The NIH owns a significant part of the patent rights for the Moderna “vaccine,” per:


This issue was raised by US Senator Rand Paul during his questioing of Dr. Fauci (link below):

“(US senator Rand) Paul wanted to know more information about royalty payments scientists at the National Institutes of Health have received.

‘Over the period of time from 2010 to 2016, 27,000, royalty payments were paid to 1,800 NIH employees. We know that not because you told us, but because we forced you to tell us through the Freedom of Information Act,’ Paul said, noting that more than “$193 million was given to these 1,800 employees.’…

‘Here's what I want to know. It's not just about you,’ he (Rand Paul) continued. ‘Everybody on the vaccine committee. Have any of them ever received money from the people who make vaccines? Can you tell me that?’

‘Sound bite number one—Are you going to let me answer a question?’ Fauci said as Paul continued to speak… ‘OK, so let me give you some information. According to the regulations, people who receive royalties are not required to divulge them even on their financial statement, according to the by Bayh-Dole Act,’ Fauci answered.”



So… setting aside the infuriating arrogance of Dr. Fauci (which is hard to do), let’s make Rand Paul’s question more specific: How much in royalty payments ERIC O. FREED received? And how much MORE would he stand to receive if the Moderna “vaccine” remains on the market?

This is clearly fraud and racketeering. The only remaining question in my mind is this: Who among the criminals is in it just for the money? And who among them has the broader goal of overthrowing governments to set up a genocidal CCP-style/oligarchic worldwide surveillance state.

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The background and history of Moderna is disturbing on many levels.

Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside one of biotech’s most secretive startups


Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine


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Many people missed the damning Moderna CEO interview that took place almost a year ago:

https://youtu.be/YcgE-5a1Ztc?t=442 (timed to start at 7:22)

At ~4:30, Bancel was stressing the importance on antibody levels while talking about the immunity to a new virus. He "forgot" the innate immune system as well as all cost-effective early treatments.

At 7:22 mark (I timed the link here) Bancel was asked where the virus came from and he said it's possible the Chinese did GoF-research (he didn't use the exact term), and it got away. Bancel downplayed it by saying "it's possible as humans make mistakes".

The most important and damning part to me, in addition of pushing the "unscientific conspiracy theory" on GoF-product lableak" that got you kicked out of social media, was when he was asked about the old Moderna-patented cancer research sequence found in SARS2, Bancel answered how "his researchers are doing research to check if that is real or not".

- Almost a year has passed, yet still no word from Moderma regarding to their cancer-research patent. Nor have I heard anyone asking this again from Moderna. Another sign of the corrupt MSM and Moderna is safe as they won't give interviews to anyone else.

I wish someone would also ask about the price that the people pay for that "strong antibody response" after organs start to produce unlimited numbers of Spike for long, but unknown time? Many of us already know this was an inhumane thing to do.

This is an important paper relating to the above and Arkmedics GREAT but horrifying article as most of us have injected people around us. They even mention one case which seems to be triggered by the injection, but just by having eyes open, it seems these are getting more and more common in >2x the injected cohort. This is the recent paper:

'SARS-CoV-2 as an Oncolytic Virus Following Reactivation of the Immune System:

A Review'


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Interesting to revisit this comment in Jan 2023 after the Project Veritas shitshow.

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed


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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I realized that when I saw a drawing where the connections were pointed out. Must have been in gab during the fascist bird days, most likely from Ersa Flavinkins/Dayou, a true scientist and therefore a pseudonym.

Makes me angry to think about what else they'll do as it's shown that they have 0 respect for humanity, are the same as the military-industrial complex. Pfizer must have been picked for another contractor for it's know-how, but also for brand and history in the field. With "some" help from the MSM, act as a trustworthy front/shield. (For me, pfizer was one of the first things why I had no trust, but most people still don't know about their criminal past).

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed


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Apr 16Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Indeed, and thank you Dr Syed for putting it simply enough that a truck driver like me is able to easily comprehend.

