Brilliantly clear article. The lay summaries are a great help.

Thank you for all you do. You're a hero.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

You really are a hero of our times. Thank you for your simple straight shooting style, your honest and open questions. I have seen many deride you, challenge your credentials etc, but never, ever, have I seen anybody who claims to be "expert" or educated and informed and who disagrees with you, simply answer your questions... This is how I rate real scientists from pseudo scientists - the ability to tackle a question head on and provide evidence. It seems there is a lot of emotional mumbo-jumbo in the scientific world and as usual, the dollar talks.. This is very scary stuff... heartbreaking

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Thanks yes indeed. One of the considerations when embarking on this seemingly ridiculous anonymous character was to say to people "hey, stop believing people who say they are an expert in this and then throw absolute lies at you ghost written by pharma. Look at the data and the receipts provided and if there aren't any it didn't happen". I feel blessed you understood.

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In absolutely EVERY Western nation, constitutional laws make politicians Private Citizens like everybody else. Ergo, if it's illegal for ME to force, coerce or mandate people to inject products, then it's illegal for Joe Biden to. The same amount of people on sites like this currently begging Daddy-Government to please arrest themselves is about 4 times the amount needed to launch a lawsuit they could neither block nor dismiss & it wouldn't even have to mention a Single Politician: it only need mention how it is illegal to MANDATE people inject any products.

But the problem isn't a legal one: it's the utter lack of courage on the part of everyone reading this who don't WANT to stand up to mere authority FIGURES because they require the illusion that 'Government' is their protector & that politicians ARE 'Government.'

This fear-born need is more powerful in cowards than any consideration for any child's safety, ESPECIALLY that of their own children, who they are only too glad to sacrifice to show Daddy how blind their devotion is.

Hey, if you're mad, then please show me the exemption that makes it legal for politicians to mandate this. Otherwise, please stfu as you continue to sacrifice children to this Demonstrably False Belief that we have no choice but to follow the decisions made by these people http://allaregreen.us/ as if they were Edicts from God Himself.

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Hi 🙂 "seemingly ridiculous character alert"...are YOU a fake element on twitter? PEYNUTIUM (PE+)

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I know a mid 20's couple with recently born child.

Both 2x jabbed before conception, boosted during gestation.

The child was born early, under weight and struggled for months to put on weight. She is still a slow grower.

So yes, it is entirely possible that there will be serious side effects in kids, whether it be limb loss, growth abnormalities, or even brain development.

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My coworker who did not get the injection during her pregnancy but was married to a man who DID (and also as a pharmacist she injected hundreds of people with these products while pregnant) and delivered a child in Dec ‘21 who also was born underweight and struggled for months to gain weight and thrive (she didn’t gain ANY weight for the first 8 weeks!). Coincidence? I told her she’d better do a better job protecting herself from that shit while she was pregnant and she basically brushed me off as coo-coo. I myself wouldn’t give them to anyone and luckily didn’t have to due to my work schedule (overnights). I’d have quit two years ago if that wasn’t the case.

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I just remembered.

Her Brother died Dec 2022 of Turbo Cancers, 27 yr old male.

So it seems their family DNA is susceptible to damage from this injection.

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Is susceptible family DNA the issue or vaccine batch number? Perhaps both. Either way, very sad for this family.

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Could be any number of issues. Big pharma like to make it DNA as it covers up its sins.

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"Turbo Cancers" meaning fast growing tumors? Where?

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the poor fella, had it everywhere, brains, spleen, skin.

No matter how much treatment he got, the damned cancers would pop up again and again.

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Very sorry to hear that. Cancer is a big pharma scam. I was diagnosed with cancer, in reality toxic poisoning, which is by an large what cancer is. Big pharma treatments are all poisonous. This is what was the primary cause of my issues.


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Can you be more specific

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Very likely! The genome had a role in the spike infection and we're supposed to believe that transfecting the organs to create spike count at another lever & durability does no harm?

This paper is from 2020 (and I really hate these genetics studies which remind me of eugenics programs that were ran in many countries, and the evil didn't suddenly just disappear like the flu did):

"The susceptibility of different populations to SARS-CoV-2 infection is not yet understood. Here, we combined ACE2 coding variants' analysis in different populations and computational chemistry calculations to probe the effects on SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 interaction. ACE2-K26R; which is most frequent in Ashkenazi Jewish population decreased the SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 electrostatic attraction.

On the contrary, ACE2-I468V, R219C, K341R, D206G, G211R increased the electrostatic attraction; ordered by binding strength from weakest to strongest. The aforementioned variants are most frequent in East Asian, South Asian, African and African American, European, European and South Asian populations, respectively."


