Robert Kennedy Junior played a significant role in putting together a medical advisory team to try to make sense of the death rate and assist with treatment protocols. What I was seeing personally on the ground was that 6-7 days post vaccination huge outbreaks were occurring in the villages that the vaccination vans were entering. We were very careful to take statistics when we were going in to try to identify trends. When we assessed our numbers, 98% of those that were getting ill had been vaccinated consistently 6 to 7 days prior to illness. The excuse was that the vaccine did not have time to become effective. However according to an immunologist on the team assisting, the 6–7-day period was also the length of time it would take an under attenuated vaccine to make the recipient sick. In addition, the tests as I have mentioned sent to Australia were coming back negative for wild type measles in the majority of the samples. So, what was making so many ill? Everything seemed to be pointing to a contaminated vaccine. One of the Doctors on the advisory team requested I get a vial of vaccine to send to him so he could get it analyzed, however we were never able to do this. The security around the vaccines was quite tight with each vial both logged out and the empty vial logged back in, something that according to staff was unusual. Normally the empty vials would just be discarded once used.

The real tragedy is that despite the possibility that we were dealing with a contaminated vaccine, the children never would have died if the treatment protocols we were promoting were used. We fine-tuned a treatment protocol developed by the late Dr Archie Kalokerinos used on children in Northern Territory, Australia on indigenous children using high dosing of vitamin C and A. Not a single life should have been lost.

It was later demonstrated in a court of law how ineffective the UN/WHO sanctioned treatments were by a prosecution witness none the less.

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Regarding to the "pandemic" response, I found the Midwestern Doctors article very interesting. They did similar things more than 100 years ago, but back then they didn't know better:

The smallpox pandemic response was eerily similar to COVID


Samoa article reminded me of this, worth reading:

The Military's Anthrax Vaccine Appears to Have Been a Beta Test for COVID-19


More regarding to "safe and effective" vaccines:

1. Why Do Vaccines Consistently Fail to Prevent Disease Transmission?


2. What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous?


3. The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Infant Deaths


4. What Is The Story Behind Sudden Death Syndromes?


5. How Do Vaccines Cause Sudden Death?


She has such a great substack full of information which is purposefully hidden from the public, just like the vitamin A was in Samoa. If you are unfamiliar with her work, you really should consider reading checking it out and learning. She is great also that way that she normally answers if someone has a question.

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I follow the Midwestern doctor, great info there. Thanks for posting so many relevent articles. It's raining this weekend, so I can have a look at some of them.

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Please read and share the articles in ways ýou can (I'm currently out of X as I have difficulties after I got rid of the smart devices but need one for the Authenticator app). I strongly suggest you should follow the stack of Midwestern Doctor, you'll be informed of things that are not talked about and even the most of the MDs have no idea about what the doc is telling us. This is the link for the stack:


Another article regarding to vaccine failures from the same Midwestern Doc:


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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

https://soilandhealth.org/copyrighted-book/every-second-child/ Find Archie book here.. Very hard to get a copy

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It was a lifechanging read for me. Such an amazing man. So terrible how his legacy has been discredited by mainstream media.

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Dr Archie Kalokerinos

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I remember a campaign to donate to send vitamins A and C to Samoa. How tragic that many children who could have been helped by it never received it.

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Papaya has vitamin A and C and is already there.

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We were giving the vitamin C at very high doses in sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid forms. 1 gram every two hours. Kids were improving in as little as 6 hours. Once they got the eating reflex back, we were dosing with vitamin A at 200,000 IU per dose in two doses over 24 hours and then discontinued. For the worst cases, some that had been discharged to die at home, it took 3 days to get them back on their feet.

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Edwin, I really look up to you brother!

Keep fighting the good fight. It looks like they are going to take a run at us with Bird Flu.

I will be keeping closer tabs on you guys (Rory, Benjamin) out in Samoa to hopefully glean some more wisdom about what needs to be done next (if they don't cut off communication).

I somehow KNEW that you would be here shedding light on this article. Believe me, as soon as I saw it I thought to myself "If Edwin is not in the comments, I'm going to post this link on messenger".

Good to see you beat me here by a mile brother!

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

Possibly a more dangerous 'vaccine' used to dramatise the 'outbreak' and scare people but it could have just been the standard one. Othertimes it is given constantly with no supposed outbreak so the deaths get labelled something else and nobody notices any unusual death rate. Just a steady rate as routine 'vaccines' are given that appears normal. In Madagascar there was a similar situation with the supposed "measles deaths" coinciding with the mass 'vaccination' campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6REgpni46o

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wishing the Samoans had given UNICEF the same treatment that the Hawaiians gave Captain Cook.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

might have, except for the presence of the Chinese military

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Maybe they will. They were very hospitable on the first visit but I think he wore out the welcome on his next visit 😀

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This is exactly what needs to be done. This is the only way to deal with these evil creatures.

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I got 'covid' October 2019 slept for three days was all.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

"Let's do a test run with measles. If it works in Samoa and we can control the narrative without people finding out what is really going on, then we'll roll out covid and covid jabs to the whole world." Sounds like a conspiracy theory coming true.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Conspiracy theory now = spoiler alert (not to mention “truth”)

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Conspiracy theories are sneak previews.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Was northern Italy too, a testing ground? I'm an American living in northern Italy. What happened in Italy is that not all of Italy was hit by the "virus", and not even the whole of northern Italy, where 3/4 of all deaths occurred. The epicentre of the covid virus was in Lombardy which accounts for 2/3 of all the victims. Why there? Well, in January, 2020, Lombardy implemented a major vaccination campaign against meningococcus, following a mini epidemic of bacterial meningitis that affected just 6 people (with 2 deaths). The regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated in Lombardy. Within two months, Lombardy was experiencing the majority of "covid" deaths and was the first area of a Western country that was locked-down. (I can back this up with 2 articles, one in English and one in Italian.)

