Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The first goal is to get the vaccine halted

Second goal is to get those fired all reinstated

Third goal is tho hold the bastards accountable.

It doesn’t even have to be in that order.

Absolutely no reason for infighting.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I lost a very well paying job I that I absolutely loved over the mandate. And even still, there is not a chance in hell I would ever go back to a company who did that to people. No apology, no amount of money, would ever change that. And I think anyone else in the same boat would be insane to go back either. Those companies have shown what they are truly about, and would it would be naive to think similar wouldnt happen again with the next scamdemic.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I was let go and my wife kicked out of nursing school for refusing the vaccine.

I agree with you.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Career changes suck, but not as much as an exploding heart.

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Reminds me of "the best part of being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis".

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Think that might have been what was on my mind as I wrote it

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Sadly, where I live, all positions still require masks. Things are getting tight.

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See the post by aussie17 on twitter last night? We all know how much people like to make waves here. The more folks who talk the better. And it could quickly turn things. Or force full on fascism. Gonna be an interesting few months...

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Talking is the antidote to everything.

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My med and nursing students have all had at least 3 shots. 1/3 of one small class got covid anyway. They all wear masks and sanitize their hands and social distance too. Madness.

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Spring2020 I was offering big hugs to strangers. Fun times!

(People backed away)

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And how many of them will end up having to drop out of careers or cut back on hours because of autoimmune disorders, cancers, or cardiac disease?

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Or death? Yes, they are destroying medical care for the survivors as they kill off as many of the public as possible.

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Have some time so decided I could add more. True, but it is worse. We are about to graduate the first classes of nurses who have had all their education under Covid. Each morning my classes entered the classroom, all masked, and each donned plastic gloves, picked up a bottle of disinfectant/sanitizer and a heavy paper towel. Once at their assigned seats, they sprayed and wiped their desks and chairs. After the class, they sprayed and wiped again. 5 minutes later, the next class repeated the ritual. What kind of nurses are they going to be?

Just last week I was a simulated patient for over 50 fourth year medical students. As with all such workshops since Spring 2020, this was done over Zoom. None, not a single med student took off their mask for the simulated medical interview conducted over Zoom. Many fidgeted and readjusted their masks many times.

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I am a retired nurse of 32 years. As SOON as this idea came out about a vaccine that distorts, changes, or otherwise manipulates our DNA, red flags went off. Then the clincher was telling people that the contents of the vaxx stay in the arm... come on! ANY 4th grader having taken a basic health course understands the circulatory system. Nothing stays in one muscle in any part of your body. SOME of any of it will enter your circulatory system. It is the way our body's work. BUT to see NURSES going along with it showed how little understanding THEY had of the body and A&P! Come on, man! I have been blessed with a lot of military training regular and SOF, but it is all the same. BASIC A&P and I am truly ashamed of my profession's lack of understanding.

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I feel you, I’m still chasing my own tail, but at least I’m clear-eyed on what I’m looking for. My Rolodex got thinner, but every number is of a person I consider myself lucky to call a friend.

Fear not, spike will open many avenues for rebuilding…

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I was let go too. Still unbelievable but here we are💞

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Damn, I'm sorry to her that.

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Agreed. It’s like going back to an abusive partner.

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Yes, its exactly that

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I'm in the same boat, lost a great job that paid well. I would consider going back however, if only to build up funds to take future legal action against the company and/or state government. Going back would probably weaken my case though.

Interestingly, the company still has a covid vax policy, but I know for a fact that certain individuals have been "exempted" and allowed onsite unvaxxed. I'm wondering whether this is a legal problem for the company.

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Same! My org was a higher education one.

I will NEVER go back to higher education . . . unless the University of Austin is hiring.


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Yep, instead of learning a lesson here, the higher education industry concentrated its morons and kicked out anyone still capable of free thought, backbone and anything worth "educating" about.

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Exactly. We also stopped our yearly donations to our alma maters that force vaccinated students as well as wrote letters stating why we were doing so.

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I don't see that they are or are not requiring the Vax. BTW, the University of Iowa does not require the vax.

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It hasn’t been built yet!

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Damn, I'm Austin TX area.

I go down there and pin up very conservative stuff, anti vax stuff.

Put literature in professors mailboxes on my pet stuff

UT is always so much fun!!!!!

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Nice work, John! Keep spreading the truth!

#BanTheJab, #BurnTheMask, #BeTheTIM

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If you need help let me know, footwork...

512 284 6535

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Same for me but over masks.

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Nice. Way to fight! Keep fighting Kitsune!

#BurnTheMask, #BanTheJab, #BeTheTIM

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Perhaps, but it has killed my employment chances and the strain on the marriage is great.

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I hear ya Kit. Epic endeavor, stakes are high. The size of the crime boggles the mind. It's all about Lady Liberty now. Without her, nothing else matters.

~~ j ~~

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Layoff before being forced to do anything. While on Unemployment seemingly forever, got a new gig working for self. Never will go back to working for any company, ever. The ruse exposed they (Corporations, Universities, Hospitals, Government) believe the employees are slaves.

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Sacrifices (zebachim). They're what's for dinner.

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You're solid Joel. Ethical, self worth.

I told4 levels of management they would have to replace me when vax deadline ended. Day after Biden committed Nuremberg code violation in his speech from hell

I was comforting them! Irish Catholic NY ego!

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Seeing the writing on the wall (partly due to working the tech sector and seeing what was going on with other companies, and partly due to the CEO funding CRISPR research at MIT so knew he was all aboard with all of it)I had told my mangager I was gone if there was ever a mandate. He avoided the issue at first but ended up being a half decent guy and did give me a heads up prior to the announcement. Which helped me prepare for lack of income, which somehow I made it 13 months on savings. Working a crap job now, but the people are nice (small family restaurant) and the word covid hasnt been spoken once since Im there, so that's kinda priceless

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Well said. I'm sorry that happened to you but well done for staying strong.



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I would really like the second goal to be helping the injured.

then a third and fourth goal.

People could be helped more than they are, even by FLCCC or World Health Council guidance.

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Yes! After 27 years as medical lab director, I "retired" when the hospital mandated the oxygen blockers. Helping the jabbed is now the only area of medicine of which I want any part, having had the rest of the profession revealed to me as corrupt and pathetic by the coronascam. I know it's a complicated matter, but I would really like to have a simple playbook for helping these folks ... thoughts?

~~ j ~~



#BeTheTIM (Tireless Irate Minority, hat tip to Sam Adams)

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This is what I have so far - there would be additions since I've worked on it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RmdgbxBUuJa9nFUmCfSoZdnEB8EPc181WOvhGakAKTU/edit?usp=sharing Protocol Collation & Therapy Goals. Parts are condensed graphics and the rest is comprehensive or summaries with links to references. I think brain fog folks will need more help or their caregivers will. Food class type help, taste test new foods or recipes if possible.

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Sorry for the delayed response, Jennifer. Wish I could say I've been sailing the Caribbean ;-) Thanks a million! ~~ j ~~

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I struggle over this. I walked away from practice over the jab mandates. I would love to be involved in helping the injured, but that would require moving out of the state I live in, and most likely, a substantial change in the system anyway.

More brainstorming in this area required!