Genetics matter but they had to push the one-size fits all countermeasure, this is from 2022:

'Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 gene polymorphisms are associated with COVID-19 susceptibility and severity: A meta-analysis'

by Li et al.

"Conclusions: The findings indicated that IFITM3 rs12252 gene polymorphisms were associated with COVID-19 susceptibility and that the rs12252-C variant was particularly critical for severity. Genetic factors should be considered in future vaccine development."


A politically correct way of saying the Science(tm) effed up.

This is from Jan. 2022:

'A systematic review on papers that study on Single Nucleotide Polymorphism that affects coronavirus 2019 severity'

by Suh et al.


We found that ACE2, TMPRSS2, and IFITM3 are the major genes that are involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection. The mentioned SNPs were all related to one or more of the above-mentioned genes. There were discussions on certain SNPs that increased the infection and severity to certain groups more than the others. However, as there is limited follow-up and data due to a shortage of time history of the disease, studies may be limited."


Test of time is the only test that matters here and the large studies needed to confirm the similar effects from the transfectant will never be funded. It would put an end these god-complex maniacs.

Also, a smallish Thai study found a genetic condition linked to the severity of the disease.


It's amazing how much the effort was put to studying the effects of the infection compared to the injection's, which is IMHO non-existent. Tired out/hyperfocused immune system and gene regulation will lead to all kinds of "natural" CODs caused by the very unnatural intervention, and therefore no govt is willing to have an independent research of the "vaccine" effects.

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Any other abnormalities? Is she eating properly? Is she focusing her eyes? How does she respond to auditory stimuli?

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She ticks all the boxes for "good health" as far as I am aware, Mum's father is an actual Doctor, so no lack of private medical advice there.

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Great to hear. Cheers

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The people who own the world, using the United States Military as a vendor, did this all on purpose.

They need the Useless Class to stop procreating.

They all knew what they were doing. They didn't forget how to science. It's not just a grift so "Big Pharm" can make more money.

It's a cull. It is an intentional cull.

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There were some practice runs. They like to use Africa for the practice runs.


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Eugenics. What ALL vaccines have always been about.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed


Robert Kennedy Jr and Sasha Latypova discuss why Pfizer and Moderna did not have to do trials due to the DOD contracts. Any safety studies were pure theatre. The obvious conclusion is that this is militarized and done intentionally, knowing the death and damage that would ensue. Absolutely agree @SageHana 5GW We are at war and "We are the prey"

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Sage hits the nail on the head as always. Bravo.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

While this write up is terrific and terrifying, I have considered for a while now that the real victims here will be the kids born full term who experience a series of undiagnosed ailments as a result of whatever the hell happened to them in the womb … your results don’t fill me with any hope that I’m wrong.

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No. Sorry. But I didn't do it. The problem is that nobody will bother seeking redress against the people that did

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Like DES exposure from late 1930s to early 1970s - Silent Thalidomide - since most damage was to internal reproductive organs - usually undiscovered until the exposed started getting married 20+ years later. So many other long term side effects - immune system, cancers, ASD increase, etc.

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Yes the same thing comes to my mind as well. The silent damage done by DES was devastating to say the least. I remember only ever seeing it used at the VA which back then was primarily men. But this was in the 80’s and early ‘90’s well after it was known. We very rarely used it in retail pharmacy and never now as there are safer alternatives. But it was still used for prostate cancer well into the 2000’s.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you for your careful analysis and tireless work Dr Syed. What you do is so important to all of us who care about the fate of humanity. Last night I looked at photos and read about the birth defects in kids after the US used depleted uranium shells in their illegal war against Iraq and now the US and Britain are sending depleted uranium shells to Ukraine. Today more crimes against the unborn in these deadly jabs which you continue to report. I just cannot comprehend how those in positions of power can be so totally void of compassion, of humanity and of love.

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The US Army has a special Teratology unit studying intergenerational effects of Uranium dust from munitions and tank armour.

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Is that like a gain-of-function lab, that seeks to maximize the effects?

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

This is so ridiculous, how could it not be intentional? The CDC does this kind of thing so consistently—misrepresenting and manipulating data—in order to hide uncomfortable statistics.

Zauche et al should be taken to task in public. Absolutely shameful.