Could it be that the meningitis vaccine in Lombardy (and even the 2019 flu vaccine given in Western countries) caused these "covid" deaths? Or made those injected more vulnerable to getting "covid"? The Lombardy epicentre of "covid" deaths and the timing of the meningitis vaccine seems to show correlation. The 2019 flu vaccine, which the majority of people over 65 take, and which was the largest group dying from "covid" in 2020 also concerns me.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

You may be right. There is definitely a recurring theme of vaccinations (of some sort) preceding an outbreak of some sort. About 15 years ago I was naive enough to get a flu vaccine as they were being done for free at our company. I almost immediately (maybe 1 or 2 days later) got the worst cold/flu/something that I have ever had. I've never had another "vaccine" of any sort and haven't been sick in many many years. Vaccination was pretty common and accepted as the norm back then and my parents made sure I got all my childhood vaccinations.

I guess I can at least learn from my mistakes. Another important marker for me is that I didn't get sick even when living in the same household with people that got sick with c0vid. (v@xxed and boosted) A good motto to live by: Learn from your mistakes and learn from the mistakes of others.

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my mom is 89 years old. She walks everyday, plays golf, and drives a car. She has never taken any flu vax or the covid jab (neither have I), nor takes any medication. Her motto is, "I don't doctor." I think that's why she's so healthy. We learned from my dad's problems with diabetic mediciation that destroyed his kidneys, then ended his life on dialysis.

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Good for you for staying smart and healthy.

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We're here on a report speaking about LETHAL injections being MANDATED. Do YOU SEE what you're doing? You're trying to reduce the importance of the thing in order to make it more comfortable for YOU to deal with it mentally. Which can only lead to accepting this through normalizing it.

Do you WANT TO normalize mandating lethal jabs?

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Your actually projecting what you and others like yourself have been to doing to people for the past 2 yrs. Do you have any idea how many deaths you are responsible for by pushing the untested unverified shots? One day you will buy whether or not you feel any remorse for your actions time will tell. You and the army of others that attack people who have done actual research and have found serious problems with these protocols are either seriously evil or just helplessly naive or both. Good thing is you all will be either rewarded or destroyed in time. We all need to document who these people are for when that time comes.

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You want to DOCUMENT what they're DOING? Not STOP what you claim are deaths being caused BY what they're doing?

Cognitive dissonance much?

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Btw., is it accurate that Flu shots are mandatory for old people in Italy? I've been told that like 10 years ago.

Supposedly your body needs to reduce inflammation to get through a SARS-CoV-2 infection well, but getting that flu shot, with its adjuvants, increases it and thus counteracts what would normally happen - that's something S.Bhakdi hypothesized early on, anyway.

Also in one of the first episodes of the Corona Investigative Committee, an Italian doctor was interviewed who claimed in early 2020 colleagues called him, telling him "why are all the old people dying who recently got the flu shot?"

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The flu jabs aren't mandatory, but once you hit 65, the doctors push them. My friend's parents both took the flu jab in Jan 2020, her dad died a few days later, mother a few months after. They were in their early 70's. For awhile the Italian gov mandated that every one over 50 years old had to take the covid jab or else be fined 100€. We got several notices, but never replied and nothing was done. Besides that, they were mandating every employee to get the jab or else do 3x week testing. My husband was suspended without pay for not doing either. First we couldn't eat inside restaurants, then couldn't go to hotels, museums, cultural events, shops, even the bank without the "green pass" We could only enter a supermarket. We went to Mexico for 3 months with his unvaxxed 85 year old mother.

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What a scary situation to have been through.

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not so scary, but surreal. When we were waiting at the airport for our flight, we went to the bar to get a coffee and crossiant. The bars are in open spaces in the airport, not enclosed. The barista asked for our "green pass", we said we didn't have one. He gleefully poured out our coffee from the ceramic cups into plastic cups and put our crosiants in a bag and said we couldn't eat in the bar and had to eat in the chairs in the waiting area of the airport, (dogs have more rights than the unvaxxed). That moment really shook me and I understood that the people were in agreement with the discrimination. Hiltler and his goons didn't do it alone, he needed the willingness of the citizens to go against each other. It was the teachers, the bread makers, the neighbors, that made his wicked plans happen.

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The Italian government dropped all vax mandates (except for health care workers) and green pass begining of May, 2022 and my husband was able to go back to work. He is the only one not jabbed, out of 47 people (all 3x jabbed). Many are out sick with "covid", one in hospital with bacterial pneumonia. They see my husband, never sick, without a mask, talking close to customers, not afraid, and they are starting to ask questions. They know the vax doesn't work, they tell him their friends/family who took the jab are getting cancer and other health problems, they're slowly waking up and are scared.

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Yup exactly! Everyone that enabled the psychopaths and collaborated with the nightmare and hoax is just as guilty. No excuse I'm afraid. Lack of taking the time to investigate the truth is no defense. We weren't even allowed to worship in churches if un-jabbed. All the other things you mentioned too happened where I stay on the other end of the planet. Could only (just - lucky us) get groceries. I don't know if I'll ever get over what the churches did. THEY should have known better. Even worse, the stupendous numbers of elderly in the churches now dropping dead is much higher than normal numbers - even the not-so-elderly, - much higher numbers of funerals since the jabs. A whistleblower funeral director in the area has confirmed this. Yet the churches and all the 95% jabbed within seem totally oblivious to this day. I cannot understand it. Willful blindness and ignorance?

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You're speaking about John O'Looney, the UK funeral director? I've listened to him from the start, courageous man. For me, it's simple, the globalists want to kill 7 billion people, when you understand that, everything else going on in the world right now makes sense. I spent many sleepless nights when I understood this. Indeed, blindness and ignorance.

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There are rumors that churches in Canada & USA accepted million dollar "donations" in exchange for hosting Vaccine Clinics on church property.

Look around your neighborhood and see if any churches are undergoing major renovations. Is the parish thriving rightnow Where? If so, where did that money come from?

(The church in my neighborhood recieved PPP pandemic protection loan-- but so did every other organization in town, it seems. My local church did not host any vaccine clinics, but the school/church employees were mandated to get 2 jabs. A few teachers were granted exemptions.)

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Great info, I need to find that interview with Reiner Fuellmich and the Italian doctor. What you say about Dr Bhakdi adds more proof to the flu shot bring the culprit. There needs to be an investigation of who took the flu shot in 2019/2020 and who got "covid " and died. But we know the powers that be will say it's just a coincidence of timing!

