Apr 10, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Is there any virologist,strong enough ( and old enough not to care about fall out 🤣😂)that could present your brilliant work? Whilst preserving your anonymity?

I am 70+ and trying to educate my peers to what is happening.Most people with mortgages and children can’t go public. What about Project Veritas. Thank you for searching for the truth.

I will have to read this several more time to be able to explain it to someone else.O level biology doesn’t quite cover it.😊

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It doesn't matter now. We have bypassed the "virologists" because they have totally failed the world. I have not trained in virology, this is just genomics. Virology is a crock and as far as I can tell just brings misery to the world and rarely any benefit

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Yes,I shouldn’t have mentioned virologist…In the last 9 months I have had to unlearn everything I thought was true😳As I proclaim each new discovery,HIV doesn’t cause AIDS,there is no AIDS,No virus has ever been isolated,Most if not all Vaccines are causing more harm than good,Statins are bad for you,Older people with higher cholesterol live longer than old people with very low cholesterol…..need I go on! my friends list grows shorter and shorter.🤣😂Time to find some new ones with eyes wide open.Thank You for being part of my journey.

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These days, I shed "friends" faster than the vaxxed shed spike proteins.

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🤣😂Yes, as I have been vaxed for Pneumonie,Shingles,Flue,2 Astrazennica Covid + 1 Pfizer ( with bad reaction🙁) I feel I should be wearing a hazmat suit 😊 to protect everyone else from me….Also I have to work hard to accept what can’t be changed, going forward,if I survive,I will never have another vaccination.We are totally miss informed in the UK 🙁

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I am in the Uk, Devon. Unvaxxed. My two teenage grandsons here for the weekend, both triple vaxxed. I was more depressed after we spoke about the “vaccines” than ever before. They have no idea what they have just put into their body and to be honest they did not seem to care. Both boys highly intelligent. Is there any hope for us?

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Try the FLCCC Alliance's I-RECOVER Management Protocol for post-vaccine inflammatory syndromes -- https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-protocol/

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Thank you 😊Yes I am taking many supplements and am improving greatly,the only IVM In UK is Equine,If/ when I get Covid, I know the dose weight ratio and will get some, if we still don’t have it in the UK pharmacys.

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The 'gods' are now working on a viral vaccine that can jump from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated to protect them from illness. What could possibly go wrong?

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They have been doing that for animals in the wild for quite a few years. Sure it won't take long for them to get there.

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I shedded all but one - she’s young so I gave her a break.

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Wish I lived nearby, I would be happy to have a friend who acknowledges what is going on.💕💕

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Mary Ann,Have you checked the https://www.astandinthepark.org/south-west-england/

22 in Devon, I hope one is close to you…I have now joined a Freedom Community group in The New Forest, which arose from people who went to their local Stand in the park I have now found over 300 people who are AWAKE, All genuine friendly people from many diverse backgrounds.Good Luck 😊

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The pseudo-medical paradigm has been inventing diseases at a rate of about one a week in the last 100 years...

Most "medical treatment" is not worth a penny; in fact, it’s best to be avoided. They cannot diagnose, invent illnesses, and find conditions that you don't have... They "diagnose" from symptoms and they "treat" the symptoms without having the slightest idea what they are doing. Their poisonous chemicals that they fraudulently call "medications" cause "side effects" that require new "medications" with further "side effects." They can also perpetuate a condition, that is, preventing nature from taking its course and let the body heal itself. They prescribe chemicals that cause dependencies, which is far from being limited to painkillers. They are pushing "new treatments" (they get money for trials) and sell your biopsies and removed tissues. The misdiagnose and overdiagnose. They collect and sell your DNA.



I usually say, "Here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes."

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The history of medical fraud is huge and long. All of it must be exposed.

Evidence of Massive Fraud in Handling of Covid-19


No One Died of Covid – They Died of HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID Directed Medical Malpractice

I would like to know what it takes to actually get someone to investigate why the FDA, CDC, NIH BANNED doctors from providing EARLY Covid treatment with the safe and effective medications we had from the start, it would be great. Denying early treatment allowed the virus to overwhelm the body and millions were hospitalized. Over 1 million needlessly died.