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Moderna = CIA from its foundation

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If you're implying that the CCP is trying to take over the world, I find that very unlikely. I think the world has been taken over a long time ago and the CCP is just a small part of the world's ruling class. The ruling class is trying to make it look like the CCP clandestinely seeks world domination, but everything the public knows about what the CCP seems to be up to is also known by the major intel agencies, including the NSA, the CIA, MI6, Mossad etc. The political parties are not opposed to each other. They're collaborating on a script that pretends they're opponents. Mileswmathis.com has many suggestive papers, including one that shows that the CIA surely has secretly controlled Cuba all along. So likewise it figures that the U.S. and other parts of the ruling class intended for the CCP to take over China in 1949 or so. The U.S. even took over Japan well before WW2. Rand Paul is likely part of the ruling class too, or its lackeys. The ruling class obviously controls the media and makes liberals look stupid and evil to conservatives and makes conservatives look the same to liberals. I suppose that the science paper under discussion was probably real, but I admit I don't have all the answers, so my impressions could be flawed too.

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There is an active effort to downplay the role and importance of the CCP.

The CCP’s Belt and Road initiative mimics the role that John Perkins 2004 book “The Economic Hit Man” described the US as playing.

Ask yourself: How does a book like that get published? Part of the motivation was to villify “big oil” to weaken the US economy and promote the “Climate Change” agenda. The US and the reat of the West are now being subjected to the same EHM tactics described by Perkins.

A totalitarian government with a sufficiently strong military is a much more amenable and consistent partner for the elites who wish to control us than is a democratic republic. The CCP was chosen by the elites- who likely prefer a worldwide communist takeover to enslave humanity. But the CCP also chose the elites.

I appreciate your comment and am always open to ideas. But make no mistake- It is a marriage of equal partners, in my opinion.

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Just want to address this part: "Ask yourself: How does a book like that get published?"

Perkins had a small publisher back in 2004, Berrett-Koehler Publishers (it's grown since but at the time, they hadn't published much). Their history here:


At the same time, we know people have been epsteined/arkancided for less, so it would've been child's play to bully the publisher to reject Perkins.

When I read the book years ago, I thought the details may not be exact but there is plenty of other evidence that point to same direction. By applying president Reagan's way of thinking in foreign policy, if I was the president of any country and was approached by anyone with the message "we are from the US government and we are here to help your country", I'd be very worried. And soon epsteined as I wouldn't play. ;)

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All the major players are in the same club, acting out their different roles on the world stage. Pick which ring you want to watch; it's all part of the same big show. People have been programmed in reductionist thinking for decades and have lost the ability to stretch their minds to take the 40K foot view and see how the dots all connect to form a big picture. The blame game that their mouthpieces love to shrill is a fun way to keep the mind-controlled masses stuck spinning in their little silos, while the controllers sit back, safe in their towers and watch us kill each other. It's complete insanity.

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That drives me crazy how everyone seems to be so easily manipulated to believe this hogwash about China being the new Reaganesque "evil empire" of the day.

As you correctly point out, it is most countries' bankers/oligarchs working in concert internationally, it is this Carlin Big Club class that is continually working against our interests, that is continually working hard to keep us poor and dependent on their systems of control, and that has now finally decided that they are ready and capable of fulfilling their centuries-long dream of exterminating the majority of us through Eugenics and direct depopulation, and to thereafter thoroughly control our numbers.

I'm not home so don't have the link handy, but from what I remember from before, last time it took me a while to find the video on Corbett's site, so I'll just post a reply here later when I get the link, but it was a video/documentary created around 2015 that explained how Kissinger and company helped Mao get into power in China, and how the US has ever since been working very closely with China.

