I just wanted to swing by.

I've intentionally been avoiding covering the "avian flu" because the way I see it, is the more natural reporting covers it, the more it becomes legitimised as a tool of panic in people's minds.

There's three methods to psychology, and these are:

1. 'Look out, there's a monster behind you!' - scare tactics

2. 'Don't look behind you, there's definitely not a monster there' - unintentional reverse psychology (what most critical publications will end up doing)

3. '[Silence]' - out of sight, out of mind; this is actually more effective than most people give credit for.

If you read my article "Vaccine Manufacturers Are Behind The Outbreaks" (https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/vaccine-manufacturers-are-behind) you will see buried in that article is the pre-empt to "avian flu" under the 'All-American Outbreaks' section (https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/i/85068890/all-american-outbreaks), to which I quote:

"June 2014, an air-purifier malfunctioned at USDA's Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SPRL) in Athens, Georgia and exposed workers to a 'deadly H5N1 [bird flu] strain'. On the 19th, the CDC reported workers elsewhere may have been exposed to anthrax. On the 20th the CDC confirmed they had.

Then, 9th July, same year, researchers found unsecured, abandoned Smallpox vials. The CDC same day accidentally(?) shipped live H5N1 strains to USDA’s SPRL. 14th July, Scientific American made the prescient prediction a lab leak would likely cause the next pandemic. Then in September, the air-purifier in the USDA’s SPRL malfunctioned again, exposing a worker to H5N1 again. "

Do you see a problem with this intentional release pattern?

It happened in 2014. Which means "avian flu" isn't actually the dangerous, wildfire spreading variant they claim it to be. It's been 10 years since they intentionally released it.

Which means it is already naive within the populations.

I.E. they're testing for a harmless virus that has been in circulation for 10 years, which they're retroactively are claiming is harmful. Does this not sound familiar to a certain other virus?

I think they overplayed their hand. Vaccine manufacturers are behind the outbreaks. ; )

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Ode to the Hoax of “Bird Flu“

In the land of tweets and Substacks grand,

A plague was said to sweep the land.

"The Feather Flu," the headlines screamed,

Into Pharma‘s coffers, the money teemed.

"Birdemic strikes!" some bloggers squawked,

Scared parrots fainted, and chickens balked.

“Fowl play!” team No virus cried with glee,

A cluckin' menace, Meryl don‘t wanna see!”

The doves declared, "It's all a hoax!"

But among gullible, the virus lie did coax.

"The end is near," some bloggers did flap,

Not ashamed to peddle, repeat germ theory crap.

The news was bought, the bird flu lie sold,

To bring Big Pharma, heaps of gold.

"A real hawk-tastrophe!" headlines say,

While fat execs cashed in, and made hay.

"Chickens purged!" the banners blared,

Easy to avicide, when people are scared.

One bird “positive,“ with a fake PCR test,

Gave fools reason, to murder the rest.

More are wise, to all viroliegy‘s tricks,

We know how to out, online bait clicks.

"A flap over nothing," from the Germ Theory creep,

"This bird-brained scare, by “science“done cheap!"

So when you hear of birdy bugaboo,

Remember, friends, it’s just cuckoo.

Don't fall for the lie, don't be a tit,

Vioroliegists methods, are FULL OF SHIT!!

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This surely needs to be shared--flown far and wide--with each bird flu article. Wow! Thank you! What a talent you have.

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Tweet, Tweet!

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LOL 😃😃

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Deserve at the very least the equivalent of a Pulitzer + Literature's Novel Prize combined.

What a magnificent way of expressing all the madness of it all.

Definitely, what is left of civilization is lacking this kind of written beauty.

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Did you mean pulletzer?

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DEEEPLY APPRECIATE THE KIND TWEET-MENT 👍👍 Its great to know that the Ode wasn't just for the birds.

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Do humanity a favor.

Keep writing whatever the subject may be.

It is so refreshing and so needed in our grim universe for so many years.

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Super appreciate the positive feedback! HUGE THANKS!

I hope to become a BEAKON of hope for our troubled flock. There are vultures circling our freedoms. Let's flip them the bird before plucking and stuffing them with something "safe and effective" where the sun don't shine!!

