
Physiological Syncytia are also responsible for orchestrating electrical signaling that keeps us breathing and heart beating -- what happens if we start messing with syncytia, e.g. in brain stem, where they find Spike. Tat has decades of research, including interfering with electrical signaling...
So we're back at HIV-derived motifs, here with a focus on Arginine.
Walter Chesnut WMC Research has a couple of articles explaning the pathways through wich spike increases the risk of prion disease. From what I (ordinary person) understand it has been "proven" as much as it is possible...the nature of how prion disease is "facilitated" "triggered" is such that it is unlikely for any " one thing" to be identified as the culprit for Prions, for now. The very nature of some processes and pathways they use is so complex that when you slightly "nudge" them in certain direction...it makes them perfect (more or less) to cause prion disese, rare cancers...most stuff that takes years to develop. That could also be "blamed" on "natural aging" hence would be imposible to "prove". Thats why any thing that accelerates those processes is considered a "perfect" disquised bioweapon. Although scientists might not be able to "prove" it yet, that doesnt mean it does not cause prion disease or accelarate all other degenerative diseases. (Scientist did not understand much about spliting atoms but they were able to "use" it to make a nuclear bomb). The point just because you cant prove something does not necessarily mean it does not exist. I guess thats why they did use what they used in manufacturing the vaxc & C19. Perfect bioweapon on so many levels?
I actually read the paper and learnt heaps. Thanks for sharing. So not only does the virus occupy the cytoplasm, but the spike gene and its motif the spike protein attach to and enter the nucleus, though in small amounts. The logical extension to this is that vaccine mRNA, which imitates the viral mRNA, can also enter the nucleus.
"... that spike protein translocates to the nucleus ... was denied by every single COVID vaccine (gene therapy) advocate to date." So the pseudovaccine advocates have been perpetrating falsehoods? No surprise there but is it misinformation that these advocates, including Pharma's paid propagandists (aka 'fact checkers'), spread or is it disinformation, or even malinformation?
Dr Ah Kahn Syed you said on Jul 30 (quote below), so this is still valid we are just adding prion related diseases....correct?
"This is how it will work. There will be "normal" cancers diagnosed at a lower rate but with a higher mortality in 2021-2022, because of fear of going to the doctor. At the same time, lymphomas, leukaemias and unusual cancers (that rely on acute suppression of cancer pathways) will spike but in low numbers. Over the next 2-10 years this will drift into an overall rise in the number of cancers of certain types and I suspect it will be gradual. It will not be able to be directly linked to the vaccines because everybody had them. That is why they needed to remove the control group. It will be difficult to prove, just as it took 40 years to sue J&J for ovarian cancer from their otherwise useless baby powder."
"In conclusion, the SARS-CoV-2 S protein has a functional pat7 NLS “PRRARSV”, that results in one out of four S proteins translocating into the nucleus in infected cells. S Protein appears to shuttle S mRNA (possibly the genome) into the nucleus as well. Thus, the NLS of the S protein may contribute to the evasion of the host immune response and is a novel pathogenic feature of SARS-CoV-2."
Am I correct in understanding that the authors are not claiming the vaxx mRNA made it to the nucleus? Can't they distinguish between genomic spike mRNA and vaxx spike mRNA?
That particular amino acid sequence is conserved between virus and vaxx. It is quite possible to distinguish between vaxx and virus RNA as there are a lot of single nucleotide differences.
Evasion of the host immune response by escaping into the nucleus with its gene cargo is another well-sung 'benefit' of multi-arginine HIV-1 Tat protein, which likely inspired this RR_R sequence.
What government health meeting happened regarding COVID vaccines where the Jiang paper was put up on slides during that meeting and the coloring from Jiang's images in the paper were altered making there more room to argue that the spike was not in the nucleus?
Actually before these even hit the market, certain researchers were writing about mRNA not really being so transient as the textbooks say, some is surprisingly long-lived and we don't know much about how, why.
The main difference is that the virus will only do this really at the point of entry (lungs). It would require a viraemia of large quantities to do much elsewhere and by that time, IgM has been mobilised reducing the impact.
