To avoid the suggestion that I am qualified to know the answers to any of the questions you pose, I just keep an open but negative mind to all potential answers that might be available to us all.
Since studying the supposed Covid 'rumour' since it's inception was generally made public, I have become more cynical than I ever used to be. I've learned to distrust all 'authority', 'self professed experts', 'authority', Governments', 'Big Pharma' and the entire 'Health Fraternity'.
My first reaction to anything stated by any/all the aforementioned, is to assume it is more lies and manipulation. My Policy has become to think the opposite of what I hear or read from them
What happened to "Safe & Effective"?
Why do vax makers demand ZERO LIABILITY?
Why did Ivermectin suddenly get 'rubbished' when it had a 30 year safety track record?
What happened to Doctor's Hippocratic Oath = 'First Do No Harm'!
What ever became of 'Informed Consent'?
Why did FDA permit Pfizer etc, to enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS, when pre-existing medicines were available? That's just manipulating the rules to suit Big Pharma's insatiable greed.
It's safer to be pessimistic instead of joining the other Muppets that either suffered long lasting Adverse Reactions (health side effects) or, having the supposed 'Covid cure' (injection), you find out you've suddenly become more susceptible to Covid and all other illnesses than before you were conned.
Our post Covid vocabulary now includes many new phrases like 'Died Suddenly', 'Died unexpectedly', 'Excess Deaths', 'Turbo Cancers', 'Myocarditis', 'Pericarditis', 'Blood clots', etc. These are all new expressions that have developed since Covid and the useless injections were invented then released, seemingly to finish the evil WEF (New World Order) project = The world Depopulation CULL!
a lot in your post. One small detail I can offer or remind you of re ivermectin etc. In the US, a drug can only be offered as experimental (which it was) IF there is no effective treatment otherwise available. So, the crooks at FDA declared ivermectin etc. verboten. Voila! I am not sure but it could be the same law protects manufacturers from liability because this is an "emergency" authorization.
It makes me doubt whether there ever actually was a coordinated ‘depopulation plan “.
The only ‘proof’ that I’ve ever seen supporting the depopulation theory comes from the expressed desires of leftist billionaires, WEF types and radical environmentalists to reduce and limit the world’s population.
The above, in conjunction with UN and various NGO supported policies like the Climate Change Agreement and Agenda 2030 seem to be the basis of the depopulation narrative.
Just because “they” would like to do it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are willing and able to simply kill billions of people.
Well, we know for an absolute fact there wasn’t even a mild pandemic but you’re certainly right it was all about making billions! Biggest wealth transfer in world history! Just here in KY alone, all big box stores remained open but 40% of small businesses (the backbone of the economy) were shut down.
There are many studies proving that virology and germ theory are both frauds. But this guy says those are theories seeded by the bad guys. Not so. Why does he refute the studies that prove the truth? Discernment is needed 🙏🙏🙏
There are so many, where would you even begin? I hope your list comes to fruition though. People always say Nuremberg 2.0. This is MUCH bigger than that. So much bigger. Snake Oil by Michael P. Senger is a very good read. A good place to start I think. I am surrounded now, by sickness and death. I will never forgive or forget what our Canadian government did, and is still doing.
Debt Monetization→ Runaway Inflation→Destroy Currencies → Impoverish Population → CBDCs
This is The Ruling Class, through central banks (debt monetization), deliberately causing runaway inflation (“problem”) to destroy their respective currencies, to impoverish the population/create desperation (“reaction”) at which point they’ll introduce CBDCs (“solution”).
Which is why most every government in the world implemented identical socially/economically destructive “public health” policies during the scamdemic and every central bank is in some phase of trialing CBDCs: to “build back better” (digital slave system) out of the wreckage.
The “Corona Crisis” was both the circuit breaker and smokescreen to implement the above.
Those of us who have been around these issues for a few decades have been pointing out how the official narrative of “Covid” is a fiction right from the start- all facets of it and all variations.
There was no “pandemic” and there is/was no “lab leak”, there is/was no “gain of function” anything.
All of it is fake.
Those who repeat the official government story of the pandemic lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie and distracting people from understanding what has been pointed out with evidence and clarity by many.
Those who have been and are repeating such lies are in many ways the worst of the entire set of Covid con artists as they provide a “ring of steel” around the Big Lie of the Covid Pandemic fiction.
This list of “heroic Covid dissenters” who perpetuate the larger fraud include RFK Jr., R Malone, S Kirsch, Meryl Nass, Jessica Rose, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, Jay Bhattacharya, Peter McCullough, Naomi Wolf and many others who have “miraculously” popped out of the woodwork to become Covid “alt-celebrities” who are somehow well-practiced in the art of misdirection and “magically” have garnered a large audience attracted to their evidence-free quack theories.
Not only does the “pandemic” narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire “Covid” operation that is steamrolling people’s lives and ushering in exacly what you are citing.
Allen, I agree that there was no “pandemic”. “Pandemic” itself is a loaded word designed to fearmonger. But my experience has definitely been that many people became ill with something that was similar to an awful flu with some new peculiar symptoms. Whatever this is has been hyped as the disastrous Covid pandemic, though excellent work by sleuths such as Jessica Hockett, various NYC and other hospital videographers, occasional data release slips, as well as most people’s own experience with their social network, all confirm that whatever happened in 2020 was probably nothing more than a moderately severe flu-type illness with predictable results: healthy people overwhelmingly recovering, elderly sick and frail succumbing. This event, similar to the Hong Kong flu, was distorted beyond recognition in order to usher in the true pandemic of death and injury ushered in by the poisonous injections, as well as a new totalitarian world order.
Allen is an interesting character. He pops up on every substack and generates long commentaries. The general pattern is that the start of the commentary appears to agree with the author's side of the argument, then he throws in a spanner towards the end.
Out of interest Paul Gardner Allen was the co-founder of microsoft with Bill Gates.
"Allen" I have little care whether you or the AI engine running your account agrees with me or not. For every substack I write you use exactly the same model of distraction and make exactly the same claim "rarely provide any evidence" even though every part of every article is thoroughly referenced.
Rather than waste any more time on you I have only one option. Congratulations on your permaban.
The interesting thing with AI is the consistency of the patterns. Like some successful novelists or tv shows (Law and Order, for example), they create the initial blockbuster story and each sequel is set on the same pattern. People love the comfort of the same pattern.
Imitations (frauds) can be spotted with a careful eye.
Hang on ... they convinced (forced?) all governments - all media -- all health boards -- the military etc etc ... and they we able to get 6B to inject a substance that wrecks their immune system...
Isn't that already global totalitarianism?
The end goal is going to be the release of a pathogen designed to exploit the damaged immune systems killing 6B - every alive will be terrified - and locked down -- they will starve
This is how you eliminate all humans with minimal suffering
Have the immune systems of 6B injected been wrecked? What evidence do you have to support this statement?
For any of the 6B who were coerced/mandated to have the injections - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc - certainly their personal autonomy and bodily integrity have been wrecked. This is my specific angle of interest, the politics of vaccination, particularly people being mandated to have medical interventions such as vaccination, and being denied voluntary informed consent.
As for 'release of a pathogen designed to exploit the damaged immune systems killing 6B'...this sounds like more of the fear-mongering bullshit we've been subjected to for the past four years.