From early on, the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons were demanding early treatment, proving 90% would still be alive if it had been provided... that means 900,000 would still be with their families.

The Emergency Use Authorization could never have legally been issued by the FDA if an alternative treatment was available from the start (which it was), and then Big Pharma would not have made billions and the foundations of the CDC and NIH would not have received millions in donations, and FDA consulting doctors would not have received their very nice consulting fees. Fauci would not have made $5 million in just 2 years.

This was mass murder to scare people into the useless and toxic jabs. No one is talking about the deaths or life-altering injuries either. All swept under the rug.

EARLY outpatient use of safe and effective medication available for Covid from the start = 90% FEWER hospitalizations / deaths.

90% FEWER hospitalizations / deaths = NO emergency use approval of the Covid jabs or Remdesivir

NO emergency use approval of the Covid jabs or Remdesivir = NO billions for Big Pharma

NO billions for Big Pharma = NO millions donated by Big Pharma to the CDC and NIH foundations

NO millions donated by Big Pharma for the CDC and NIH foundations = NO $5 million bonus for Fauci between 2020 and 2022


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Helen would love a new friend to discuss what has taken place these last three years. Unvaxxed, cannot believe the public continues to believe everything they are told by incompetent gov’ts.

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We all know Fauci made covid transmissible to humans forty plus years ago!

Even the third international covid summit told us this! And then he turned around and made money off the killer jab to deny his own work for creation! Along with tons of big pharma and all the political folks involved with them! Gates , in part, funded it!

He is a dangerous and completely soulless coward.

Here is your proof from the summit.


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May 22, 2022·edited May 22, 2022

Please elaborate? In what sense is virology a crock? Because viruses don't exist (you can't believe that, obviously) or because we focus too much on viruses rather than immunity? Or something else?

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You will need to do your own homework,I suggest you Google the following Germ theory vs.Terrain theory.Dr Andrew Kaufman.or. https://healthfreedomforhumanity.org/dr-stefan-lanka-virologist/

You can then continue your search or stick with what you have been taught by the medical establishment.I am in my 70.s and in the last 9 months made an educational journey that has upturned almost everything I have believed in. I am not anti science or the advancement of genetic engineering when it is used to help the sick.

Unfortunately now I understand, how the information from Media,Accademia,and Scientific Sections of society have been manipulated by NGO’s and Gov’s funding.

Creating rigged research papers,mind control and outright lies to earn(steal) vast wealth and keep the masses ( us 😊)happy and controlled.

Also Robert Kennedy jnr’s book The Real Anthony Fauchi will help.I wish you luck on your journey.A curious mind is a blessing, better to live in truth, than die in ignorance.

Best Wishes Helen

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Thanks Helen. I have seen all of that stuff already but I was curious what Arkmedic thought.

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Fascinating Thank you Helen and author

Dr Ah Kahn Syed

. I am 70 too and on the same journey

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fascinating video

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Thank you for looking these up!

And indeed the Sars-Cov-2 virus can infect T cells via one mechanism and monocytes through the other.

This is the key feature of how repeat infections of the vaxxed (caused by Original Antigenic Sin and vaccine immune suppression), will kill off above mentioned immune cells and will create an analogue of AIDS in the unfortunate victims. These inserts are there for a reason.

Sars-Cov-2 is already "highly pathogenic", no need to wait for it to deattenuate further although it could become even more pathogenic.

I call the result of this "Chronic Covid" (not the same thing as "endemic covid" or "long covid"). Chronic Covid is a covid infection in person who no longer can clear the virus.


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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Would this mean that, people who cannot "clear" away the spike protein that has entered their bodies (from infection or from injection) may develop a condition similar to AIDS? Would chronic Covid be like an malfunctioning immune system? I am not from a medical background, but would seriously like to know. Thank you.

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My concern with everlasting mRNA and the continuous production of antigenic proteins is cachexia the extreme version of chronic disease. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cachexia

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Thank you for the explanation. I can see the reasons for the concern clearly now. It is so disturbing, as I recently heard from my parents that their friends (late 70s and 80 years age bracket) have been diagnosed with dementia and another passed away with an acute diagnosis of Parkinson's since after their vaccinations. Perhaps coincidences, yet. . .