Another objective of this China cooperation was to bring over there and to develop Technocracy paired with surveillance (now evolved into bio-surveillance), which they could not have developed in the US. Patrick Wood explains that when Kissinger brought Technocracy to China in the '70s, China not only took the baton, but ran the race: https://corbettreport.com/interview-1433-patrick-wood-on-the-hard-road-to-world-order

This ongoing 5th-Gen WWIII currently being waged against us is a class war, it's the ruling class against all of us who are not considered being part of this ruling class, it has nothing at all to do with nations... the ruling class are very close now to globally abolishing all nation States in favour of their goal of global governance, with "No one left behind", in other words, no other system will be tolerated anywhere on this planet, there will be no "parallel economies", no living off the grid, etc., no one will be allowed to live outside their totalitarian system. Let no one fool themselves into thinking that they will somehow be able to opt out, our overlords have stated that they will not allow this. Our only chance of not living in their system is to defeat them, else we will end up living in a long era of Technocratic totalitarianism that will systematically cull us down to low numbers.

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Thanks for your info. I call them TJTB, The Jackasses That Be. They appear to have power, but I believe they don't really. They're only allowed to think they do, whereas there are "higher power/s" for good that trump theirs (I don't consider Trump to be on the good side - his fast tracking of the clot shots indicate he isn't). The so-called End Times appear to be coming for them now, to bring the end of The Beast (jackasses). Darren Thompson interpreted Revelation about 20 years ago, showing that the middle of the End Times would be August 2027 with the appearance of two comets in that month, so the end of the 7 year period would be early 2031 and the beginning early 2024.

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Sorry, on the way out the door... just quickly, that link I'd mentioned: https://corbettreport.com/china-and-the-new-world-order-transcript/

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

The amount of crossbred corruption in the government, and the medical branch of the government of all places, is breathtaking.

I’m fairly sure it can’t be fixed. You’d have to put Rand Paul in charge of the FDA, but then the fbi would just Michael Flynn him.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Pretty much the most damning report on spike I've read to date. And of course there are interlopers shilling for the vaccines and pharma. I truly wish these people to be tried and stood up against a wall.

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Oh, it gets worse;

Only in the sense that this is just one of the horrific chapters in a quickly growing saga:


And, like always, Arkmedic has been on top of it

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Ha! I read that as “fried.”

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Also an acceptable outcome.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Paper promptly downloaded and filed.

Of course, part of my disgust at all this is the disconnect that individuals have, the sheer lack of survival instinct that says, “I don’t know what that is, but that sh*t’s not going into my body!”

I mean, how could anyone NOT be concerned or even curious about what an “experimental” substance could do to the body, especially given all the warnings we get about everything else?

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They made TV their "God"

A "God" that's "always right" and "can't be corrupted or bribed".

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They never read Neil Postman.

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The psyop was powerful man. Powerful and relentless

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Bombshell of an article, Dr.

Further reading:

Tumor Suppressor Protein p53 & BRCA related cancers

Experimental gene therapy transfections and public health implications


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Thanks DC great stuff as always

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you for providing truth in the darkness

Dr Syed. My mum had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in 2016/17 and incredibly survived her treatment with a ten percent chance. Everyone and all the doctors told her to get the vaccine, they even asked me to convince her, but she refused. I was really worried at the very start so I emailed a courageous specialist in another field and he supported us. We have never looked back re gene therapy, so many returned blood cancers reported. So many friends and family have unfortunately had clots, heart trouble and cancer but no one who is injected accepts it could be the spike or related.

Does anyone know long the spike from the first injection lasts? Has anyone cleared the first injection?

Does the second shot last the same amount of time or cause something else to happen with priming?

Are the boosters causing more spike issues than the second shot because it is cumulative or is there another reason ?

What about mixing and matching? A friend told me proudly they have had AZ, Pfzier and Moderna ….

Do we even know yet if people really can help themselves clear the spike and recover their immune system?