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I write a lot in this direction on my SubStack and other sites. A big point I try to make too, is that early is better than late as brain fog and fatigue worsens it can be hard for someone to help themselves. For the nitty gritty of reversing hyperinflammation a live-in facility that teaches new food and lifestyle skills while also providing the healing foods and targeted supplements/whatever treatment. Then send them off with less brain fog, more energy, and firsthand experience with the new foods and habits. (The dream scenario, I also added less expensive ideas in this post: https://denutrients.substack.com/p/mitochondrial-dysfunction-and-pics

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Hangings on the town square is what these murderes deserve

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Murder as a solution for murder? Do we really want to go down that road? Why did people listen without question? Nobody even asked if covid was proven. Nobody asked if it really was a pandemic. They simply followed anything the tv told them. We can't have gone through all that and the lesson is not learned. The people who fell for this are responsible. They ignored the first natural law of body autonomy. That's what happens to a culture that is not based on ethics but on compliance.

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Self preservation is a right.

They have attacked us, without mercy, without a declaration of war.

I do expect a hearing to assess guilt.

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The Declaration of War was on 06 April 1917, as the 1917 Trading With the Enemy Act then extended it to everyone. HJR-192 (1933) was merely in recognition of those. We're all "Germans" now.

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I know how you feel but our culture has ignored another "layer" of existence which is frequency. When we get into the frequency of revenge, we remain in the same condition - one of decay. Nobody forced you to believe those people. Why listen to them? The answer is the belief in authority. But nobody actually has authority over you unless you hand it to them you see. And thus that is the lesson we need to learn from all this - that our body is ours alone. Our children's bodies are also for us to decide not some far-off character that appears on television. The ones who give the orders are not the culpable ones - the ones who obey are. That's reality but we've been under the illusion of believing in authority when really that is an arbitrary construct that goes against the natural order. I hope this is clear as we don't even have the language to describe this other layer of existence.

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Some were forced or lose their job and some were force jabbed as mentally ill people or in the hospital for some other reason. This has been coercive.

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Too good for these vermin, KK. Better to rot relentlessly behind bars with their fellow felons.

We all need our Attorneys General on speed dial ... let's fire up the Grand Jury Now!




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We need Attorneys General who are not part of the corruption.

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Hey Malignant, Merry Christmas, hope all is well.

Disagreement, even passionate and diffuse is healthy and needed. It is, after all, what we haven't had between us and the "other side" for the last three years. We should welcome it.

When it gets nasty and personal, I agree completely. Things are getting completely out of hand and still none of us 100% know the real truth. It's insane.

I agree with your three stages.

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The ones who need to be held accountable are the people who fell for it. No point in holding the ones who told the lies. Savvy people could tell right away, within a nanosecond that it was all bunk. You've got to understand what government is really there for, not what most people think it's there for, and face reality.

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Somewhere in there build guillotine and excavate massive pits.

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Amen. Thanks for fighting.

#BanTheJab, #BurnTheMask, #BeTheTIM

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You just described a Tarantino movie.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. The COVID fraud timing became necessary as world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis that popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo markets, money markets and FX markets.

Covid Is Not An Epidemiological Story; Covid Is A Crime Story.

There are a handful of quasi-public voices that are essential viewing/listening in order to understand the totality of what has happened, (and what led into it) over the past three years- Catherine Austin Fitts sits at the top of the list.

Here is a recent interview w/CAF:


A few others that I would put on that list are Denis Rancourt, John Rappaport, Paul Schreyer, Ernst Wolff, Kit Knightly, Simon Elmer, Leslie Manookian, Kevin Corbett, Andrew Wakefield, David Crowe (RIP), Sheri Tenpenny, Jacob Levich, Tom DiFernando, CJ Hopkins, David Rasnick and a few others.

There were many others that are not in the public eye who were screaming from the rooftops and actively working to expose this fraud as early as January 2020.

While I am not casting doubts on many of the more visible of the 'Covid sceptics' (this terminology hardly captures it) those who have the higest visibility, such as RFK, Bigtree, Kirsch, Malone, GVB, Bret Weinstein, Bhattacharya, Berenson, Kuldorff, Ryan Cole, Pierre Kory et al, will simply never- NEVER- bring the reader to a comprehensive understanding of what we are facing- the totality of the forces at work.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no 'lab leak'- there is no unique viral pathogen- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "There" there. It is all fraud piled on top of fraud.

It is all a massive intel/military/psyop operation designed to wipe out the global economy and install a digitized control structure in the context of a 'hot' geopolitical economic war that is being waged by the West. All of this as the Western financial system was in total freefall culminating in the aforementioned Repo crisis of 2019- this is what 'triggered' the engineered pandemic in March 2020.

Even many "in the know" are still trapped in some version of the "Covid" merry-go-round. The official narrative of "Covid" is a fiction- all of it. There was no pandemic- EVER. If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.

Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world.

"The Virus®" is the new Al Qaeda.

If this is not highlighted and understood one will always hit a dead end in their analysis and functional response.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I heard Ed Dowd mention this situation early on. A pandemic used as a great distraction. I have raised this issue with a number of family and friends, but no one will even consider it. Of course, they are all transfected.

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This is an answer to my question above. I still can't decide on the exact motive for it all. Was it financial reasons, energy reasons, digital control reasons or something else?

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

All of the above.

CAF calls it "stacked purposes" or some such thing- which is to say these operations have multiple purposes.

I think a recent valid analogy is the Iraq War (it wasn't a "war" it was wholesale slughter and imperialism) where multiple reasons and desired outcomes were involved.

Control of Oil/LNG contracts, elimination of non-compliant regime, strengthening of petrodollar, furthering military presence in region, military hardware sales, and much more.

The "Covid Operation" has been in the works for decades and has been trialed on multiple occasions. My view is that they were forced to trigger this before their systems were fully set to go with the digitization and surveillance programs.

If you go back and read through financial reports/papers in 2019 you will see absolute panic throughout the Western financial world. By Feb. 2020 they were having to pump around $100 billion/day into the Repo markets to keep the system afloat.

"Health management" and all that that entails is the largest money spinner in the world at present and the preferred mechanism of social control.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

John Titus belongs in your references list of people who "get it" re the financial angle too.

IMHO analysts need to start identifying factions at the nation state and transnational level. For example we've got big US capital and the transnational NGO complex (Gates et al) colluding with the CCP, while at the same time you've got a nationalist-chauvinist CCP leader and the US MIC butting heads over Taiwan. We've got a really complex mixture of transnational governance/technocrats (the WEF) exerting huge influence at a time of growing isolationism and a drawback of globalisation (aftermath of Trump/Brexit..).

It is all VERY paradoxical, and that's a key reason why so few people are grappling with the reality.

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Agree on Titus.

Also agree in principle on US capital and transnational NGO's (that's a very important point you bring up there) "colluding with the CCP" though I think your wording is not exactly accurate.

The problem is in identifying exactly what is the CCP as we sit here in 2022. We could spend all night looking at this.

I would word it "colluding with powerful Chinese financial interests" or something along these lines. That these financial elites in China have much of their wealth tied up in US Treasuries (around $1 trillion) can't be overlooked. As goes the US economy so goes much of this wealth. As we speak these Chinese elites (and many others) are rapidly disinvesting in US debt. This is a huge problem for Wall St. and The Bank of London.