It's not the 'release of a pathogen' people should be worried about...rather it's being set up to be compliant to injections on the demand of governments/the WHO etc that is the greatest threat, with the potential for what could be in these injections, and the destruction of personal autonomy and bodily integrity...the destruction of freedom.
Search Immune Exhaustion and Original Antigenic Sin...
Look around you at the vaxxed... they are always sick... I play in an ice hockey league with fit men ... they are always sick ...often extremely sick .. with respiratory diseases...
No it is not about a cull.. or a Great Reset.. or making $$$.... but the embedded agents are pushing those theories on SS... because they don't want you to know the real intent...
The real intent is total extermination ... because the global economy is collapsing .. due to severe depletion of affordable energy ... notice the inflation that they cannot control -- that's cuz we burned up most of the cheap stuff and what's left is expensive... expensive energy = inflation ... always.
When it gets to the point where they cannot kick the can -- they will detonate... and release The Pathogen.
Australia had almost no excess mortality for about a year after the jabs were rolled out, but the first big spike in excess mortality coincided with the first big spike in PCR positivity rate in January 2022. However the state of Western Australia got Omicron later than other states, so the PCR positivity rate remained close to zero until February 2022 but there was also no clear increase in excess deaths in January 2022, even though the daily number of new vaccines peaked in January like in other regions of Australia. In Taiwan and Hong Kong, the PCR positivity rate and excess mortality also remained close to 0% until 2022, but the first big spike in excess mortality coincided with the first spike in PCR positivity rate.
Out of the countries which already had high excess mortality in 2020, for example in Bolivia excess mortality peaked at about 245% in July 2020 the same month when PCR positivity rate peaked at about 58%, in Chile excess mortality peaked at about 52% in June the same month when PCR positivity rate peaked at about 31%, in Colombia excess mortality peaked at about 61% in August the same month when PCR positivity rate peaked at about 31%, and in South Africa excess mortality peaked at about 42% in July the same month when the PCR positivity rate peaked at about 25%.
In Peru a spike in excess deaths in early 2021 occurred around the same time in all age groups even though younger age groups got vaccinated much later than older age groups.
In many Southern American countries, the COVID deaths, excess deaths, and PCR positivity rate all fell close to zero around September 2021, even though some of the countries had a large number of new vaccines given around the same time. For example in Chile the PCR positivity rate went from less than 1% in September 2021 to about 32% in February 2022, and at the same time excess mortality went from about 3% in September 2021 to about 63% in February 2022. And a similar pattern was also followed by Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. (And if PCR positivity tests have a high rate of false positives like some people claim, then why has the percentage of positive tests often fallen below 1% in entire countries? The percentage of false positives cannot be higher than the total percentage of positives.)
On page 102 of Rancourt's paper, there's a plot which shows that the "vaccine dose fatality ratio" of the fourth dose divided by the third dose is much higher for Chile than for Peru. However that's because the fourth dose was rolled out earlier in Chile than Peru, so it coincided with the spike in deaths caused by Omicron in Chile but not Peru. From pages 76 to 79 of Rancourt's paper, you can see the peak in excess mortality in early 2022 occurred around the same time in all age groups, but younger age groups received the fourth dose later than older age groups, so in older age groups the peak in daily vaccine doses occurred before the peak in deaths, but in younger age groups the peak in daily vaccine doses occurred after the peak in deaths.
In 16 out of 17 countries in Rancourt's paper, excess mortality had a higher correlation with PCR positivity rate than with the daily number of new vaccines, and in 7 countries the correlation with the number of new vaccines was negative but the correlation with PCR positivity rate was not negative in any country.
Countries with a lower percentage of vaccinated population in 2021 tended to have higher excess mortality in 2021, with a correlation of about -0.47. For example out of the four Asian countries in Rancourt's paper, Singapore had both the highest percentage of vaccinated people and the lowest excess mortality, but Philippines had both the lowest percentage of vaccinated people and the highest excess mortality. And similarly out of the South American countries in Rancourt's paper, Chile and Uruguay were the two countries with the lowest excess mortality in 2021 but they were also the two countries with the highest percentage of vaccinated people in 2021.
Rancourt claimed that there were no COVID measures or treatments that were performed synchronously around the world in January to February 2022, even though actually in all countries featured in his paper that have hospitalization data available at OWID, there was a spike in hospitalizations for COVID around January or February 2022.
On a list of explanations for why there was a synchronous spike in deaths all over the world around January to February 2022, Rancourt failed to include the possibility that there was a deliberate release of Omicron. Omicron, Alpha, and Delta all emerged in a saltation event where multiple novel nonsynonymous spike mutations appeared simultaneously out of nowhere. If you compare the spike protein of a consensus sequence of XBB.1.5 Omicron sequences to Wuhan-Hu-1, there's a total of 41 nonsynonymous mutations but only 1 synonymous mutations, which results in a dN/dS ratio of 41, even though among 100 SARS1 sequences the average dN/dS ratio was about 3.6 and in H1N1 samples from Finland from 2009 it was around 0.2-1.2. If the spike of Wuhan-Hu-1 is compared to BANAL-52, there's 176 synonymous mutations but only 20 nonsynonymous mutations, so the XBB.1.5 consensus has over double the number of nonsynonymous mutations. In the nucleocapsid protein of B.1.1, Alpha, BA.1, and BA.2, there's an unusual series of three consecutive nucleotide changes at positions 28,881-28,883, but a similar phenomenon was not previously known to occur in nature, so the authors of a Japanese paper had to coin a new term called "en bloc exchange" to describe the phenomenon. And even in the scenario where Omicron was not released deliberately or it was only released deliberately at a single location, it could've still spread around the world faster than the Wuhan strain because it has been estimated to have a much higher R₀ value than the Wuhan strain.
I believe that your explanation fails to understand that COVID deaths went up after the vaccination program, accounting for about half of the excess mortality. This is in populations that were near 100% vaccinated.
The Australia figures are shockingly clear. Prior to July 2021 (the 50% vaccination mark and before the unlawful death of Adriana Takara used to propagandise the vaccine rollout to under-40s who could never have benefited from it based on the available (yet fraudulent) RCT data... there were 1000 COVID deaths, of which 900 were Victorian nursing homes. Essentially 100 "real" COVID deaths. After the rollout in the same time period there were 18,000 COVID deaths. It is not possible to conclude anything BUT negative vaccine efficacy for death, by a long shot.
The other mortality causes were likely multifactorial but for people on the ground witnessing strange patterns of disease there is clearly something not right. Unfortunately we have to rely on the same government departments who were caught out with manipulating data during COVID to produce figures regarding cancer, heart disease and dementia.
Only when these are fully auditable will we be able to get to the bottom of the fraud that has been perpetrated. Using their data for analysis is fraught with limitations.
Thank you. You have lifted the debate to a new level. I'm more familiar with NZ data. Your insights and programming skills on Github are impressive. My analysis relies on use of the visual package App over at the Short Term Mortality Fluctuation site, run by Berkley.