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This is the link to the Reiner video:


Also on this page is another video about the PCR test, which is worthwhile watching.

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It seems many of the oldest sessions aren't on their odysee channel anymore. I do find #1 and #2, but not something like #10 or #20, and sorting by "oldest first" doesn't really seem to do that.. IDK whether it's backed up somewhere else one could access, but it must be one of the earliest sessions. Also using search words like "Italian", "Italy" yielded nothing (I hoped they may have cut out the segment with that doctor, like they started doing at some point)

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Link to Reiner video. There’s a PCR analysis video on same page.


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However, I read early on that Lombardi has both a high percentage of elderly & a high # of Chinese migrant workers who were believed to have brought sarscov with them.

Either is possible 🤷

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by mistake, I deleted my comment to you, here it is again. Yes, I thought the same thing about Lombardy having a high number of Chinese workers in the garment industry and that was why Lombardy was hit by the "virus" because it was spread from the Chinese workers. Then my Italian husband pointed out to me that Tuscany also has a large number of Chinese workers in the leather garment industry, and Tuscany wasn't hit by the "virus". Southern Italy didn't get hit by the "virus" either. In early 2020 I used google maps to search for "casa di riposo" (rest home) in Italy and it showed a larger number of locations in northern Italy - ha! a smoking gun, I thought. Yet, after speaking to Italians from the south, they told us that most elderly in the south live with their children (the ones that didn't move to the north) or very near them, so there aren't many rest homes in the south. Plus, the southern Italians don't trust the government or doctors.

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Also SARS-CoV-2 was around before 2020 in many placed, including Italy. Circulating and waiting to mutate to a significant threat where previously moving under the radar often.

It is 'possible' that a upgraded variant was leaked from wherever after the earlier variant did not spread death and destruction well enough, hard to tell.

However Lombardy was not the first (EU) place, simply the first newsworthy place with lots of mortality.

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deletedNov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
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Excellent reporting Cathleen.

"La gente come noi non molla mai."

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Grazie e siamo i più forti!

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Good detective work. Interesting and frightening correlation!

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I would take it one step further… I believe the flu/meningitis injections were of similar formulation to the ‘Covid vaccines”, if not the same. I listened to Dr Luca Speciani (interview in the Corona investigative committee) who was a treating Dr from Lombardy, he stated that they were treating the sick incorrectly. The sick had “blood clots” (blockages in the vascular system, causing shortness of breath) and that the staff were not permitted to give blood thinners. Covid isn’t a respiratory/Corona disease it is a blood clotting vascular disease! The procedure was to put them on ventilators where 80% would pass away. The key word being “clots”. It was his belief that the shots made them more susceptible to Covid. My belief is that these shots were Covid - a poison that unfortunately leads to a clotting/vascular death.

My sister’s elderly FIL passed away 14 days post first Pfizer shot in Aus May ‘21 - he fell and they found that he had massive blood clots in his lungs (like they had never seen before) he was gasping for air, he later suffered a heart attack (autopsy right side heart inflammation). Sound familiar? Drs denied any association to the shot.

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A very probably conclusion, Laura.

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More of an endothelial disease, all of our membrages are susceptible and daily natural doses of Vitamin-D3 protects us a LOT.

C19EARLY * COM shows the value of Vitamin-D3 well.

DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa623

COVID-19 is, in the end, an endothelial disease

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140370

Dietary Vitamin D and Its Metabolites Non-Genomically Stabilize the Endothelium

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24 hour ban for spamming the comments

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Wasn’t spamming anything - it’s a valid opinion

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

I’m totally with you on this one - 100%. I’ve seen this podcast as well.

Do you still believe in virus’s as the cause for disease?

Unfortunately most people can’t fathom the scale of the lie, they would have to throw away the foundation on what their whole life/career was built on, especially those that were medically trained.

The interview on the Titanic (or Olympic) on Jerm’s site is another great one to watch/listen to if you have time.

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Jerm is great! I'm reading the book now.

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Buried in a paragraph ..... Italy started new quad vax in September 2019.

Weird how they found covid antibodies in old blood donations going back to September 2019.


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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Yes, I saw this as well, the details I could find at the time said something to the effect that it was a WHO initiative? - Actually it is in your link!

The WHO link on your page goes no where, but using Wayback machine you can actually get to the page. All roads lead to WHO.


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Cell-based vax available in Europe ... 2019. Not just Italy


and more specifically, Germany (i.e. Not just Italy):


the PEI in Germany is responsible for monitoring vaccines. 2019-2020 is the first season it mentions vaccines created in cell culture (as opposed to hens' eggs):


Searching for "How is the Flucelvax made":

"The vaccine was produced by Novartis through culturing of the Madin-Darby canine kidney cell line. Specifically, Flucelvax targets four Influenza sub-types which includes Influenza A subtype H1N1, Influenza A subtype H3N2, and two Influenza B viruses. The vaccine is approved for people over the age of three years."


So, not human cells, but canine kidney (cancerous) cells. No thanks !

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I’d be interested to know whether any clinical trials were done on these new quad flu vaccines; also how do we even know what the ingredients list is? It could be just like the Covid injections where the batches vary in lethality, who’s to say that a specific batch was given to the elderly in Lombardy.

All I know is that it definitely wasn’t a “virus” otherwise the carers, medical staff, families and neighbouring towns/countries would have seen an uptick in deaths as well.

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Looks like Novartis has a history of suspected vaccine related deaths in Italy:


The link to the investigation page was broken but I was able to find the below…


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thank again for your investigative work, Laura. Did you notice that the 2014 tweet from EU medicines agency wasn't flagged as "misinformation" back then?

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I didn’t notice but yes, misinformation/censorship was only brought in during the last 3 years. This product was withdrawn from the market when just a handful of deaths were reported within a 48 hour period, to be investigated. We are living in a very different world!

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Yet, hundreds are dying everyday and they still push these death shots!

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excellent research, Nikki!

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Excellent information. Thanks!!

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Also from what I understand, Antibodies are non-specific. When an immune response is mounted by the body a number of antibodies appear to knock out the toxin. So not sure how they are using antibodies to definitely pinpoint the presence of Covid; but at the same time it could be suggestive of the presence of the same toxin (mounted immune response to a vaccine).