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The trend of taking semaglutide (Ozempic) as a weight loss drug also results in cachexia. The combination of everlasting mRNA and Ozempic (15% of Americans are taking it) I would think will cause a significant increase in osteoporosis and fractures.

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yes, chronic covid == malfunctioning immune system

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Thank you, it means a lot to me to be clear about my hunch that something is wrong. I am surrounded by friends and family who will not consider any notion other than that herd immunity can be reached and the pandemic will end once everybody is vaccinated with the "safe & effective" mRNA vaccines.

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Your friends' thinking is herd mentality, not herd immunity

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Thanks Igor! I’m keeping your brilliant comment handy for helping friends and family understand. 😊

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

In case anyone reading this is wondering whether the HIV-like function of sars-cov-2 is theoretical or actual, it seems that a paper with the bat lady of Wuhan herself (Shi Zhengli) as an author demonstrates sars-cov-2's HIV-like ability to infect CD4+ T cells is actual.


In that paper, after carefully demonstrating that the SARS-COV-2 infects T-cells and that the entry pathway is not the ACE2 or TMPRSS2 which are the primary pathways identified for sars-cov-2 entry into other cells, they suggest that the mechanism is mediated by LFA-1. You can easily find papers going back over the last 30 years showing HIV entry into T-cells involving LFA-1.

Shi Zhengli and her team did not choose to mention gp120 or HIV in their paper but I think the association would be obvious to virologists. I don't really know what to make of the fact that they published a paper on this. Is it a confession? A belated warning?

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have shared extensively throughout the Australian scientific Community

.. thank you and your crew

brilliant work

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The mice army is doing great work!

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

be careful you !

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There’s another piece of evidence coming into view, on the legal side. I’ve been reading through the many Congressional statutes and implementing HHS regulations adopted, mostly since 2000, on the bioterrorism front, from the 1983 law that first set up the Public Health Emergency framework under the 1944 Public Health Service Act, through the 2000 Public Health Improvement Act (which expanded HHS Secretary’s powers almost a year before the anthrax attacks) to the 2020 CARES Act and the current HR 34 - Cures Act 2.0.

There are a lot of them.

But a repeated phrase that keeps coming up is the definition of ‘qualified pandemic or epidemic product’ to include both

“i. a product manufactured, used, designed, developed, modified, licensed or procured to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat, or cure a pandemic or epidemic; or to limit the harm such pandemic or epidemic might otherwise cause;


ii. a product manufactured, used, designed, developed, modified, licensed, or procured to diagnose, mitigate, prevent, treat or cure a serious or life-threatening disease or condition caused by a product described in clause (i).”

See, for example, 42 USC 247d-6d(i)(7)(A) [PREP Act of 2005]

Every time I see it, I note in the margins “”poison and antidote.”

If I’m reading the threads on the go-120 sequences correctly, it’s related to this legal framework: the same team of people designed the poison and the antidote, distributed the poison and is preparing now to roll out the antidote, as a expansion of the control,profit, enslave, kill paradigm.

Bioterrorism is legal, so long as it’s governments committing acts of bioterrorism on their own citizens.

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It is possible to reverse the process- roll out an imperfect antidote and then drop the poison onto an unsuspecting public.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

That is a piece of work, again! It hurts the head just reading it never mind the amount of work that must have gone into putting that together. Thank you for sharing. Like part 1 will stick it on fakebook for a laugh. It’s another essential part of the counter narrative that we are living a scam, a plan to bring our world down.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Now that's you've started reading the DEFUSE proposal, might you consider reading who the work was assigned to?

Would really help determine who made SARS-CoV 2.

Hint; the section on n-linked glycosylation sites is written by the Ghost of Chapel Hill.

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I've been scratching my widdo head these last few months, wondering why the Ghost of Chapel Hill is not yet 6 feet under. Why wouldn't "They" want to get rid of someone who knows too much and who has already done the dirty job for his handlers? Or do "They" need RSB for the next plandemic?

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Apr 12, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Dmitry Kats who did his PhD at UNC noted that he has been missing for 6 months and mentioned that he may have been assassinated. I'm not sure what led him to say that, either he knows a bit more about UNC and Ralph than most or is being flippant.

