A big irony here is that the more they have tried to stifle scientific debate and discovery, the more public they have made it, drawing many, many more people in than probably would have happened otherwise. The outcome is likely to be that decades of malfeasance will be uncovered and, hopefully, generations to come will be spared from the Harmaceutical Complex.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

And the more they attempt to obfuscate the more weight they give to the counterpoint and credence to those delivering it. The uncovering of that malfeasance is only part of it. They can never be allowed to use "provisional approvals" or bypass the quality assurance and testing processes ever. Any drug released onto the public should have a cap on the number of deaths and injuries that are considered 'tolerable" under any "Risk management scenario", that would be zero. I think the people should be directing their anger and attention at Pfizzer, Moderna and every other big pharma giants involved and their backers. Protesting to government is not working. Time to go after those that are corrupting, donating and undermining our government in order to do what they have done.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you I have been following the ‘debate’ but it gets complicated for those without a background appreciate the time you took to produce a clear and concise summary and also for the Kenny Rogers share - 🤣

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The whole acknowledging the lab leak theory I believe, is to solidify it’s a ‘real’ problem still. No doubt it’s a nasty flu, but gene therapy is never the answer. Denying responsive treatment AND Then wanting to be mutilating children to ‘make them feel better!’ WHAT is wrong with these people they want to make everyone a bunch of freaks. Like we are one big experiment and they are all Dr Frankenstein!

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I see the "lab leak theory" as a programme to blame the Chinese and distract attention from the US origin of the GOF coronaviruses.

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My goodness, this is terrifying. I have to admit, after personal experience in this area (pre-pandemic) I was also led to believe the baseline rate of miscarriage was quite high, but I can appreciate the differences in individual cases (gestational age, number of miscarriages) make it a complex area of study. Pointing out the data manipulation related to the cancer survival models and the references to "0 weeks" gestation also help to understand the disingenuous position of these hard pro-vaxxers. Thank you.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Do Not Forget the CDC put the EUA genetic injections on the Childhood Vaccination Schedule in January or February 2023. Watch the Nurses closely. I would go so far as to insist upon seeing the vials of vaccines with labels being drawn up in front of your eyes. Not behind closed doors in a med room. Do not take no for an answer or take your children and walk out.

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There is a safer way to deal with that problem. Individual vaccines that you see opened with your own family doctor. If they can't do them, walk away. I was always suspicious when they crucified Wakefield for asking for MMR to be separated and they labelled him an anti-vaxxer. The opposite was true.

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Excellent. Thank you.

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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

Watch the nurse?

Why would you consent to any vaccines?

Every vaccine injection carries risks of at least 1 of the following problems:

-intergenerational cumulative metals poisoning leading to neurodevelopmental/ neurodegenerative injuries and other complications (Christopher Exley, James Lyons-Weiler, vaccinepapers.org)

-genetic/ epigenetic injuries (Insertional mutagenesis Theresa Deisher)

-iatrogenesis of autoimmune/ allergic chronic illnesses (Yehoda Shoenfeild, James Lyons-Weiler)

-infections & cancers caused by pathogenic contaminants (SV40, RSV, HERV-K, XMRV, etc.)

-increased morbidity/ mortality from pathogens that are not vaccine targeted as result of immunocompromise secondary to vaccination for vaccine targeted pathogens (so called “non-specific side effects” as discussed by Peter Aaby & Christine Stabell-Benn)

-other deliberately not scrutinized cancer, reproductive, genetic, metabolic, inflammasome, microbiome harms, etc?

Further, why would anyone agree to medications in which “no fault” injury compensation programs are at play? (USA Vaccine Injury Compensation Program & Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program)

Why would persons trust a medical professional to inject some concoction for which “laws” have been written that shield said professional from any personal legal liability for any harms?

Why would medical professionals agree to inject such products when “no fault” legal sheilds are contrary to all ethical standards of medical care?

I like this video which describes what happens in USA when vaccines which supposedly don’t cause autism actually do result in autism: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yExCn86pXRam/

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I have come to the identical conclusions: childhood vaccines are vastly more harmful than beneficial.

Our children are suffering and the answers to a majority of their health problems, physical, psychological and even spiritual lie with the toxins, contaminants, (including viral, animal and human DNA, retroviral, etc.,) and constant immune system shocks and inflammation impacts of the 72 childhood vaccines.

Theresa Deisher, PhD, believes that the primitive human DNA contaminants could even cause gender confusion, if I heard her correctly in an interview with Bobby Kennedy.

Finally, looking at vaxxed vs unvaxxed, here in the U.S., the unvaxxed are supremely HEALTHIER.

Read James Lyons Weiler's study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice and the Control Group Litigation's Survey Study. Those studies alone will prove this fact to anyone with an open mind, I believe.