I’m really worried about my friends and family, even if they were willing to take it for selfish reasons, they were obviously clueless, but I really care about them and their children. Just knowing it can enter/alter DNA is terrifying. This surely unsettles some parents? Once the truth hits mainstream media it will be game over - no wonder they censor everything. I feel so fortunate to have found substacks and doctors like yourself who strive to educate ethically in a world of distortion and disillusionment.

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Thank you. I do fear for our cancer patients who haven't been given balanced information

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I can testify under oath oncologist, radiologist &oncogynecologist promote vaxccines & boosters to cancer patients as a "must"...in Canberra Hospital.

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Everywhere. Without knowing what they are promoting, or the specific risks in those patients. 99% don't even know how it works

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At this point it's willful ignorance that doctors are promoting these shots. I confronted a doctor on Twitter who is a very vocal proponent of the shots and linked Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone and asked if he had read or watched any of their stuff. He responded that he refused to watch or read because he 'already knew' what they were saying and they are 'wrong'. Willful ignorance.

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Yes, Hillary. There is so much arrogance in them

Idk how can their "intelligence" square up with the fact that they're just unthinking followers in the most important matters in their professional lives. Arrogance and plain stupidity imho.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

How could they NOT know?


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Ask any doctor you meet. Ask them what the mechanism of activity is. If they get past "the RNA makes your cells produce spike protein and your immune system is then primed against it" ask them "so why wouldn't your immune system attack your own cells producing it?"

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Thank you very much!

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Our organic healthcare workers told us when she rebuttal-ed against the brainwashed colleagues they just say "but ministry of health said..."

it only takes 5 minutes to go to ministry of health & Medsafe websites to see the numbers and what a cluster F it is, but they don't. They just take a leap of faith and call it science.

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Isn’t it their RESPONSIBILITY to know? I just don’t understand how they can recommend an experimental drug with so little information on it.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I was just recently treated for a very rare cancer at Yale New Haven. I'm unvaccinated. I ended up in the gynecologic oncology area. Not a single person asked my vaccine status, nor did they recommend that I get one. They never mentioned it at all. They must have see something happening...

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Good news and bad at the same time

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They were very interested that my mitotic rate was one (I believe it's how quickly the cancer cells are dividing). That's low and one Doctor admitted she had recently seen someone over 30.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Charlotte you are the lucky one. That is NOT the case in Canberra Gyno oncology, Radiation etc wards.

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I honestly just think we are several months ahead of you with the crisis. Australia started the jabs slightly later- the disconnect will continue until these folks are directly affected or it’s staring them right in the face. Not a moment sooner, sadly.

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I have a friend in QLD who has been taking Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc for 22 yrs for RA. Her Rheumatologist convinced her to get the Jab, by saying that she told all her Patients on Hydroxychloroquine to get it & was getting her own shot the next day. I had been trying to tell my friend that she would be fine & sending her information about Dr Zelenko treating patients with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc & Azithromycin, etc, but she took the Jab & ended up bedridden for 2 months. I still haven't gotten over it, I'm still mad.

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From my personal experience each person immune system is unique. Worry & deep life changing trauma sometimes for some people, increase potential for cancer. Exercise, mindfulness, acceptance, loving relationships, caring, intermittent fasting and remaining metabolically healthy enhance probability of being ok. I have 6 friends who had cancer and got vax and 2-3 boosters, all are fine, for now . Focus on what you can influence and let go (if you can) of everything that is not stimulating in ways that reverberate with you physically, mentally spiritually and energetically. At the end of the day it is all about energy frequency and vibration. Anyway you turn it Death is the final destination. Time is the ultimate currency. Make the most of it. Enjoy and Have Fun.❤

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Great advice, but So much easier said than done. Especially after reading this particular substack. I want to stay up to date, but then I don't. I don't want to turn my back on all the suffering, but what will turning my back on the suffering do for my karma?

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Thank you Bibi!

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Agree. Although it is a terrifying situation and many “normies” who just don’t know Or don’t want to know are even more terrifying.To have family and friends who were warned and ignored the facts it is emotionally difficult.