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I hope Ode to the Hoax of Bird Flu isn't my swan song in poetry terms. I fear not thanks to your kind Tweet-ment of my bird pun flight of fancy. Thanks to you and Dr. Faire I'm encouraged to spread my wings and fly.

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Please do fly. do it in the direction of DC and take god aim at the heads of Gov. as you relieve yourself. Enjoyed your poem, for it shows just how creative you are and lift us up from the swamps of Government crisis. Thanks!!!----- I, Grampa

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Your hilarious comment has provided me with inspiration for a new poem that narrates a tale of birdy vengeance against corrupt politicians who have unjustly culled chicken herds.

Armed with natures aerial bombs - GUANO a.k.a. BIRD SHIIT - and the latest in Grouse Positioning Systems (GPS), these avian avengers take to the skies, delivering justice with precision and shit!

Anyone, in particular you would like targeted with toma-hawk bird turd hypersonic missiles?

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don't waste the Grouse flock's accumulated GUANO by selectively targeting the individual, overly parasitic and badly infected bin chickens, vultures and pterodactyls;

you see, these species, whilst thought to be very 'homely' and acutely aware of the dangers of Cross-Contamination are very much of the same feather; they have been quietly inbreeding and cross-breeding for decades; the birds brains have flown the coop as a result; they feed from the same feeders and roost at the same roosting box when the bird whistle is sounded; they all squawk the same tunes as they bunker down for life in the down-lined nest.. and it is a huge nest of the kind that David Attenborough has never seen; well, at least he never told us mere Pheasants that he had;

rather than setting the GPS to a flutter in all directions, set the Grouse Positioning Systems to Canberra; there is a great nest there and evidence has it, parasites sit in wait for any Hen or Rooster that enters;

there is further evidence of badly infected Hens and Roosters gathering in similar-to-Canberra, over-feathered great nests in every city of this land formerly known as The Commonwealth Of Australia;

the GPS Squadrons should have no problems getting to the targets as the nests are only guarded by brain-dead transbirds; although heavily armed, these transbirds are only trained to focus on unarmed people;

they wont be looking to the skies for flocks of GUANO armed Grouse.

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HUGE THANKS 👍👍 The positive feedback is greatly appreciated 💕♥️💥

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Do Not Forget, The Sky is Falling!

Great post. You are a Poet, though did not know it! Or is it Bawdy Ole Ditties? Love it! These fools that are manifesting fear amongst the populist detest being made a joke of.

Keep up your Great Sense of Humour!

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HUGE THANKS for the kind feedback. Greatly appreciated!! Totally agree with you on mocking these clowns. Have found it therapeutic!! Was taking things way too seriously.

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Love your poem!

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There were no consequences from them probably doing the same thing for decades, no consequences for doing it to whole human population during C-19, so here we are. Unless people wake up, yes people need to wake up, it must be common knowledge, otherwise they will assassinate all brave, but lone souls fighting with it. By assassinate I mean broad spectrum for removing from job, media, society, to brutal garrote style like attacks (sometimes on target itself, sometimes on his/her family), shooting by madman, or "accidents" including shooting down planes with inconvenient person. It all happened before and worked fine to really intimidate scientists, politicians, judges...

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But what will it take to wake them up ?

Mr. Rancourt has proven that there have 17 millions deaths induce by the jabs.

Countless disabled, injured, divorces, bankruptcies, suicides by despair, ...

The plot will keep going it's way as devised as long as it will not be physically stopped on the streets.

But only credible people with thousands and thousands of followers could, in a worldwide coordinated effort, launch a movement for a PEACEFUL CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN THE FORM OF A PEACEFUL STRIKE.

This could bring the actual psychopaths' driven system to a grinding halt and then only could we hope to reestablish something that could be named civilized societies where there would not be endless pandemics looming at every street's corner and where those endowed with authority by public consent, would not be psychopaths seeking the end of humanity.

But this only my point if view.

So, humanity is at the crossroads and decisions have to be taken.

The first.

Will we fight this on the streets on stay sat on the couch waiting for an unpredictable savior ?

Do not wait too long.

TPTB has already put his troopers in place ( WHO, WEF, UN, PARLIAMENTS, POLICE, ARMY, CENTRAL BANKS ) his logistical supply lines are operational ( vaccines at the ready for everyone) his heralds ( medias, scientific and medical personnel, legislative personnel), all are awaiting with open watering mouth the signal that will confirm the launching of the final attack on what we name humanity.

