Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

My father asks "when will all this just blow up into the open?" I have a difficult time trying to express to him just how many people are complicit, at every level in every government agency, in every hospital, in all our institutions, in all of the watchdog agencies. There is no way this will "blow up", because the information control is complete. People know - it's just going to be a dirty public secret, reminiscent of the stories I heard from Soviet times. It's sad... but I've learned a lot from this disgusting mess. I've learned that trust has to be earned, and government deserves none of it. And never will.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Couldnt agree more! Malfeasance in Public service is a real thing. People do not realise how EVERY POLICY enables it. It is mindblowing (to me).

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It is an extremely difficult cause of action due to the targeted malice element. Some UQ academics have published literature on just how rare it is. Something less than 8% and typically those success cases are liquor licencing. U know policies that really impact the public 😒

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My personal problem is that I know the solution as well and I just can't let it go and stop caring.

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Yes, this is systemic level failure. Corporate Media: fail. Politicians (except Rennick, Roberts, Antic and maybe a couple others): fail. Bureaucracies: fail. Universities: fail. Unions: epic fail. Medical community: fail. States: fail. Liberals: fail. Labor: fail. So what are we left with? Almost everyone is complicit.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

There IS no greater good than individual freedoms and rights.

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Love it

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

A bit like anti-discrimination and other bodies that purport to exist for the good of the public but in reality are created to cover the arse of those who create them?

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Keep the pressure on, Doc! They can't keep this nonsense up forever.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Do not underestimate the power of embeded malfeasance in Public Service. Lets keep the pressure regardless.

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I underestimated it pre-COVID, but not anymore. These people have shown themselves to be capable of the most egregious breaches of their duty and of public trust. I'm so grateful there are so many good people, with highly relevant skills and knowledge, who simply won't stop shining a light on this misconduct.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Agreed. I was certainly skeptical but now trust no one

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Most corrupt place 'I've ever lived!

Victoria ( to the south of NSW) is really no better- PM ( Dan Andrews) is classic WEF clown and just oozes the most irritating supercilious façade.

Its glaringly obvious that Straya has been captured and is now controlled by these WEF morons but the average person doesn't really care one whit as long as their house price rises to bizarre levels, "it's all good mate!".

Most apathetic people in western world; they'll act tough ( about rights and privileges) but Straya has no serious constitution- many think its a quasi USA but it's not; just another weak Commonwealth destination for Royals to visit and chortle about.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Since we're on the subject of NSW, trying to get more awareness of the mRNA vaccine push for the livestock diseases; in this case specifically Foot & Mouth (FMD) and Lumpy Skin diseases. The NSW's government invested millions ($65 million) in August in a US biotech firm, Tiba Biotech (which has Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding), with a goal of a vaccine to go into animals by August 2023. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm not keen for mRNA modified animals as my food source, way beyond GMO plants in my mind. Here's an article from the NSW gov site. https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-centre/releases/2022/ministerial/nsw-fast-tracks-mrna-fmd-and-lumpy-skin-disease-vaccines The press release lists an advantage of mRNA vaccines as, "This type of vaccine technology may not require the longer testing and approval processes required for conventional vaccine development." So here we go again, accelerated approval with lower and lower testing standards. Australia, unlike most countries, exports the majority of its beef, 60%+ annually. That was AUD$10.8 billion exported in 2019 (US$7 billion) for beef alone and they're looking to put mRNA into all livestock. To which I say, no mRNA with my Aussie Beef. I can't think of a better way to destroy an industry. Or a better way to further enrich Bill Gates. He's got to be drooling at the prospects of having a controlling stake in worldwide animal vaccines, especially when the Australian government will almost certainly require all farms to push these vaccines into their livestock.

Out of curiosity, checked on the status of New Zealand next door, famous for their lamb. Their gov site had this interesting thing to say about FMD, "Why we don’t use vaccines for disease prevention

There are 7 serotypes (strains) of FMD virus, each with many sub-types. Protection against each sub-type requires a different vaccine and only lasts for a short time (months rather than years). To prevent an outbreak, all susceptible animals in a country would need 6-monthly to yearly vaccinations for each sub-type, making this an inefficient and expensive option.