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Great questions. My husband’s lymphoma returned with a vengeance about six months after initial Pfizer shots. He would not listen to my plea to avoid the jabs. He has learned and will not get boosted. His oncologist did not push the shot but said it was okay if he wanted it.

My question: why can “vaccines” be given without a prescription? Is it to protect doctors from liability? Many docs pushed their cancer patients to get jabbed, but didn’t do the injections themselves. Or write a Rx script…

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Best wishes for your husband. Try to get some ivm - it has been shown to have anti cancer properties as well as vaccine injury benefits etc. You can find lots of information suggesting it helps.

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This is a very important post.

My substack has warned about the extreme dangers of p53 suppression since last year.

My substack has also warned about the Pseudouridine component of the Modified mRNA gene therapy which induces indefinite endogenous spike protein production.

This whole “vaccination” scheme is a eugenics depopulation program at the direct expense of those being subjected to the slow kill bioweapons that they themselves paid for via tax theft.

This is what Agenda 21 and The Great Reset look like in the acceleration phase we are now experiencing.

My substack has warned that the worst mortality will occur over the 5-10 years post injections as per the above article.

I have reposted your must read article here:


Thank you for your service.

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Thank you

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

How awful to have so much knowledge and willingness to help others (strangers) and to be ignored. A clear conscience is a beautiful thing to have. Thank you, and God bless you and yours.

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I'm already subscribed lol great work, just have a quick question, why do people like Dr Malone, Dr Syed, you etc say 5-10 yrs? Is it based on usual vaxine trial timeline or are there other scientific basis that's used to gauge this? Thanks!

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Ovarian cancer via p53 dysfunction takes years to develop, usually. We see this in people like Angelina Jolie where they don't have the correct genes for DNA repair yet most of these cancers develop over age 40

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

My 26 year old daughter has the BRCA2 gene mutation. She had her 2nd jab May 2021. She was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer August 2021. I have never believed this to be a coincidence. Just as everyone is different, I suspect the timeframe for people to experience this horrifying life chaos (months-years) will be different also.

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It would certainly be worth getting immunohistochemistry performed on her tissue samples for spike protein, but it would need to be an independent lab

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Sadly, I suspect it’s too late for that. She had a mastectomy and reconstruction done September 2021. She had chemo and radiation. And she had a full hysterectomy September 2022. They now have her on hormone blockers (how can a person’s body live optimally without hormones?!?) and will be doing an infusion to offset damage to bones from hormone blockers. It’s a horrible pharma merry-go-round that she is unable, and too afraid, to get off of.

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Read the blog mycancerstory.rocks ! Maybe she can add that protocol along with dietary changes (How to Starve Your Cancer- Jane McClelland.) Lastly, watch these videos about alternate treatments and about high dose melatonin therapy, as well… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hiOhVZhy18o&feature=youtu.be AND https://m.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR2RlLjWaAqa4_mDXm15nvXVUcl8vMaB3-ityY9feW2DAusX2PA7H1UkdyI&v=Roh4lQXneQg&feature=youtu.be

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you for your answer =)

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I recall learning that it takes 5 years of tumor growth for many cancers for the tumor to become detectable by current methods. Is that still true?

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

At my employer, they gleefully reported that 98% of the US workforce has been jabbed. We have 108,600 in the US, so than means ~106,400 have been jabbed. Only 2,200 not. I (a 62 year old, in perfect health, white male, {with no pronouns} and natural immunity) HAVE NOT. I thank God every day that I have places I can still find truth. I don't advertise or brag I am pure blood because I am already discriminated against enough for all my Conservate views, but I can celebrate here with you. But I am also sad because my wife is the ONLY other pure blood I know. So many misled sheep. Even my own daughters.

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I can so relate. Husband is 4x jabbed, our two daughters are 2x jabbed but promise they won’t get any more. My son and I are the only

ones “in the control group”. It breaks my heart.