Independent of this China has its own massive financial problems. There are stark divisions and influences within Chinese governance and political system.

"IMHO analysts need to start identifying factions at the nation state and transnational level."

Completely agree with this.

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Good points. I think the language barrier and the "official hegemon" nature of the Chinese state makes us overlook the complexity of the PRC for sure. Even somewhere like Wuhan must have a governing apparatus similar in size to a small European country. Plenty of places for spooks to dig in hooks.

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Thanks Allen, this is great. My intuition to date has landed on a Joint venture thesis on the "why" question. That its backdrop was related to financial system instability, and near collapse, something I first heard David Martin talk about a long time ago. It's not an area I've spent much time on to truly understand, it seems like you have. I could use what you have written here but wanted to ask you if you wanted to flesh it out in a few thousand words, and I will use that as the core of an article on the subject. I think that CAF has been hovering over the truth of it all for a very long time but hasn't had a decent airing of her thoughts in a broad enough way. Regards unbekoming@outlook.com

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I can send you an article in the next few days focusing on some of the financial pieces.

Yeah, I've been looking at this non-stop since Jan. 2020 and cut my teeth on the pandemic frauds in 2005.

Even understanding the mechanisms of social engineering I still have a hard time believing so many fell for this crap and that so many allowed for such a bodily violation and that quite a few have allowed themselves to be strung along for this long.

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Wonderful, thank you.

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Can’t wait to read!!

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I would love to read that as well

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Sent you an email to confirm yours.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

It's quite simple

They've been plotting it for years in their thinktanks and more lately the world economic forum.... put your mind into their sociopathic (as you must be or inevitably become to succeed in the corporate/political world) groupmind...... blahblah too many useless eaters blahblah too few resources blahblah uncontrollable debt we need to wipe it start over blahblah we need total control over everyone.... China is the perfect model..... we need to crash the world economy and bring in our total surveillance CBDC control system...blahblah

They're all in on it together.... China included naturally...... (and putin)

Plus... i think they've got some "religious" conviction that they're making the world a better place... (including their belief in GMOs vaccines mRNA nanofreakin bots brain implants and all that as great advances....) and the only way is total control

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They have made great progress in the surveillance system and have cause what I believe to be a fatal blow to the world economy. Then we have their comments about all this to back these up.

Where does this uncontrolled debt come form, btw? The same people using it as justification for all this.

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You are so right. China is part of the collusion so is Russian. They're all in on it but they pretend there's differences but really it's just the same old Coke or Pepsi, paper or plastic routine.

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I think the over all reason for this is they need compliance. They must have compliance in all things, once they have it, they will change the rules and enforce compliance to those. They are petty people who can not abide not being followed.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Why can't it be all of them? 🤔😉 Once a control freak has "control" in one area, they always want more.

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All of the above plus likely more. The 'globalists' arent necessarily a single, cohesive unit as some believe them to be, so different people did what they did for different reasons, none of which are good for us (obviously).

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I can see that but it's the trigger I'm interest in. Financial storm of 2019? Some think energy crisis and others that the rise of AI in the next decade means a lot of unhappy ex-workers to deal with.

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The trigger was Trump

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Imho a lot points to Trump being set up to trap conservative leaning americans in a mindset that makes them ineffective opposition to the great reset. They have to be psyopped intensely since they are armed and have a tradition justifying their use in defense of autonomy/freedom

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deletedDec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
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Absolutely not. Completely a-historical. None of this has anything to do with Trump/Biden or Dems/Repubs- that is simply not the way the world works that is the cartoon that is presented to fleece the public.

Trump laid muchof the groundwork for this during his time in office. You think he appointed Azar by accident? More to the point Trump, Obama, Biden, Clinton etc. these are not the people who decide these things.

What came before Event 201 and months before Wuhan, lockdowns, and the WHO pandemic declaration?

Answer: Executive Order 13887.

PDF here:


Top DC Swamp Pharma bureaucrat Alex Azar was nominated to Secretary of HHS on November 13, 2017. Azar was the chief DC lobbyist for the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and then went on to become president of Eli Lilly in the US. He resigned from Eli Lilly in January of 2017 and on November 13, 2017 Trump tweeted he was going to nominate Alex Azar as Secretary of HHS.

Azar was confirmed by the Senate on January 24, 2018. HHS oversees the NIAID, the NIH, the FDA, the CDC and numerous other unconstitutional agencies.

"Following the World Health Organization's decision to declare the novel coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern, I have today declared that the coronavirus presents a public health emergency in the United States."

- Alex Azar, Jan. 31, 2020

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Too short of a time frame. The panic, while big, is nothing more than a step in a much larger, longer project. Trump laid next to zero ground work, it was already in existence long before he come on the scene. It is my belief that its purpose was to scare the world’s population into compliance with anything and everything their government told them to do. Specifically, to accept controls over very day activities that they would not as easily allow otherwise.

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I believe The Plandemonium would have happened with Hillary as President as well. I am open to the the idea that the 2016 election was rigged to install Trump to be the Warp Speed Scapegoat but mRNA and digital biosecurity was a fait accompli.

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Agree just not when it happened. I think they would have preferred for the 5G netwaork to up and running. It is my understanding that 5G is needed to run the IoT, ESG scoring systems and QR code regulatory system, aiming others. It certainly would have been much smoother for them if they could just deduct points form any who dare question the purpose of their lockdowns and all the rest.

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I think the trigger was the financial storm of 2019...but it wasn't a storm. It was the complete unwllingness of the banks to lend to each other overnight. It was kept very very quiet.

I think Trump bought us time...he was not supposed to win in 2016...so they tried everything to get rid of him for four years...and finally succeeded...which is why we have been printing trillions of dollars....becuase they had to get Trump out and a Globalist (Biden the puppet) in.

Now they are back in the saddle and are directing the whirlwind...the last part of the plan..CBDC with social credit system...and the total destruction of the Western Way of life.

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There's no way the would destroy the West's economy to remove a President. They have less destructive ways to do that (well, less destructive ways for the economy, not the President!)

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I think we are well beyond considering any sides on this one. It was clearly timed to get rid of Trump. The election fraud could never have happened without a reason to push so many people to postal voting.

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That’s not their only reason for doing so. In fact, that is not why they did so. They only decided to start their plan earlier because of him.

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Do you think Trump was the trigger 1) because they hate him or 2) because he spoke in favor of each country's sovereignty and against globalism? And do you think the pandemic was a cover / money laundering scheme to stop a collapse of the global financial system? So many countries operating in lock-step was creepy.

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He was the trigger because he was in favor of each country being sovereighn...and there was the Brexit movement going on as well. that had to be quashed, and remember Boris got sick and almost died? So he fell into line but Trump kept punching back bless him.

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Do you think Trump was the trigger 1) because they hate him or 2) because he spoke in favor of each country's sovereignty and against globalism? And do you think the pandemic was a cover / money laundering scheme to ward off a collapse for the worldwide financial system? It was really creepy how so many countries were in lock-step.

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Yes, the fact that all those countries followed the same measures tells us that without a doubt, there was coordination.

The pandemic probably has more than one major purpose, none of which related to public health. IMHO, the main purpose was to get everyone worldwide used to having every action surveilled and controlled and to become fearful of using cash and face to face transactions so that the vast majority will applaud the release of CBDCs. The progress they have made is stunning.

