This should be a short one, but important.
For background you will need to know the story of this guy. He might look like he could do a job as a Santa but was, in fact, a serial killer. Meet Harold Shipman
There are plenty of articles written about Harold (or “Freddy” as he was known by his patients before he euthanised them) but I won’t list them here. Suffice it to say that in summary he was arrested in 1998 and then convicted for the murder of 15 patients with an estimate of having killed over 200. His modus operandi was to administer heroin to patients who would have otherwise required too much intervention to make better. This was mostly elderly patients and a selection of them are pictured here:
The motive for these killings was unknown because Shipman took his own life in Wakefield prison however it can be reasonably assumed that it was one or more of:
money (he was caught forging a will for one of the patients)
a psychopathic need to control the death of another person
an altruistic attempt at euthanasia (unlikely, but covering all bases here)
In any case what was happening - and how he was found out - was that otherwise relatively healthy patients under his care were dying “at home” without ever reaching the hospital.
From wikipedia:
The Shipman Inquiry later blamed Greater Manchester Police for assigning inexperienced officers to the case. After the investigation was closed, Shipman killed three more people.[17] A few months later, in August, taxi driver John Shaw told the police that he suspected Shipman of murdering 21 patients.[18] Shaw became suspicious as many of the elderly customers he took to the hospital, who seemed to be in good health, died in Shipman's care.[19]
So let’s fast forward to 2020+ where we know that concerns have been expressed about “Shipmanesque” activities in relation to the treatment of elderly patients in nursing homes in the UK being dosed with midazolam instead of treating them with the 3 tablets of antibiotics that was all they probably needed.
So the question now comes…
Is there evidence that elderly patients in NSW were being euthanised for COVID, either because they were “unvaccinated” or because their deaths could then be attributed to the “unvaccinated?
Unfortunately I have come to the conclusion that the answer is yes, and I’m going to explain why.
NSW Health and the Shipman Line
I (and others) have discussed previously the major anomalies in the death numbers in the unvaccinated category on the NSW vaccine/COVID surveillance reports. The anomaly is so bizarre that it is both difficult to understand and difficult to represent, but it is explored here:
For the time poor here is a summary:
In the NSW health reports for 2022 where hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths are reported by vaccination status, all deaths are less than 10% of hospitalisations for any vaccinated group. For the unvaccinated group, deaths exceed hospitalisations by a factor of 6-8x. This figure is not replicated in any other countries' reports.
So we really need to explain it, and the explanation is unfortunately insidious. I discussed it first here and showed this graph which illustrates the problem starkly. I suggested it was simply a mistake in the reporting and the “no dose” group were mixed up with the “unknown” group.
NSW health were therefore aware of this and in addition were specifically requested to explain, via a Freedom of Information request (ref GIPA22/233) on the 15th August 2022.
To date the freedom of information request has not been honoured and no documents have been provided. The case has now been referred to the information commissioner - but you can be sure that the government is acting transparently™ (under the new definitions of “vaccine”, “transparency”, “gene therapy” etc)
Which brings me to the insidious conclusion:
The only valid explanation for the death anomaly in the unvaccinated group which has had no hospitalisations but tens of deaths, in the absence of a reporting error from NSW health, is that these patients are being euthanised.
Which then brings me to the Shipman Line. It doesn’t yet exist, I’ve just created it in the same vein as the Plimsoll Line which the seafarers of you will know as the line used on ships to tell you when your ship is overloaded and will sink. It looks a bit like this:
So my working definition of the Shipman Line is this:
When comparing death rates to hospitalisation rates, the ratio of death:hospitalisation should never exceed 1 and should be lower. The line above which the likely scenario is that patients outside of hospital are being euthanised to avoid hospital admission for any given condition is the Shipman Line and should prompt an immediate inquiry with criminal authorities
So, this is what the Shipman Line looks like when comparing unvaccinated deaths with vaccinated deaths in NSW for October - December 2022 (the data for this is available in the footnotes1)

I think you’ll agree that there is no way that there should be 7x more deaths than hospitalisations in the unvaccinated group given that the corresponding ratio for two dose, three dose and four dose vaccinated are all less than 0.1 and really not much different from each other. In fact anybody that has been paying attention will know that the authorities have told you that “two doses is not enough” and “get your booster” (because two doses is not enough) and so it is not possible that this could be the ratio for unvaccinated folk.
Which brings us to a very dark conclusion on which I will end:
The only logical conclusion absent data manipulation is that NSW doctors have withheld treatment (antibiotics or other therapies) from unvaccinated patients diagnosed with COVID and sent them straight to their death without being treated in hospital.
I would love to be wrong on this. The only way I can be is if the authorities answer their Freedom of Information request in a way that confirms that they have made fundamental errors in reporting of deaths in the unvaccinated (of which there have been essentially no hospitalisations for months).
They can choose not to of course, but they are heading for a meeting with the Attorney General if that is the path they choose.
UPDATE: please see the other people talking about this here:
and here:

NSW vaccine surveillance reports are archived on the NSW health website here (archived copies have been kept):
The data set for this analysis includes week ending 1st Oct 2022 to 31st Dec 2022
Great substack as always. This was definitely Shipman, but Shipman unintentionally via Pharma in my view. What is the difference in treatment protocols between vaxxed and not vaxxed that the average GP might refer to and follow when the unvaxxed covid patient calls? Per National Guidelines-
Molnupiravir (Lagevrio) for adults
Conditional recommendation
Consider using nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir within 5 days of symptom onset in unvaccinated adults* with COVID-19 who do not require oxygen and who have one or more risk factors for disease progression.
Within the patient population for which nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir is conditionally recommended for use (see Additional information), decisions about the appropriateness of treatment with nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir should be based on the individual’s risk of severe disease, including their age, presence of multiple risk factors, and vaccination status (including number of doses and time since last dose/ or timing of most recent infection).
* Individuals who had received one or more doses of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine were excluded from the trial. The efficacy of nirmatrelvir pConsider using nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir within 5 days of symptom onset in unvaccinated adults* with COVID-19 who do not require oxygen and who have one or more risk factors for disease progression.
Within the patient population for which nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir is conditionally recommended for use (see Additional information), decisions about the appropriateness of treatment with nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir should be based on the individual’s risk of severe disease, including their age, presence of multiple risk factors, and vaccination status (including number of doses and time since last dose/ or timing of most recent infection).
* Individuals who had received one or more doses of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine were excluded from the trial. The efficacy of nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir is unclear in individuals who have received any COVID-19 vaccine. See consensus recommendation for guidance on use of nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir in vaccinated adults or in immunocompromised patients regardless of vaccination status.lus ritonavir is unclear in individuals who have received any COVID-19 vaccine. See consensus recommendation for guidance on use of nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir in vaccinated adults or in immunocompromised patients regardless of vaccination status"
So the unvaxxed stood by their choice against unrelentingly propaganda and persecution. They get covid. Ringing in their ears even the strongest gonna hear the echo's of 'catch this unvaccinated you will die'. The GP does a phone consult, offers a script for Paxlovid- its even on the PBS for them. You think they would take it? I think yes. By definition these patients are not hospitalised. This finishes the job of the agenda and another covid death in unvaxxed can be triumphantly recorded, and naturally attributed to being unvaxxed and not the expensive little pills.
As frightening as this is to contemplate, is it really any different than sending covid patients to nursing homes as was done in some States in the US, or ignoring ventilator protocols and using them early on in treatment, or banning off label use of drugs with low risk profiles that very well might have helped and not likely to hurt, or mandate an experimental gene therapy? This is not to take away the horror of what you suggest, rather to show that it well within the realm of possibility given what else they have done.