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My whole Family is Jabbed - I tried to talk to them & sent a lot of information, but my BiL asked me if I'd gone all weird. I got one sister to stop after 2 & one son as well. Another sister has Breast Cancer, HER2, ex-husband Colon Ca., niece's son in 20s, Testicular Cancer, now spread & several others in extended family & friends - some have already passed. Younger sister misdiagnosed FTLD, had MND, died of Cardiac Arrest at age 58 in 2021, less than a year after original DX. Son & Grandaughter are doing a Triathlon this weekend - I am trying not to worry.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

😳😭😭😭 This is.... I have no words...everyday I say it can get worst, and every day I'm mistaken.... OMG!!!

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praying for all victims of The Culling.

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The Culling.

Sounds like a Stephen King horror title. Too bad it’s not!

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Dr Ah Kahn Syed your knowledge, debth of insights, clarity of presentation , how you organise, explain, construct your arguments, findings, the wit, the humor, the courage .... truly breathtakingly exceptional. Thank you for researching, thinking& writing the way you do.

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And thank you for helping out the mouse army through all this... Your loyalty to the cause is admirable. You have supported us throughout. O7

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Investigation much appreciated. So there is one alternative hypothesis to lockdown/neglect of screening for why cancers are spiking after covid.

A tension has existed in the journals all along between the impetus to publish research making covid seem scarier on the one hand, while making the vaccines which necessarily share some of the same biochemistry out to be safe, on the other.

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This is how it will work. There will be "normal" cancers diagnosed at a lower rate but with a higher mortality in 2021-2022, because of fear of going to the doctor. At the same time, lymphomas, leukaemias and unusual cancers (that rely on acute suppression of cancer pathways) will spike but in low numbers. Over the next 2-10 years this will drift into an overall rise in the number of cancers of certain types and I suspect it will be gradual. It will not be able to be directly linked to the vaccines because everybody had them. That is why they needed to remove the control group. It will be difficult to prove, just as it took 40 years to sue J&J for ovarian cancer from their otherwise useless baby powder.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Forgive me if this is a silly question, but is there a way to test the pathology of the tumor to determine if it was potentially caused by the vaccine? Are there certain characteristics that could be different than ordinary cancer vs. vaccine induced? A family friend of mine just had a full hysterectomy to remove a large tumor and was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. She thinks it may have been caused by the vaccine.

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There are two things you could do.

(1) Request somatic HRD testing on the specimen (you can ask the lab to arrange this, but may attract a fee). If this is negative it is unlikely to be explained by the mechanism described by Jiang.


(2) Ask for spike protein immunohistochemistry in the tumour. This may be difficult because very few labs have optimised this yet

As I said, it would be unlikely that an ovarian or breast cancer has occurred this quickly as a result of this process, but if the person wanted to go through that pathway for their own peace of mind that would be the way to do it.

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Do you think it will take that long? I am hearing about more cancer, not age related either, across the board. I appreciate the references and your analysis.

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I'm wondering the same thing. Even without the complications of transfection, individual risk factors vary. Also, if the immune system is already trying to deal with any other issue or disease, then the introduction of a viral S-protein with the power to reduce this crucial element by 90% could have a magnifying effect, accelerating the progression of any pre-existing conditions, and quite possibly leading to unusually rapid onset of these types of cancer.

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Excellent point, my 58 year old sister was diagnosed with Stage 1 ovarian cancer just a few months after her 2nd vaccine, the doctors were surprised as they rarely find ovarian that early. I immediately felt the vaccine may have inflamed the tumor that she was totally unaware she had…. I believe there were doctors at Hopkins already studying this early last year who were curious about a 2021 sudden increase in ovarian cancer.

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A simple question, forgive my ignorance, but in some fashion, could not the general population of unvaccinated be compared/contrasted against the vaccinated over the next several years as a sort of "control" group? In a broad sense, that is.