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That is what I believe. He was the only person able to both see from the inside what they were up to and in position to stop it. All the other world leaders are fully on board with all of this. He had to be gotten rid of so that they could continue, thus they had to get the ball rolling before they were ready. This gives us reason to hope, although, as the resistance to all this is so minuscule, that might be a small hope.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

Please disabuse yourself of this notion. Trump is every bit the corrupt carnival barker as the rest who reside in the DC swamp.

What came before Event 201 and months before Wuhan, lockdowns, and the WHO pandemic declaration?

Answer: Trump's Executive Order 13887.

PDF here:


Top DC Swamp Pharma bureaucrat Alex Azar was nominated to Secretary of HHS on November 13, 2017. Azar was the chief DC lobbyist for the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and then went on to become president of Eli Lilly in the US. He resigned from Eli Lilly in January of 2017 and on November 13, 2017 Trump tweeted he was going to nominate Alex Azar as Secretary of HHS.

Azar was confirmed by the Senate on January 24, 2018. HHS oversees the NIAID, the NIH, the FDA, the CDC and numerous other unconstitutional agencies.

"Following the World Health Organization's decision to declare the novel coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern, I have today declared that the coronavirus presents a public health emergency in the United States."

- Alex Azar, Jan. 31, 2020

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deletedDec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
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Yes. They hate us.

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They don't count the vote accurately. They are liars. We must believe nothing (nothing!) that comes from government. That's how we must treat liars.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

My personal view of AI is that it is all a gigantic Ponzi Scheme that will have a short shelf life- and leave a lot of people hammered in its wake. I will say that those who are constantly peddling AI are some of the most deranged salesmen to come down the pike in some time.

I do think the energy crisis and the current crush for rare earth minerals to fuel this "techno-utopia" play a role and are part and parcel of the entire "economic war" currently being waged.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Allen, The AI entity called Aladdin, owned by Black Rock, has enabled Black Rock to act as the Central Bank for every Western Democracy...they have in effect taken over the Fed Reserve. With State Street and privately owend Vanguard, they have more accumpulated captial/wealth than any other entity in the history of the world, including the British East INdia Company.

AI BUILT IT. AI IS NOT A GIGANTIC PONZI SCHEME. It is a real and dangerous thing.

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Agree- Ponzi Schemes are real, dangerous and destructive. They collapse in the end, sadly with damages strewn all around.

Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard own quite a bit of the world and like parasites look to suck up more.

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Honest researchers and devs in that industry will say similar to the ponzi scheme part. Lots of bombastic claims and promises to keep the funding flowing. And those with limited to no tech knowledge accept it all as current reality or inevitable in the near future.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

I used to work at one of the most "renowned" (read corrupt) research insitutions in the US- one that is swarming with AI researchers, grants, and "promises."

I was not involved in any of that but was surrounded by these people and fully aware of their world. They produce nothing and everything is always "in the pipeline." Frankly these "brainiacs" are hallucinating and are stunted degenerates who are stuck in their (now high priced) world of dystopian abstractions.

Refusing the jab I am thankfully no longer employed at this multi-billion dollar Island of Dr. Moreau.

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I wonder what part a certain outsider as a national leader played in the trigger being pulled when it was?

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Yes. Even Catherine Austin Fitts said that "Mr Global" apparently felt they had to act before they were really ready, because of Trump.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022

Had to happen while he was in office. Republican voters have proven themselves to be complaint sheep so long as tyranny comes courtesy of an elephant as was evident with the Patriot Act. Had Hillary won, none of the same measures would have worked. But since it was Team Red, the silence was deafening and the excuses were sickening.

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That explanation only works if this was was all occurring in the US. Does not work when we consider the fact that most every nation on the planet has all followed the same responses. Some longer than others as here in Japan we are still having group events cancelled over fear of covid and masks are still worn with statistical 100% compliance. It does not answer for Italy, nor Germany, Japan, the UK, N.Z. nor any others.

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I gotta concur with what Allen here is saying. Couldnt explain it any better.

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None of the above. Oligarchs of every nation age, get sick and eventually die. They’ve been promised gene therapy as the way back to youthful health, and as a cure for cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, etc, for decades. These oligarchs have lost patience, and so they approved this strategy to use the human race as lab rats for a comprehensive long term safety trial. When you have the most wealth, death is unacceptable and breaking a couple million human beings to make progress on your own survival makes perfect sense. The vax passport idea was just so they could have a steady acceptance of any and all future experiments to preserve the elite and their offspring.

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Now this is interesting. There is certainly plenty of evidence that this is true, especially their fear of death. I still think that this all is a part of something much larger, but that does not preclude this. This just gives us another of their motivations. The is no need for there to be just one reason behind why they are behind this nor for the timing.

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The ultimate reason is to convert humans into cyborgs. Those who took the quackscene have been implanted with graphene oxide, which encodes the human body with a MAC address and can be seen on bluetooth devices. Notice also the spraying of the skies that have been happening full pelt for the last several years. We are being ambushed for total enslavement and they want to do it without our awareness. The antidote is talking about it. Simple though it may seem, talking is the antidote to everything.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Bigger than all that. I believe that this, while there may have been several realities that triggered it now, that the ground work has been being laid over decades and that this is merely one act in a multi act play. I believe that certain technology needed to be available and already in wide spread use, and that while not all of it is, enough is so that that felt they had to pull the trigger early to prevent losing the whole thing. Image how much smoother this would have gone for them if the ESG social credit system and QR code controlled access systems were fully functional at the start of this.

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Totally agree with you, I think their idea hatched in the early 70’s and then in the mid 80’s they started with the global warming/climate change in the education system, filtered it through to the universities etc. and then slowly positioned their indoctrinated global leaders throughout the world governments and courts. They funded universities, centralised doctors within hospitals and took ownership of media and technology. All the chess board pieces were in play; they couldn’t let Trump win another term as it would only delay their plans.

It is like an onion - you peel off one layer and you realise the lies underneath; there are just so many layers to this.

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The climate bs started earlier, just was global cooling when I was in school int the 70s, caused by the exact same things as global warming, climate change, extreme weather and whatever else they have called it’s. I think the modern climate scare started in the 60s.

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Way earlier

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I have no doubt, but do not know exactly when. I know that a book was written in the 60s that has acted as a kind of bible to the climate change fanatics.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

"The Virus®" is the new Al Qaeda

I call em both Cobra Commander (as in from GI Joe). The faceless enemy set to conquer the world.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed


Good Article...

"Let us be clear from the start: the big predators of oil, arms, and vaccines could not care less about humanity"

"The mainstream narrative should therefore be reversed: the stock market did not collapse (in March 2020) because lockdowns had to be imposed; rather, lockdowns had to be imposed because financial markets were collapsing"

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Excellent article! Thanks for sharing the link

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Very good article.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Exactly and also as observed by Dave Collum here:

"We have a global debt problem which appears to be getting addressed by global inflation. Much of it comes from the tens of trillions of dollars rammed into the global system during and following the GFC (Great Financial Crisis)21,22 and then trillions more to enable the IFL (Insane Fucking Lockdown) that completely screwed up the supply chains. If the Fed had not promised somebody behind closed doors that they would do their part, the lockdown would not have happened. No Fed, no lockdown. Period. Now you know who to blame."

https://peakprosperity.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/2022-Year-in-Review-The-Long-Road-To-Ukraine-Part-1.pdf (page 42)

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You know, you are saying something very simple....how to get rid of your debt? Inflate it away. A time honored fed reserve move...so you can pay back your debts (and unfunded liablitiels) with cheaper dollars....and then when you done so, you can then tighten the inflation screws and try and dry up all the excess dollars.