The fascinating aspect of the latter shows a correlation between vaccination and both cancer and heart disease, in vaccines BEFORE covid injections. Once those profoundly toxic Kavorkian experiments rolled out the leap upward in both became stunning, but the impact existed with the older models as well.

Who knew?!

But Doctors did, many decades ago, those who warned against routine vaccine administration d for these reasons; fears of causing cancer and other chronic issues but sadly the budding industrial medical complex won the battle and routine vaccination of children took over, with the age becoming younger and younger, until SIDS was both named and normalized. Today we now have "SADS," for the exact same reasons and this behavior is obvious to those of us "in the know."

It is horrifying to watch and I pray more people wake up and move away from the medical industrial complex and it's viscious, indefensible behaviors, preying on humans by creating the diseases they then profit from and callously disregarding the injuries, deaths, and human suffering all along the way to the bank.

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Here in Australia, the doctors were I believe informed by their registering body they were protected from law suits by injured patients, my understanding now is the government did not enact the changes into law that would provide that protection to a doctor who failed to provide fully informed consent. Having said that, the Australian Government announced this week there is a new compensation claims process for those who believe they were injured and can find a doctor to substantiate that claim. I doubt they will be paying out much. Last year there were reports that one or two people had received payouts around $65k dollars for injury. Trouble is, when you accept compo from the government, you lose your right to sue them for anything more.

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Have been studying vaccines for over 15 years and still know I am not seeing “the whole picture”, whatever that is.

Am not an original scholar- listened to numerous physicians and other experts.

The politics of vaccines are just as complicated and corrupted as “vaccine science” is.

Vaccine enthusiasts pretend the immune system can be fiddled with, without having an effect on every other system in the body. Like the immune system is just some separate accessory that doesn’t intimately participate with every other system in the body to maintain homeostasis. Like the immune system is just an inanimate part of the body, similar to how a furnace is part of a house.

I’m afraid it’s all about money.

Just sat down with my coffee- was thinking vaccines are like “planned obsolescence” for human beings upon waking this morning. For some reason was thinking about the clothes washing machine my parents had that lasted for 30-40 years. When it finally broke irreparably, my father bought a new one without consulting my mother which made her surprisingly angry. These days washing machines aren’t really expected to last longer than 10-15 years and have annoying “electric panels” and “smart settings” that aren’t adding any value to my clothes washing experience but are very expensive to replace. If they were still made- I would buy a washing machine more like the one I grew up with- a “dumb” one that allowed me to figure out for myself how long I wanted clothes to soak and wash and absolutely no digital screen! I really miss putting clothes in the wash to soak overnight!

Vaccines don’t actually add any value to our health but do result in a “feast of consequences” (as Dr. Andrew Wakefield has said). In my opinion the puppet masters of the medical industry feast on the publics’ post-vaccination poor health. I tend to believe in evolution & natural selection and for the public to believe that something as maladaptive as autism is just naturally happening via genetic inheritance is really getting quite preposterous. Nature isn’t selecting for autism and Alzheimers- science is! Vaccines aren’t really controlling infectious diseases- vaccines are for controlling human health but not in a good way. When forecasted engineered food & energy scarcity takes place and persons are made to live in crowded 15 minute cities- perhaps it will become obvious yet again what really contributes to “public health” and what little value vaccines are. Vaccines are no substitute for healthy living environments with adequate nourishment and limited stress. To be vaccinated is just another way to be unhealthy.

Agreeing to vaccinate one’s self or one’s child is a “hidden” financial transaction. In USA, if one’s child dies from vaccination, and one can find medical & legal professionals who will support that, and one is successful in the “no fault” vaccine injury compensation program (which is extremely unlikely)- then the maximum “award” in the event of death is limited to $25K according to the compensation program.

It would be interesting if the public, medical providers included, were more aware of how all this works financially to see how successful the vaccine program could remain.

Covid vaccine injuries in the USA are covered under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. It doesn’t seem to me yet that the average person here in the USA has really cottoned onto all the deliberate health sabotage that has been engineered via the gene transfection injections.

Some more, but still very few medical providers have seemed to figure out that all the traditional vaccines are not a good bargain. Since medical providers themselves will be included in the vaccine injured, as they were required to “protect” their customers by mandate and since Covid vaccine injuries are more obvious than the latency of the damages done by traditional vaccines- I suspect the injustice of the vaccine injury compensation shemes will finally come to light and hopefully be corrected. The Covid injections are working well to shed light on “how the (vaccine) sausage gets made” and the corrupt pseudo-science that is utilized to falsely prove that all vaccines are safe and effective

It’s all very elaborate.

I hope to live to see all this play out- it’s been very frustrating.

