Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Excellent. Thank you.

NSW (Hazard and Chant) never monitored vaxx adverse effects.

NSW never had data on long term vaxx adverse effects. (Other than the expectation of cases of chronic heart failure due to the known cases of myocarditis.)

Therefore NSW could never claim that the vaxx had net benefit.

Therefore NSW (Hazard and Chant) should never have mandated the vaxx.

Subsequent data only make matters worse, as you document.

Therefore NSW (Hazard and Chant) committed crimes against humanity.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

There is no other way of looking at it. Full stop.

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NSW state election coming up in March. One Nation is on our side. I will be helping them with letter boxing, handing out how to vote cards on Election Day and info from here.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

One Nation and Australia One and other few decent people.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed


Awesome and concisely posted Dr AKS, and with just the puuuuurrrfect amount of snark to data ratio😉 keep up the most excellent work.

#neverforget ##neversurrender

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

You little beauty, this is so excellent Dr AKS, as always! All that work that goes

into it, thank you! Bloody arrogant liers. There was still time, (Feb?) after the first Phiser "dump" they could have a good look, re-evaluate and make corrections but, No! They kept digging. They're are not our fellow human beings.

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It really depresses me that you keep catching them out and no one except us cares, so they simply keep carrying on.

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Yeah but think how much they hate me for shining the light on their obvious malfeasance. And imagine when they try and take action against me and then find out that this blog is registered with a legal entity under the public interest disclosure Act.... which means they then end up committing a federal crime with a 2 year jail term.

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Well that makes me feel better! Hahaha really it does.

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I just had a look at that Act... very interesting!! I liked s.29:

(1) Disclosable conduct is conduct of a kind mentioned in the following table that is conduct:

(a) engaged in by an agency; or

(b) engaged in by a public official, in connection with his or her position as a public official; or

(c) engaged in by a contracted service provider for a Commonwealth contract, in connection with entering into, or giving effect to, that contract:

[Snip ... and includes...]

4 Conduct that constitutes maladministration, including conduct that:

(a) is based, in whole or in part, on improper motives; or

(b) is unreasonable, unjust or oppressive; or

(c) is negligent.


6 Conduct that is:

(a) fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or deception, in relation to:

(i) proposing scientific research; or

(ii) carrying out scientific research; or

(iii) reporting the results of scientific research; or

(b) misconduct relating to scientific analysis, scientific evaluation or the giving of scientific advice.


8 Conduct that:

(a) unreasonably results in a danger to the health or safety of one or more persons; or

(b) unreasonably results in, or increases, a risk of danger to the health or safety of one or more persons.

Please nail these bastards to the wall, Mr. Ark Discloser!

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Not just that but the threshold for intimidation is only that the person feels intimidated by the other party, and the threshold for the disclosure is that the person believed they were acting in good faith by making the disclosure.

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That seems like a nice act. They probably wish it was not there and will be making moves to remove it in conjunction with some tax relief bill.

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Your perspective is that of a seemingly powerless, relatively uniformed, rather passive observer. People all over the world are bringing cases against criminals in the "health care" arena, in government, and the rest of the private sector. People are taking back local, and other elected offices important to good governance. Katherine Watt had a substack with letter citing U.S. federal code that anyone in the U.S. can send to notify people, and institutions involved in war crimes that they have both been notified, and will be prosecuted. It's not all doom, and gloom.

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I’m not aware of any court cases in Australia being won as yet or any Aus politicians having been meaningfully held to account but will be delighted to be proven wrong. And yes, I hope that we start winning some cases. Perhaps being consistently messed around by NSW Department of Health for the last 8 weeks over some fairly simple FOIs that they flat out refuse to fulfil has skewed my outlook this week😏

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Many cases have been won in the U.S. I saw much larger protests in Australia than in the U.S. and from my school days I understood Austraila to be a former penal colony so I'd expect major pushback on the criminals now running things. We won't give up our firearms here so the criminals will have to kill us to prevail.

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Yeah we had some big protests at the end of 2021. Media doesn't report any since 2022, so if you weren't there, you don't know they happened. It's encouraging that some wins are being had over the ocean, I'm glad to hear it. I never understood why people would want to keep a firearm until this year.

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The right to bear arms is to take out Fascist and Marxist totalitarian pigs who take over governments. Thirty clever snipers could take down tyrants in the U.S. in about three months. It's all in who gets taken out. Biden, and his cabinet are largely irrelevant for example.

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True in theory, but the fascists took over without anybody really noticing. Ruby Ridge should have been the tipping point to hold governments accountable for democidal actions but they continued their regime and everybody went about their business.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

And where's the accountability?

Btw, got any links to BioHazzard being butchered by the NSW Senate Estimates? Hopefully they're as funny as his lockdown ones.

"Raugh! Im too busy to sit here answering questions! Ive got a pandemic to impose! I'll answer for beaten dog Kerry too since I'm the medical expert."