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Japan followed suit. Others? I believe so but can not recall any details. I am more inclined to think that various nations planned on doing this in concert than just the US.

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Oh yes...all the five eyes countries. IT was not a coincidence.

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Of course, this screws over all the savers....and leaves no where but gold and silver and real estate to save you from the inflation....and grow your savings when the hammer comes down on interest rates...

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So, tell me, what part did the FED play in Australia’s, New Zealand’s, the UK’s hard lockdowns and Japan’s Lockdown Lite? Not to mention all the other countries out there.

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Glad to see this comment at the top of the list. As far as i know, Fabio Vighi has written and spoken about Covid as a monetary event most comprehensively, but I haven’t heard of your names so i’ll check them out. Must say though that denying the existence of the virus sways too much to the other extreme. If you lost your smell in the last 3 years you know it was real. The answer is likely somewhere in the middle. We should be asking how the above stated facts can be reconciled within the financial conspiracy. Obviously this is not hard. For stacked purposes stacked methods.

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To be clear I'm speaking specifically to SARS-CoV-2 to which there is no scientific evidence of its existence- same with SARS.

As for losss of smell this is an extremely common, nearly universal, occurence with "flu-like" symptoms.

If the phony PCR wasn't producing fraudulent "positives" noone would know anything unusual was happening. People get different sets of symptoms year in and year out for evolving diseases, changes in environment and changes in their biological system.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

It's obvious you have no medical or scientific training. I don't think anybody (certainly not me, & certainly not anyone with any medical credibility) is claiming to diagnose "covid" on the basis of a single symptom, whether loss of taste/smell or anything else.

And BTW, gaslighting away the existence of illness is just as abusive as the governments & health officials gaslighting us about the scamdemic. Everyone is entitled to their opinion - but be careful about inflicting it on others & claiming it is the sole truth.

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No gaslighting here- didn't say you weren't ill simply said you weren't ill with SARS-CoV-2. You cannot be ill with a fictitious disease.

'Covid' is pure fiction and you haven't looked into it at any length. They made up a new disease for the purposes that are swidely known. You bought into a part of it and can't admit how profoundly you were duped.

There is no such thing as a "Covid illness" or a "Covid death." SARSCoV2 itself is a computer generated fiction.

"Covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, flu and many other disease conditions

You weren't and aren't able to intelligently respond to what I stated so you went to 'appeal to expertise' followed by using the 'subjecitivist fallacy.'

Keep the following defintion in mind in the future as you obviously have no training in logic or rhetoric. How's that work?

"The subjectivist fallacy occurs when someone opposes an argument's conclusion not by challenging whether the premises support the conclusion, but by considering the conclusion as subjective when it is in reality objective. Typically, characterizing the arguer's conclusion as simply an "opinion," a "perspective," a "point of view" etc."

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I agree that the magnitude of the disease was massively inflated by the PCR test and other false accounting methods. Also that the 'pandemic' is a massive fraud with multiple factors contributing to its generation. But at the root is a 'virus' that did cause a disease, although far less consequential than it was made out to be. Whether SARS-COV-2 was a real replicating virus or a clone as discussed by JJ Couey is another question. I say this because after getting a mild illness in Oct 2020 I tested positive for COVID and my sense of smell was instantly switched off and gradually came back over several months. Now back to normal after two years. Losing my sense of smell wasn't like any other cold, etc I've had before. It was caused by something specific. Recognizing the existence of a virus, genomic sequence, whatever, called SARS-COV-2 doesn't invalidate that the pandemic has been one of greatest ever crimes against humanity.

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My thoughts exactly. And my own experience too.

It was not only the loss of taste/smell that made this illness unique though - the progression of the illness was unlike that of any other cold or flu I have encountered, and similar to that of other reported covid sufferers, with mild cold-like symptoms for about 5 days, then seeming to get better - then a crash with extreme fatigue, weakness, dizziness. I didn't get the characteristic low blood oxygen, or any fever - and I don't think the virus got into my lungs - but I suspect that was because I took remedial action right away.

I recovered fully within a couple of weeks - but it left me with a respect for the potential severity of it, and a recommendation to anyone else not to dismiss it too lightly.

And I agree with ArkMedic that the biggest part of the crime against humanity was the gaslighting about treatment: the suppression of early treatments, the withholding of antibiotics to those who contracted bronchial pneumonia, and the forced, inappropriate use of respirators.

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I do have biomedical training and have worked in pathology labs for 25 years. There is no evidence for SARS nor a new disease. Covid was caused by the deliberate release of the Drosten PCR amplification technique unleashed upon an unsuspecting world. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid



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Here's an article I completed yesterday.

Feel free to republish and share as you wish.


There will be another version that gets published with embedded links.

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So you think that making dogmatic statements, and accusing someone who disagrees with you of being uninformed, is going to strengthen your argument?

Heaven help us, Substack used to be a forum for thoughtful discussion, but now it seems to be over-run by banned Facebook crazies.

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I've never used facebook so you are wrong once again.

You've never made a coherent argument about anything- insulted someone point blank and then in a huff when they punch back and to top it off get right back to the insults.

Let's face it you don't know what you are talking about and therefore have applied diversions to conceal that truth.

This entire conversation is an exercise in reality inversion. Adios.

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I too think the virus exists, however, the loss of smell could be form another cause, say flu but misattributed to covid. Loss of smell is possible from other infections. It could be that it just seems to be more because they have actively searching for each and every case of loss of smell and giving the credit to covid.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Excellent comment

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I happen to disagree about the virus being fake. Too difficult to keep under wraps. The proteins have been characterized by Cryo-EM and the thing has been sequenced on numerous occasions. On the other hand, the suppliers of many of the assays, like Illumina, are themselves questionable. Literally thousands of papers have been published now on a sarbecovirus that appears to cause endotheliitis and sepsis, which was largely mischaracterized as viral pneumonia, to patients' detriment.


Many of the repurposed drugs and other substances that seemed to have benefit in COVID-19 are antioxidants.


I do agree, however, with the hypothesis that these events generally constitute a ruthless global coup by technocrats acting on behalf of shady financial interests, and that they were covering up a popping debt bubble while using biosecurity theater as an excuse to strip civil liberties and enhance the surveillance state, and yes, what we're discussing here is not really a pandemic, but actually the biggest crime in human history.

I would take things a step further, though. I think their endgame is implanted ID and implanted IoB tech to siphon biometric data out of people 24/7 on a sort of "smart grid", paired with an all-cashless transaction system that essentially forces people to be on the grid if they want to engage in the most basic commerce. Basically, it's surveillance capitalism and managerialism gone mad. They want to be able to micromanage every aspect of people's lives. As in, if your blood sugar spikes in the middle of the night because you snuck an ice cream, they want a data center on the opposite end of the planet to log that.