I have presented this elsewhere . My theory is that excess deaths were reduced, even negative when borders were closed and winter seasonal deaths among the elderly evaporated. We saw this in NZ in 2020. The same situation prevailed in 2021. Both 2020 and 2021 had essentially no Covid deaths, yet in 2021, around week 17, the death rates among the elderly jumped relative to 2020 and remained higher until week 42. What changed? It can't be a rapid aging, as we saw that 2021, apart from the first 2-weeks, had basically the same, or slightly lower death rates than 2020 for the first 16-weeks. The most obvious difference was the vaccine rollout to the elderly from around week 15 of 2021. Now let's switch to 2022. If you subtract true covid deaths (45-65% of all Covid deaths following a positive pcr) from the total weekly all cause mortality, you will find periods where there was no correlation between ACM and Covid deaths. So I agree with you that on the surface it appears there were no excess deaths caused by vaccination, at least in the short term during 2021, but no excess death does not imply there were no deaths due to vaccination. If you remove the 1200-1500 winter deaths that drove the regression line fitting of 2015-2019 ACM data, this is the data that the OWID's model is based on, then the baseline is well below what occurred in 2021 and 2022 and more like the baseline established in 2020. Ignoring this gives the illusion that excess deaths only occurred due to Covid deaths.
PS: where did you find all that nteresting info about the types and quantatative nature of virus mutations?
PPS: Calculating cumulative excess death from March 2020 to December 2022 conceals the excess deaths that occurred in 2022. The trick then becomes to tease out the data to separate vaccine injury from Covid injury. One needs to apply the adjustments I mention above. Another point to consider is the number of hospital admissions following vaccination. There was a large increase which burdened the hospital system. Many were potentially lethal, but averted by medical intervention.
It was a major propaganda success when they told the population nobody would die of COVID after the jab, then more people died of COVID, then they said didn't we do well?...
When asked why I defend a lab leak (intentional or otherwise; I believe intentional) virus theory, I always point out the fundamental truth of virus outbreaks: viruses that kill their host *do not spread well*; the best spreading viruses (for example, rhinoviruses, associated with the cold), do little to harm the host.
When I gave my predictions on outcomes to the government - predictions you will NEVER hear, because they are borderline prescient and undercut the government's totalitarian narrative - my prediction was the virus would go 'resident' (and thus 'latent', I.E. a non-threat) within 4 years REGARDLESS of what measures were adopted.
I also used this basis to REJECT a vaccine rollout (by the time a 12 year tested vaccine was rolled out, it would be effectively gone). Any "vaccine" made faster than 4 years would be unsafe, and the mutation rates of SARS-CoV-2 meant Hoskins effect would occur and even the 'best intentioned' shots would not work.
There were historical examples of pathogens becoming latent ('endemic') within 4 years; the Spanish flu (1918-1920), the Russian flu (1889 to early 1895). The worst disease outbreak, the black plague, lasted at most 7 years (1346 to 1353).
All diseases trend either towards zero (black plague wiped itself out as it was too effective at killing the hosts), or 'homoeostasis' (the Russian flu is now a common cold... for kids!).
There could be no real fatality risk from SARS-CoV-2, and it was already clear those they proclaimed had a fatality risk were the elderly (60s+). The *ONLY* risk, which absolutely NO-ONE at the time, could have known, is whether or not it had a 'secondary function', for example, if it acts like an 'airborne HIV' or had some nasty side-effect that takes time to manifest.
That is to say: a fast spreading virus and a immediately fatal virus are mutually exclusive paradigms. Could it have been more fatal than flu? Yeah, possibly, however with the rife fraud in reporting in order to unlock COVID-19 finances, to cover-up other crimes (Midazolam murders, etc), the broken PCR testing... we will never be able to confirm that.
The virus is real - real enough for people to be able to sequence, independently, in a lab, real enough for WIV to work on, real enough for Pfizer to mutate in that giant Project Veritas scandal - is it fatal? No.
If you asked me what drove fatality rates, it would be near exclusively both midazolam (pre-2021) and midazolam-esque injected substances, and the COVID-19 shots (start of 2021). I found no evidence of COVID-19 related spikes in death that *weren't* attributable to other causes.
It is my opinion a weak, fast spreading virus was released (in order to sell it to independent scientists who would be looking for evidence), coupled with a behind-the-scenes massacre of the elderly and other vulnerable groups via the use of poisonous and lethal injections, in order to craft the appearance of a deadly and fatal pathogen, in order to sell the 'presence' of a pandemic such they could force through tyrannical measures through the front door.
No other genuine assessment of the facts can arrive at any other conclusion.
On top of this, it is my opinion they tried twice with a *genuinely* fatal virus in the form of the original SARS, but quickly found out on both attempts (SARS and MERS) that fatal viruses do not spread well, and thus went back to the drawing board.
What's notable about the viruses Peter Daszak & Co studied is they are mainly 'resident viruses'; viruses that stay latent in a host body without generally harming the host. Essentially, a non-lethal virus with a long-time persistence (which is ideal if your goal is to spread it as far and as wide as possible).
Even then, those resident viruses are only bat-compatible, hence the engineering requirement via serialised passage in humanised mice to make it 'human compatible'. What I find notable is Daszak work is about spread, not lethality.
What really drove fatality rates was our collective obedience and deference to authority. We allowed our minds to be seduced by the Fear Mongers and abandoned our lives to Psychopathic Generals and Administrators and Commercial Purveyors peddling their Emergency Use Products and Protocols. What will drive Fatality rates going forward?
So, the 17m “dead from the shots” by D.R. Is just a number that isn’t large enough to register?
I guess it’s only .002
Not a bad “caper.” They transferred $5T from the working class to the oligarchs, without anything but a bunch of theater and distractions. I can almost respect that.
$5T is breadcrumbs compared to what the FED was dishing out to a handful of well connected global banks in the months just prior to the onset of the novel Pandemania.
Thankyou Arkmedic for verifying my suspicions, with actual mathematical science. "They" are manipulating ALL the stats they can get their hands on, just as they did throughout C19. I do not trust any of their stats or modelling - PERIOD. They will kill billions and make it look like a blip on the stats. They've got their groomed minions even in the Australian Bureau of Statistics, where deputy Statistician Trevor Sutton is married to another WEF minion Jane Halton who lead the COVID taskforce in Australia after attending Event 201, and was the former federal government Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Health (think Digital ID/CBDC's) and virtually in bed with Bill & Melinda Gates , and her husbands brother is the former Victoria Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton. Highly incestuous! Surprisingly, they haven't fully covered up the excess all-cause mortality stats. I expect it is worse than we think. They do not want questions asked. They manipulated the stats throughout CONVID and continue to do so. They will allow evidence for which plausible deniability will get them off the hook, that is all. Now Brett Sutton is appointed the Director of Health and Biosecurity at CSIRO. Fancy that. That means he has a say in the ongoing use of RT-PCR tests for Foot & Mouth Disease, PLUS mRNA vaccination of livestock (interestingly the Aus Gov website for this has recently been taken down). Meanwhile, former Australian Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt is one of FIVE brothers, all heavily involved in graphene oxide including mining - We are watching.
Wasn’t the definition of a pandemic revised in recent years? I believe before the definition revision, a pandemic had to include deaths from the virus/pathogen in at least two continents. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
This is from a Dr. Mercola article from 2021. I copied and pasted the information but I unfortunately did not save the citations.
What Is a Pandemic?