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Yeah it should be in one of those links

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Don't pick on poor brad. He got fed bad data. 😉😉

"I was told by our modellers that I would be presiding over 25,000 deaths in NSW that year." There were only 57 deaths that year. 😠😡😠😡😠😡 https://www.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/i-want-to-live-again-brad-hazzard-s-exit-interview-came-earlier-than-expected-20221027-p5btmw.html

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He forgot the UN declaration on human rights and the UNESCO bioethics declaration of 2003. It was his responsibility to know them. If he didn't remembering that forcing untested therapies on people is what the Nazis did. When it got to court in Kassam vs Hazzard he didn't even turn up and he refused to release the "guidance". This what you do when you know what you did and don't want to face the investigation.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed


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The CDC were data manipulating from June 2022 to Aug 2022 updates.

The video has a link to this data set that I'll put in a Resources post soon on Substack.


This quick analysis (3.5 mins) though reflects how they subtracted deaths MONTHS after they occurred.

100s by state, 1000s per week in the U.S. I then caught CDC adding them back in.

Its like voting: you can died twice.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

In a coincidence I saw today that Aus had a spike of 35% excess death rate in January 2022. I checked quickly on google & saw there was a spike in both Covid cases & vaccine uptake.

These are non Covid deaths apparently. There has to be a way to determine if the spike in excess deaths is vaccine related or Covid/ past Covid. It’s come back down but still at 16ish %.

When looking at Sweden the have a lower excess death rate, they didn’t lockdown hard & have about 70%. Vaccination

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Excellent catch and analysis. Hopefully the people of Oz are waking up to the criminality! Hazzard needs more than a "mental health" break. It is impossible to "fix" psychopaths and narcissists...

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That's a great one, especially for people who followed the UKHSA and ONS machinations at the time, as well as Prof. Fentons uncoverage. So thx for your detective work, too.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you Dr Syed,

You help us counteract every msm article and the unrelenting bias toward ‘unvaccinated’. Thank you! Dr Chant not looking too confident these days…. I will find presser and link in.

Latest aim at ‘unvaccinated children’ - who have almost zero risk.


Hardly convincing -


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This only happens because Aussies are too chicken to physically fight back. Those skinny cops are kids. FIGHT BACK.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

800,000 people protested in Canberra Feb 2022( not 2021). There hasn't been a protest over 10,000 people in the USA. USA needs to rise up. Get rid the dementia joe.

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It really is NWO vs Patriots

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The Americans were not told they could only move within a 5km bubble BS. The Americans were not told they can’t move from state to state. Way LESS than 50% of Americans got the VAXX Bio Weapon and those that did were far left woke idiots. Aussies are pussies

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We're not pussies, the rest is true. Maybe we're all pussyfied?

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You didn’t fight back.

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Richard please, Jan 6th need I say more? End of 2022 and people still lingering in jail. I gather there won't be another one any time soon.

C'mon man, there are differences, sure but, one thing (maybe more)

we have in common is stupidified, asleep populace. And, don't call us

cowards! 😩😩😩

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The Jan 6th people are in the FAR LEFT WOKE communist zone. LOTS of people including lawmakers are hammering this but it’s the commies that are in power. I do agree it’s a travesty although it is 120 people or so. The Govt didn’t corral millions like sheep as they did/do in Australia.

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That's Feb 2022 and, how come the Americans can't find the way to remove Pedo Pete? (Sorry, my Ausie pride speaking 😬)

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I’m not saying any western country is perfect but the Aussies were by FAR the biggest cowards on earth by how they let the traitor police corral them like sheep.

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Take heart, we don't have much experience with such confrontations.

Most still believe they live in a western democracy and have human rights.

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You are correct. Feb 2022.

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No EFFING way that would happen in the USA, Canada, Germany, Italy etc

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And you think that “waving flags and walking” is doing anything?

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Australia will rise up.

When US Government makes a move in Patriots, I'm damn well counting on Australia France Canada etc

To rise up.

We can handle traitor cops and soldiers.

We can't handle them and bitch traitors imported from said countries.😎😎😎😎

Piss in new world order.

Can't wait to meet commies eyeball to eyeball

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I'll be there with my sling shot.

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I'm only little old lady but I've been contemplating sling shot, where do

you get one? I think I'll have to make one myself.

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Aren't you Aussies all experts with a boomerang? ;-)

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Good one Curtis! 🤣🤣🤣

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I hope to be done reading this in a month or two! But it does look remarkable at a good skim...

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

All these ministers are rats leaving a sinking ship - Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt, former WEF Director of Strategy, left for "family reasons' but not before pumping $180 million into biomedical research and launching the Genomics Australia lab; Minister for Customer Services Victor Dominello, who pushed the Federal government into changing the laws so that people's medical data could be merged with Services NSW in order to check vaccine status and segregate society, left politics for "family health reasons' less than a year after contracting Bell's palsy after the vaxx... remember the names, along with Chant, Hazard and the rest for ruining generations of Australians' health. It is unforgiveable.

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That's weird. Matt Hancock opened genomics UK... What are the odds?

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Fantastic work 👌 please keep it up. I really rely on multiple sources such as this one.

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