There are many disturbing connections between the groups involved in all of this, and think tanks involved in human enhancement tech.

Moncef Slaoui, the head of Operation Warp Speed, was on the board of Galvani Bioelectronics, a joint Google-GSK venture to make implanted nerve modulation devices to treat inflammatory diseases. Also on the board of Galvani? Ken Gabriel, the COO of Wellcome Leap, headed by ex-DARPA, ex-Google, ex-Facebook Regina Dugan, which is a spinoff of Jeremy Farrar's Wellcome Trust, which funds research at the WIV.

Then, of course, there's Charles Lieber, the Harvard bionanotechnology expert who was charged and convicted of fraud and tax evasion for receiving funds from China's Thousand Talents Plan against the terms of his DOD grants. Charles Lieber (who had grants from NIH, MITRE, AFOSR, ONR, and DARPA) was supposedly working on silicon nanowire batteries for China, but nobody can recall him ever working on battery tech of any kind. All of his papers involve using silicon nanowires to do things like probing neurons, and building cybernetic tissue scaffolds for implanted biosensors and stuff like that. Charles Lieber is a longtime colleague of Robert Langer, one of the cofounders of Moderna; the head of Moderna is Stephane Bancel, who was formerly the CEO of BioMerieux, whose founder, Alain Merieux, assisted in the construction of the P4 lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which received grant money subcontracted from EcoHealth Alliance, who, in turn, sought DARPA funding, and received funding from DTRA, USAID, and NIH.

One of the lead researchers on DARPA's N3 program to make wireless nanotransducer-based BCIs was Gaurav Sharma at Battelle, who, incidentally, also worked on the Blood-Brain Barrier program for DTRA to discover viruses, proteins, and peptides capable of compromising the blood-brain barrier. Incidentally, SARS-CoV-2 Spike S1 subunits are known to permeabilize the blood-brain barrier, which would assist other things in crossing the BBB, as well. SARS-CoV-2 Spike is also highly amyloidogenic. Ehud Gazit, who has been photographed hanging out with Joe Biden, has been working on amyloid-based peptide semiconductors and other crazy Frankenstein crap.

There is something very, very wrong going on here, and DARPA and DTRA are right in the center of it.


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Yes you're right about everything except viruses. There is another layer of nature which is based on frequency and this is a new field that is not really part of $cience so $cience leaves it out almost entirely. Matter is actually a subset of frequency but $cience has left that out just like they left out the name of Nikola Tesla, Antoine Bechamp, Tycho Brahe and many other contemporaries of the scientists they did mention ad infinitum. Tesla for example worked with Edison but not a word about Tesla not even in tertiary institutions until recently because they couldn't keep it quiet any longer. "Viruses" are not seen in situ therefore they don't know if they can change form to changed environments. Here's an intro to the new science of frequency and light: http://arthemasophiapublishing.com

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Looks fascinating.

More and more I see no distinction between spirituality and real science (the unbiased observation of ourselves and surroudings - that only happens through awareness and meditation practice).

My practice of yoga has also done more for my mental, emotional and physical health that anything else. It's based on the prana (which can also be thought of as light energy) and its movement throughout the body and how we can consciously direct it.

Humans are not separate from the rest of the earth or nature, and all of nature is one consciousness or light.


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The argument that 'just because we can't see them doesn't mean they're not there' also applies to the flower fairies https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/we-cant-find-them-therefore-they


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How do you know that the proteins 'characterised' come from a virus? How was the original 'thing' isolated and purified for sequencing in the first place?





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James Giordano, nanoparticulate "smart dust", DARPA

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Thanks for cutting through the fog and sending out this list, Allen. To the list I would have to add David Martin, who first taught me about the patent trail that will serve to hang these felons. Keep up the good work!

~~ j ~~



#BeTheTIM (Tireless Irate Minority, hat tip to Sam Adams)

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I agree with you - except for the bit about "there is no unique viral pathogen". I think that most of us who have experienced "covid" would agree that it is not the same as a cold, or any other type of flu. The disease progression is quite weird, experientially. (I don't know if I got the delta or the omicron version, but I had about 5 days of mild cold-like symptoms, then lost taste/smell, then just as it seemed to be getting better I crashed with severe fatigue and dizziness - only lasted a day because I cheated & used some non-mainstream treatments, but it was very, very different from any other respiratory illness.)

I agree that it has been way over-hyped, and that the high lethality is most likely because of denial of appropriate treatment. I have no answer to any of the questions about long covid, or other issues about the effects of the spike protein - but I don't think these things should be dismissed.

And I agree that the whole motivation for the scamdemic needs to be closely examined, and the imminent collapse of the world financial system seems to be a key factor.

We just don't want to rush to make assumptions that we have the whole story, when it is possible that there are multiple factors at play here.

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If you google flu loss of smell or taste with a To Date: 2015, you'll find heaps of medical papers about it pre-coof.

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"Atypical pneumnoia" rolls around every year.

The symptoms you just described are age old.

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Can I ask why you think the illness you describe is caused by a viral pathogen?

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And may I ask why you think that is a useful question?

Because it sounds to me as though you have an agenda, most likely an agenda about proving me wrong in some way, and TBH I am not really interested in getting into an unwinnable fight with someone who has already made up their mind on these matters.

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One thing that has been in the back of my mind is that taste and smell are heavily linked. Also, if you look at where your smell receptors are, they are located right where people have been jabbing swabs for the PCR tests. Is it possible there is some rupturing or interference causing this phenomenon in some people?

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Myself, I've never had a PCR test.

But the olfactory bulb is right up there adjacent to the nasal passage, so any viral (or other) damage to the nasal mucosa could easily affect olfactory receptors or pathway neurones.

And of course taste and smell are linked - which is why I put them together as taste/smell. Technically, it is the sense of smell that went (for me) - no problem with sweet/salt/sour/bitter, the actual taste senses.

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Allen, do you have your own substack? I completely agree with your comment.

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I do not.

I write for a couple of different online sites.

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In addition to financial explanations for the "pandemic," I think it's worth considering the timing of what could be World War 3 and a new iron curtain separating East and West. As Blinken recently noted, the U.S. could not wage a proxy war in Ukraine if Trump would not have signed an agreement to leave Afghanistan and if Biden would not have followed through.

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100%. And the end is in their grasp if people don't wake the eff up ...CBDC is almost here...not a year away not two years away, about TWO MONTHS.

That is the final Coup de Grace.

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When this, merged with ESG and QR code controlled access comes online, it is over.

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What if local trusted leaders issued local currencies, temporary to get us thru?

They could lose great control, if people left the dollar

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That is what Catherine Austin Fitts is suggesting...but in a blue state it will not happen. She is encouraging people to re locate to states that have strong governors, AG's, and sheriffs, and try and convince them to start a state bank...soveriegn.

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I think someplace out West tried that fairly recently. I think they were arrested. They do not like losing control.

That is how it used to be in the States. There were state currencies, bank currencies and no national printed money until the time of the civil war. While we did have coinage, the Mexican silver Real was the most commonly traded coin in the US.

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I will not go to cdbc. If they steal my life savings or any of it.