In addition, because we don't have FMD in or near New Zealand, we don't need to use vaccines to prevent an outbreak. It's appropriate and more cost-effective to focus on keeping FMD out of the country. New Zealand is internationally recognised as 'FMD-free without vaccination' – which is one of the reasons why our products usually enjoy a premium in international trade." https://www.mpi.govt.nz/biosecurity/plans-for-responding-to-serious-disease-outbreaks/foot-and-mouth-disease/keeping-foot-and-mouth-disease-out-of-new-zealand/

Besides the technical feat to overcome the waning efficacy of multiple or some magic jab that could protect against all sub strains, reading that last sentence, someone in New Zealand's government seems to understand the damage to reputation vaccines, especially mRNA, in animals can cause. Hope more will tell Australia to consider more before moving ahead.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

You are absolutely correct with your concerns. All animal studies involving mRNA vaccines over the past 33 years have been a disaster, and adding the LNP protective packaging to deliver the mRNA makes it even more disastrous as we have seen with the experimentation on humanity the past two years. The psychopathic greed of those perpetrating this technology is demonic. They fail to see that they belong to the human race too.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Coming to a store near you. Thank you Melanie. I really think we all need to get ahead of this, we're already behind, and prevent this from happening. Who knows? Maybe with a decade of testing, they could perfect the technology. But we aren't even close yet.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Many have not learned that you do not fool with Mother Nature. The arrogance of mankind to think that as a species we can improve, tweak, use, and toy with genetic material is staggering and will be our demise. There is not a need for vaccines in general, and many other natural modalities can be used instead including homeopathic nosodes. The agricultural industry is heavily addicted to big pharma and big chemical, but thank heavens we have those that farm naturally.

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Exactly right, which is why they are going after all those left who farm as naturally as they can, on top of all the atrociously restrictive legislation that is passed to make life as difficult as possible. Coercing farmers to use drugs/poisons, mrna tech, all under the guise of "safety". Full spectrum dominance.

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Nov 5, 2022·edited Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Do not forget the system that enables and protects the "most egregious breaches of their duty and of public trust."

Every policy in every department primarily serves to PROTECT the department (the managers personal beliefs, interpretations of policies, actions) whatever the " bureaucracy" decides to be the true etc. Thats why without transparency we are doomed.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Agencies and governments are so bloated with lawyers and paperwork that we can't keep track, lots of reinterpretation allow (il)legal games.. Regulation saturation allow obfuscations (lies) blessed by some reinterpreted "written regulations". Society and professions bloated beyond understand. For example i completed 1 year of calculus yet I find the 1040 form taxes intimidating.. Thats why the push to claim truths does not exists, and claim the Constitution is out of date. The game of life is rigged and now the NWO cabal are changing the game rules on the world population. World coup d'etat creating Idiocracies to control the population. We are ungovernable and They are trying to convince us that freedom is incompatible with their controls. History has shown these takeovers are incompatible with happy lives.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Excellent article, thank you. I do think, however, that all of this will be swept under the rug unfortunately. And I will be very surprised if anyone will be held accountable of any part of it. The Atlantic calling for amnesty is a telltale sign of it.

That Matt Golding drawing is hilarious by the way!

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I really hope not. Can something this monumental and seen by so many be swept under? I don't know. I always thought 9/11 would breakthrough and clearly, was wrong about that. Still this is so insanely ambitious - I don't think humanity can pick up the pieces and move forward without a reckoning, accountability and agreement. Guess we'll see.

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I really hope I'm wrong too but they got a pretty big rug.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Incredible. But, not surprising.

Think of the effort and resources (and, chutzpah) it takes to continue the lie in the face of revealed truth... I hope that I live long enough to see some of the perps in leg irons...