The definition of a vaccine is not the only thing that has changed since 2020. To continue promoting mandates, lockdowns and emergency use authorization of genetic therapy injections, the infection must be causing a pandemic.
According to the World Health Organization, their original definition of a pandemic specified that there must be simultaneous epidemics experienced worldwide “with enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses.”23
While the published documents with the definition of a pandemic have since been pulled offline and cannot be accessed any longer through the Wayback machine, the WHO published a paper refuting the allegations that they had changed the definition “for the simple reason that it has never formally defined pandemic influenza.”24
They argued that while they had described a pandemic influenza, it was never a “formal definition.” In their explanation they say that since 2003 their pandemic preparedness page had contained this statement:25
“An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”
They claim that was changed in response to a query from a CNN reporter just weeks before they declared a swine flu pandemic after only 144 people died from the infection worldwide. The new statement removed the phrase “enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses” and was revised to:26 “An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity.”
The Council of Europe apparently had the same question and cited this alteration in their page as evidence that the WHO could declare a pandemic without demonstrating the severity of the disease against which we didn’t have immunity.27
Unfortunately, the number of excess deaths that can be attributed directly to COVID-19 is likely not be the result of the infection itself, but from the CDC’s and NIAID’s suppression of successful treatment modalities that can save lives.28,29,30,31,32
Therefore, in my opinion, the definition is used to instill fear not for safety reasons.
Ah Khan Syed clearly... WorldMeter is curated viral fear porn based in metric falsity. Good for gauging the narrative surge, and how many are suffering from flu & common cold. "Oh and colds. Yep, they are definitely pandemic. Have been for centuries." A vaccine for such is a Sisyphean Holy Grail which only a lunatic would attempt. Oh wait someone did.
This is just the PR Team playing with the proles as usual.
How is it that Substack has been permitted to publish completely uncensored anti-vax content - when all other media has been forced into draconian censorship?
And is it not fascinating how this platform that was founded just prior to covid and suddenly emerged from obscurity (I have been doing business in the digital space since 1999 and I had never heard of SS)... to become the go to platform for those opposed to the Covid vax....
How do I ask Hamish how he has been able to fend off those who have forced Google Facebook and the entire MSM complex to remove any negative comments regarding the covid vax.
Why do they leave him alone? Does he have a massive army and does he threaten to go to war with the DOD if the deep state actors try to pressure him? Does he have hundreds of billions of dollars (more than google and FB) that allow him to buy influence?
Pray tell Hamish --- how did you beat back the censors?????
Let me speculate on what happened...
As we know the Covid Operation is many decades in the planning... it was probably hatched in the 70's as the US conventional oil was peaking sending a signal to the Men Who Run the World ... that cheap energy is indeed not infinite and at some point there will be a global peak and that will collapse civilization. Something would need to be done to prevent 8 billion humans from ripping each other's faces off and eating each other when the global supply chains vapourize and global famine kicks in.
The Men Who Run the World are thorough - they war game literally thousands of scenarios to ensure they are prepared for anything ... similarly they left no stone unturned with respect to the End of the World...
They assembled a range of experts from energy analysts ... economics and finance specialists... a PR Team -- medical scientists (to create the vax that destroys the immune system) and for certain a team of the best of the best in the field of psychology who were tasked with prepping the masses for extermination.
When faced with the problem of knowing that some of the 8B (the less stupid ones)... would reject the Rat Juice vax.... they came up with a number of strategies ... they determined that mandates would be a powerful tool -- no jab no job --- they also knew that humans are not any different than Pavlov's dog so they offered incentives... like donuts... the invoked peer pressure....
But still... some hard core folks would resist... what to do about them?
Up shoots the hand of a bright young thing ... she says --- rather than fight them and bash their heads in ... why not herd them onto a space where they can be compartmentalized and run them around in circles... embed our agents and have them feed the anti vaxxers juicy studies and other tid bits about how deadly the Rat Juice is.
Hang on said the director of the team -- what if the Vaxxers see this? What if the A Vaxxers send them the studies?
No need to worry - the Vaxxers will dismiss this as conspiracy theory - they won't read anything unless its on cnnbbc... we create a parallel universe...
What we accomplish by doing this is we entertain the A-Vaxxers -- they will believe they are winning - they will believe that SURELY!!! the Vaxxers must be aware of these studies and the harms done by the Rat Juice. If not now - then tomorrow or next week ... it's so overwhelming that surely the MUST wake up! But of course they never wake up because they refuse to look.
The A Vaxxers believe they are winning ... therefore they just keep clattering away on their key boards high fiving every time Kirsch or Malone or one of the other embedded agents drops a revelation.
And most importantly - they NEVER take any action that might upset the plan... they never get violent and cause us to send out the anti terrorist squads (that are standing by)... this guarantees the extermination things don't get messy. We all know the goal is to eliminate 8B with as little suffering as possible.
Sounds like a great plan says the Director.
What do you suggest we call this platform that we will use to corral the anti vaxxers ... monitor them ... and feed them the studies?
The bright young thing says ... Substack.
Ok says the director -- find another Zuckerberg-type flunky --- and have him or her be the front for this ...
Those countries are only a fraction of the world population. And don't forget we are assuming here that the worldometer figures are correct. They are likely estimates.
I don't consider Australia has as much excess death as reported - the Australian Bureau of Statistics was using a very low baseline, last I looked, which does not properly account for the baby boomers moving into the high death rate ages.
To avoid the suggestion that I am qualified to know the answers to any of the questions you pose, I just keep an open but negative mind to all potential answers that might be available to us all.
Since studying the supposed Covid 'rumour' since it's inception was generally made public, I have become more cynical than I ever used to be. I've learned to distrust all 'authority', 'self professed experts', 'authority', Governments', 'Big Pharma' and the entire 'Health Fraternity'.
My first reaction to anything stated by any/all the aforementioned, is to assume it is more lies and manipulation. My Policy has become to think the opposite of what I hear or read from them
What happened to "Safe & Effective"?
Why do vax makers demand ZERO LIABILITY?
Why did Ivermectin suddenly get 'rubbished' when it had a 30 year safety track record?
What happened to Doctor's Hippocratic Oath = 'First Do No Harm'!
What ever became of 'Informed Consent'?
Why did FDA permit Pfizer etc, to enjoy ZERO LIABILITY for their DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS, when pre-existing medicines were available? That's just manipulating the rules to suit Big Pharma's insatiable greed.
It's safer to be pessimistic instead of joining the other Muppets that either suffered long lasting Adverse Reactions (health side effects) or, having the supposed 'Covid cure' (injection), you find out you've suddenly become more susceptible to Covid and all other illnesses than before you were conned.
Our post Covid vocabulary now includes many new phrases like 'Died Suddenly', 'Died unexpectedly', 'Excess Deaths', 'Turbo Cancers', 'Myocarditis', 'Pericarditis', 'Blood clots', etc. These are all new expressions that have developed since Covid and the useless injections were invented then released, seemingly to finish the evil WEF (New World Order) project = The world Depopulation CULL!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.