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That was the reason that it was necessary not to reach 70% vaccination but 98% vaccination in most Western countries. At that level (2%) there are so many confounders in the remaining cohort of unvaccinated people it will never be possible to do this. That was essential to achieve in order to make sure that the evidence could not be gleaned to file claim against the pharma companies for fraud in their claims in the clinical trials. Remember it took 40 years for the J&J decision, 30 years for thalidomide etc

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thanks for the reply. America still has a sizeable unvaccinated population, if I am not mistaken. Around 30% at least.

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Europeans nations like Ukraine or similar nations, or South Africa etc could be ok, and ya America still have the conservatives holding on

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

So we really need an insider with documents like the tobacco companies...

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Looks like Africa could be reasonable control group with only 6% of population vaccinated. However, WHO and other forces desperately trying to change that thru Catastrophic Contagion tabletop exercise https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2023/January/PDF/why-has-covid-spared-africa-pdf.pdf

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Are we talking about total population or adults? In NZ about 90% adults are done but if including kids we have about 80%

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According to their stats...which I don't believe. I'm unjabbed here and know many others the same

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Everyone in my immediate family and in my church (for the most part) are not vaccinated. In my little world, most are not. Lots of folks here in my rural Mid-Atlantic county are conservative critical thinkers with a healthy dose of skepticism. Up north, in the cities, not so much.

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What size adult control group would be needed in your opinion? 10%?

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At least. And from those you would ideally need to match people for age, BMI, smoking status, comorbidities (could use the Charlson index as an overall measure). The more disparity you have (e.g. 90-10 or 95-5) the greater the need for matching because the smaller group is less likely to be representative of the larger group (because of some inate bias that caused them to avoid the vaccine)

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I appreciate your excellent articles very much, Dr. Ah.

However, I must point out one thing: The notion that folks avoided the vaccine due to "some innate bias."

This is almost like circular thinking.

What I mean is, one doesn't avoid a thing due to "innate bias." It's the reverse, actually. One accepts or requests a thing because one wants it. If one doesn't want something, one simply doesn't seek it.

So, for example, there's no reason to ever say why you don't do a certain thing. I don't walk around with bubble gum stuck in my hair due to any sort of bias I have against bubble gum. I just wouldn't want gum in my hair.

No one ever needs to explain why they don't do a thing. The more interesting (and, unfortunately, tragic) matter to look at in this case is why would anyone want an experimental anything injected into oneself? The thought that billions did is absolutely heart-breaking.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Interesting, thanks for the reply.

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Hello, thank you for this information. I'm just a layperson although having worked as a clinical research trials assistant in a hospital and do know and had training on understanding how the trials were to run, the eligibility criteria and how protocols had to be strictly adhered to. There has already been an explosion of cancers seen after being jabbed, some aggressive stage V and this is possibly due to the TLR cells being disabled in order for the mrNA or whatever method used to gain entry to cells. My friend has just informed me that she and many of her friends have now all of a sudden got skin cancers! There is an article written here with studies attached which you may or may not have seen. www.ukcolumn.org/index.php/article/stabilising-the-code

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I think you mean stage 4...

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Yes I did. Thanks for correction.

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This pathologist is seeing higher numbers now and more aggressive cancers.


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Notice she refers to the same Jiang paper

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Outstanding work as usual - thank you very much!!

I think it gets even worse. A Japanese bioavailability study had shown that the human tissue which accumulates the highest concentration of lipid from the lipid nanoparticle, and by implication the highest dose of spike mRNA (which is carried in the lipid nanoparticle), is the ovary.


(see particularly the table on page 7)

The ovaries were already prone to a wide variety of tumours, and now the vaxx gives then an extra-high dose of the DNA-repair-damaging experimental mRNA. We also know from a Swedish liver cell study that vaxx mRNA is reverse transcribed into host DNA in vitro, (although to my knowledge this has not yet been confirmed in vivo), opening the credible possibility that the ovaries could go on producing this carcinogenic spike protein throughout the patient's life.