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Your innate antibodies (IGA & IGM) are nonspecific (ie they recognize self vs non-self).

The acquired/adaptive antibodies (IGG) are tailor made to fit surface proteins (antigen) on the nucleocapsid &, in coronaviruses, the spike.

Antibody tests are made to react with antigen that is specific to the pathogen being looked for.

They aren't 100% specific, which can cause false + with other coronaviruses. That is why early on with the antibody tests they confirmed positive antibody tests with pcr.

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But then to confirm antibody tests with a non diagnostic tool such as PCR which itself is non-specific?

Are there any papers/tests to confirm that those same acquired/adaptive antibodies aren’t a result of purely a vaccine (flu or Covid) or anything else (someone that isn’t PCR positive and never had the virus)?

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Oh there is no doubt they gamed the whole thing. I was just explaining how things normally work.

Rapid antibody tests are rarely 100% specific, but combined with signs & symptoms, very reliable.

And PCR done correctly confirms exposure, but never in itself diagnostic.

The PCR for covid was done incorrectly, with technical & mathematical errors.

I saw the conclusion of an independent peer review of the initial paper the whole response was based on, performed by a large group of researchers.

Two things jumped out at me:

1. They relied on a *theoretical* sequencing of the virus provided by China, &

2. They only tested for 2 sequences instead of 3, which is the industry standard.

Remember way back when they 1st came out with the test kits for the state CDCs? There were 3 tests, but there was a delay because 1 of the tests was failing QC at most of the labs.

They looked into it, determined there was a problem with manufacturing. And then, Fauxi decided it was ok to just use 2 tests.

That was not ok, because statistically that dramatically reduced the specificity of the test, opening to door to a much greater false positives.

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Meningitis? Sounds like the "Spanish Flu" 1918. (of course, a "conspiracy theory")

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What does it matter? Despite the fact that all Western nations HAD laws preventing mere politicians from having the legal power to impose any such mandates in order to prevent exactly this, you obviously all decided that You Personally would rather kill every child, especially your own before angering a single one of your surrogate Daddies.

Why else aren't you 1) seeking what laws they are breaking & then 2) prosecuting them for breaking them in order to end this madness, legally, non-violently & now?

1) It IS illegal to use one's public office for personal gain. Ergo all lobbying is illegal. 2) It is as illegal for POLITICIANS to coerce anyone to inject untested products as it is for businesses to. Do a search: Florida right now has at least one class-action lawsuit going against businesses that threatened to fire people who wouldn't take the jab.

But of course, none against politicians who did so.

3) It is also obviously illegal to MANDATE one take a product before it has gone through adequate safety testing, & when it comes to products that get injected into the bloodstream, those tests take years. All these jabs were mandated within weeks or months.

4) There are HUNDREDS of newsletters such as this each with dozens but up to hundreds of thousands of followers FAR MORE than the amount needed to push such efforts through with more mass support than even the politicians could stop.

So, to recap, every single Western nation there is currently more than enough people who could stop this if they acted together, but so far, aside from me, no one seems to have the courage to act in this way. So, since avoiding your Daddy-Politicians' anger is obviously more important to you than your own lives or those of your children, why tf are you even here complaining about them dying? This IS Your Priority, no? Proving to the people you wish were your Daddy how loyal you will always be to them.

If only there were some way you could prove me wrong...

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Who is this directed at?

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Well, it's on a page of a newsletter telling us about how certain things that corporations pay to have mandated are responsible for harm & death & it points to a legal, non-violent means of ending those mandates.

I THOUGHT that writing such on a page like this would cause people to say "this is GREAT! I value the lives of children WAY MORE than I value Mitch McConnell's illegal pension fund."

My mistake. Apparently, providing solutions to problems = "spamming" when one is more concerned with retaining their World View about Daddy-Government than saving the lives of children.

I won't bother YOU again.

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Heck if I know. It's a repeat from down below.

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Yeah it seems the "no virus" spammers are out in force

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My 93 yr old father was killed by his Oct 30 2019 Sanofi-Pasteur FLUZONE Quad high-dose for seniors flu shot. Within 24 hrs he lost complete bowel control. Went to the ER the next day. Hospitalized for 2 days, then in a skilled nursing center after that. Dec 10 he was put in hospice. Jan 4 2020 he died from his successfully treated stage 1 "Hodgkin's Lymphoma". Right.

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My condolences, Becky. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. My Italian friend lost both of her parents (early 70's in good health) from the flu vaccine they took in Italy around March 2020 and the doctors said they died of covid. Disgusting.

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Italy because Chinese owned businesses there. Leather. Fashion. Came out of China infected through Taiwan No ban.

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Rubbish… we have large number of Chinese here as well and we didn’t see anything! There was no spread, PCR test does not diagnose infection. I have relatives in northern Italy and no one was sick! It was one region that was targeted by vaccinations for the elderly, they were the ones dying due to hospital protocols. Lastly and most importantly the elderly in hospitals were dying of a blood clotting/vascular disease NOT respiratory i.e. Corona - no autopsies were allowed as per a doctors testimony. I bet if someone did an autopsy on one of the deceased they would find the same “spike” damage as they are finding across the world with this injection right now.

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RemovedNov 20, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
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Great research, La Quinta Columna has been speaking about the nanotechnology and graphene oxide

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You know what the 5th column is though?

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I've watched their videos, but not following what you are referring to about them

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fifth column


A clandestine subversive organization working within a country to further an invading enemy's military and political aims.

a group of persons inside the battle lines of a territory engaged in a conflict, who secretly sympathize with the enemy, and who engage in espionage or sabotage; -- sometimes also referred to as a trojan horse.

Hence, any faction of persons within a group who secretly sympathize with an enemy, especially those who engage in activities harmful to the group; an enemy in one's midst; a group of traitors.

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thank you for the definition, Dr. Syed. As I'm sure you are aware, the founder of "La Quinta Columna" Ricardo Delgado Martín, is Spanish and the phrase "La Quinta Columna" was first used in the Spanish civil war. I imagine that Mr. Martín would know the meaning and history of the phrase. Interesting that he chose that title for his foundation. I'd like to ask him why. Perhaps it has another meaning to him or he is using it to be ironic?