I will barter somehow

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You will not have a choice. At first, as the various moving parts come online, you may. But after everything is up an running, you will not. It will be too dangerous for others to barter wth you.

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Hope? Defiance? Suggestions?

I don't mind dying fighting these evil folks.

I'm 62, kids grown, good shape...

I am so angry

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The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Innovation Center, or NYIC, announced that it would be launching a 12-week proof-of-concept pilot for a central bank digital currency, or CBDC.

In a Nov. 15 announcement, the New York Fed said the program would explore the feasibility of an “interoperable network of central bank wholesale digital money and commercial bank digital money operating on a shared multi-entity distributed ledger” on a regulated liability network. Banking giants including BNY Mellon, Citi, HSBC, Mastercard, PNC Bank, TD Bank, Truist, U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo will be participating in the pilot by issuing tokens and settling transactions through simulated central bank reserves.

“The NYIC looks forward to collaborating with members of the banking community to advance research on asset tokenization and the future of financial market infrastructures in the U.S. as money and banking evolve,” said NYIC Director Per von Zelowitz.

The proof-of-concept project will test the “technical feasibility, legal viability, and business applicability” of distributed ledger technology, as well as simulate tokens and explore regulatory frameworks. The NY Fed said the project could “potentially be extended to multi-currency operations and regulated stablecoins.”

The launch of the NYIC pilot project followed the center releasing research on its wholesale central bank digital currency program on Nov. 4. The first phase of the CBDC trial, dubbed Project Cedar, tested foreign exchange spot trades to determine whether a blockchain solution could improve “speed, cost, and access to cross-border wholesale payments.”


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What I can't believe is I have talked to the commercial banks, one international, once local, and they are saying they have no choice and think they will survive as an entity.

They won't. There won't be ac need for them and they cannot see it.

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Exactly. You are spot on. So many have one piece of it then go and talk about covid as though it is real. It's getting rather tedious listening to many of the speakers. Those who didn't catch on right away need to do some self reflection. They can't be telling those who figured it out how things are, they have lost credibility. This was a total psyop and I hope their plans fall flat on their face.

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Absolutely correct Allen, this is what signaled the beginning of the end:


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OK, help me out here. I remember when Lehman Brothers collapsed, and Maverick suspended his campaign to whip votes for the bailout package that ensued, I had a talk with my Dad, who is as reliable a fount as any of whatever wisdom Fox News is promulgating at the moment. He told me we had to support the bailout because LIBOR rates were the highest they had ever been. I asked him, what the f*ck is a LIBOR rate, and did you know what it was yesterday, and why do you care about it now? We ended up agreeing to disagree but... is this not the same exact thing? We needed a colossal bailout because "repo" rates are super high and the banks are illiquid?

How does FTX fit into this?

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The bail out should never have happened. We also need to dig deeper into what was the root cause of that problem, it was not Lehman Brothers. The very same actions that caused that problem have been undertaken again, thus it should be no surprise that we are going through this again.

We have a long history of treating symptoms while ignoring the disease.

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I think contingent and off balance sheet liabilities had a lot to do with it...

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Banks were forced by threat of legal action from the federal government to make home loans to those who could not possibly make the payments once the period of low interest expired. To save them selves from collapse, they repackaged these bad loans and sold them to other financial institutions. When the foreclosures against the borrowers began, it all collapsed. Recently they have begun forcing the same program upon banks.

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But they then bundled them and sold them as assets for investors...

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Don't think it does. Was does matter was the repo rate in Sept- Dec 2019 and Jan 2020. Think of it as the American Libor (London Interbank offer rate)....interbank lending rates were so high no bank would lend to another...because they knew something we didn't.

Not sure what it was, but the Fed stepped in and had to continue stepping in and to do that, they needed to create trillions of dollars....which basically kicked the can down the road. I'm not sure what I suspect, but at this point, nothing would surprise me....

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They have been building up to their hopes for end result for generations. This is just one step in the process.

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The most sensible, easy-to-swallow pill on the whole matter that I've seen in a long time!

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Nope. Department of Defense/ Military intelligence/ As paid for and directed by trillionaires seeking potential medical advances by using human race as lab rats for gene therapy experiments. The more wealth you got the more unacceptable you view your own death, especially if Fauci’s promised you a cure for cancer, aging, heart disease, Parkinson’s, using mRNA.

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Dr, mate, you've been watching way too much propaganda to conclude China has powers beyond mortal men to make the 5 Eyes (or 5 I [ntelligence agencie]s) and the Nato vassal states, overwhelm their sensibilities to lie to and inject citizens, and tip up their national economics so residual asset values held by the middle-class and poor slide down the slope into the coffers of their uber riche criminal families.

Every time you type CCP, instead of China or Chinese government (if that's what you truly believe), you are showing that either you are a tool of someone's propaganda or a victim of it. Either way, until you wake up to that, your conclusions are not worth giving brain-time to process.

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Yes you are right. This article would blame 9/11 and the JFK cia murder on ccp. Fauci’s creepy AIDs fake diagnosis and horrific experiments on poor kids in the 1980s must’ve been ccp. Don’t even get me started on the puppy torturing stuff he approved. Scalping fetuses to fight cancer stem cell experiments. Yep, can’t be hidden trillionaires wanting to live forever no matter what sick experiments are performed. Again ccp? Hahaha, don’t look behind the curtain in Western house, look out the window facing east at China.

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Honey, Five Eyes is in it up to their fesses...they WANTED this. They Have been IN CHARGE of the entire OPERATION since March 2020. THEY BELEIVED MNRA could be THE platform to combat future biowarfare...and they TRIED IT oUT ON THEIR POPULATIONS.

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Tried it out in the only way they could with no long term safety studies that could show delayed effects, by forbidding natural or proven medications. You can’t blame China for eliminating contenders to EUA concoctions.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Last year, I had a lower respiratory tract infection.

If I tested positive for covid, I would not have been treated and it would be unlikely that I would be here to post this comment.

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Good reminder. Glad you're still here!

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Same M.O. but inverted as they used for HIV. If tested and antibodies detected you were classed HIV+ then told only time before you developed AIDS so to save you they gave people AZT which just happened to be a lethal chemo drug which had been shelved because it killed cancer patients. Taking it actually gave them autoimmune disease and they got sick of so many things and died. There is over 27 I think different illnesses attributed to AIDS. A few who had test either did not take AZT or started but soon came off it and lived happily ever after. AIDS was a lifestyle illness from using poppers, recreational drug which ruins healthy immune system and so did AZT. Many gay couples had only one so called HIV+ and the other did not "catch" anything from the other. So, for HIV+ a person needs to have antibodies then further "treatment" necessary, yet according to these jabs, you are told if antibodies develop then you are protected. If for example a hetro drug user got TB, they got normal TB treatment and recovered. It is absolutely shocking how we have been lied to for over 100 years but goes back to smallpox.