Very philosophical approach to something that can easily be propagandised with scientific flannel. Good work.
a lot in your post. One small detail I can offer or remind you of re ivermectin etc. In the US, a drug can only be offered as experimental (which it was) IF there is no effective treatment otherwise available. So, the crooks at FDA declared ivermectin etc. verboten. Voila! I am not sure but it could be the same law protects manufacturers from liability because this is an "emergency" authorization.
Banned 24 hours and all posts deleted for spam
You and me both!
Well said.
It makes me doubt whether there ever actually was a coordinated ‘depopulation plan “.
The only ‘proof’ that I’ve ever seen supporting the depopulation theory comes from the expressed desires of leftist billionaires, WEF types and radical environmentalists to reduce and limit the world’s population.
The above, in conjunction with UN and various NGO supported policies like the Climate Change Agreement and Agenda 2030 seem to be the basis of the depopulation narrative.
Just because “they” would like to do it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are willing and able to simply kill billions of people.
Wait 'till you see what's next!
Sage Hana’s succinct take on it, which resonates with me…
But hopefully there is increasing pushback against the totalitarianism, and pursuit of accountability.
Or, they exploited a mild pandemic that they may have created, to make billions for themselves and to install totalitarianism.
Well, we know for an absolute fact there wasn’t even a mild pandemic but you’re certainly right it was all about making billions! Biggest wealth transfer in world history! Just here in KY alone, all big box stores remained open but 40% of small businesses (the backbone of the economy) were shut down.
No such a thing as a "mild pandemic"- contradiction in terms.
No such things as pandemics anyway.
No mass death event in 2020 caused by invisible microbes floating through the air.
Lots of racketeering and social control.
There are many studies proving that virology and germ theory are both frauds. But this guy says those are theories seeded by the bad guys. Not so. Why does he refute the studies that prove the truth? Discernment is needed 🙏🙏🙏
I've now raised this on my substack, asking who committed this crime against humanity?
We need to make a list of the perpetrators...e.g. former Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt:
There are so many, where would you even begin? I hope your list comes to fruition though. People always say Nuremberg 2.0. This is MUCH bigger than that. So much bigger. Snake Oil by Michael P. Senger is a very good read. A good place to start I think. I am surrounded now, by sickness and death. I will never forgive or forget what our Canadian government did, and is still doing.
NURENBERG 2.0 indeed , past due , please bring it on
The guilty are culpable in the extreme , and are in ‘ full view ‘
Wouldn't put it past them! The silver lining is it woke a lot of people up.
Debt Monetization→ Runaway Inflation→Destroy Currencies → Impoverish Population → CBDCs
This is The Ruling Class, through central banks (debt monetization), deliberately causing runaway inflation (“problem”) to destroy their respective currencies, to impoverish the population/create desperation (“reaction”) at which point they’ll introduce CBDCs (“solution”).
Which is why most every government in the world implemented identical socially/economically destructive “public health” policies during the scamdemic and every central bank is in some phase of trialing CBDCs: to “build back better” (digital slave system) out of the wreckage.
The “Corona Crisis” was both the circuit breaker and smokescreen to implement the above.
Those of us who have been around these issues for a few decades have been pointing out how the official narrative of “Covid” is a fiction right from the start- all facets of it and all variations.
There was no “pandemic” and there is/was no “lab leak”, there is/was no “gain of function” anything.
All of it is fake.
Those who repeat the official government story of the pandemic lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie and distracting people from understanding what has been pointed out with evidence and clarity by many.
Those who have been and are repeating such lies are in many ways the worst of the entire set of Covid con artists as they provide a “ring of steel” around the Big Lie of the Covid Pandemic fiction.
This list of “heroic Covid dissenters” who perpetuate the larger fraud include RFK Jr., R Malone, S Kirsch, Meryl Nass, Jessica Rose, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, Jay Bhattacharya, Peter McCullough, Naomi Wolf and many others who have “miraculously” popped out of the woodwork to become Covid “alt-celebrities” who are somehow well-practiced in the art of misdirection and “magically” have garnered a large audience attracted to their evidence-free quack theories.
Not only does the “pandemic” narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire “Covid” operation that is steamrolling people’s lives and ushering in exacly what you are citing.
Allen, I agree that there was no “pandemic”. “Pandemic” itself is a loaded word designed to fearmonger. But my experience has definitely been that many people became ill with something that was similar to an awful flu with some new peculiar symptoms. Whatever this is has been hyped as the disastrous Covid pandemic, though excellent work by sleuths such as Jessica Hockett, various NYC and other hospital videographers, occasional data release slips, as well as most people’s own experience with their social network, all confirm that whatever happened in 2020 was probably nothing more than a moderately severe flu-type illness with predictable results: healthy people overwhelmingly recovering, elderly sick and frail succumbing. This event, similar to the Hong Kong flu, was distorted beyond recognition in order to usher in the true pandemic of death and injury ushered in by the poisonous injections, as well as a new totalitarian world order.
Why no pandemic? Did pandemic once mean widespread death? Can you substantiate the allegation it once had that meaning?
I reckon SK may disagree with your evidence free ‘ quack comment ...
If you think that is the case , given his penchant for wagering large sum$ on his ‘ statistical outcomes - you should be a billionaire !
..... also, just sayin ‘..
Allen is an interesting character. He pops up on every substack and generates long commentaries. The general pattern is that the start of the commentary appears to agree with the author's side of the argument, then he throws in a spanner towards the end.
Out of interest Paul Gardner Allen was the co-founder of microsoft with Bill Gates.
"Allen" I have little care whether you or the AI engine running your account agrees with me or not. For every substack I write you use exactly the same model of distraction and make exactly the same claim "rarely provide any evidence" even though every part of every article is thoroughly referenced.
Rather than waste any more time on you I have only one option. Congratulations on your permaban.
The interesting thing with AI is the consistency of the patterns. Like some successful novelists or tv shows (Law and Order, for example), they create the initial blockbuster story and each sequel is set on the same pattern. People love the comfort of the same pattern.
Imitations (frauds) can be spotted with a careful eye.
How can covid dissenters , “ perpetuate the Covid fraud “...
Don’t you mean ‘ expose “ .... perpetuate is not a word for what they have done ...
Just sayin ‘
Hang on ... they convinced (forced?) all governments - all media -- all health boards -- the military etc etc ... and they we able to get 6B to inject a substance that wrecks their immune system...
Isn't that already global totalitarianism?
The end goal is going to be the release of a pathogen designed to exploit the damaged immune systems killing 6B - every alive will be terrified - and locked down -- they will starve
This is how you eliminate all humans with minimal suffering
Details here
Have the immune systems of 6B injected been wrecked? What evidence do you have to support this statement?
For any of the 6B who were coerced/mandated to have the injections - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc - certainly their personal autonomy and bodily integrity have been wrecked. This is my specific angle of interest, the politics of vaccination, particularly people being mandated to have medical interventions such as vaccination, and being denied voluntary informed consent.
As for 'release of a pathogen designed to exploit the damaged immune systems killing 6B'...this sounds like more of the fear-mongering bullshit we've been subjected to for the past four years.
It's not the 'release of a pathogen' people should be worried about...rather it's being set up to be compliant to injections on the demand of governments/the WHO etc that is the greatest threat, with the potential for what could be in these injections, and the destruction of personal autonomy and bodily integrity...the destruction of freedom.
Search Immune Exhaustion and Original Antigenic Sin...