Thank you for the breakdown. 🙏🏽

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

OMG I know it’s weird but I’m in love with a mouse😂 I have no medical, scientific or data background but can follow your articles, again thank you for the knowledge, time and effort breaking down it down for the average Joe to understand, now if only the ostriches would lift their heads and realise they have been played- now off to share with the useless aust. politicians 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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It's bizarre and tragic to watch the big pharma "i haz studeez!" crew pledge their souls to satan to protect their employers/study grant department heads while they kill children.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The natural consequence of a doubled miscarriage rate, where it suggests an increase in the birth deformity rate, is for jurisdictions to suddenly legalise "4th trimester" abortions, also known as infanticide, which I believe many are working on, to reduce the number of deformed infants openly signalling its errors.

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Thanks Dr. Syed. What an exposure of the true evil being wrought on humanity. Even the unborn aren't safe. Dreadful & Horrific indeed.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

My friend's daughter gave birth to a 9lb 6oz baby in January. He seems to be fine. I was worrying all through her pregnancy as all family jabbed before she got pregnant. I don't know if she had boosters during pregnancy or after. I don't know how any doctor could recommend any experimental drugs to pregnant women. On UK gov website it clearly states there is not enough data to say safe or otherwise yet another friend's pregnant partner bombarded with leaflets on benefits of being jabbed at every antinatal clinic appointment! She has refused all pressures.

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*edit to add: We learned that doctors will "forget" all that they knew if given some carrot and stick incentive structures.

It's tragic.


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And of course I have been searching for mechanisms causing miscarriages and abortions after the jabs.


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Thank you.

We need to keep pushing with the data, but I don't think any amount or type of data will convince people who are spiritually and morally captured. Either they don't care, can't see, won't see, or are in on it. Case in point: none of this is making it to the mainstream media or if it is, in the form of limited hangouts couched in caveats to soothe the compliers. What the hell should we do?

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The BLAST article made it to the mainstream media. My articles are designed so that people can represent the content by themselves provided they are doing it in good faith if intended to broadcast to a larger audience

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I met a woman yesterday who hadn't left her home for 3 years because she was so afraid of covid. She didn't see your BLAST article. These people are emotionally driven by premiers standing in front of giant images of viruii who say "the unvaccinated will die" rather than logic. This comment doesn't take away from your excellent work, by the way, it's just that people who are data driven often don't understand that other people aren't. What finally convinced her to leave her home was that she somehow contracted covid and it was 'just a cold.'

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Here is why the information is not going to make it into the "mainstream media".

The mainstream media is owned by the same people who wish to kill you.

Make sense? They are paid NOT to report this and to deny it. Even if you get the perfect data set, they are not going to trot out there with their Breaking News music and inform the world.


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In my case, preaching to the converted. I suppose everyone has a job to do and mine rather seems to be kicking back and watching clown world unfold.

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The only thing I can suggest is to ask the Blue Pill Covidian if there are other things that they know the media is lying to them about. Do they think that the media is ruthlessly truthful in any area? All areas? Just this one?

And ask them how they determined that.

If they have already been shot up, though...they are deeply motivated not to see.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Doubling of pre-implantation losses, 14% post-vaccine miscarriage rate while a great part of the women didn't take the vaxx in relevant timeframe, 3.5% major birth defects.... Combined with ~80% of vaxxed population and the fact that the body is not clearing the mRNA, this is a dream for the green depopulation agenda. Thank you for your work!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

There's an elephant in the room when we try to get people to care about harm to unborn children...

They knew the shots would cause extra miscarriages.

Extra miscarriages may signal extra defects at birth.

So. Why could they not be satisfied with a vaccine rollout that initially spared women who desired to become pregnant? They were going to hide serious adverse events all along; wouldn't that be easier without shooting up women of childbearing age?

I guess sparing those women would have damaged the narrative that no one is safe until everyone is vaccinated. Hospitals are staffed with women of childbearing age. Hospitals are where we go to be saved from death, right? Places of great safety.

Whoever sat around a table and gamed it out came to the conclusion: all must be shot up, with health care workers first in line for shots, and born children bringing up the rear. Nurses and doctors were more than happy to star in TikTok videos in 2020; in 2021 the script called for nurses and doctors to take no prisoners in defeating vaccine hesitancy.

Whoever sat around that table could certainly look up and out the window any time and see women marching around carrying signs demanding the right to terminate perfectly formed babies through all nine months (I live in Oregon).

What's an extra miscarriage or two among friends working together to maintain the right to abortion? Women march on down to their local Planned Parenthood to get a little bag with medications to take at home and force a miscarriage early on. Or they can schedule a telehealth visit and have the medications shipped to their doorstep, no marching required.

Most brutally, the problem of extra defects at birth has been solved with surgical abortions safely performed in hospitals.

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