You may wait for more paperwork to be done but remember that those who are not awaken at this point will never be.

You must decide what your heritage will be.

Your life , your choice.

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Maybe, after all they shot down the wrong planes?

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So, not the Geelong Wet Market then I take it.

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well done Doc

looking forward to the next Senate Estimates Committee and the CSIRO answering a few questions on the above

.. hope a certain Mr Crameri is there

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The answer Shall Be . . . Hhmmm, I'll have to take that question on notice and pretend to get to you.

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We have known that this was coming. The writing has been on the wall for many months now. I am of the belief that there has never been a human death in the US or the UK from bird flu, despite the fact that it has been around for decades. This is about fear and about disrupting the food supply. Another weapon in the arsenal of social collapse. We know and they know we know, etc., but it doesn't change anything. We can jump up and down and bleat but it will be to no avail.

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For many years even. Ice Age Farmer was warning about deliberate disruption of food supply for many years. Then he disappeared. https://endante.com/what-happened-to-ice-age-farmer/ Anyone know of his whereabouts?

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“The Purge - Election Year”

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Let’s start by looking at the confidential agreement proving Moderna had a Coronavirus vaccine candidate at least nineteen days before the alleged emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China.

The confidential agreement states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.

The World Health Organisation declared COVID‑19 a pandemic on 11 March 2020

On February 23 the Daily Mail ran an article showing that Moderna has patented the 19 base letter (nucleotide) sequence which codes for the Furin Cleavage site in Covid-19.

However, research shows that Moderna did not merely apply for a patent in 2016 with US9587003B2: as reported in the Daily Mail. They actually applied in 2013 for 4 patents with US9149506B2, US9216205B2, US9255129B2, US9301993B2, as well for their "Covid-19 virus".

The final codon completed inserted gene sequence, ‘CTCCTCGGCGGGCA’, patented by Moderna, does not exist in natural viruses and neither does the CGG-coded Furin Cleavage site CCTCGGCGGGCACGT.

Moderna wins Covid-19 shot patent case against Pfizer-BioNTech in Europe May 18, 2024, 07:01 PM Pfizer-BioNTech who used Moderna Virus 2013: #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG to make their vaccine from. That "virus" you got "a vaccine" for: Thank Bill Gates.

Don't get me started on vaccines - have a look at my substack and my theory of why babies are being born dead

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Thanks for posting this. Interesting about Dec 20219 transfer to UNC Chapel Hill. I think I remember reading that Ralph Baric was tied to that site.

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Baric is the one who signed the transfer on behalf of UNC. He's one of the biggest perps.

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That's great information Christine, thanks. It went in the Moderna file.

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We are still ruled by WEF tyrants. Daniel Andrews just got awarded the highest honor in Australia. Bird Flu, Monkey Pox, Covid, bring them on!

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Wow - Dr. Ah Khan Syed - that was an AMAZING deep dive, thoroughly researched, and BRILLIANT EXPOSE of what the criminals in our Australia government are doing to our farming businesses and to destroy our food supply lines, and drive up the costs of food, and therefore the cost of living, all of which drives more people out of jobs and businesses, and transfers more to Big Business, read multinationals!!!! It's beyond criminal - it is an organized CIVIL WAR by the treacherous, psychopathic corrupt scum in the Australian government - all paid for with our taxpayers wealth. By the way - your writing style is also fantastic, I couldn't stop reading your article until I had read it and dissected it from top to bottom. Regarding "bird flus" - if you write more on this I recall a US farmer who was angry about the bird culling in the USA, (it's a global attack), who pointed out that the majority of the birds don't get sick and those that do and recover have immunity and are stronger and healthier so it makes NO SENSE to cull them. It'd be rather like KILLING OFF all the humans and the people they'd been in contact with because they tested positive for a PCR test for Covid-19 PNEUMONIA!!!! I have no doubt that if the psychopaths in public health thought they could get away with that they would do it.


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Let me know who he is and we'll reach out to him

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I think it is Joe Salatin of Polyface Farm in Virginia. I saw a mention of it somewhere else online.