Perhaps vaccine evil had to be this big in order for the public to finally “see” how bad the entire vaccine program is.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you Scout for this detailed accounting of your accumulated wisdom. It's very compelling. I especially appreciated your distillation of the hubris shown by so many of the degreed vaccinators of all stripes when approaching our immune systems in a reductionist way;

"Vaccine enthusiasts pretend the immune system can be fiddled with, without having an effect on every other system in the body. Like the immune system is just some separate accessory that doesn’t intimately participate with every other system in the body to maintain homeostasis. Like the immune system is just an inanimate part of the body, similar to how a furnace is part of a house."

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Love your use of the word "fiddled."

I've been saying this about psych drugs for over a decade now - that "fiddling" your neurotransmitters is not a solution. When I heard about these shots, they certainly seemed a lot like "fiddling" your immune system.

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Yeah- people loved the notion that there was some type of chemical imbalance that could be balanced with drugs, as usual- not asking the question why there might be an imbalance of neurotransmitters or why they might not be functioning as they ought to.

But for many persons any explanation was better than no answers at all.

Several friends and coworkers regurgitated this simpleton explanation to me.

Feeling kind of done with allopathic medicine- the more I learn, the more I learn I know hardly anything, except it’s very hard to dissect commercial scienceTM from science.

What I am gravitating towards is that everyone has the right to the natural use of their natural body with access to natural food. After that- trust whom you might but be very cautious!

I don’t approve of the out of control Government/ Medical monopoly.

The term “public health” used to mean something positive but now everyone claiming to do covid public health is just a science shamster.

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They are starting to process claims in the UK at 125,000 pounds for total disability (gradated for lesser injury) and the system is overwhelmed with claims. See John Campbell for more info.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Its too damn depressing to read this stuff any more. Yet at the same time, the war has always been over WORDS. We can't just keep silent like they want us to.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you, fab article and great timing as I was just having this ‘discussion’. My eyes have been opened in so many ways, I am eternally grateful.

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A relief to know there is a devoted and sophisticated statistical posse nipping at the heels of the frontpersons and shills presenting the COVID jab data magic tricks in the area of pregnancy. And that Twitter for now is a "safe and effective" place to have the debate and rebuttals. Bottom line: the totality of all sorts of data sets points in the same direction--a massive concern in giving the shots to anyone planning to have children. The safety signals are blaring.

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This is a Masterful analysis.. wonderful Medical data detective work..Thank you.. you are Exposing the Wolf aka Big Brother and the lengths it will go to hide the Real data.. the Real Harm this Global PsyOp is producing

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I have yet to figure out what the DoE has to do with lab leaks in China. The true effects of most drugs, vaccines and mRNA poisons are always hidden from the public. Otherwise, big pharma would be reduced to being a snake oil peddler traveling around the country in a circus wagon. What better way to control population than destroying the source?

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Despite the serious nature of all of this, I cannot help but chuckle hysterically at the board game jab at the ridiculous mutton geeks🤣 Pissing myself.

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You maybe missed the Barry White one too... Huh huh.... 😉

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thanks for the great article and I largely agree with your overall analysis and claims regarding miscarriage rates. I hope you don't mind a bit of quibbling over a statistical point, offered to strengthen and refine your case and head-off would-be critics:

Survival analysis (including nonparametric and Cox proportional hazards) is a general set of methods for any kind of time-to-event data (not just cancer) designed to handle left and/or right censoring and provide a more refined breakdown of risks over time beyond raw rates. Censoring just means we do not know a data value exactly, but only an upper or lower bound, and so I find the statement "left censoring to 0 weeks is nonsensical" to be nonsensical itself.

Well-conducted survival analysis should enhance and complement comparisons of raw rates, and it seems perfectly reasonable to apply them here given the nearly complete uncertainty of gestational age values less than 6 weeks. Your own brief R analysis supports this and effectively compares survival curves over at-risk time windows for the two cohorts. As you have nicely said, we could do much more with full data, and I would contend this would include well-formed survival models with a left-censoring indicator at 6 weeks.

A lot of "normal" people have derived great value from Kaplan-Meier plots and Cox models for decades. So it is not survival analysis per se that is the problem here, nor Xu's sample size calculation; it is failure to apply survival analysis properly and make unbiased comparisons with raw rates, including adjustments for all potential confounders.

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Thanks for your addition. I'd agree that, as long as comparisons were equivalent they must be valid. The point of the article is to show how the people defending the product chop and change how they assess that data point. I think this is the first ever article to address it.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I remember being very surprised when I first read somewhere it's normal for around 14-15 per cent of pregnancies to end in miscarriage. Instinctively I thought to myself "that can't be right". Thank you for clarifying. Brilliant. Do you have an opinion on the work Naomi Wolfe's team is doing in this area? Is she about right in her calculations?