The vaccine is given parenterally and within hours has transfected cells all over the body including in the ovaries, and induced production of spike protein in those cells at the same time that mRNA is present.
"Among coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 S protein is the first type-1 transmembrane glycoprotein that translocates into the nucleus. Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), which is a negative sense RNA virus, has a glycoprotein that translocates to the nucleus as well."
"In conclusion, the SARS-CoV-2 S protein has a functional pat7 NLS “PRRARSV”, that results in one out of four S proteins translocating into the nucleus in infected cells. S Protein appears to shuttle S mRNA (possibly the genome) into the nucleus as well. Thus, the NLS of the S protein may contribute to the evasion of the host immune response and is a novel pathogenic feature of SARS-CoV-2."
So, I would note that this is one of the big limits with this paper - they didn't really try to falsify the localization signal bit. This would have been doable with an Alpha isolate or recomb, or custom mutation recomb, the first of those things seems pretty achievable. Using SARS-1 as a "control" doesn't rule out that any of the other differences between the viruses besides the alleged localization signal are driving the different results.
If they could have shown that taking away the 681P led to a change in observed results, it would have firmed up the findings. If not, that would have suggested either that spike is just going to the nucleus at random or maybe not really going there at all (many artifacts apply here https://joomi.substack.com/i/69274471/what-are-artifacts).
Still, the alleged localization signal is a pretty safe bet and overall the conclusions seem plausible.
The other big limit is it turns out the type of cell model they used isn't good at growing SARS-CoV-2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9284972/ "Overall, SARS-CoV-2 had diminished potential to replicate, affect morphology and evoke immune responses in bronchial epithelial cells compared to H1N1."
They probably didn't tinker with the localization signal because this has decades of lab use. I'm a bit surprised though because I thought the A (RRAR) tended to be more cytosol, vs. the original HIV-1 Tat RRQR - but that info is based on a 2007 analysis and there are probably new tricks since then.
Reading this, I wonder what the agenda is? Why release this paper and why now? Same with the CDC aluminum to asthma study.
If you read this paper, they even hint that the insert allowing this nuclear transport is possibly lab engineered. They do so by mentioning the origin question when they could simply have ignored and omitted any such discussion. Similarly, they hint at the impact on DNA being possible but not tested here. They could have simply omitted that discussion.
I guess at this point I have become paranoid about covid and vaccine 'science.' Maybe there is some expensive, patented therapeutic that will soon be offered to address this.
Also, is the PRRARSV that they identify as NLS still in recent omicron strains?
I think they're unable to control all the dirt on vaccines and the virus coming out, so they are hoping we will fixate on that while they pivot to classic totalitarian tactics of starvation, exposure, and poverty. The Great Reset would have been a lot easier if we had all just cooperated and gotten our shots, but sometimes stuff happens when you're trying to turn the planet into a slave plantation.
In the SPARS pandemic planning scenario, the gov. eventually admitted to the vaccine injuries and paid people off. So if nothing else, they have gamed out such a scenario.
I do agree that the current agenda seems to be radical austerity and deindustrialization with a dash of war.
So that makes it very interesting that the new 'bivalent' boosters have wuhan spike encoding mRNA included, preserving the NLS function when they could have omitted it. We might think they included it to ensure an antibody response in previously vaccinated people who receive the new shots, but they tested it on only 8 mice and so actual antibody response doesn't seem to have mattered at all for regulatory approval. Was there another reason then to include wuhan spike encoding mRNA?
I can't mind-read on this one, it looks like it could have been a pure case of "bruh what if we made it like flu shots?"
But yes, preserving nuclear localization in the injection-coded spike is a possible alternative motive. But maybe also preserving QTNSPRRA as a whole. Or also some unknown secret sauce that "they" are worried Omicron mutated away.
Presumably because P next to bases (R or K) is nearly mandatory in understood nuclear localization motifs. So any sense mutation taking away P removes the presumed motif.
To clarify, the presumed localization signal and the furin cleavage site overlap. As the authors of this study point out, cleavage is not expected to occur inside the cell and so the overlap shouldn't be relevant in terms of the signal's performance. Instead it's a question of whether the signal overrides the known transmembrane signal that is supposed to tell the cell to put the spike on the membrane. So it's like a package that has two different shipping addresses stuck to it.
