Release the V-safe pregnancy data - now
Over one year on, we still have not seen this data. Is this the FDA's biggest scandal since DES?
It has now been over a year since I released one of the most important posts I have made - “The curious case of the miscalculated miscarriages”
For those that haven’t read it already (what they hell are you doing?) the post served two purposes:
(1) to correct misinformation (“well poisioning”) about a claim of an 80%+ miscarriage rate related to the COVID vaccines
(2) to highlight the fact that the V-safe pregnancy registry, which was meant to monitor the women that had volunteered to get COVID jabs in pregnancy, had never actually reported on final miscarriage rates and the data that they had released showed in increase in the rate you would expect (contrary to their claim)
Well, I am writing this short post to tell you something unbelievable.
It has been over a year since I wrote that article and the V-safe pregnancy registry, who rushed out a study in June 2021 to show how “safe” the vaccines were in pregnancy, have NEVER RELEASED THE FULL TERM PREGNANCY DATA from that study.
So, let me put this another way…..
The CDC rushed out two papers in 2021 to show how safe the COVID vaccines were by reporting on the 5,104 women who had registered for follow-up after their jab. The second of those reports did not report on pregnancies beyond 20 weeks.
This means that…
Despite the CDC publishing within weeks of what appeared to be favourable pregnancy data from the v-safe pregnancy registry they have NEVER published any data for the full-term pregnancy outcomes of the 5,104 women registered in their follow-up study even though they have all that data and have had it for at minimum of 3 months.
The lead author on the original study is Tom Shimabukuro who has almost no image trace on the internet.
[Edit 1…] We now have an image - thanks Pamela!
[Edit 2…] We also now have a clip of Tom Shimabukuro discussing the early safety signals from both the V-safe registry and VAERS, and completely glossing over them. This was in Feb 2021 at the FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee. Despite declaring that there were already 29 miscarriage reports in VAERS, not one person asked him a question about it.
It seems that although Tom likes to stay out of the limelight his cronies prefer to push our favourite Victoria Male into it to defend the indefensible…

Except when she is asked about the V-safe pregnancy data there is silence. This is because she hasn’t seen it and neither has anybody else apart from the CDC, including the RCOG who tell us constantly that the vaccines are safe in pregnancy - yet when they were asked to show their data under FOI rules (for official government bodies) they said they weren’t an official government body and therefore didn’t need to! [tweet archived]

So, any official body that tells you they have seen the full term data, from the only prospective pregnancy cohort during the whole vaccine roll out, is lying. If they object to this statement they are welcome to post their data in the comments and I will happily look at it. They won’t.
And remember that the RCOG and ABOG stood silent whilst the thalidomide and DES (diethylstilbestrol) scandals unfolded. In fact the DES debacle was probably the only time drug regulators did their job in relation to a drug that affected the children of women who had taken the drug in pregnancy.
If you don’t know about DES, you should. Thalidomide and DES are exactly why we (used to) restrict new drugs in pregnancy, at least that was until the regulators stopped doing their jobs. Although most people know about thalidomide, DES was a somewhat more secret scandal that resulted in breast, vaginal and cervical cancers in the daughters of women who took the drug in pregnancy - decades later.
Interestingly, Viki has another friend on her twitter feed (apart from Teresa Kelly who we have discussed previously) and who is a bona fide mutton crew member - Kevin Ault.

Kevin has a nice neutral twitter profile but sort of fails to mention something really important…..
Kevin Ault is1 a member of ACIP (the CDC Advisory Committee on Vaccine Practices) and therefore has an undeclared conflict of interest in publicly pushing COVID vaccinations in pregnancy.
We therefore have Viki Male as the primary “scientist” driver of COVID vaccination in pregnancy, supported on twitter by Kevin Ault - who failed to disclose his conflicts - telling us that the V-safe data shows the vaccines to be safe yet they haven’t seen it. Add in Tom Shimubukuro’s team who have the data yet won’t release it and you have a cozy way of keeping this media merry go round going without anyone any the wiser.
So I am going to simply end with this challenge to the CDC, who were funded by the very US taxpayers that they sneer at with their elitism, yet refuse to comply with simple requests for the data that those very taxpayers paid for:
We will do the data analysis, because you failed.
In the meantime, any pregnant woman who has had an adverse pregnancy outcome following COVID vaccination should make note of this article and give it to your lawyer. They are welcome to contact me through this blog.
Anybody else with (or without) standing should really consider filing a joint or individual complaint to the CDC about the conduct of the V-safe pregnancy registry personnel. If it is discovered that there was a safety signal in the V-safe cohort but they remained silent, every woman who lost a baby could have standing to file a complaint against every member of the committee.
Of course, some states in the US have fetal homicide laws. If I were a member of the V-safe panel I would call a lawyer today and claim whistleblower status.
If you were to be the one that blows the whistle on V-safe and released the data I suspect you would be treated favourably by the public. But that’s just my advice, you don’t need to take it.
In the meantime keep touting the “safety of the vaccines in pregnancy” dogma. Without transparent data that claim is a lie. Those that propagate a lie are liars. When it involves the lives of pregnant women and their babies they are likely much worse.
Welcome to Gilead (part 3)
The membership of ACIP is rotational and it may have been updated recently. Please see here:
Failing officially sanctioned data, there's data on the ground.
We are seeing patients in good health now losing every early pregnancy. Early pregnancies are accompanied by upper airway allergic cough symptoms that escalate as HCG increases, and cease when HCG and thus the pregnancy disappear. This pattern would match the anti-fertility vaccines developed over 3 decades against HCG and other motifs required for pregnancy.
Zooming in from statistics, for some couples, this will mean a future of heartache and perhaps dying alone. IVF won't solve it if your body kills the baby.
We also saw women lose pregnancies 1 week after their departments were vaccinated, even though they weren't. Adeno vector shedding was well established as early as 2003.
We have decades of international research invested in anti-fertility vaccines,
the Spike full of fertility motifs and immunogenic motifs used in those anti-fertility vaccine publications,
and the population of the US, for instance, having grown from 220 to 330,000,000 in the same span of time.
Keep yourselves safe.
"It's the FDA's biggest scandal since last Tuesday," feels par.