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Dimitry is super unreliable. It's a shame. He claimed to have run a trial of Niacin but had no ethics approval or ability to corroborate. So it's difficult for me to trust him on anything.

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holy cow ...

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

So glad you have continued in this work. I know everyone is focused on SARS-CoV-2. Does it remain clear Sars 1 and MERS arose naturally without lab manipulation?

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Yes. Baric

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Check this out, these devils have been playing games for quite a while: https://twitter.com/Charles04144986/status/1510727568206532612


EcoHealth especially has been a big culprit in various outbreaks.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Signed up just because i had to say thank you, Arkmedic, for the work you do.

The comment sections on these truly stellar Substack articles is where the real debates are happening - and there are millions of us out here who are grateful for the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of giants and gain real knowledge and insight.

Jessica Rose, Tess Lawrie, Igor Chudov, Steve Kirsch .. but especially yours Doc. Not sure how the substack thing works, posting this here in the vain hope it ‘bumps’ this slightly older article a little, so that others get to see it and don’t miss this amazing discussion, like i did first time round.

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Yeah that's why I'm trying this "short" format. See what discussion it brings. Not that easy to track responses though

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If l knew what you were talking about here l would be convinced. But as a layman, l was under the impression that not only had the jury returned, but the judge had announced his decision and was half way home with a bunch of lilies for his wife. Is there really some obdurate half wit out there that still believes this sequencing came from bats stirring a dark brew in an equally dark cave in China?

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Great research and article but I have some questions:

- I don't quite understand how 3 sequences don't exist in viruses and one nowhere in nature at all if they are HIV-1 inserts?

- The one that doesn't exist anywhere, where does it come from (lab obviously) but how is it designed and created?

- What do the inserts actually do and if you have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, does that mean all the inserts have done something to your body?

- What conclusion can we have for why someone put the inserts in? Could it be work on an HIV or cancer vaccine or is it really a case of bioweapon case closed?


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(1) HIV (Gp-120 to be precise) inserts are peptides. They have been codon optimised so they can't be traced back to a specific virus or have certain properties when coded this way. They never thought we would trace them or question them. So these genome sequences code for the very HIV-1 peptides that exist in HIV-1 isoforms. There is variability so they will use this to say "we didn't take them from HIV because they are from different versions of HIV so we can't have done".

(2) It is a created sequence. Ecohealth were found to have withheld some sequences in the USRTK.org FOI release. They did not submit them to Genbank so they don't exist. When Daszak was asked about the missing sequences he referred the reporter to the Latinne paper in Nature. But this paper has a number of problems including the presence of gene sequences (accession numbers) that are not theirs. The logical conclusion of this is that they stole the accession numbers to hide the fact that they never uploaded some sequences (my guess is 3 sequences but could be more)

(3) The inserts bind DC-SIGN which is the mechanism that HIV uses to infect your T cells. The SARS2 virus probably won't cause you major problems but the vaccine (same protein) may cause serious problems because it is continuously produced. It would be like having a continuous production of HIV-like protein in your body, exhausting your T-cells.

(4) Anybody claiming that this arose from testing a live attenuated vaccine (LAV) is either missing the point or is genuinely an agent sent to shut down the debate (shill). The proof is that fact that Zengli Shi published an antidote (EK14C) for the virus. You do not create an antidote for a LAV. To be clear I am not addressing this at you but am informing you that this will be the next excuse. It is false and anybody promulgating it is acting on behalf of the very people who have covered up the story so far.

One final point of importance. All those who covered up the story and denigrated Pradhan are responsible for the death of literally thousands of people. If Pradhan's paper had been allowed to be discussed the history of "covid-19" would have been completely different including the rollout of hydroxychloroquine, arrest of Anthony Fauci and many others who were involved. The Great Barrington Declaration would have been the preferred pathway and the first wave of "covid-19" would have burnt out like SARS1 did. That didn't happen and the public policies of masks, lockdowns and leaky vaccines have caused the perpetuation of a viral outbreak that should have ended in June 2020. All those responsible for quashing Pradhan's paper are, in my opinion, directly responsible for the global outcome.

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Thanks for replying.

So if SARS2 probably won't cause any major problems what do you think was the point of it? 'Just' a lab-leak and so everything since has been CYA or intentional to bring forth the vaccines?

