The New Zealand "whistleblower" data is a burger of nothing. And there is no cheese.
A joint post with OpenVAET on the New Zealand Data.
TLDR: We modelled the whole cohort of 2.2m vaccinated people in the New Zealand "whistleblower" data that was recently the highlight of news reports, to see if there really were any excess deaths.
The thing that causes me the most concern is that Govts won't acknowledge any excess deaths yet statisticians, insurance actuaries and whistle-blowers are indicating something is happening. Until there is a recognition of a change happening, no-one can determine any underlying causes. Simply denying there is an issue is highly suspicious. I'm old enough to remember times when anyone claiming there was an issue with anything, evidence would be produced to prove them wrong. Nowadays, problems seem to be answered by saying 'no, there's not'.
If that’s the case, they won’t mind releasing the rest of the data