Look around you at the vaxxed... they are always sick... I play in an ice hockey league with fit men ... they are always sick ...often extremely sick .. with respiratory diseases...
US Nursing home data shows clearly that the COVID vaccines were a disaster for the elderly; they increased the risk of dying from COVID
Booster-Caused IgG4 Immune Tolerance Explains Excess Mortality and "Chronic Covid"
Then there is this
Auto immune diseases are also off the charts
This is due to immune system damage...
I could go on an on ... but I won't
Instead you should read this
No it is not about a cull.. or a Great Reset.. or making $$$.... but the embedded agents are pushing those theories on SS... because they don't want you to know the real intent...
The real intent is total extermination ... because the global economy is collapsing .. due to severe depletion of affordable energy ... notice the inflation that they cannot control -- that's cuz we burned up most of the cheap stuff and what's left is expensive... expensive energy = inflation ... always.
When it gets to the point where they cannot kick the can -- they will detonate... and release The Pathogen.
We were all mandated to have the injections. You never saw any of the written requests for that "favor"?
anybody see the extrapolation study showing 17 MILLION people dead worldwide from the jabs?
Yes Rancourt's analysis is pretty solid.
He also said there was NO pandemic 👀
No mild about it.
I addressed some problems with Rancourt's paper here:
Australia had almost no excess mortality for about a year after the jabs were rolled out, but the first big spike in excess mortality coincided with the first big spike in PCR positivity rate in January 2022. However the state of Western Australia got Omicron later than other states, so the PCR positivity rate remained close to zero until February 2022 but there was also no clear increase in excess deaths in January 2022, even though the daily number of new vaccines peaked in January like in other regions of Australia. In Taiwan and Hong Kong, the PCR positivity rate and excess mortality also remained close to 0% until 2022, but the first big spike in excess mortality coincided with the first spike in PCR positivity rate.
Out of the countries which already had high excess mortality in 2020, for example in Bolivia excess mortality peaked at about 245% in July 2020 the same month when PCR positivity rate peaked at about 58%, in Chile excess mortality peaked at about 52% in June the same month when PCR positivity rate peaked at about 31%, in Colombia excess mortality peaked at about 61% in August the same month when PCR positivity rate peaked at about 31%, and in South Africa excess mortality peaked at about 42% in July the same month when the PCR positivity rate peaked at about 25%.
In Peru a spike in excess deaths in early 2021 occurred around the same time in all age groups even though younger age groups got vaccinated much later than older age groups.
In many Southern American countries, the COVID deaths, excess deaths, and PCR positivity rate all fell close to zero around September 2021, even though some of the countries had a large number of new vaccines given around the same time. For example in Chile the PCR positivity rate went from less than 1% in September 2021 to about 32% in February 2022, and at the same time excess mortality went from about 3% in September 2021 to about 63% in February 2022. And a similar pattern was also followed by Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. (And if PCR positivity tests have a high rate of false positives like some people claim, then why has the percentage of positive tests often fallen below 1% in entire countries? The percentage of false positives cannot be higher than the total percentage of positives.)
On page 102 of Rancourt's paper, there's a plot which shows that the "vaccine dose fatality ratio" of the fourth dose divided by the third dose is much higher for Chile than for Peru. However that's because the fourth dose was rolled out earlier in Chile than Peru, so it coincided with the spike in deaths caused by Omicron in Chile but not Peru. From pages 76 to 79 of Rancourt's paper, you can see the peak in excess mortality in early 2022 occurred around the same time in all age groups, but younger age groups received the fourth dose later than older age groups, so in older age groups the peak in daily vaccine doses occurred before the peak in deaths, but in younger age groups the peak in daily vaccine doses occurred after the peak in deaths.
In 16 out of 17 countries in Rancourt's paper, excess mortality had a higher correlation with PCR positivity rate than with the daily number of new vaccines, and in 7 countries the correlation with the number of new vaccines was negative but the correlation with PCR positivity rate was not negative in any country.
Countries with a lower percentage of vaccinated population in 2021 tended to have higher excess mortality in 2021, with a correlation of about -0.47. For example out of the four Asian countries in Rancourt's paper, Singapore had both the highest percentage of vaccinated people and the lowest excess mortality, but Philippines had both the lowest percentage of vaccinated people and the highest excess mortality. And similarly out of the South American countries in Rancourt's paper, Chile and Uruguay were the two countries with the lowest excess mortality in 2021 but they were also the two countries with the highest percentage of vaccinated people in 2021.
Rancourt claimed that there were no COVID measures or treatments that were performed synchronously around the world in January to February 2022, even though actually in all countries featured in his paper that have hospitalization data available at OWID, there was a spike in hospitalizations for COVID around January or February 2022.
On a list of explanations for why there was a synchronous spike in deaths all over the world around January to February 2022, Rancourt failed to include the possibility that there was a deliberate release of Omicron. Omicron, Alpha, and Delta all emerged in a saltation event where multiple novel nonsynonymous spike mutations appeared simultaneously out of nowhere. If you compare the spike protein of a consensus sequence of XBB.1.5 Omicron sequences to Wuhan-Hu-1, there's a total of 41 nonsynonymous mutations but only 1 synonymous mutations, which results in a dN/dS ratio of 41, even though among 100 SARS1 sequences the average dN/dS ratio was about 3.6 and in H1N1 samples from Finland from 2009 it was around 0.2-1.2. If the spike of Wuhan-Hu-1 is compared to BANAL-52, there's 176 synonymous mutations but only 20 nonsynonymous mutations, so the XBB.1.5 consensus has over double the number of nonsynonymous mutations. In the nucleocapsid protein of B.1.1, Alpha, BA.1, and BA.2, there's an unusual series of three consecutive nucleotide changes at positions 28,881-28,883, but a similar phenomenon was not previously known to occur in nature, so the authors of a Japanese paper had to coin a new term called "en bloc exchange" to describe the phenomenon. And even in the scenario where Omicron was not released deliberately or it was only released deliberately at a single location, it could've still spread around the world faster than the Wuhan strain because it has been estimated to have a much higher R₀ value than the Wuhan strain.
I believe that your explanation fails to understand that COVID deaths went up after the vaccination program, accounting for about half of the excess mortality. This is in populations that were near 100% vaccinated.
The Australia figures are shockingly clear. Prior to July 2021 (the 50% vaccination mark and before the unlawful death of Adriana Takara used to propagandise the vaccine rollout to under-40s who could never have benefited from it based on the available (yet fraudulent) RCT data... there were 1000 COVID deaths, of which 900 were Victorian nursing homes. Essentially 100 "real" COVID deaths. After the rollout in the same time period there were 18,000 COVID deaths. It is not possible to conclude anything BUT negative vaccine efficacy for death, by a long shot.
The other mortality causes were likely multifactorial but for people on the ground witnessing strange patterns of disease there is clearly something not right. Unfortunately we have to rely on the same government departments who were caught out with manipulating data during COVID to produce figures regarding cancer, heart disease and dementia.
Only when these are fully auditable will we be able to get to the bottom of the fraud that has been perpetrated. Using their data for analysis is fraught with limitations.
Thank you. You have lifted the debate to a new level. I'm more familiar with NZ data. Your insights and programming skills on Github are impressive. My analysis relies on use of the visual package App over at the Short Term Mortality Fluctuation site, run by Berkley.