Thanks for the clarification. It's there, it's functional. The study results suggested that nuclear translocation reduced spike surface expression, which could indicate an NLS override. The caveat would be in vitro, while in vivo YMMV.
The Evil Elites silence the Whistleblowers so they can continue to get rich from their poisonous vaccines.
They make sure they cannot be held accountable for however many injuries & deaths they cause.
They have no morals & they own the law.
How many more people must be injured or killed before they stop???
The fuckers even shut down the Died Suddenly Fecesbook group with 300k members. Only the fastest growing group in FB history, so what do they do? Close it!
It’s disgusting that our government allows any social media site to be allowed in America if they will not abide by our Constitutional Rights???
Like Free Speech???
Since our government enabled a de-facto violation of the Nuremberg Code by way of corruption and censorship, doesn't that make our government invalid? They've betrayed every one of the rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights, ignored the separation of powers in The Constitution, violated human rights in so many ways, and explicitly violated the Nuremberg Code they themselves brought into existence via United States v Karl Brandt et al 1946-47. This isn't over until enough people understand this, and withdraw their consent to be governed.
Social science confirmed that there is a "critical " number of people required for any social change to occur. So we dont need all people...just critical number ❤
This is why they open our borders & import their own illegal voters worldwide?
They pay the government "employees" (Congress), for the privilege of being above the law.
Yes. I know. Unbelievable. I am really speechless.
Too bad you're not a member of Congress, or high in the Executive branch. Then not only would you be above (most) laws, but you'd probably have a speech writer.
Hi Bibi!
Hi ABD ...i "feel" you might go on different name on Twitter?
Oh my bad♥️
NarcoPacifist… enchanté mademoiselle 👯♀️
"They have no morals & they own the law."
The top 10 jobs that attract psychopaths, rank ordered, are:
1. CEO
2. Lawyer
3. Media (Television/Radio)
4. Salesperson
5. Surgeon
6. Journalist
7. Police officer
8. Clergy person
9. Chef
10. Civil servant
What's Bourla's job and what's Bancel's job? Note also the occupation from which judges and many politicians come.
Unfortunately, I can't disagree with you. Dr Aseem Malhotra, the top UK cardiologist who pushed the jab then recanted and called for its suspension after it killed his father, a former Vice President of the British Medical Association, along with untold numbers of others, has correctly noted that health policy is influenced by "a psychopathic entity," "its business model is fraud" and the motive for coercing g the jab was profit not the good of the patient or the public.
Dr Malhotra is featured in this new film released yesterday. Watch before Youtube takes it down.
Thank you.
How can they be stopped?
I believe in Prayer first & then do as much as we can to win.
I pray we can stop them because the alternative is horrible to think of???
They will be stopped as we learn to re-inhabit the real world without screens or other self-delusionary tools of any kind. They can only flourish in a world founded on delusion.
Agree. "They" control the very strength, scope and execution of delusion. For now.
Well if EVERYONE had voted that say they do not agree with the Democrats/Left/Commies… then we might have been able to beat their cheating, if not in Biden’s crooked election, then in many local & state elections.
We need more good people to run for local & state positions also.
If you think the solution will come in the form of a political party, I must tell you, you need to expand your research in that realm. We have [the illusion of] two political parties, but only one ideology. At least in DC. Both aides are happy to send money to Ukraine, and keep your family starving. Both parties are WEF shills, and both parties pushed mass vaccination (Trump still does), while taking ivermectin for when they are sick.
The only hope we have is a “conscientious objector” movement in medicine… IMHO
"conscientious objector" movement in medicine? Please tell us more..how it looks like and how it can be supported? Currently?
Like the doctor from yesterday. The British guy… Arkmedic already corrected my spelling once, so I’m not spelling it again… 🤪🤪🫣but the “Willfully Blind” doctor… I can probably weave an argument that “conscientious objector,” is the mirror image of “willfully blind”
Am I wrong? Does it make sense?