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What is a fifth column?

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I am self employed small business owner in Perth - have no idea what that means or who it is meant for.

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fifth column


A clandestine subversive organization working within a country to further an invading enemy's military and political aims.

a group of persons inside the battle lines of a territory engaged in a conflict, who secretly sympathize with the enemy, and who engage in espionage or sabotage; -- sometimes also referred to as a trojan horse.

Hence, any faction of persons within a group who secretly sympathize with an enemy, especially those who engage in activities harmful to the group; an enemy in one's midst; a group of traitors.

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Isolating the virus!!

Around 9 minutes


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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Hey Cathleen, you wrote great stuff on Lombardy (and Tuscany), and I quoted you and linked to here. Because you saw it with your own eyes. But the graphene allegations have been debunked (Kevin McCairn) nanotechnology is total bs (the shapes are salt crystals, not self replicating supercomputers), and Fuellemich is likely full-of-it. Best to you (and many thanks to Dr Syed)

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Todd, I haven't heard of Kevin McCairn and couldn't find anything relevant about him when I searched. Could you provide a link? Yet, there is a slew of evidence from many researchers besides La Quinta Columna ( Mike Adams, Dr Majed, Dr Jane Ruby, other European researchers, doctors, and tech engineers, etc) that have showed the nanotechnology shelf assembling in the body. I personally met Reiner Fuellmich and found him to be truthful. Have you met him? Good day.

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I am on the fence about nanotechnology and such proof should be easy and yet is essentially absent except for occasional instances.

Also it would be counterproductive to include an undeclared likely 'toxin' into a product they know will cause morbidity and mortality with just the official and sanctioned ingredients.

Also the deaths can be attributed to spike mostly so what is the purpose of the other alleged components if they are not doing anything.

I am far from convinced there are undeclared funny business but cannot insist because no proof either way.

Fuellmich seems honest but may also have repeated weak claims due to enthusiasm. We live in interesting times for sure.

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Good thinking Kalle. The purpose of the science fiction nanobots is to paint a bright badge of "stupid" on a portion of the people who know for sure something is going on but can't quite get a handle on what is definitely quite technical. And to divert you from questioning the tagging and tracking mechanisms that are in published scientific journals (not Expose, Epoch Times, Alex Jones). I get called an Alex Jones believer all the time by my smart ass but ignorant ivy educated relatives. And I'm just a simple country boy who's figured out one of the diversionary tactics these liars employ, but the lies are so pervasive and subtle it wears me out just trying to follow them. But nanobots are a scam because there's no clean room technology built into your body and no doping mechanism to precisely engineer the transistors that are required to build self replicating supercomputers or hydras or whatever Jane Ruby is saying lately. Ignore that level of liar and go after the liars over academic institutions, NGOs, big pharma - the ones in charge of the kakistocracy that controls us. IMHO they're probably funding somehow the Stew Peters complex just to keep us off balance.

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Cathleen, super glad you replied. I honestly feel that your simple observation that the COVID outbreak in Lombardy was among those previously vaccinated with some special flu vaccine fits perfectly with arkmedic and IMHO probably relates to the died suddenly debate. (Heads up, Stew Peters is a scum sucking liar.) Kevin's streams are linked here: https://www.mccairndojo.com/ (I personally wish he didn't use the rainbow dildo background, but he's a little deranged). Go over to https://discord.gg/dWBb6UubYH and look for MaryContrary - a virologist - and DocD - an MD PhD. Sorry for my late reply, I just saw my notifications on substack yesterday. And hey, all those nanobot promoters are evil bullshitters. Wealthy, grifting, garbage.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Excellent piece and important 'recent' history.

All vaccines are poison. Vaccines create disease.

One of the problems in discussing the "vaccine issue" with most people is that it is not a discussion about science or medicine or even a discussion about some product, it has become a discussion about a religion.

The belief, and that is what it is, that vaccines have been a "miracle" of modern medicine is accepted as an indisputable article of faith. When arguing against such dogma, which must be done, many will take it as a personal attack on their entire belief system. Cutting through that is the greater challenge in my experience.

Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the "vaccine story", starting back in the 1800's up to present, is complete fraud. Vaccines have done nothing but harm people and line the pockets of the medical establishment.

Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.

There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud. The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.

Furthermore the biggest fraud in history might be the medical industrial complex itself.

For the past 100 years and more they've been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.

Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more.

Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. Vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.

Like virtually all of the history you are indoctrinated with the story of "modern medicine" is a complete fabrication pounded into the heads of people from cradle to grave in order to maintain that corrupt and highly profitable system.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Allen, thank for providing this wonderful wholistic summary. Perhaps this is why the bible refers to the greek term "pharmekia" in key places in the New Testament. The greek word definition in Strongs dictionary:

• the use or the administering of drugs

• poisoning

• sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it

• metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry

And in several of the usages, it is clearly referring to the final events of mankind before Jesus Christ returns as mentioned in the Book of Revelations.

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Yes I agree but just like my own mother ignores my professional recommendations for her illness, more of the scientists and doctors themselves have to untangle the knots. We can only sit back, support them, and occasionally send along "here, now read this".

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I tracked what I could during the measles “outbreak”. I openly conveyed to family and friends that I was afraid that we (the U.S.) were testing and killing with yet another “vaccine”. It’s been a pattern for at least 40 years. I was called a conspiracy theorist of course.

Testing of a NIH “HepB vaccine” took place in NYC,LA and SF just before HIV was discovered. The gay communities were easy targets and Fauci made the most of it. It didn’t work as well with the “monkeypox” trial balloon.

There were rumors that a “HepB vaccine” was tested in Africa just before the Ebola outbreak but, I haven’t confirmed. Yet.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

In a few Easter European countries (that I have personal connections to) there were people, including virologists, doctors, statisticians, politicians that were conveying their concerns about that very same "thing" US were doing. You were not alone in your fears.

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From circa 2008 forward there were repeated discussions about outbreaks in Ukraine going on from the US biolabs, these were being discussed with the Morgellons communities (as sort of a side-note, because e.g. H5N1 [despite its furin cleavage sequence matching Spike] can't compete with the terror of sprouting glowing red and blue fibers).