I have presented this elsewhere . My theory is that excess deaths were reduced, even negative when borders were closed and winter seasonal deaths among the elderly evaporated. We saw this in NZ in 2020. The same situation prevailed in 2021. Both 2020 and 2021 had essentially no Covid deaths, yet in 2021, around week 17, the death rates among the elderly jumped relative to 2020 and remained higher until week 42. What changed? It can't be a rapid aging, as we saw that 2021, apart from the first 2-weeks, had basically the same, or slightly lower death rates than 2020 for the first 16-weeks. The most obvious difference was the vaccine rollout to the elderly from around week 15 of 2021. Now let's switch to 2022. If you subtract true covid deaths (45-65% of all Covid deaths following a positive pcr) from the total weekly all cause mortality, you will find periods where there was no correlation between ACM and Covid deaths. So I agree with you that on the surface it appears there were no excess deaths caused by vaccination, at least in the short term during 2021, but no excess death does not imply there were no deaths due to vaccination. If you remove the 1200-1500 winter deaths that drove the regression line fitting of 2015-2019 ACM data, this is the data that the OWID's model is based on, then the baseline is well below what occurred in 2021 and 2022 and more like the baseline established in 2020. Ignoring this gives the illusion that excess deaths only occurred due to Covid deaths.
PS: where did you find all that nteresting info about the types and quantatative nature of virus mutations?
PPS: Calculating cumulative excess death from March 2020 to December 2022 conceals the excess deaths that occurred in 2022. The trick then becomes to tease out the data to separate vaccine injury from Covid injury. One needs to apply the adjustments I mention above. Another point to consider is the number of hospital admissions following vaccination. There was a large increase which burdened the hospital system. Many were potentially lethal, but averted by medical intervention.
It was a major propaganda success when they told the population nobody would die of COVID after the jab, then more people died of COVID, then they said didn't we do well?...
Yes, it went like this, "it would have been much worse without vaccination".
Now we know, "worse" means not dying nor getting disabled. How blatantly, in-your-face, depopulationist!
Nobody died from "Covid."
How do you die from a fictional disease?
How do AIdiots die of their idiocy?
That's the low ball figure.
When asked why I defend a lab leak (intentional or otherwise; I believe intentional) virus theory, I always point out the fundamental truth of virus outbreaks: viruses that kill their host *do not spread well*; the best spreading viruses (for example, rhinoviruses, associated with the cold), do little to harm the host.
When I gave my predictions on outcomes to the government - predictions you will NEVER hear, because they are borderline prescient and undercut the government's totalitarian narrative - my prediction was the virus would go 'resident' (and thus 'latent', I.E. a non-threat) within 4 years REGARDLESS of what measures were adopted.
I also used this basis to REJECT a vaccine rollout (by the time a 12 year tested vaccine was rolled out, it would be effectively gone). Any "vaccine" made faster than 4 years would be unsafe, and the mutation rates of SARS-CoV-2 meant Hoskins effect would occur and even the 'best intentioned' shots would not work.
There were historical examples of pathogens becoming latent ('endemic') within 4 years; the Spanish flu (1918-1920), the Russian flu (1889 to early 1895). The worst disease outbreak, the black plague, lasted at most 7 years (1346 to 1353).
All diseases trend either towards zero (black plague wiped itself out as it was too effective at killing the hosts), or 'homoeostasis' (the Russian flu is now a common cold... for kids!).
There could be no real fatality risk from SARS-CoV-2, and it was already clear those they proclaimed had a fatality risk were the elderly (60s+). The *ONLY* risk, which absolutely NO-ONE at the time, could have known, is whether or not it had a 'secondary function', for example, if it acts like an 'airborne HIV' or had some nasty side-effect that takes time to manifest.
That is to say: a fast spreading virus and a immediately fatal virus are mutually exclusive paradigms. Could it have been more fatal than flu? Yeah, possibly, however with the rife fraud in reporting in order to unlock COVID-19 finances, to cover-up other crimes (Midazolam murders, etc), the broken PCR testing... we will never be able to confirm that.
The virus is real - real enough for people to be able to sequence, independently, in a lab, real enough for WIV to work on, real enough for Pfizer to mutate in that giant Project Veritas scandal - is it fatal? No.
If you asked me what drove fatality rates, it would be near exclusively both midazolam (pre-2021) and midazolam-esque injected substances, and the COVID-19 shots (start of 2021). I found no evidence of COVID-19 related spikes in death that *weren't* attributable to other causes.
It is my opinion a weak, fast spreading virus was released (in order to sell it to independent scientists who would be looking for evidence), coupled with a behind-the-scenes massacre of the elderly and other vulnerable groups via the use of poisonous and lethal injections, in order to craft the appearance of a deadly and fatal pathogen, in order to sell the 'presence' of a pandemic such they could force through tyrannical measures through the front door.
No other genuine assessment of the facts can arrive at any other conclusion.
On top of this, it is my opinion they tried twice with a *genuinely* fatal virus in the form of the original SARS, but quickly found out on both attempts (SARS and MERS) that fatal viruses do not spread well, and thus went back to the drawing board.
What's notable about the viruses Peter Daszak & Co studied is they are mainly 'resident viruses'; viruses that stay latent in a host body without generally harming the host. Essentially, a non-lethal virus with a long-time persistence (which is ideal if your goal is to spread it as far and as wide as possible).
Even then, those resident viruses are only bat-compatible, hence the engineering requirement via serialised passage in humanised mice to make it 'human compatible'. What I find notable is Daszak work is about spread, not lethality.
What really drove fatality rates was our collective obedience and deference to authority. We allowed our minds to be seduced by the Fear Mongers and abandoned our lives to Psychopathic Generals and Administrators and Commercial Purveyors peddling their Emergency Use Products and Protocols. What will drive Fatality rates going forward?
Great article, as usual.
So, the 17m “dead from the shots” by D.R. Is just a number that isn’t large enough to register?
I guess it’s only .002
Not a bad “caper.” They transferred $5T from the working class to the oligarchs, without anything but a bunch of theater and distractions. I can almost respect that.
Thanks Ark, looking forward to the next one
What's 5T between fascist elites?
An appetizer.
$5T is breadcrumbs compared to what the FED was dishing out to a handful of well connected global banks in the months just prior to the onset of the novel Pandemania.
“you can see we have finally tipped over 8bn despite the best efforts of the CDC and WHO.” 👏👏
All this “data”.
In a world of lies I find it interesting people even believe “official” population numbers let alone deaths, infections, etc.
Shit in. Shit out.
