To avoid the suggestion that I am qualified to know the answers to any of the questions you pose, I just keep an open but negative mind to all potential answers that might be available to us all.

Since studying the supposed Covid 'rumour' since it's inception was generally made public, I have become more cynical than I ever used to be. I've learned to distrust all 'authority', 'self professed experts', 'authority', Governments', 'Big Pharma' and the entire 'Health Fraternity'.

My first reaction to anything stated by any/all the aforementioned, is to assume it is more lies and manipulation. My Policy has become to think the opposite of what I hear or read from them

What happened to "Safe & Effective"?

Why do vax makers demand ZERO LIABILITY?

Why did Ivermectin suddenly get 'rubbished' when it had a 30 year safety track record?

What happened to Doctor's Hippocratic Oath = 'First Do No Harm'!

What ever became of 'Informed Consent'?

Why did FDA permit Pfizer etc, to enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS, when pre-existing medicines were available? That's just manipulating the rules to suit Big Pharma's insatiable greed.

It's safer to be pessimistic instead of joining the other Muppets that either suffered long lasting Adverse Reactions (health side effects) or, having the supposed 'Covid cure' (injection), you find out you've suddenly become more susceptible to Covid and all other illnesses than before you were conned.

Our post Covid vocabulary now includes many new phrases like 'Died Suddenly', 'Died unexpectedly', 'Excess Deaths', 'Turbo Cancers', 'Myocarditis', 'Pericarditis', 'Blood clots', etc. These are all new expressions that have developed since Covid and the useless injections were invented then released, seemingly to finish the evil WEF (New World Order) project = The world Depopulation CULL!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Sage Hana’s succinct take on it, which resonates with me…

But hopefully there is increasing pushback against the totalitarianism, and pursuit of accountability.

* https://sagehana.substack.com/p/im-not-in-your-fake-not-a-movement

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anybody see the extrapolation study showing 17 MILLION people dead worldwide from the jabs?


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Jan 6Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

When asked why I defend a lab leak (intentional or otherwise; I believe intentional) virus theory, I always point out the fundamental truth of virus outbreaks: viruses that kill their host *do not spread well*; the best spreading viruses (for example, rhinoviruses, associated with the cold), do little to harm the host.

When I gave my predictions on outcomes to the government - predictions you will NEVER hear, because they are borderline prescient and undercut the government's totalitarian narrative - my prediction was the virus would go 'resident' (and thus 'latent', I.E. a non-threat) within 4 years REGARDLESS of what measures were adopted.

I also used this basis to REJECT a vaccine rollout (by the time a 12 year tested vaccine was rolled out, it would be effectively gone). Any "vaccine" made faster than 4 years would be unsafe, and the mutation rates of SARS-CoV-2 meant Hoskins effect would occur and even the 'best intentioned' shots would not work.

There were historical examples of pathogens becoming latent ('endemic') within 4 years; the Spanish flu (1918-1920), the Russian flu (1889 to early 1895). The worst disease outbreak, the black plague, lasted at most 7 years (1346 to 1353).

All diseases trend either towards zero (black plague wiped itself out as it was too effective at killing the hosts), or 'homoeostasis' (the Russian flu is now a common cold... for kids!).

There could be no real fatality risk from SARS-CoV-2, and it was already clear those they proclaimed had a fatality risk were the elderly (60s+). The *ONLY* risk, which absolutely NO-ONE at the time, could have known, is whether or not it had a 'secondary function', for example, if it acts like an 'airborne HIV' or had some nasty side-effect that takes time to manifest.

That is to say: a fast spreading virus and a immediately fatal virus are mutually exclusive paradigms. Could it have been more fatal than flu? Yeah, possibly, however with the rife fraud in reporting in order to unlock COVID-19 finances, to cover-up other crimes (Midazolam murders, etc), the broken PCR testing... we will never be able to confirm that.

The virus is real - real enough for people to be able to sequence, independently, in a lab, real enough for WIV to work on, real enough for Pfizer to mutate in that giant Project Veritas scandal - is it fatal? No.

If you asked me what drove fatality rates, it would be near exclusively both midazolam (pre-2021) and midazolam-esque injected substances, and the COVID-19 shots (start of 2021). I found no evidence of COVID-19 related spikes in death that *weren't* attributable to other causes.

It is my opinion a weak, fast spreading virus was released (in order to sell it to independent scientists who would be looking for evidence), coupled with a behind-the-scenes massacre of the elderly and other vulnerable groups via the use of poisonous and lethal injections, in order to craft the appearance of a deadly and fatal pathogen, in order to sell the 'presence' of a pandemic such they could force through tyrannical measures through the front door.

No other genuine assessment of the facts can arrive at any other conclusion.

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Jan 6Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Great article, as usual.

So, the 17m “dead from the shots” by D.R. Is just a number that isn’t large enough to register?

I guess it’s only .002

Not a bad “caper.” They transferred $5T from the working class to the oligarchs, without anything but a bunch of theater and distractions. I can almost respect that.