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Do you have links to some of these communities? Interested in learning more.

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When the gov launched their widespread campaign targeting media / online sources / doctors, the content on the original sites were wiped and people had to start over from zero. Then gov set about splintering the strongest groups and sites, and infiltrating them with false users talking about nonsense like aliens. Some of those sites are still monitored by low-paid false users based in a foreign call-center like setting, who respond to any new comments in an awkward fact-checker like way.

That said, if you are able to find discussion groups where people are sharing photos, videos, and therapy tips, you may be on the right path.

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Ok, noted. I get the same impression with users everywhere that pop up claiming 'there never was a virus' with covid, which is clearly BS.

Can you recommend a few sites, with these caveats?

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Bird, can you please tell me more.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

A school in Lahore, Pakistan recently had a mumps outbreak among children who were up to date with their MMR vaccines. I know of 26 kids ended up with fevers, swollen glands for 10 days. 2 of my vaccinated cousins were infected. My aunt is also the principal of the school. This caused me to read about other mumps outbreaks among vaccinated people in US universities. I guess, MMR doesn’t really work against mumps.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Mumps is not a WHO notifiable disease where as Measles and Rubella are which allows nations such as New Zealand (directed the Samoan situation) to use mumps outbreaks as cover to increase MMR uptake in attempts to obscure the products failure


Is There a Correlate of Protection for Measles Vaccine?

Stanley A Plotkin


Genotypes B3 and D8 are now circulating, and these viruses are not as well neutralized by antibodies to the vaccine genotype (ie, genotype A) as by antibodies raised against the new strains [9].

Even more importantly, a minority of vaccinees lose antibodies with time and thus become susceptible to infection with wild measles virus.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Remember that lawsuit against merck for fraud with the mumps bit of their mmr injection?

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Additional shenanigans from Merck: “Merck to pay $670 million over Medicaid fraud in 2007

Merck had failed to pay the appropriate rebates to Medicaid and other government healthcare programmes, and had also paid kickbacks to doctors and hospitals to induce them to prescribe various drugs. The allegations were brought in two separate lawsuits filed by whistle-blowers, and one of them would receive $68 million. From 1997 to 2001, Merck’s sales force used approximately 15 different programmes to induce doctors to prescribe its drugs. These programmes primarily consisted of excess payments to doctors disguised as fees for ‘training’, ‘consultation’ or’market research’. The government alleged that these fees were illegal kickbacks intended to induce the purchase of Merck drugs. Merck agreed to a Corporate Integrity Agreement.”

Source: “Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime” by Peter C Gotzsche ©️2013, p 31

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Doc Wakefield has been working on a movie with professional actors about this for a long time, as he was involved with the Merck whistleblowers in the process. Now "Protocol-7", chronicling the true story of the historic lawsuit against Merck for fraudulent activity behind the mumps portion of their MMR vaccine, is ready.

Recent interview in the Highwire incl. clips from the movie:


The public must be readier than ever to be interested in seeing how big pharma operates with whistleblowers and lawsuits, and the movie will help to get some accountability.

(Merck is one of the particularly nasty ones with a heavy history in bioweapons incl. introducing serious infectious diseases into human population and planned targeting of populations can't be ruled out (1970's Heptovax trial on Africans and US gay community in Bay Area and NYC, a possible source for HIV as they were running the Special Virus Cancer Program at the same time which seem to have been searching cancer-causing viruses more than the cure)).

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Reinforcing evidence for the measles-SARS-CoV chimera as pretext for testing population control.

Sept. 2021 - Biden’s Executive Order 14047, adding measles to the list of communicable diseases that authorize HHS and DOD to engage in forcible apprehension, detention and medical treatment under 42 USC 264, and 42 CFR 70.6.




Also Nov. 2021 addition of chimeric SARS-CoV-2 to scheduled toxins list under 42 CFR 73.3


By HHS through Federal Register:


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The decision not to pursue the development of the vaccine candidate based on the measles vaccine virus was made following an analysis of the intermediate results obtained from Phase I trials, which began in August 2020. The decision was taken in parallel with the decision by the Merck Group (known as MSD outside the United States and Canada), the industry partner for this research. In these trials involving the first administration to humans, the vaccine candidate was well tolerated, but the immune responses induced by the vaccine were inferior to both those observed in individuals who had recovered from natural infection and those observed with the vaccines currently authorized for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19

"In these trials involving the first administration to humans, the vaccine candidate was well tolerated, but the immune responses induced by the vaccine were inferior to both those observed in individuals who had recovered from natural infection and those observed with the vaccines currently authorized for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19", the Institute explains. They went on:

"The Institut Pasteur will continue to pursue the development of other vaccine candidates which have reached preclinical phase, alongside its concerted scientific efforts to tackle the COVID-19 epidemic".


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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Some will claim Dr Ah Kahn Syed is crazy, but, they will be confusing being crazy with understanding crazy.

The psychopaths that are carrying out this global assault on humanity remain largely undisclosed. Yes, it is due to the fact they are protected from scrutiny by governments and msm. But, it is also because most people can not fathom the depths of the depravity, so they dismiss the thought in the back of their mind telling them something stinks.

These psychopaths are capable of the most egregious acts against humanity. They are, in fact, systematically plying their vicious trade. The longer it takes the masses to wake from their trance like slumber, the more of those same masses will willingly walk off the proverbial cliff.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

They're still running, not walking off that cliff where I live. Nobody seems to have any clue what's going on. I'm pretty certain they will all rush out, line up and roll up their sleeves again for the next one. (The ones that managed to dodge the bullet this time around and thus are still clueless as they watch only the MSM.) It's a bit like them playing Russian Roulette it seems.

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"plying their vicious trade." that is great phrase. Indeed, big pHARMa has figured out a near humanly fool-proof set of measures to coerce the world to comply to their operation. they have empowered a circle of surrounding compliant institutions providing rings of protection from exposure of the truth.