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I had a look through my files and folders on food and farming and while I noted the concept I don't seem to have kept a note on who said it. If I come across it again, I'll think of you and get back to you.

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Just email a link to Arkmedic's article to the Poultry Industry Association (or whatever they call it there). I've sent one to the Poultry Industry Assn New Zealand's Executive Director.

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I wonder if they will reply

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No response so far.

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It's set up that way. If birds are culled then the farmer is compensated for losses. If birds recover but there are some losses then the farmer gets nothing even though those remaining birds are now immune

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I'm just so sick of it all.

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Don't be! We Are Strong and We Are Many! We Need to push harder and keep up with calling these psychopaths out. They also detest being made a mockery of. Psychopaths have thin skins, paper tissue thin. Make these arsewipes bleat and show their true sleeve badges.

Totally enjoy All Your Great Work Ms Rebekah; I commend you. Remember the song "Keep It Up!"

Best Regards

Western NSW

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I'm letting it go over my head, ignoring it as I intend to ignore every other game after that last one. You don't have to tilt at every windmill - set up a total but disconcerned resistance.

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Your reference to cuckoo's nest reminds me that when I protested about mandated jabs, my friend with some experience of our mental "health" system, reminded me that those who have been slapped with the "diagnosis" of a "mental illness" have been subjected to needle rape for longer than I've been alive. Sooner or later, they will be marketing a mandatory "treatment" for "vaccine hesitancy" and "susceptibility to misinformation and conspiracy theories".

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No kidding. When psycho-shrink academics go on about 'immunising' people against misinformation, we all think they're speaking figuratively, but what they REALLY mean is that they are planning to immunise us LITERALLY as well.

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Here's our resident psycho proudly displaying the prebunk PsyOp and its applications: https://researchmgt.monash.edu/ws/portalfiles/portal/344861133/338159045_oa.pdf

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There's a certain worldview that sees humans as animals, nothing special, therefore human medicine becomes indistinguishable from veterinary medicine and its treatments and its ethics.

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Ah yes, I thought CSIRO rang a bell. Turns out that not only are they intimately involved in pandemic preparedness and the buggering around with 'deadly' viruses, but they're also deeply (and fraudulently) involved with the 'sustainable energy transition' in Australia:

"This graph from @CSIRO's latest GenCost is probably the most important graph for 🇦🇺's energy transition.

It underpins the belief that wind and solar are cheap, even accounting for storage, firming, transmission etc.

And it's completely bogus. 🧵1/

Because on page 52, they describe their 'Business As Usual' scenario. I.e. all the costs that EXCLUDED from the integration costs of those renewables.

Guess what, it's packed full of storage, transmission, and firming to support renewables. Let's unpack. 2/"


The author goes on to expose in detail how CSIRO have fraudulently constructed the narrative of 'cheap renewables' in order to facilitate the 'just energy transition' which as we know is absolutely necessary because of man-made climate change which incidentally feeds conveniently into the One Health narrative on account of the fact that climate change makes spillover events much more likely - as we all know. We also know that there are only a few real ways to stop man-made climate change: one is to stop man-made farming by culling sheep, cattle and chickens, thereby reducing the quantity and quality of food supply and thus curtailing the growth in the human population. Another way is to reduce the energy supply by forcing reliance upon weather-dependent and very expensive and inefficient 'renewables'.

Oh, and lastly, I'm sure it's completely coincidental that in the UK Defra is introducing legislation this October which will make it an offence not to register any 'backyard flocks' (of hens, geese, ducks etc.), EVEN IF YOU ONLY HAVE AS LITTLE AS ONE LAYING HEN.

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Interesting about CSIRO linked to climate change propaganda. Odd to have an outfit do both energy and bioweapons.

Interesting you mention the UK Defra requiring registration of backyard flocks. Was just reading a day or two ago on a Substack that CDC had stuff on website about backyard flocks to give people the impression they were at risk from backyard, whereas commercial flocks and distribution channels are much more dangerous.

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On being scared:

Today I saw a lady in her early 60s walking outside by herself with that blue mask on and wearing a pair of clear plastic gloves!

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I can see why some people would do that in Victoria right now. I thought the 'virus soup in Melbourne' thing was just a beat up, but now I know of people who've had successive flus/colds in the last few months.