Thanks Ark, looking forward to the next one

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Jan 6Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

“you can see we have finally tipped over 8bn despite the best efforts of the CDC and WHO.” 👏👏

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Thankyou Arkmedic for verifying my suspicions, with actual mathematical science. "They" are manipulating ALL the stats they can get their hands on, just as they did throughout C19. I do not trust any of their stats or modelling - PERIOD. They will kill billions and make it look like a blip on the stats. They've got their groomed minions even in the Australian Bureau of Statistics, where deputy Statistician Trevor Sutton is married to another WEF minion Jane Halton who lead the COVID taskforce in Australia after attending Event 201, and was the former federal government Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Health (think Digital ID/CBDC's) and virtually in bed with Bill & Melinda Gates , and her husbands brother is the former Victoria Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton. Highly incestuous! Surprisingly, they haven't fully covered up the excess all-cause mortality stats. I expect it is worse than we think. They do not want questions asked. They manipulated the stats throughout CONVID and continue to do so. They will allow evidence for which plausible deniability will get them off the hook, that is all. Now Brett Sutton is appointed the Director of Health and Biosecurity at CSIRO. Fancy that. That means he has a say in the ongoing use of RT-PCR tests for Foot & Mouth Disease, PLUS mRNA vaccination of livestock (interestingly the Aus Gov website for this has recently been taken down). Meanwhile, former Australian Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt is one of FIVE brothers, all heavily involved in graphene oxide including mining - https://cairnsnews.org/2021/08/19/health-minister-hunts-family-involvement-in-graphene-and-vaccines/ We are watching.

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Wasn’t the definition of a pandemic revised in recent years? I believe before the definition revision, a pandemic had to include deaths from the virus/pathogen in at least two continents. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

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Jan 6Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Ah Khan Syed clearly... WorldMeter is curated viral fear porn based in metric falsity. Good for gauging the narrative surge, and how many are suffering from flu & common cold. "Oh and colds. Yep, they are definitely pandemic. Have been for centuries." A vaccine for such is a Sisyphean Holy Grail which only a lunatic would attempt. Oh wait someone did.

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Jan 6Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thanks for this post. Love your work.

The models your really want to understand have to do how fiat money influences human behavior over time and across cultures.

The real core pandemic is not viral, its financial.

Patient Zero wasn't a person, it was a bank.


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Jan 7Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed


This is just the PR Team playing with the proles as usual.

How is it that Substack has been permitted to publish completely uncensored anti-vax content - when all other media has been forced into draconian censorship?

And is it not fascinating how this platform that was founded just prior to covid and suddenly emerged from obscurity (I have been doing business in the digital space since 1999 and I had never heard of SS)... to become the go to platform for those opposed to the Covid vax....

How do I ask Hamish how he has been able to fend off those who have forced Google Facebook and the entire MSM complex to remove any negative comments regarding the covid vax.

Why do they leave him alone? Does he have a massive army and does he threaten to go to war with the DOD if the deep state actors try to pressure him? Does he have hundreds of billions of dollars (more than google and FB) that allow him to buy influence?

Pray tell Hamish --- how did you beat back the censors?????

Let me speculate on what happened...

As we know the Covid Operation is many decades in the planning... it was probably hatched in the 70's as the US conventional oil was peaking sending a signal to the Men Who Run the World ... that cheap energy is indeed not infinite and at some point there will be a global peak and that will collapse civilization. Something would need to be done to prevent 8 billion humans from ripping each other's faces off and eating each other when the global supply chains vapourize and global famine kicks in.

The Men Who Run the World are thorough - they war game literally thousands of scenarios to ensure they are prepared for anything ... similarly they left no stone unturned with respect to the End of the World...

They assembled a range of experts from energy analysts ... economics and finance specialists... a PR Team -- medical scientists (to create the vax that destroys the immune system) and for certain a team of the best of the best in the field of psychology who were tasked with prepping the masses for extermination.

When faced with the problem of knowing that some of the 8B (the less stupid ones)... would reject the Rat Juice vax.... they came up with a number of strategies ... they determined that mandates would be a powerful tool -- no jab no job --- they also knew that humans are not any different than Pavlov's dog so they offered incentives... like donuts... the invoked peer pressure....

But still... some hard core folks would resist... what to do about them?

Up shoots the hand of a bright young thing ... she says --- rather than fight them and bash their heads in ... why not herd them onto a space where they can be compartmentalized and run them around in circles... embed our agents and have them feed the anti vaxxers juicy studies and other tid bits about how deadly the Rat Juice is.

Hang on said the director of the team -- what if the Vaxxers see this? What if the A Vaxxers send them the studies?

No need to worry - the Vaxxers will dismiss this as conspiracy theory - they won't read anything unless its on cnnbbc... we create a parallel universe...

What we accomplish by doing this is we entertain the A-Vaxxers -- they will believe they are winning - they will believe that SURELY!!! the Vaxxers must be aware of these studies and the harms done by the Rat Juice. If not now - then tomorrow or next week ... it's so overwhelming that surely the MUST wake up! But of course they never wake up because they refuse to look.

The A Vaxxers believe they are winning ... therefore they just keep clattering away on their key boards high fiving every time Kirsch or Malone or one of the other embedded agents drops a revelation.

And most importantly - they NEVER take any action that might upset the plan... they never get violent and cause us to send out the anti terrorist squads (that are standing by)... this guarantees the extermination things don't get messy. We all know the goal is to eliminate 8B with as little suffering as possible.

Sounds like a great plan says the Director.

What do you suggest we call this platform that we will use to corral the anti vaxxers ... monitor them ... and feed them the studies?

The bright young thing says ... Substack.

Ok says the director -- find another Zuckerberg-type flunky --- and have him or her be the front for this ...

Consider it done.

For more details on this story see UEP: https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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Great post. Thanks.

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Thanks Dr Syed! Mick.

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Jan 6Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Brilliant. Thanks for this.

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Jan 7Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

When was the last time you heard someone say "I have a cold?"

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Interesting. How does this information square with all the excess death in countries that is widely and repeatedly reported?

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