This is a picture of Samantha Willis and appears to have been taken on her wedding day. This picture is the highest resolution available online and is from the Manchester Evening News - surprisingly, because she died in Northern Ireland at the Altnagelvin hospital on the 20th August 2021.
The date is interesting because it is somewhat close to the date of Adriana Takara’s death. If you haven’t read that story now would be a good time. I mention this because the deaths have a common theme - that is, that they were both used to motivate people to line up for a COVID-19 vaccine.
In Adriana’s case it was targeted at the general population. In Samantha’s case the nudging was targeted specifically at the pregnant population.
Here is the Daily Mail a few days later1 promoting one of Josh Willis’s many interviews. Josh is very composed in all the interviews he gives. You can see the messaging switches quickly from a generic “get jabbed” to “51000 pregnant women got the jab and YOU are missing out!”
And now we know that this is how the nudging (aka propaganda) works we can go back to what actually happened and draw some more parallels to Adriana Takara’s death that was used to nudge the hesitants of the Australian population into vaccination.
Samantha and her husband Josh both were claimed to have tested positive for COVID on the 31st July, 2021 (20 days before her death) according to the fundraising page set up soon after her death.
Josh had COVID despite having received the “95% effective against infection2” vaccine. It is unclear whether the vaccinated Josh was the person who infected the unvaccinated Samantha, as happened with Adriana Takara and her vaccinated housemate, or vice versa. The description of her course in hospital is not clear but it seems that Samantha took a quick turn for the worse and was admitted to ICU within days. According to this article a few days earlier, Samantha had two trips to the ICU and delivered her baby by C-section around the 5th August. She died within 15 days of that surgery.
Unbelievably, in the midst of a COVID outbreak where people were being kept away from funerals - which were incredibly complicated to organise due to excessive and unnecessary COVID rules - Josh was able to organise a funeral within one working day. Samantha was buried on the following Monday 23rd August3:

If you have time to listen (as I have) this is the full interview with Josh on the 24th August 2021 - one day after the funeral and 4 days after Samantha’s death. In the 28 minute interview there is no break in the voice. It’s a bizarre interview from this perspective but this is a theme in all the interviews (see the ITV interview below).
It’s also a somewhat bizarre cover photo:
And next is the interview on ITV on the 25th August 2021, five days after the death and two days after the funeral. The interviewee is Rupert Evelyn who - coincidentally of course - appears as himself in “Faking it: Tears of a Crime” about people who fake their emotions on TV interviews to hide crimes.
And this is Rupert Evelyn’s interview with Josh Willis. Again, no emotion and no tears.
The bizarre and coincidental thing is that the whole interview reminded me of an interview that shook the world in 2002 - and is covered in the very same series. I won’t go into the story here and I’m not suggesting that the two people are related in any way, merely that the lack of emotion in the Willis interview is so bizarre that it reminded me of the Huntley interview. It’s almost as if Rupert Evelyn was chosen specifically to conduct that interview.
Of course, Rupert does appear to be a member of a special club. I don’t know what the membership fee is but the pinky ring seems prominent. Maybe just another coincidence.
The interviews and the articles do however give us a timeline:
Sunday 25th July - Child has symptoms, test negative
Thursday 28th July - Samantha has Symptoms
Saturday 31st July - Tested for COVID
Sunday 1st August - Results came back positive
Tuesday 3rd August - took to GP with shortness of breath
Thursday 5th August - Baby delivered by C-section (Samantha was denied access to the baby, reason not specified)
Sunday 8th August - Josh collected baby
Monday 9th August - doing well on oxygen (face mask) - back on ward
Wednesday 11th August - sent a text to say she had COVID pneumonia
Thursday 12th August - back to ICU
didn’t see again until
Thursday 19th August - worsened in ICU
Thursday 20th August - death
The timeline from the interviews seem consistent with all the articles. I don’t have an explanation for the comment about why Josh took Samantha to the GP on the 3rd August “because I checked her oxygen level and it was 89-90”. Most people don’t have an oxygen saturation machine at home, so how did he check her saturation? The current NIdirect advice doesn’t seem to mention home oxygen monitors but it is possible that they acquired or were given one.
As described, Samantha passed away on the 20th August. This is tweet from Josh’s business twitter account.

So why did Samantha die?
Samantha Willis was 35 and pregnant when she got COVID. Despite Viki Male’s twitter musings the risk of death from COVID in pregnancy was not higher than the non-pregnant population according to publications in 2020 (and the guideline below). Although overweight, Samantha’s risk of death from COVID-19 should have been miniscule. The logical conclusion is that something happened in the hospital that resulted in her death.
What we know is that none of the following treatments were given to Samantha: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, inhaled budesonide, vitamin C or vitamin D, all of which are safe post-delivery. The reason we know this is that, despite the surgisphere fiasco, the NHS dictats were that these treatments were not to be used.
For reference here is the full NICE/NHS guideline for the management of COVID in pregnancy at the time of Samantha’s COVID infection.
It is important to note that from about March 2020 onwards, most COVID guidelines are unauthored. That is, the authorship is not declared in the guideline itself. This raises the possibility that many - if not all - international guidelines were ghost written by the very people who had a vested interest in supplying pharmaceuticals that would make money. A prime example of this is the Australian COVID treatment guidelines where 10 of the 17 members of the “therapeutics” committee had defined Pharma conflicts of interest4. But hey, this is a pandemic so we have to get whoever we can, right?