I’m asking seriously, this was just intuitive on my end…🤭
For instance, I fired my doctor and buy meds online from overseas. I am my doctor.
Maybe we need to build a network of cash-only doctors who do not take money from Medicare / Medicaid / Insurance so they cannot be controlled.
sign me up for that network. Where do you buy ivermectin for humans from? (if you do not mind letting me know). I still haven't got Covid but ...just in case...
Very true & very sad.
My opinion is we need massive revival & that’s why the elite are attacking the church & Christians.
And the few good politicians we have they are doing everything they can to hurt them & their families!
They are truly evil will preaching tolerance & love!
Respectfully, I think the church (not Christians) is part of the elite. They are in the same camp. The disagreements are theater
I definitely think some or many churches are part of the problem.
Jesus warned us of false teachers who existed then & even more so now.
But not all churches & leaders are bad & that’s why God tells us to read His Word for ourselves so we can spot the fake teachers.
They cannot, because they already succeeded.
They can, however, be prevented from ever hurting anyone again.
🙏 That's what my predecessors thought when they were fighting Nazis. And here we are.
Honestly, the damage is already done. Everyone injected who hasn't been noticeably injured may still have long-term issues caused by these shots, and the shots can't be removed from their bodies. So what we're doing now is "Never Again". Here's what I mean:
After my great uncle fought the Nazis in Europe he and my grandfather went to Memorial Day every year and promised we would never let a genocide happen again. Now it's happened / is happening again, in a different way. So now we need to renew our promise to never let this happen again by proving what happened, holding those responsible parties accountable in every way we can, and making sure this can never happen again.
It starts with FOIA, lawsuits and publishing better science, but this isn't over until the end of Nuremberg II.
Yes, it is interesting too look at the history of Fascism and why it happens. My Uncle fought against Nazi's as a bomber pilot and then was shot down, spent the war in a POW camp, and came home to help write and act in Stalag 17. This generation never understood that their efforts to stop these people did not work. The powers that be supported and still support Nazis You are correct we cannot forget or allow others to forget this time of great dying.
I agree with you 100%!
They are evil!
Interestingly phospholipid mediators, such as phosphatidic acid (PA), play important roles in regulating the nuclear movement of proteins. The Furin cleavage of the s1 and s2 subunits results in phosphorylation of TAU giving rise to highly phosphorylated TAU, an important precursor to fibrils and prion related diseases.
Nuclear translocation yet another feature of an extremely well designed slow kill bioweapon.
This is the first paper showing colocation of mRNA with Spike. That is, G-quadruplex-rich RNA colocated with Glycine-zipper-rich protein.
You know the result of that don't you?
I'm not a scientist or a doctor, can you help me with this: I'm not vaccinated, but have gotten covid at least once - does this paper mean that the spike protein in "natural" covid translocates to the nucleus? I'm assuming the shot's spike does, but can you clarify for me in layman's terms? Thanks!
Both have the same amino acid sequence apart from one small sequence coding for PP. That is, they will mostly behave the same in this regard.
Both can cause cancer? Dose makes the poison, one has an off switch , the other unknown?
But I wonder if wild infection would be a rather limited exposure or maybe even aborted exposure, as the individual's immune system would attempt to prevent infection and may succeed before damage is done, whereas the shot would prevent that by causing the body to continually expose itself to only the most toxic part of the agent? Whole virus exposure allows the body to begin preventative response and may destroy the agent before it can proliferate, or in the proliferative but not translational stage, no?
I KNEW it felt like there was a poison in my body when I had covid - felt so weird. Thanks!
Me too! And I haven't felt quite right since. My BP prior to covid was 110/70 and it's been very high ever since. I can't find anyone to confirm that there is a link or what to do about it except pharma drugs that I don't want to take. Thank you for asking that question.
There is a bacterial enzyme that might reduce BP (https://www.nature.com/articles/hr2008203.pdf) and also seems to break down spike protein (https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/27/17/5405/htm), it's contained in natto (soybeans fermented by the same bacteria). Don't know much about it, just had the study come into my radar yesterday.
This free online mindfulness course may help: https://palousemindfulness.com/.