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Sounds like "they" used the same "playbook" to me. What comes to mind for me about "them" is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," and "if it's working, why change it." "They need to go back to their lairs, shut the hell up, and leave us alone. We need to keep spreading the truth and flood those lairs out. I'm Sicangu Lakota Sioux from SD and "they" have targeted the Native American rezervations perhaps to the point of "how bad is my batch." Sinister, imo. Remember the "first fear porn" on the Navajo/Hopi/Ute rezervations in AZ and NM in spring 2020? I've travelled to the rez for the last two and a half years as a registered nursing student, 4.0 gpa (proudly uninjected ~ fought tooth and nail for this status, mind you), and I've had to covid check in every time I've crossed the state/rez border. They have checkpoints, even on the backroads. You must stop, get questioned, have your name and license plate recorded, and state where your going, before you can proceed. It' still that way today, basically 3 years later, ugh. Remember that rezervations are still considered sovergien nations within the US but that's after they broke many of the treaties we signed with them, they culled our food supply aka 20 million buffalo, killed and rounded up what remained of us, gave us all small pox infected blankets, and stuck us on the most inhospitable land that they did not want "back then." It's only been a little over 200 years since "they" used that "playbook."

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Holy shit. I had no idea. Amazing work!

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

New Zealand was overseeing the situation in Samoa while managing a claimed domestic measles epidemic during 2019.

New Zealand MOH were concerned that the county might lose its 'eliminated' status with WHO due to the ongoing outbreaks. NZ elimination status was achieved with manufactured statistics but that is another story.

Officially the NZ measles 'epidemic' (more GEN-A/vaxx strain than not in some regions) conveniently disappeared in February 2020 just in time for the handful of local laboratories to reconfigure themselves in time for the arrival of covid.

New Zealand has administrative function over the Pacific Island nation of Tokelau.

Mandatory injections were deployed on the islands under the direction of Ross Ardern the father of Jacinda Ardern also has been on assignments in Samoa.

This is how people of Tokelau were treated who did not comply with the mandatory injections.


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Omg: diabolical.

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I'll say it. Here we have an unusual influenza vaccine strain whose nucleocapsid genetic code has enough homology with this synthetic RNA virus consensus genome that we can pop a whole lot of people positive for that we can fool them into injecting themselves with totally undisclosed and heretofore untested biologics because we will scare them enough for them to believe their life depends on it.

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Hi Barney, do you have a link to any information supporting similar homology? I’ve wondered about this myself but I’m not sure where or how to start looking.

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I dont but its what my gut tells me happened. Background endemic seasonal distress was rebranded using fear driven supposition on index and early cases and then the PCR targets were CONTRIVED (there is FDA documents for this) based on Drosten's in silico consensus genome (contrived) based on Sars CoV-2003 (obviously endemic). The Samoa story offers a perfect example of introduction of possible not background disease via 2018 or 2019 influenza vaccine. I've been digging but its not my expertise obviously. I dont believe there will ever be gene codon sets shown for the PCR assays that actually match an alleged genome of a 2020 virus. They successfully obfuscated the truth long enough. By the way, one of the ways it appears they removed specificity of the PCR is by excluding the N3 primer so its +/- was NOT part of the differential for + test. Meaning they only need 2 instead of 3 gene targets to flouresce. Then of course they removed the S gene as 1st alledged Omicron is not a progeny of CoV2 and didn't have S gene homology. S Gene Target Failure SGTF surpassed SGT+ in March of '21. But I apparently ebbs and flows. Haven't put much thought into that. It could just be that the CT count was so high they would always have randomly very high false positives BUT the black and white documented statements of not having any isolates in combination with the still heretofore truth of no agency being willing or able to supply them in FOI requests tells me they dont have it. If you chase down any Genebank isolate sources there are no slam dunk for sure thats what wuhan or A was. Sometimes the person who gave the sample was never even sick! Any sample dated after mRNA injections is absolute garbage proof.

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Well put. You’ve obviously looked into it more than I have been able to. It’s not my expertise either. What you mention was my line of thinking but couldn’t find anything, possibly because I don’t know how or where to look. Thanks, your reply has given me some clues on where to dig.

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You wind up looking at the sellers of the lab research samples. Try to find the genomic data then blast search for other matches. But dig into the origins of the sample. There are often news articles about index cases. BUT I've not found the sequences that empaneld the ASSAYS to compare them to. To this day the fact that no one has presented this drives me batty.

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Recently found this.


This is the Corman Drosten development of the targets.

Probably sensible to review this along with the Corman Drosten Review calling for the retraction of the above.

Haven't dug into the searching yet. No idea if these ever changed.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Not Samoa in Polynesia, but a few hops over to Yap Islands in Micronesia, I had my eye on a similar thing I stumbled on regarding Zika– Microcephaly emergence. https://medquotes.substack.com/p/not-new-spike-guillain-barre-heat

Microcephaly associated with Zika hit recently, circa very coincidentally after University of California had been modifying mosquitoes to block mTOR, the crucial growth machinery of cells, and then mosquitoes intended to block growth and replication were released in Brazil. But right before that, Zika popped up in Micronesia....

(Who would guess, Zika babies whose heads didn't grow were found to have mTOR defects. With nobody having published on the mTOR mosquito connection.)

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Yes there is something very fishy in the zika story

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Wow. I wondered what they were up to with the GMO mosquitoes sociopath Gates helped to release in Florida and California. I believe Mr. Ed Dowd summed it up perfectly when he said we are in the game of staying alive. Those who do not wake up and wake up quick will not make it. It’s coming from all angles now including heavily doused from the skies. We are being poisoned and I trust nothing.. 😳💉🏴‍☠️☠️

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UK based GMWatch is a fab source for all gmo issues for over two decades & lean into the science & studies.. Organic Consumers is US based w issue tracking since 1990's but shorter news blurbs. Here's some gmo mosquito trivia well buried!

Apr 15, 2018 · On Tuesday morning Mila de Mier — a 45-year-old activist from Key West, Florida who opposed the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes — was found dead in a swimming pool at a hotel in Washington D.C. De Meir was visiting D.C. to deliver a petition to the Environmental Protection Agency demanding the agency deny a permit for the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida and Texas.


2019 Oxitec science & spin https://www.gmwatch.org/en/106-news/latest-news/19127-genetically-engineered-mosquitoes-out-of-control

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I went to buy this book a couple of weeks ago and the bookstore said it was back-ordered.