With the LAV theory, would they not first create a chimera to attenuate. So an antidote would be needed for the chimera (just in case)?

I fully agree with your last paragraph. Do you think masks, lockdowns etc were deliberately used so as it didn't burn out too early and so to extend the pandemic until vaccines could be produced?

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It was a bioweapon but not in the traditional sense. SARS1 was high pathogenicity but low transmission. That experiment failed. MERS similarly failed. This was intended to scare the world into accepting state control even over bodily autonomy. It succeeded despite low overall mortality. The weapon was the fear, not the virus.

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Interesting and makes sense. Do you think the vaccine is a bioweapon? Or do you think the vaccine was just pharmaceuticals taking advantage? The world had already accepted state control and bodily autonomy. Or do you think the story goes further and the vaccine was intended to injure?

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Personally - and this is speculation - the whole thing was intended for control. And the point is that they didn't *care* whether it killed. Because in their world, we are scum. We are idiots. We are not them so we can be dispensed with. So if the project works, they get control and the people love them. If it fails they will use the media against the people and it will take 40 years for the people to get recompense, by which time they have gone. This is literally what happened with thalidomide. This time the media must be brought to account. The media personalities who covered for them must be given life sentences at least. That is the only way that this ends. Individuals like Ben Fordham and Jim Wilson in Australia who advocated for mandates and lockdowns. And the celebrities who pushed the failed vaccines as a kind of advertising... like Dolly Parton and of course Albert Bourla. They must face an international criminal court. And if convicted of conspiracy to corporate manslaughter must face a life sentence. Unless this happens what you are seeing now will be just the tip of the iceberg

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Schwab & his school of dimwits in power: Great Reset +

What are the odds of *this* being a random sequence:

1- Covid madness & lockdowns;

2- Mandatory-Vaccine vectored everything-disease Great Culling (on going);

3- A weird series of industrial plant explosions, mainly pharmaceutical & agro-food related (on going);

4- Russian provoked Ukraine war (on going, with probable extension);

5- "Western" suicidal Sanctions destroying essential world flows in Energy, Food & Fertilizers;

6- 40 billion USD worth of weaponry, to include long range missiles, being dumped haphazardly in aforementionned collapsed mafia land, pumped up with Chechens & Isis fighters;

7- What next?

"We do not yet know ze full extent and ze zystemic & ztrructural changes that will happen, however, we do know ze global energy zystems, food zystems & supply chains will be deeply affected."

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As a hypothesis, it could be that, with the rapid development of all kinds of different medications in the late 20th century, it is known to pharmaceutical companies at this point that many of already approved and widely used medications will cause broad damage in aging patients. Now look at the list of adverse effects of the Pfizer vaccine, it takes several pages just to name them. If the majority of the aging population is bamboozled into signing a waiver for an EUA product whose adverse effects take several pages, they will not be able to blame their health problems onto approved medications they took throughout their lives. Therefore, no refunds

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NE , why are they still pushing the jabs and ignoring the data ? It’s a bioweapon for depopulation and control in my opinion.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

SARS2 was the trojan horse to introduce the jab. The jab is the bio weapon.

Just like Hiroshima and Nagasaki—they wanted to use the weapon as a real world test, flaws and all, just to see what happens. Lives damaged and lost and the wake of destruction are part of the show for them.

They will do it again unless they are stopped.

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Davos and disease X. They want to hurry before we hold them accountable for Covid-19

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Shi must have made SARS 1, after ofcourse WIV developed their first in house time machine!

MERS? Shi was in Baghdad directly following the first Gulf War... you tell me Shi didn't do it!

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This falls within my prior WMD experience, for numerous reasons.

The primary thing I want to address, Naked Emperor, is your question regarding lockdowns/masks/etc.

Dr. Fauci certainly would be capable of coming up with such justifications for the lockdowns, but the FOIA evidence I've seen [which is all 126K pages of it] doesn't support that idea. The 105K of Baric emails mostly follow the email chains of the Red Dawn group that was swapping information and coordinating the general response behind the scenes. Carter Mecher, Eva [can't remember her last name], and a few others were big proponents of lockdowns; their template was mostly the 1918 H1N1 pandemic, not what was happening in Wuhan. There were a lot of comparisons of the progression and scale of the outbreaks in different cities, especially Philadelphia and St Louis, as I recall. The lesson was that the earlier a lockdown was implemented, the better. Wuhan simply proved their point because they compared it with other Chinese cities.