Alternatively, this method is less complex:
Cardiologist Herbert Benson's "relaxation response" (secular transcendental meditation) has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure: https://youtu.be/nBCsFuoFRp8
Sunlight exposure, which is also good against COVID-19, is associated with reduced blood pressure. So is the use of hand grips, and both cardio (e. g., cycling) and resistance training exercise, but check with your doctor first to make sure exercise is safe for you.
I hope you find some way to reduce your blood pressure back to normal.
ACE2=BP regulation= try niacin w/ flush protocol
science good on NO reducing BP to norms
Regarding the spike protein itself, I would say (not a doctor, obviously) that there is a difference. S-protein in the virus is attached to the virus. S-protein from the injection is free.
Before being attached to the virus, it is produced from discrete subgenomic RNA molecules by ribosomes in quantity. From there it is supposed to be transported to the cell membrane. And thanks to cleavage it is also known to fuse with nearby ACE-2 resulting in fused cells (syncytia) at least before the Omicron era. So even in viral infection you have a long period where the question of nuclear localization might apply.
However, it is already expected that loads of NSPs and the N protein go to the nucleus so I don't see what is really substantive about the S protein doing the same until you bring it back into the context of the mRNA shots.
But then, the nuclear localization issue with the shots wouldn't be an issue; becuase also happens with the natural infection.
And, all viruses have genetic info, right? So probably that info goes to the nucleii as well.
Is the nucleocapsid as damaging to the host as the spike?
I don't fully understand GQ-Rgg interactions but I suspect that the result is that it speeds up cellular senescence.
Thanks, the "Jikkyleaks" reference certainly illustrates a clear picture. Would the two side by side prolines in the s2 region referenced by both Stefanie Seneff and Jesica Rose leading to a mishapen spike protein with prion like properties expressing itself on the ace2 receptor area on the cell surface not be a unique problem to the injection version of the spike protein vs sarsCov2 spike protein?
In the injection version we are dealing with a massive autoimmune reaction to the thing while Sarscov2 at least initially is a normal immune response hence more treatable for this and many other reasons,
Even though some are skeptical of Dr. Li-Meng Yan I found her credible and in discussions with her the two proline inserts were deliberate designed to maximize harm with mishapen spike protein combined with other cell surface prions to form the fibrils, the basic building blocks to prion diseases,
Rare Neurological damage (CJD) et resulting from the injections appear to be far more common than with SArRScov2?
As mentioned an extremely well designed slow kill bioweapon seemingly juiced up to induce as many different diseases as possible.
Could you explain the risk in laymen's terms? What happens when "G-quadruplex-rich RNA colocated with Glycine-zipper-rich protein" are both in the nucleus?
They interfere with DNA repair mechanisms that can lead to the suppression of the very important tumor suppressor P53 protein that without it cancers to go unchecked.
Being colocated in the nucleus means these pathogens are there for a long time.
Any guesses on 5-10 year survival rates based on this now?
Throw me a bone here, what should we expect from this , its not good, but how bad is this. thx🙏
Thank you! Does colocation also increase the risk of prion disease?
Theoretically yes
It is common sense that these action occur. Anyone with a decent education should and should have known this. Any time I hear these words “evidence based”, I run for the hills. Freed needs to pay and NIH. Reinstatement of the original article must occur. Maybe it’s time to write to the journal of virology demanding this action.
The idea that you could use a lipid transfectant and expect it to magically transport the nucleic acid package into the cell yet stop at some imaginary nuclear barrier, when transfectants are designed specifically to transport nucleic acid into the nucleus, is delusional. Yet here we are.
Thank you so much!
In the authors' summary in the preprint, the researchers state that the nuclear localization signal motif PRRARSV may supersede the importance of the furin cleavage site and act as a novel pathogenic feature of SARS2
.Can some one explain this, please? Does this help explain how the furin cleavage site is merely just an initiating step in cellular entry?
I wasn't aware of this paper until just now,
but I just happened to put a Substack post about this topic that I came up with by looking through old lab tools and tricks. (https://medquotes.substack.com/p/not-new-arginine-hiv-tat-lab-tool).