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It's winter. People get colds.

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Do people WANT colds?

How many do you want in a row?

Just saying, there's a lot going around, and I know a number of people who've had successive colds. For me it used to be ~one good one a year.

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Since the Pfizer shots, my family members have many more illness except for my daughter who did not take them. Study out recently says children who got vaccinated have three times as many respiratory infections. They have ruined people’s immune systems

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Yep, the one person I know who got 4 shots has had one cold after another all last winter and into spring and summer.

And the unvaxxed I know have all been healthy.

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People’s immune systems have been damaged by the shots and perhaps by covid too. I have observed since my daughter and grandchildren have gotten the Pfizer shots, they got covid 6 weeks after the second one and haven’t been the same since. Almost constantly ill. Then read a few days ago that children who got the shots have on average three times as many respiratory infections. My other daughter was in nz for the pandemic. She was unvaccinated and recovered nicely. Almost everyone she knows there got the shots and has been more unhealthy since

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"... , but now I know of people who've had successive flus/colds in the last few months."

Did those people experience such episodes prior the jabs in 2021?

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There's three things going on that I wonder about.

The first is allied to your question: Have the covid vaxes weakened people, making them more susceptible to amplifying bugs and passing them on?

The second asks whether the advertising for the covid, flu and rsv (!) shots has prompted people to run out and get them, with further disturbances in the bug-pool resulting from that.

And the third (mindful of Dr AKS's info above) wonders, more in an out-there-but-nothing-would-surprise-me way, whether new bugs/forms are being released upon people in Victoria for trial, with varying outcomes.

To counter the first, I have an unvaccinated example who loves the sun and who has, after years of mixing in the public without getting a cold (not even covid), unusually caught two colds in a short space of time with a gastro (caught overseas) in between.

I have a vaccinated example who has been through a cold-gastro-flu series, speaks of his cohort being knocked around in Melbourne, and although very much not-the-type, was actually wearing a mask in his workplace - maybe he felt he was a bit sick and really shouldn't be there. So, I'm seeing it's not one weird woman masked and gloved. I think people have got a bit wary of getting sick or passing it on because there's been a lot around.

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"To counter the first, I have an unvaccinated example who loves the sun ....[and sex!] .....

That person obviously has been passively jabbed - even punk pfizer admitted that its poisons do shed. I have read on Telegram early on of many unvacced people who had suffered bad reactions that only the vacced people got; including menstrual problems.

Masked people only care about getting it. I can understand if 80%+ of people wearing a mask, then based on peer evidence, people follow also. Yet hardly people wear mask! How come those people do not ask the obvious: "how come they are not wearing it?"

Last year I asked one couple why: her response was: "For double the protection." Of course, they had three at that time.

Recently I saw the same guy in Coles without one! And he put his head down to avoid me - we went to the same high school.

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Probably - they have form!

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If my unvaxd example (inapt social characterisation) had been passively jabbed, leading to greater cold susceptibility, the effects failed to emerge until ~April this year, while all her work colleagues were rife with colds through 2023. Unlikely.

Re "masked people only care about getting it". No. Not at all. Certainly not the case in my vaxd example (since he was sick at the time) - it was for protection of others. It also wouldn't be the case if I was using myself as an example. And to the question "how come they are not wearing it?" the answer is as likely to be "they haven't just been through a round of chemotherapy", or "they're not looking after their frail mother and can't risk passing something on". You don't know what people's reasons for avoidance are.

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I wrote based on what you told me. I assumed it was a man, btw. Remember that people react differently and we don't know their particular circumstances.

We are talking at cross-purposes here.


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This is sadly not an uncommon manifestation of DSM IV.

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Aha I live in Geelong and was suss on the CSIRO before seeing it’s now tied to the ACDP - really just the Australian CDC.

Wow here I was feeling grateful not to be living near the big Moderna factory in Melbourne. 🫠

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Depopulation through starvation of essential nutrients , on the cellular level , needed to help your immune system fight off side effects of the jab and shedding .

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Thanks for all that added info.

Yes, we now have egg rationing in Victoria.

Maybe the chicken culling is all a lie, and they're stealing the eggs to make a lot of H5N1 flu vaccines.

Lucky I have 4 dozen.

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