I'll have to order it online, but it definitely looks interesting.


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There may or may not be something coming from the skies but there is no evidence of it and many good reasons why someone would not piss into their own well. At this time I am firmly of the opinion that chemtrails are sanctioned tinfoil because they do not exist and can therefore never be proven to be a real thing but serve a very useful purpose of driving people into opposing camps.

Ask yourself why some conspiracies are hunted down by the platforms ruthlessly while others just irritate smart friends. This is the first level test for what lies are deliberately hidden.

It is a bit like flat earth. There are those that promote it knowing is is junk either gaining brownie points amongst sick friends or some kickback from propaganda budgets and then there are those who are not critical enough to realise it is just rubbish, the old grannies I term them. Then there are those who actually know better and are divided from the gullible and this only serves the elite goal of divide and conquer.

I posted a link to a handy YT video on my FB that kind of puts FE to bed but it will not be allowed to die because it is handy to have people distrust others because they accidentally fall for an elaborate FE propaganda and this makes their vax-not-safe facts suspect.

So my suggestion to you is to suggest chemtrails as a possibility because technically in a very inefficient and no directed expensive way one could rain toxin on one's own head but there is no proof that any elite is stupid enough. Citing it as fact means everything else you say is questionable, sorry. No hard feelings but hoping you will see how to improve your messaging

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Thanks for that info about mosquitoes and zika

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Bird - Do you by any chance know what school(s) in the UC system has / have been working on this? Slightly off topic, I've been following the data sheet of No College Mandates, and pretty much the whole west coast USA, (especially Univ. of CA system), have gone crazy and crazier with vaccine mandates. What's up with this? Thanks for any info you can provide.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

It's Kommifornia. It's about power and compliance. End of story.

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Here's a bit to get you strarted: https://medquotes.substack.com/p/enthusiasm-wrecking-ball-

A paper cited there is from UC Riverside, but I seem to remember that UCLA had a work group at that time that was doing things - search for the name of that mosquito breed in Google Scholar + mTOR. These days UC Davis is big on it, continuing to alter genes and release them to save the world with zero unintended side effects.

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The best part, from what I've read, the gmo mosquitoes "don't bite." Not believing that. True or not, not believing it!

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I'm sorry I didn't respond to this! I opened my saved tabs / documents on the topic and promptly lost 2 days, upon which I had to return to life responsibilities. My temporary response is therefore, a more detailed write-up needs to be done, and if you stumble on anything, feel free to post and share. I always enjoy your insight.

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Thank you for this troubling and important article. It should be noted that particularly from the beginning of 2019 when the WHO declared the vaccine hesitant were a threat to world health they were eager to promote a global measles terror. I wrote extensively about it throughout the year linking it to the prospect of global tyranny. For instance, in a letter “Information and Misinformation: the Global Health Security Agenda” to BMJ on-line in March 2019 I wrote:

“ It is conceivable that the public would be less resistant to concern about measles if the quid pro quo was not in effect surrendering the right to refuse whatever vaccine products a government bureaucracy might choose to nominate, now or in the future.“

Measles data was particularly malleable, and I wrote numerous letters about how they were being manipulated or even faked. Even before Covid it became apparent that this was to be linked to ID


And of course we were all too aware that something awful was going on in Samoa. It all fits.

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John you alerted me to historical data about a measles outbreak late 1800s in Samoa. I now cannot find that strudy.

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I don’t recall but I just found this one from 1894


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Hat tip & thanks for that link!

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I’m into the first paragraph and I’m already upset and disturbed by it and want to numb out.

I will have to set aside some time for this article because it clearly is a must-read.

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Knowing the problem is the first step to fixing the problem.

The more people know, the less they can get away with.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Yes, absolutely. I saw the first hints of the problem in 2006/2007 when I went back to finish my degree after a long break.

Core biology courses were dumbed down since my initial foray into education and us students were being fed doom and gloom stories of impending pandemics. We were writing more opinion-based essays than we were doing experiments and lab reports. Pathetic.

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YEARS of laying the groundwork. Makes sense no it doesnt but is plausible obviously.

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The problem is the false believe in germ theory!

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24 hour ban for spamming the comments section. If you wish to promote the germ theory well poisoning dogma:

(1) edit one post with what you want to say

(2) check your spelling

(3) provide references

In other words, I am not banning the raising of this subject but I won't allow the comments section to be taken up by rants.

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I think terrain theory is a valid discussion point - it’s annoying because at the end of the day we all want the truth out and the despots at the top held to account

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Get out

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Therefore no room for decent, only scientism

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What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Paperback – December 24, 2019

by Dawn Lester, David Parker


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What does it matter? Despite the fact that all Western nations HAD laws preventing mere politicians from having the legal power to impose any such mandates in order to prevent exactly this, you obviously all decided that You Personally would rather kill every child, especially your own before angering a single one of your surrogate Daddies.

Why else aren't you 1) seeking what laws they are breaking & then 2) prosecuting them for breaking them in order to end this madness, legally, non-violently & now?

1) It IS illegal to use one's public office for personal gain. Ergo all lobbying is illegal. 2) It is as illegal for POLITICIANS to coerce anyone to inject untested products as it is for businesses to. Do a search: Florida right now has at least one class-action lawsuit going against businesses that threatened to fire people who wouldn't take the jab.

But of course, none against politicians who did so.

3) It is also obviously illegal to MANDATE one take a product before it has gone through adequate safety testing, & when it comes to products that get injected into the bloodstream, those tests take years. All these jabs were mandated within weeks or months.

4) There are HUNDREDS of newsletters such as this each with dozens but up to hundreds of thousands of followers FAR MORE than the amount needed to push such efforts through with more mass support than even the politicians could stop.

So, to recap, every single Western nation there is currently more than enough people who could stop this if they acted together, but so far, aside from me, no one seems to have the courage to act in this way. So, since avoiding your Daddy-Politicians' anger is obviously more important to you than your own lives or those of your children, why tf are you even here complaining about them dying? This IS Your Priority, no? Proving to the people you wish were your Daddy how loyal you will always be to them.

If only there were some way you could prove me wrong...

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