Basically, the RR's we're seeing are Arginine-rich regions, featured e.g. in HIV-1 Tat protein, which is an old favorite in the lab because it shoots whatever you connect it to through the body's protective barriers and heads straight for the nucleus. Or you can modify the R's and try to make it stay in the cytosol. It's used as a transfection agent. And Spike also has it - which I interpret as likely stemming from the desire to transfect something, rather than just being a nice spot to cleave.
Tat also causes an array of neurological issues and contributes to Syncytia (big gobs of cells) formation including in brain, along with GP120 - which coincidentally is also in the Spike. They've found Syncytia gobbling up Lymphocytes. Tat also interacts with extracellular matrix, e.g. MMPs - so if you take MMP chaos + syncytia globs and stuff that in a blood vessel, you might end up pulling out rubbery white goo on the autopsy table. Purely hypothetically speaking.
Physiological Syncytia are also responsible for orchestrating electrical signaling that keeps us breathing and heart beating -- what happens if we start messing with syncytia, e.g. in brain stem, where they find Spike. Tat has decades of research, including interfering with electrical signaling...
So we're back at HIV-derived motifs, here with a focus on Arginine.
Walter Chesnut WMC Research has a couple of articles explaning the pathways through wich spike increases the risk of prion disease. From what I (ordinary person) understand it has been "proven" as much as it is possible...the nature of how prion disease is "facilitated" "triggered" is such that it is unlikely for any " one thing" to be identified as the culprit for Prions, for now. The very nature of some processes and pathways they use is so complex that when you slightly "nudge" them in certain direction...it makes them perfect (more or less) to cause prion disese, rare cancers...most stuff that takes years to develop. That could also be "blamed" on "natural aging" hence would be imposible to "prove". Thats why any thing that accelerates those processes is considered a "perfect" disquised bioweapon. Although scientists might not be able to "prove" it yet, that doesnt mean it does not cause prion disease or accelarate all other degenerative diseases. (Scientist did not understand much about spliting atoms but they were able to "use" it to make a nuclear bomb). The point just because you cant prove something does not necessarily mean it does not exist. I guess thats why they did use what they used in manufacturing the vaxc & C19. Perfect bioweapon on so many levels?
[👨👨👧👧👨👨👧👧👨👨👧👧]🪓🔨🔫💉→→💰 [ Large pharmaceutical companies {∋(FDA, CDC, NIH, EMA~)🤝(🩺 🩺 🏥🏥) }🤝{ (theBill.G.F,WEF)🤝(📰,📺,💻,📶,📄 )→😱😱} ]
I actually read the paper and learnt heaps. Thanks for sharing. So not only does the virus occupy the cytoplasm, but the spike gene and its motif the spike protein attach to and enter the nucleus, though in small amounts. The logical extension to this is that vaccine mRNA, which imitates the viral mRNA, can also enter the nucleus.
"... that spike protein translocates to the nucleus ... was denied by every single COVID vaccine (gene therapy) advocate to date." So the pseudovaccine advocates have been perpetrating falsehoods? No surprise there but is it misinformation that these advocates, including Pharma's paid propagandists (aka 'fact checkers'), spread or is it disinformation, or even malinformation?
It's fraud...and fraud vitiates any claim of liability protection.
Indeed. If fraud results in mass death, does it become a different crime?
You are correct. And it's both. It's both malfeasance and fraud.
Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see the outcome of your FOIA requests!
Dr Ah Kahn Syed you said on Jul 30 (quote below), so this is still valid we are just adding prion related diseases....correct?
"This is how it will work. There will be "normal" cancers diagnosed at a lower rate but with a higher mortality in 2021-2022, because of fear of going to the doctor. At the same time, lymphomas, leukaemias and unusual cancers (that rely on acute suppression of cancer pathways) will spike but in low numbers. Over the next 2-10 years this will drift into an overall rise in the number of cancers of certain types and I suspect it will be gradual. It will not be able to be directly linked to the vaccines because everybody had them. That is why they needed to remove the control group. It will be difficult to prove, just as it took 40 years to sue J&J for ovarian cancer from their otherwise useless baby powder."
Still stand by this...