Fauci wasn't even in charge of the pandemic response at that point in time [in February], but once he was he was clearly on board with expanding emergency powers. It's exactly how he was able to practically institutionalize the scientific censorship.

I agree that the origins of SARS & MERS are suspicious [the Chinese thought the same thing about SARS], but there's far more evidence to support a natural origin with those two viruses than with this one. Dr. Quay's Bayesian Analysis [either version] references several pieces of evidence that attest to this; I know Arkmedic is familiar with its arguments so that's first place I'd recommend.

Personally, I think the orig of the 3 inserts is ultimately irrelevant, because the 4th is unequivocally artificial. Decroly calculated and reached the opposite conclusion of Pradhan & Montagnier for #'s 1-3, but at the end of the day no sarbecovirus could've recombined to provide the PRRA, and the genetic distance between CoV branches is to steep to accomodate that recombination.

I agree with Mona that RaTG13 and the two 'Z' species from Guangdong are most likely intermediate artificial constructs that show that they were trying to slowly construct something through passaging, before adding in the QTNSPRRA to finish the job.

As for SARS-CoV-2, the evidence points in the direction of a bioweapon. It is a very unique creation, in that strategically it falls outside the traditional definition of "incapacitating agent" because it appears likely to have broad 2nd & 3rd order effects [on immune systems, for example] and it is difficult to know what was intended vs. what has emerged through a twisted sort of 'luck.' I'm not a believer in the "reduction of global population argument," because that is a globalist perspective and neither China nor the US would've developed a pathogen toward that end. That doesn't mean that others could swoop in to take advantage of the crisis.

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The pharmaceautical industry is motivated by money thus would have no interest in depopulation. Unfortunately the military are only interested in obliterating an enemy, and then we have people like Bill Gates who obsesses about over population. So there is a tension between differing viewpoints each with considerable power. This bioweapon was created possibly to produce an antidote for soldiers to continue fighting for long enough to get the job done. The civilian population has never been a consideration for the military. What interests me is the events in Shanghai and murmurs of an avian flu more deadly than anything we have seen. I have just read how millions of chickens and turkeys are being killed both in China and America to prevent the spread of a virus that hasn't happened. Obviously the intent is to continue unbalancing the population and create significant food shortages, prevent people from consuming meat in exchange for manufactured foodstuffs. As with the global warming crisis, the shift is being put into place before viable alternatives have been erected. This nonsense has yet to end and l am beginning to feel it never will. In spite of the excellent work some of you are doing in researching these materials and exposing them, we are sliding into an abyss from which there can be no escape.

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Yes, I really think you have your finger on it when you talk about changes in food production and especially processing. Pharma has already waded into food production with protein supplements and are promoting them directly to the public through TV advertising. Protein supplements used to be for athletes and cancer patients. Now everyone drinks their protein. They can put anything in those “supplements” and people will drink them. They have killed millions of chickens and turkeys to stop bird flu, so apparently herd/flock immunity doesn’t matter with poultry. 🤷‍♀️

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So would a particular unnamed Harvard graduate be missing the point? Or a shill?

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Not sure what you mean

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I don't think he's a shill, but he's also not a Harvard graduate.

He left Radcliffe at some point in his 3rd year, I believe.

The quasispecies is an important aspect of the discussion, but the FCS didn't emerge from it naturally like with what happens with influenza.

Most importantly, you wouldn't leave an FCS with a prion-like domain inside a vaccine candidate.

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What do you mean the vaccine is continuously produced? Do you believe that the cells will continue to produce the spike protein forever or that people are continuing to get vaccinated?

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The mRNA will eventually wane and the human body is amazing at detoxifying. Think Arsenic. If you don't keep up with administering it regularly the victim will be cured. It is like this with mRNA. It requires repeat administration. Sure there are short term disasters but if you survive that you will likely find that the effects wane. If you continue with the boosters you are taking a big risk.

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Exactly. Nuremberg 2.0 can’t start soon enough.