So we can expect the vaxx to cause a rise in ovarian tumours with presumably at least a few years' lead time. Our government has thrown caution to the wind here at the same time as mandating the vaxx and outlawing alternative covid early treatment options, at the same time as censoring and gagging health professionals who could otherwise discuss these issues.

In addition the high vaxx concentration in the ovaries could well be anticipated to cause fertility issues; empirical data demonstrating high miscarriage rates and lowered national fertility rates following the vaxx are confirmatory.

So the vaxx will decrease the population through (i) fertility impairment, and (ii) increased ovarian cancers, both of which just happen to coincide with the globalists' depopulation agenda.

Isn't it funny how all these "unforeseen" effects just happen to coincide with the globalist agendas?

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My son went to school with a girl, who is now 21, who has been diagnosed with an aggressive ovarian cancer. I haven’t asked her vax status, but she worked in a nursing home, so I suspect they required shots and boosters.

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.... but wait, there's more: Transferrin Receptor is highly expressed on tumors and has long been used as a target to deliver substances to cells, and Spike targets Transferrin Receptor.


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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Dude, you’re making me laugh when I’m supposed to be in a serious mood, WTF? lol

I mean that was the best description of what they look like… I’d probably say Robert Duvall not chuck Norris, but back to reading.

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Oh God. You're right. Now I'm in a quandary... edit or leave it. OMG I won't sleep tonight! :-)

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I love how you write, think and your sense of humour. You make me cry & giggle and laugh AND want to punch those criminals.

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That was exactly my sentiment

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Laughing is the best intro and much needed 😊🙏 it’s an amazing post! Thank you

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Miss you on Twatter brother

Specially during this whole cannibalism push.

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Once cancer is induced, the immune system has to fight it. Vaccine-induced immunosuppression interferes with that. Double whammy.

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Indeed. Thank you for commenting Vinu I have much respect for your work - we have both been fighting for the truth since Prashant Pradhan's article was censored on February 2020. I hope one day we get to see that article restored and he (and you, Charles Rixey and others) given the credit you deserve for showing clear evidence that this virus was manufactured.

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Thank you Dr Ah Kahn Syed. I did not know who you were. Now I think I know!

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

See the Merogenomics channel discuss the paper. https://youtu.be/4Unt03UBhbU There's a follow up video if you search for nucleus in the channel's videos

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Merogenomics has been a helpful resource through this entire thing. Helps build mental

models of the mechanisms involved.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Someone should start a journal that publishes these fraudulently retracted studies. Call it Heretical Science or something.

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Having a paper retracted is now a sign of quality and integrity.

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It would also make a great coffee-table book: bound in leather, gifted honorary to each person who enters the hall of fame. We also need a separate, small medical licensing organization who can re-license excellent doctors.

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💖💖 Also, bring back patient advocate nurses who refused injections. Myself included💕

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If I were ever in charge of hiring, a lead criteria would be people who left / lost their job for reasons of integrity. We have a tremendous pool of quality, integrity, and insight available - people who know how to do good work and want to.

When artificial Constructs of the past century are broken, abandon them and do what's good with good people. Why don't you consider starting your own business using your skills?

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Gathering ideas. Healthcare has been my life since age 24. Was an EMT before nursing. Not sure what to do now. Cannot go back to the medical racket until it's destroyed and rebuilt.

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You rebuild it. Open a small office with 3 other people, offer what services you can using simple devices at affordable prices, under whichever legal terms. For instance: every patient needs a longer, closer look and a 2nd opinion. That 2nd doesn't need to give the CT, but they could consider the differential diagnoses and provide a patient-advocate service communicating with the original care provider.

I'm not sure where you are, but I have come to realize that the medical care given at least in some places in the States looks good on the surface but is really not providing what patients need, and as a patient one isn't aware what's missing.

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Thank you for this response. Brought a tear to my eye

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