I never ever believed I would see the day when mainstream scientists become as corrupt and degenerate as politicians and used car salesmen.
Sad times.
Yet here we are.
The bell tolls for evidence-based medicine. It is truly dead and gone.
Particularly in light of THIS: https://retractionwatch.com/2022/09/28/exclusive-hindawi-and-wiley-to-retract-over-500-papers-linked-to-peer-review-rings/
I know; on all accounts. Shaking my head in bewilderment as I write this.
its disgusting that we are so damn complacent
"In conclusion, the SARS-CoV-2 S protein has a functional pat7 NLS “PRRARSV”, that results in one out of four S proteins translocating into the nucleus in infected cells. S Protein appears to shuttle S mRNA (possibly the genome) into the nucleus as well. Thus, the NLS of the S protein may contribute to the evasion of the host immune response and is a novel pathogenic feature of SARS-CoV-2."
Am I correct in understanding that the authors are not claiming the vaxx mRNA made it to the nucleus? Can't they distinguish between genomic spike mRNA and vaxx spike mRNA?
That particular amino acid sequence is conserved between virus and vaxx. It is quite possible to distinguish between vaxx and virus RNA as there are a lot of single nucleotide differences.
Evasion of the host immune response by escaping into the nucleus with its gene cargo is another well-sung 'benefit' of multi-arginine HIV-1 Tat protein, which likely inspired this RR_R sequence.
Here is the peer-reviewed version published in Frontiers in Microbiology. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1073789/full#.Y9KP0xCLlko.twitter
Mum fingers not tingly any more?.All good now? I prayed for both of you....hope it helped.🙏❤
What government health meeting happened regarding COVID vaccines where the Jiang paper was put up on slides during that meeting and the coloring from Jiang's images in the paper were altered making there more room to argue that the spike was not in the nucleus?
Is this rhetorical?
So that explains why they are seeing mRNA 60 days after the shots…
Actually before these even hit the market, certain researchers were writing about mRNA not really being so transient as the textbooks say, some is surprisingly long-lived and we don't know much about how, why.
I’m merely an engineer. I don’t follow this 100%. If you’d allow, I have a few questions.
1- does this mean the virus also translocates the nucleus? And if so, is this a deviation from other viruses?
2- in your opinion, what’s the difference between the virus doing this, versus the vaccine?
The main difference is that the virus will only do this really at the point of entry (lungs). It would require a viraemia of large quantities to do much elsewhere and by that time, IgM has been mobilised reducing the impact.
The vaccine is given parenterally and within hours has transfected cells all over the body including in the ovaries, and induced production of spike protein in those cells at the same time that mRNA is present.
That's bad.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I think I intuitively understood that from the paper, just needed it spelled out.
The authors cover this in the Discussion section.
"Among coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 S protein is the first type-1 transmembrane glycoprotein that translocates into the nucleus. Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), which is a negative sense RNA virus, has a glycoprotein that translocates to the nucleus as well."
"In conclusion, the SARS-CoV-2 S protein has a functional pat7 NLS “PRRARSV”, that results in one out of four S proteins translocating into the nucleus in infected cells. S Protein appears to shuttle S mRNA (possibly the genome) into the nucleus as well. Thus, the NLS of the S protein may contribute to the evasion of the host immune response and is a novel pathogenic feature of SARS-CoV-2."
So, I would note that this is one of the big limits with this paper - they didn't really try to falsify the localization signal bit. This would have been doable with an Alpha isolate or recomb, or custom mutation recomb, the first of those things seems pretty achievable. Using SARS-1 as a "control" doesn't rule out that any of the other differences between the viruses besides the alleged localization signal are driving the different results.
If they could have shown that taking away the 681P led to a change in observed results, it would have firmed up the findings. If not, that would have suggested either that spike is just going to the nucleus at random or maybe not really going there at all (many artifacts apply here https://joomi.substack.com/i/69274471/what-are-artifacts).
Still, the alleged localization signal is a pretty safe bet and overall the conclusions seem plausible.