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No she is overexaggerating the problem by misinterpreting the denominator when looking at adverse event reports. It was discussed in the linked articles.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Yes, I suspected that. She has a habit of overexaggerating.

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Most of the blame falls on Pfizer for omitting/"losing" so much data that Naomi Wolfe's team could make the calculations that are considered "overexaggerating" <sic> .

The calculations aren't wrong. I thought they were. They're reported with clickbaity lingo, but they're *at least* as accurate as the claims of 96% vaccine efficacy.

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That means not accurate at all then. But I agree it must be difficult to arrive at accurate calculations with such unreliable data. Overall, Naomi Wolfe and her team are doing a great job. As for the pleonasm, I was quoting Arkmedic. I should have omitted the prefix or put it between inverted commas but then he may have thought I was mocking him!

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

And when confronted with malfeasance, the “experts” just yell louder. Can they do that during a neck stretch? Hopefully we’ll find out.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The evidence before our eyes: friends and family who's young pregnant daughters aborted shortly after receiving a Covid injection, particularly in the first trimesters, was very difficult to ignore, as are the women who said that many mom's who successfully delivered babies post C-19 injections later in their pregnancies suffered with low or no breast milk issues, or, tragically, gave birth to babies that are suffering with severe birth defects or covid-like health problems.

People who will not listen to a man like Dr. James Thorp, (or a woman like Dr. Naomi Wolf, who's team has spent a year digging through and analyzing the Pfizer documents that FDA tried to hide from the public for 75 YEARS, and our courts thankfully released,) are obviously irrational, enslaved to an ideological belief system that they cannot let go of, despite all evidence, or they have sold their souls to a profoundly evil Cabal of pharmaceutical "Lords" and their creatures in Government and media.

What we are witnessing is the rise of a dark force that would enslave all human kind, if we let it, IMHO. The push for these toxic injections is no accident, nor are the cries for "vaccine" passports, digital ID, CBCD, and a one world Government to control us all.

And while digging into the truths of the specific Covid Catastrophes for child, woman, and man are important, I believe it is even more so to pull back, see the view from 20,000 ft., and "grok" the overall plan.

Once you do that, you realize this looks a bit like the for battle for Humanity and for Freedom, rather similar to the end of a well known, (formerly anyway,) Ancient Text.

If anyone here has never read Revelations perhaps they might consider doing so now. And consider that we came very close recently to "the mark that without which they could neither buy nor sell." I expect to see this now, in my lifetime, unless more people wake up and say "NO!"

And unless we enforce our Rights ourselves, without expecting someone else to do that job for us.

However we do need to support the Tess Lawries, the Pierre Korys, etc, and all those willing to Stand Up to evil, for that is surely what has taken our government, media and our health agencies over.

(Just read the WhatsApps of Hancock, or "The Real Anthony Fouci," if do not know what kind of "humans" inhabit our seats of authority!)

Read ICENI, Prometheus Shrugged, Katherine Watts and Sasha Latypova on Substack.

You'll comprehend the methods of this "Coup" by "Mr. Global" on all of us.

Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr. Mike Yeadon also have not been mincing words. It is time to Stand For Freedom. Compassion. Integrity. Responsibility.

And in Medicine no one has said it better than Hippocrates, "First, Do No Harm!" Can you imagine?

Would that our Physicians might listen!!

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Just as I was coming to Substack, Dr. Nass sent me a form letter to send to my government, which I made a few simple changes to and then made it my first Substack publication. I’m so glad I did (I love that woman), but our government is not our own, any more than our minds. We must start Punishing Lawyers who write our laws, not each other, or we are forever destroyed never to evolve as a true free democratic country.

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.....not sure WHAT you're SAYIN', Jeffrey - MY mind is VERY much my OWN - always HAS been.....

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Not sure what YOU are saying??? I don’t see where I was even having dialog with you, Hamish. But I’m glad your mind is our own. No other way to be, I agree. May I invite you to my Substack publication, and please—get a free subscription, where eventually I’ll be opening up chat and will look forward to your opinions.

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You said - and I do quote, 'OUR mind/s' - hence, MY Comment.....

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You are correct, Libor, there is no such thing as going “back to the future” to make Any place on this planet “Great Again.” It’s just such mind-dribbling bullshit for the brainwashed sheep of the monster lawyers working for War Bankers/Profiteers. There’s only gong forward as “conscientious objectors” to all the nonsensical-violence and bloody wars with real political change from legitimate, peaceful grass-roots efforts to end the corrupt money controlling the political process, our elections and unconstitutional laws. We, The INTELLIGENT Peoples must start persecuting Criminal Lawyers trapping society to the inhuman laws criminalizing Freedom and Choice. We must punish them, and close down All jails and prisons, replacing them with humane mental health facilities—so we don’t have to repeat the past and kill peoples for solutions that never materialize.

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