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Nov 5, 2022·edited Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Not just that transparency is necessary but the total overhaul of Public Service as well, including the Record Keeping Guidelines and Security Classification Policies. This has been attempted so many times but the depth of malfeasance runs sooooo deep. There is nothing that can stop a public servant when they want to hide something. NOTHING. It is not hard at all. There are so many ways to "title" the documents/records so that they do not appear when search is executed in TRIM (record keeping system in Australian government). There are easy ways to hide everything from FOI requests. And then also to misuse the classification to make it impossible for the information ever to be shared. These practices are specifically targeted at Australian people. So that tax payers and the generations to come will NOT find out the malfeasance some dickheads of the managers did.

Also, Senate Estimates OMG ! Do you know that people are briefed how to "hide" data so that it will never be made available just because nobody will know HOW to ASK for it. There are SOOOO many ways to present the data in ways that hide the answers to the questions asked. Ok. I will stop here.

Unconditional transparency. The only way to "fight" deep rooted malfeasance of public service, its policies, practice, systems = Bureaucracy

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

They have now established their protocol for going forward. Make decisions in nefarious meetings , and no one can be held accountable for the decision. They’ve found the giant hole in the fence and they are going to use it, because it works. If course the mo is not just in NSW, it’s everywhere. Shocking the number of bad actors who “go along” with this. Where are our whistleblowers?

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

you mean whistleblowers like Julian Assange?

system does its level best to treat all of them just like they do him

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Witness K, David McBride, Troy Stolz and the Tax Office whistle blowers to name a few.

You don’t even have to be a whistleblower, just defending one in court like Bernard Colleary will get you charged. If a former Attorney General and Deputy Chief Minister of the ACT can’t escape persecution/prosecution who can. Got to love this country. 🇦🇺

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I do not know how Kerry Chant and Brad Hazzard sleep at night. The lies they have told and continue to tell are simply shocking and they’ve obviously forgotten the old adage - it’s not the initial ‘mistakes’ that kill you, it’s the cover-up. Even if they are never formally charged, they know, and eventually everyone will know what they’ve done, and good luck to them living a peaceful, happy life after that.

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yep, re Chant and Hazzard, it wont be over till we get to "dance on their graves", will it?

The elected government of the day wont want any analysis of the panicked expediency they have overseen..

Or as an epidemiologist (Raina MacIntyre) on the ABC actually vocalized, "we may find out the truth" in 30 or so years.

Which is code for , when the next generation of historians have been minted..

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deletedNov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
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Nup! They’re just dumb C*^%#. I must admit Hayeks The Road to Serfdom - Ch 10: why the worst get to the top eloquently explains it way better than I could.

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Nov 5, 2022·edited Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Anyone know if there was ever a Week 7 Report issued? I was looking forward to it. Based on how the data were tracking it was going to be a disaster for the narrative. Did anyone download it if it existed briefly online?

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Yeah, Freedom of Information Act Requests are fun. I just very recently requested files on Operation APPLEPIE (https://www.archives.gov/iwg/finding-aids/list-of-terms-code.html) "Code name for project to locate and interrogate key German personnel of RSHA AMT VI (Chief of Security Hqtrs.) [GESTAPO] and members of the German Army Staff who were knowledgeable about Soviet industrial and economic matters." from the NARA. Some weirdness ensued and i received two emails a couple of days apart. The first had found 4 sources, 2 were classified, together more than 300 pages. The second said "we searched and searched and could not find anything, but this is not a denial of your FOIA request"...

You tell me if you think this means that the US government has ways to hide the fact that they recruited people like Adolf Eichmann and other high ranking GESTAPO officers after WWII. Anything that the US could find that was against the Soviet Union was hired. Somehow even today, that seems relevant.

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"There are two different types of people in the world, those who want to know, and those who want to believe." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

"Truth is the most precious thing. That's why we should ration it." ~ Vladimir Lenin

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The raw data should be available to anyone to run "bespoke" reports, re-analyze data, & generally keep the MoH honest.

Also, excuse my ignorance, because this may have been asked & answered many times before, but what is the MoH's meaning of "no effective dose"? I realise they have changed wording on the reports during the last 2 or so years, but if "no effective dose" really means in MoHSpeak that a patient is <2 weeks post jab, then the figures are essentially meaningless, their only purpose being to make the shots not seem as bad as they really are.

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