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My comments on the 'HIV' gp 120 and other issues I have with this presentation here https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/absolute-proof-the-cellular-proteins


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Banned for: (1) accusing of blocking without having been blocked, so I might as well block you and (2) accusing me of posting disinformation without any evidence to back up your statement.

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Oh it's you. The answer to your questions are this:

(1) because I can spot a shill and their approach. There is a huge difference between a scientist who wants to discuss the science and a shill who is intent on disparaging and denigrating in order to impose their idea on others.

(2) the thread you are replying to is fully evidenced. As a shill your response is to frame your question with ridiculous assertions like "why do you keep pushing misleading theories?". I have not read beyond those words. It is not my fault that you don't understand the relevance of EK1C4 to the Gp-120 sequences, Baric and Daszak. It's nice that you have a role in life to shill for them but it's not useful to the world. I really hope that you can sleep at night taking on this role to try to push disinformation to protect those psychopaths. You are one of the people who I would consider more responsible for the genocide than even Daszak Shi and Fauci. Because you are happily going around trying to quash the truth with your ridiculous denigrations that never have any evidence. Please find another place to post your crap - your comments will be preserved. This is because all those people who contributed to Daszak's propaganda machine will eventually face investigation. We are patient.

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Apr 10, 2022·edited Apr 10, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Great work! Praying for your safety.

I have a quick question about the QTQTNS sequence (next to the furin cleavage site). Some DRASTIC people suggest this is a deliberately inserted "superantigen." While I was not surprised to also find the QTQTNS sequence in RaTG13 (because I do not believe RaTG13 is natural), I was very surprised to find this in the "pangolin virus." Does this imply that the pangolin virus was also manmade to further reinforce the natural origin narrative?

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Check the date on the pangolin virus submission to genbank...

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I concede, the Pangolin is cute at a distance in the pic

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This morning "Forbidden Knowledge" came out with an article that gives a new slant to the origins of this virus. A Doctor Bing Liu brought snake venom to out attention when all the 'fact checkers' were busy steering us elsewhere. Wouldn't you know it, he is now dead in a suicide pact. It is a pity we are unable to converse with the dead since killing off whistle blowers would have no point. The Chinese Krait and King Cobra venom have identical sequences apparently to what we are seeing. It is suggested that these have been used and not bats. Wrap a synthesised peptide in nano particle hydrogel and add dynabeads for extra stability and there you go! The dynabeads incidentally are composed of magnetic nanoparticles....well well. It might be worth investigating.

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I assume you saw Stew Peters' 'Watch the Water' documentary? It is a very interesting theory. I would love to see an unbiased scientific evaluation of it, but it may never happen.

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Haven't seen this. There is so much information coming in it is impossible to keep up with it all. What is it about?

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It is a documentary discussing exactly what you describe- that the virus comes from snake venom, the magnetic dynabeads, etc. It is an hour but definitely worth the watch.


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It was very interesting. An ex soldier told me a long time ago that he was aware of a substance, a few drops of which if loosed into a water supply would incapacitate a small town in a day. Only snake toxins have this kind of potency although insects do exist that have similar abilities. It isn't too much of a stretch to imagine isolation, analysis then production of such. As an aside are you aware of the phenomenon of water memory? Now that is quite fascinating and could explain a mechanism whereby a very small amount would go a very long way.

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Possibly the mechanism of homeopathic remedies? I've always thought that shaking the medicine bottle would cause the water molecules to align in response to the microscopic amount of the active ingredient; the smaller the amount of ingredient, the larger the aligned area of water would be around each molecule. Charge fields would be involved, I would think.

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The weird thing about this is that it was discovered when a sealed vial of poisonous substance was accidentally dropped into a flask of fresh water and given to rats. They all died. Really inexplicable.

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I am aware of water memory. It is definitely fascinating, and it goes to show that we have still so much more to learn about this world.

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Just viewed "WATCH THE WATER" interesting but I am not educated on snake venom.

Is it possible for you to run Blast on snake venom. Is there a snake venom database that can be used to compare against your previous research? This may be silly but these days everything has become ridiculous. I am not sure who or what to believe anymore. The CDC has lied to us about vaccines for over 20 years.

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