The other big limit is it turns out the type of cell model they used isn't good at growing SARS-CoV-2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9284972/ "Overall, SARS-CoV-2 had diminished potential to replicate, affect morphology and evoke immune responses in bronchial epithelial cells compared to H1N1."
They probably didn't tinker with the localization signal because this has decades of lab use. I'm a bit surprised though because I thought the A (RRAR) tended to be more cytosol, vs. the original HIV-1 Tat RRQR - but that info is based on a 2007 analysis and there are probably new tricks since then.
Reading this, I wonder what the agenda is? Why release this paper and why now? Same with the CDC aluminum to asthma study.
If you read this paper, they even hint that the insert allowing this nuclear transport is possibly lab engineered. They do so by mentioning the origin question when they could simply have ignored and omitted any such discussion. Similarly, they hint at the impact on DNA being possible but not tested here. They could have simply omitted that discussion.
I guess at this point I have become paranoid about covid and vaccine 'science.' Maybe there is some expensive, patented therapeutic that will soon be offered to address this.
Also, is the PRRARSV that they identify as NLS still in recent omicron strains?
I think they're unable to control all the dirt on vaccines and the virus coming out, so they are hoping we will fixate on that while they pivot to classic totalitarian tactics of starvation, exposure, and poverty. The Great Reset would have been a lot easier if we had all just cooperated and gotten our shots, but sometimes stuff happens when you're trying to turn the planet into a slave plantation.
In the SPARS pandemic planning scenario, the gov. eventually admitted to the vaccine injuries and paid people off. So if nothing else, they have gamed out such a scenario.
I do agree that the current agenda seems to be radical austerity and deindustrialization with a dash of war.
What are the scenarios yet to happen after in this simulation? Thanks
You can read the whole thing here:
The page for payouts is numbered 87 or pdf page 17. The payouts phase was the end of the script.
"is the PRRARSV that they identify as NLS still in recent omicron strains?"
N679K and P681H modify the insert and are in all the Omicron siblings (https://covariants.org/variants/22D.Omicron).
P681H should presumably disqualify nuclear localization (https://biosignaling.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12964-021-00741-y) without disabling fusion directly (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.06.438731v2)
So that makes it very interesting that the new 'bivalent' boosters have wuhan spike encoding mRNA included, preserving the NLS function when they could have omitted it. We might think they included it to ensure an antibody response in previously vaccinated people who receive the new shots, but they tested it on only 8 mice and so actual antibody response doesn't seem to have mattered at all for regulatory approval. Was there another reason then to include wuhan spike encoding mRNA?
I can't mind-read on this one, it looks like it could have been a pure case of "bruh what if we made it like flu shots?"
But yes, preserving nuclear localization in the injection-coded spike is a possible alternative motive. But maybe also preserving QTNSPRRA as a whole. Or also some unknown secret sauce that "they" are worried Omicron mutated away.
Thanks for answering, too. I have no idea how to look up things like that.
Andrew Rambaut made the best visualization of the Omicron mutations and I annotated it with locations - https://unglossed.substack.com/i/63914122/changing-evolutionary-pressure-over-time
Even so, I had to cross reference to make sure P681H was the right P. I need to append the notation there...
"P681H should presumably disqualify nuclear localization"
"Presumably" just because its NEAR the FCS?
Or does reference exist to it eliminating or stepping on the "NSPR” created pat7 NLS buzz?
Little is known about the P681H mutation.
Presumably because P next to bases (R or K) is nearly mandatory in understood nuclear localization motifs. So any sense mutation taking away P removes the presumed motif.
To clarify, the presumed localization signal and the furin cleavage site overlap. As the authors of this study point out, cleavage is not expected to occur inside the cell and so the overlap shouldn't be relevant in terms of the signal's performance. Instead it's a question of whether the signal overrides the known transmembrane signal that is supposed to tell the cell to put the spike on the membrane. So it's like a package that has two different shipping addresses stuck to it.
Thanks for the clarification. It's there, it's functional. The study results suggested that nuclear translocation reduced spike surface expression, which could indicate an NLS override. The caveat would be in vitro, while in vivo YMMV.
But it won't do anything for people who've been injected with the synthetic mRNA for the Wuhan spike, right?