So what treatment did Samantha Willis receive? It’s impossible to know. It is possible that she was given remdesivir despite being advised against in the treatment guidelines, because it was one of the few drugs that were authorised for COVID treatment. If that was the case it may have been a contributor to death judging by a recent law suit.
We can also be reasonably sure that whatever Samantha received wasn’t what Boris Johnson received when he went to ICU with the original Wuhan strain of COVID - much older, even more overweight - and recovered in one day. Of course, because Samantha wasn’t a member of the elite brigade or WEF she wouldn’t have been offered any special Boris treatments - even if the special treatment was something as simple as hydroxychloroquine, subsequently shown to reduce COVID mortality in over 100 studies and one of the few drugs safe in pregnancy.
Apart from the fact that Samantha doesn’t appear to have been given any active COVID treatment (because the NHS denied there were any), is it even likely that COVID is what killed her, given that she had mostly recovered by the 9th of August? Something happened in the 3 days between the 9th and 12th of August that killed her, and I am going to suggest that it wasn’t COVID - because there were no special COVID precautions taken at the funeral.
There is one other twist in this story and it relates to the reported cause of death. Now that you are attuned to this subtle word manipulation you can see it. These two reports are from different “mainsteam” media sources at the same time. Just one word different - “with” from the BBC and “of” from the NY post.
Excluding the NY post’s (and a number of other sources at the time) sensationalism leaves us with “Samantha Willis died with COVID not of COVID”. In other words, she did in fact recover from COVID and something else happened.
There are therefore 3 prime suspects for what Samantha actually died of
(1) Venous thromboembolism i.e. pulmonary embolism - a leading cause of death in pregnancy, the risk is higher in those overweight and post-C-section.
(2) Secondary pneumonia - following the initial COVID infection secondary pneumonia is a real risk and very much denied in the NHS/NICE COVID guidelines which state that “azithromycin…. should not be used”.
(3) Possible receipt of a COVID vaccine in the post-operative, post-COVID period. Although this seems like a crazy idea, Josh Willis repeatedly stated that Samantha had intended to get a COVID vaccine as soon as possible after the pregnancy. Given the overwhelming desire for the NHS to provide vaccines for all women - pregnant or not - it seems not an unreasonable conclusion that they would have offered it to Samantha as soon as she recovered from her acute COVID infection. It might sound ridiculous but there were plenty of doctors touting the idea that you could get your COVID vaccine as soon as you had passed the isolation period. However, this was a high risk time because she was in the postoperative postnatal risk period for VTE and receipt of a COVID vaccine is known to provide an acute increase in the risk of VTE (here and here). So, if she did receive a COVID vaccine at that time, she would have been at much higher risk for a fatal pulmonary embolism. This would fit the acute description of the return to ICU and the rapid worsening to death - without any apparent attempt to temporise with ECMO.
In any of these cases, the fact is that Samantha Willis should not have needed to be hospitalised with COVID, because early treatment options should have been available to her. She should never have needed to end up in ICU at the age of 35, and if she did she should never have needed to return to ICU because she should have been properly managed after coming out of there the first time. It is almost certain that she did not get the right treatment because of the political interference in the NHS COVID treatment guidelines - which adversely affected the common person like Samantha but not the elites like Boris.
So, here’s the bottom line. Which is more likely - that a 35 year old pregnant woman died “of COVID” or that something else happened and her death was used by vested interests to push the vaccine on pregnant women?
I think we know, now. Unfortunately it’s too late for Samantha Willis.
Samantha Willis was the victim of politics - the politicised capture of medicine, corrupted by the whims of BigPharma and BigGovt. Only Josh Willis and the staff at Altnagelvin know what really happened. Any of them can contact me here and I will publish their story anonymously.
One day I suspect the truth will come out.
Rest in peace Samantha Willis.
UPDATE: Thanks to one of our eagle eyed readers who spotted that the very same hospital’s very same ICU had an outbreak of the lethal (to compromised patients) aspergillus fungus at the very same time that Samantha was there. Aspergillosis would very much account for the deterioration, return to ICU and subsequent death.
Aspergillosis complicating COVID-19 patients who have been transferred to ICU is such a common association there are currently 436 results on Pubmed for the search term “aspergillosis and COVID”. A review in Feb 2021 - amongst many others - showed this to be a significant problem contributing to death.
I would think that there is little doubt given this development that Samantha Willis died of aspergillosis as a complication of the treatment she received at Altnagelvin hospital.
The hospital should come forward with a statement that conclusively and unambiguously declares that Samantha Willis did not receive a dose of COVID vaccine at any time and that she did not have aspergillosis at the time of her death.
A more extensive story from the Daily Mail on the 23rd August 2021
According to the original propaganda study on which the vaccines were rolled out
Also reported here (The Irish Times is a subscription newspaper but this article is surprisingly still free in full)
Aspergillus - another possibility?
Lesson here is submit to any medical trx and you may be given the big Harma hacksxxxine and it might kill you.
Avoid doc tors and hospitals.
Be afraid of health care