Thankyou Arkmedic for verifying my suspicions, with actual mathematical science. "They" are manipulating ALL the stats they can get their hands on, just as they did throughout C19. I do not trust any of their stats or modelling - PERIOD. They will kill billions and make it look like a blip on the stats. They've got their groomed minions even in the Australian Bureau of Statistics, where deputy Statistician Trevor Sutton is married to another WEF minion Jane Halton who lead the COVID taskforce in Australia after attending Event 201, and was the former federal government Secretary of Finance and Secretary of Health (think Digital ID/CBDC's) and virtually in bed with Bill & Melinda Gates , and her husbands brother is the former Victoria Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton. Highly incestuous! Surprisingly, they haven't fully covered up the excess all-cause mortality stats. I expect it is worse than we think. They do not want questions asked. They manipulated the stats throughout CONVID and continue to do so. They will allow evidence for which plausible deniability will get them off the hook, that is all. Now Brett Sutton is appointed the Director of Health and Biosecurity at CSIRO. Fancy that. That means he has a say in the ongoing use of RT-PCR tests for Foot & Mouth Disease, PLUS mRNA vaccination of livestock (interestingly the Aus Gov website for this has recently been taken down). Meanwhile, former Australian Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt is one of FIVE brothers, all heavily involved in graphene oxide including mining - We are watching.
Wasn’t the definition of a pandemic revised in recent years? I believe before the definition revision, a pandemic had to include deaths from the virus/pathogen in at least two continents. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
I would have thought that too hence why I posted that current definition
I know for sure they changed the definition of the word vaccine.
But I remember that it was discussed too. I could be wrong, but it’s possible that the word was used instead of “epidemic”
They’ve done so many things for the first time it’s hard to keep track.
Got archival documentation of this alleged former definition?
This is from a Dr. Mercola article from 2021. I copied and pasted the information but I unfortunately did not save the citations.
What Is a Pandemic?
The definition of a vaccine is not the only thing that has changed since 2020. To continue promoting mandates, lockdowns and emergency use authorization of genetic therapy injections, the infection must be causing a pandemic.
According to the World Health Organization, their original definition of a pandemic specified that there must be simultaneous epidemics experienced worldwide “with enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses.”23
While the published documents with the definition of a pandemic have since been pulled offline and cannot be accessed any longer through the Wayback machine, the WHO published a paper refuting the allegations that they had changed the definition “for the simple reason that it has never formally defined pandemic influenza.”24
They argued that while they had described a pandemic influenza, it was never a “formal definition.” In their explanation they say that since 2003 their pandemic preparedness page had contained this statement:25
“An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”
They claim that was changed in response to a query from a CNN reporter just weeks before they declared a swine flu pandemic after only 144 people died from the infection worldwide. The new statement removed the phrase “enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses” and was revised to:26 “An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity.”
The Council of Europe apparently had the same question and cited this alteration in their page as evidence that the WHO could declare a pandemic without demonstrating the severity of the disease against which we didn’t have immunity.27
Unfortunately, the number of excess deaths that can be attributed directly to COVID-19 is likely not be the result of the infection itself, but from the CDC’s and NIAID’s suppression of successful treatment modalities that can save lives.28,29,30,31,32
Therefore, in my opinion, the definition is used to instill fear not for safety reasons.
Ah Khan Syed clearly... WorldMeter is curated viral fear porn based in metric falsity. Good for gauging the narrative surge, and how many are suffering from flu & common cold. "Oh and colds. Yep, they are definitely pandemic. Have been for centuries." A vaccine for such is a Sisyphean Holy Grail which only a lunatic would attempt. Oh wait someone did.
Thanks for this post. Love your work.
The models your really want to understand have to do how fiat money influences human behavior over time and across cultures.
The real core pandemic is not viral, its financial.
Patient Zero wasn't a person, it was a bank.
This is just the PR Team playing with the proles as usual.
How is it that Substack has been permitted to publish completely uncensored anti-vax content - when all other media has been forced into draconian censorship?
And is it not fascinating how this platform that was founded just prior to covid and suddenly emerged from obscurity (I have been doing business in the digital space since 1999 and I had never heard of SS)... to become the go to platform for those opposed to the Covid vax....
How do I ask Hamish how he has been able to fend off those who have forced Google Facebook and the entire MSM complex to remove any negative comments regarding the covid vax.
Why do they leave him alone? Does he have a massive army and does he threaten to go to war with the DOD if the deep state actors try to pressure him? Does he have hundreds of billions of dollars (more than google and FB) that allow him to buy influence?
Pray tell Hamish --- how did you beat back the censors?????
Let me speculate on what happened...
As we know the Covid Operation is many decades in the planning... it was probably hatched in the 70's as the US conventional oil was peaking sending a signal to the Men Who Run the World ... that cheap energy is indeed not infinite and at some point there will be a global peak and that will collapse civilization. Something would need to be done to prevent 8 billion humans from ripping each other's faces off and eating each other when the global supply chains vapourize and global famine kicks in.
The Men Who Run the World are thorough - they war game literally thousands of scenarios to ensure they are prepared for anything ... similarly they left no stone unturned with respect to the End of the World...
They assembled a range of experts from energy analysts ... economics and finance specialists... a PR Team -- medical scientists (to create the vax that destroys the immune system) and for certain a team of the best of the best in the field of psychology who were tasked with prepping the masses for extermination.
When faced with the problem of knowing that some of the 8B (the less stupid ones)... would reject the Rat Juice vax.... they came up with a number of strategies ... they determined that mandates would be a powerful tool -- no jab no job --- they also knew that humans are not any different than Pavlov's dog so they offered incentives... like donuts... the invoked peer pressure....
But still... some hard core folks would resist... what to do about them?
Up shoots the hand of a bright young thing ... she says --- rather than fight them and bash their heads in ... why not herd them onto a space where they can be compartmentalized and run them around in circles... embed our agents and have them feed the anti vaxxers juicy studies and other tid bits about how deadly the Rat Juice is.
Hang on said the director of the team -- what if the Vaxxers see this? What if the A Vaxxers send them the studies?
No need to worry - the Vaxxers will dismiss this as conspiracy theory - they won't read anything unless its on cnnbbc... we create a parallel universe...
What we accomplish by doing this is we entertain the A-Vaxxers -- they will believe they are winning - they will believe that SURELY!!! the Vaxxers must be aware of these studies and the harms done by the Rat Juice. If not now - then tomorrow or next week ... it's so overwhelming that surely the MUST wake up! But of course they never wake up because they refuse to look.
The A Vaxxers believe they are winning ... therefore they just keep clattering away on their key boards high fiving every time Kirsch or Malone or one of the other embedded agents drops a revelation.
And most importantly - they NEVER take any action that might upset the plan... they never get violent and cause us to send out the anti terrorist squads (that are standing by)... this guarantees the extermination things don't get messy. We all know the goal is to eliminate 8B with as little suffering as possible.
Sounds like a great plan says the Director.
What do you suggest we call this platform that we will use to corral the anti vaxxers ... monitor them ... and feed them the studies?
The bright young thing says ... Substack.
Ok says the director -- find another Zuckerberg-type flunky --- and have him or her be the front for this ...
Consider it done.
For more details on this story see UEP:
Great post. Thanks.
Thanks Dr Syed! Mick.
Brilliant. Thanks for this.
When was the last time you heard someone say "I have a cold?"
Interesting. How does this information square with all the excess death in countries that is widely and repeatedly reported?
Those countries are only a fraction of the world population. And don't forget we are assuming here that the worldometer figures are correct. They are likely estimates.
Even with the excess deaths above the normally anticipated death rate, the population is still growing, albeit at a slower rate of growth.
I don't consider Australia has as much excess death as reported - the Australian Bureau of Statistics was using a very low baseline, last I looked, which does not properly account for the baby boomers moving into the high death rate ages.