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Interesting. In the original, pre-AIDS version of the Broadway play "RENT", the disease was TB. Then later changed to HIV.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Idea: Stop calling it a virus, call it a poison or toxin. Talk in terms the DOD would use since they seem to be the ones in charge since the very first days when they selected St. Fauci to be the hood ornament for this epoch of the long con. Let's focus on the fraud and cover-up on everything poison. DMED fraud is a good place to start. VAERS deleting, down-coding, throttling and not publishing all legitimate claims received is another good place to start. General Dynamics contracts to help out with the "backlog" vs GD coming in to "disappear" reports and throttle the rest is a good steaming log of poop to throw on the fraud pile. Exposing this depop shot as a eugenics project would be a good place to start, then we could work backwards and expose the whole vaccine industry and the poison they have been injecting for decades. Virology is like the Titanic, except it sabotaged itself. No external force needs to cause virology to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Harming children gets the millstone around your neck and you can accompany the Virology Titanic at the bottom of the ocean. I wasn't double jabbed, I didn't jump from democrat to republican, I didn't take a bath on FTX, I didn't say Janssen was safer than Moderna. I haven't flip flopped like a harpooned tuna! Some of us has never wavered from 2020 when we felt something very wrong was going on. I guess there has been a antivaxx movement for decades. All I know, being smart and being wise are two distinct conditions, and one does not imply the other! I have the best VAERS Interactive Dashboard in the world. I have the best "hot lots" dashboard in the world (not a cute v-lookup). I'm the #1 VAERS Auditor in the world. The crazy train needs to pass through Eaglesville sooner or later, I'm just waiting for ya'll to catch up! Come sniff around: https://www.vaersaware.com/ God Bless.

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Even better, call it a weapon.

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This was epic. Keeping. How do we get organized to finance this and pick the lawyers to do it? And can we get to DeSantis in Florida to expand his grand jury?

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you....just read this post and I was a bit disheartened with the whole infighting https://sagehana.substack.com/p/chaos-agents-mathew-crawford-the?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=702469&post_id=92567964&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

...thank you for your take on all of this.....

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Quoting Arkmedic:

“…there is enough there to make a case for mass arrests of people in government who conspired to a democide”.

Absolutely correct! Ruthlessly conducted forensic inquiries need to be held to identify the public health officials and professional medical bodies responsible for the mismanagement of what has taken place over the last three years. As a start, two Australian Senators have been diligent in using formal parliamentary enquiries to establish that senior health officials with statutory powers in Australia had not even bothered to read the detail of what their own departments published reports had said about the truncated and rushed mRNA evaluation process. Here is a brief excerpt from one Senator’s statement to the Australian Parliament on November 21, 2022:

“I have to say that one of the most startling aspects of my questioning was the fact that Professor Murphy admitted that he hadn’t read the TGA nonclinical report about the Pfizer vaccine. I would have thought that when you were the actual Chief Health Officer and you were about to administer a vaccine to what turned out to be over 20 million people—nearly all of your countrymen—you would have taken the time to actually read the nonclinical report, which outlines all of the research that was done and all of the animal testing and everything like that that was done on the vaccine. I certainly know, from my former career, that you would never sign off on a set of financial statements if you hadn’t actually scrutinised them in intricate detail.”

The extended text of the Senator’s statement can be found via the following link, together with the link to its short YouTube video, which is worth watching:


This is just the tip of the iceberg. All public health officials who licensed and promoted the use of the inadequately tested novel mRNA injectables that have led to soaring rates of mortality and disability need to be held to account – especially because they continue to push the use of these dangerous products. So too, members of professional medical boards that were complicit in this humanitarian disaster also need to be exposed to the oxygen of public scrutiny, and then cleaned out. The families of the dead and the crippled cry out for justice.

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Morrison is ultimately responsible; he instigated no jab no play no pay for kids to be up to date on a monster and horrendous vaccine schedule and then opened medicare records to the state so they could record who was jabbed or not and proceed with the roll out

he is obviously in big pharmas pocket - he deserves no less than jail

he is the monster

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Only one of the monsters.

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I agree entirely, Paul. The derisory epithet ‘Scotty from Marketing’ that the Labor Opposition hurled at PM Morrison turned out to be very true. Morrison as prime minister was revealed to be an intellectually weak man, who, instead of standing by the avowed principles of liberal democracy which his party claimed to proclaim, chased what he mistakenly thought was going to be political popularity - as interpreted by phoney pollsters and intellectually crippled focus groups. Morrison’s actions and leadership failure during the height of the pandemic and his inability to see through the deeply flawed ‘advice’ of the various members of the health bureaucracies (who no doubt wanted his government to fail), have effectively destroyed the credibility of Morrison’s party - which had been progressively taken over by opportunists and careerists during the previous 20 years, denuding it of political acumen and cutting it off from its support base in mainstream Australia.

To me, the most telling ‘mistake’ of Morrison’s government was to effectively forbid any early treatment protocols for the virus – starting in mid-2020. This was unforgivable. They did this by legally banning the availability of inexpensive and safe drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin - which I understand had proved to be effective antivirals for early treatment during the SARS-CoV-1 outbreak 18 years ago. And when a member of Morrison’s own government challenged this obscene ban - which effectively fast-tracked many older Covid victims to an early death - Morrison’s government initiated a demonisation campaign in the corporate media against their recalcitrant MP (Craig Kelly), and forced him out of the party, with the eventual loss of his parliamentary seat. These could only be the actions of very, very stupid people, or a government that had vicious and malign intent to its own citizens.

I estimate that probably at least 20% of the Australian electorate had done their own research and had thought things through, and had formed deep misgivings about the inadequately-evaluated rushed-through new technology mRNA injectables (and the AZ lipid-nano particle equivalent), but most of these ‘hesitant’ people were still forced to be injected against their will in order to retain their livelihoods – now with devastating consequences as the long-term adverse health deficits gradually become apparent. Morrison’s leadership failure was unforgivable in the eyes of these better-informed voters - so they deserted Morrison’s political party in the 2022 election and that is one of the major reasons they lost to their equally inferior political opponents, who are led by a boofhead.

That 20% of previously loyal political supporters can never be politically recovered – it is too late for that. This means that Morrison’s party will probably never again achieve government in its own right and will eventually dwindle to a rump. From what I have observed, the aforementioned opportunists & careerist LINO’s who have effectively taken control of Morrison’s party are in denial and do not understand any of this - they blame their electoral loss on other trivial causes.

Notwithstanding my comments here, there still remains a small minority of outstanding members of the Australian parliament – people of high integrity, courage, and intellectual competence – one of which is the Senator I cited in my original post above. God help us all for what the future is going to bring because I think that Australia’s luck might have finally run out.

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Jail? Nuremberg

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Yes, John - Nuremberg 2 - followed by indictment, conviction, stripping of all assets, and then a very long prison term without parole - the length being moderated by the extent to which the culprits publicly confess their involvement and/or criminal negligence and are prepared to make restitution. That formula needs to be applied to every person who had legal responsibility or played a proactive part in implementing this humanitarian disaster, and it must include corporate media editors and producers - especially those who helped implement a program of demonising and dehumanising persons who tried to speak out against the official narrative. The enormity of the crime that these very stupid/venal people have inflicted on possibly millions of Australians must not go unpunished. They must be made an example of, or otherwise history will repeat itself.

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whatever the norm is for poisoning your own citizens, denying them correct medical care and enforcing mandates and vaccine passports based on easily provable lies and being the biggest gutless coward this country may have produced and whatever else i have missed

i do note the current Government has endorsed vaccine passports at the latest G20 conference with the 19 other countries

Bet you did not hear that on the MSM

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I recall Morrison also holding Australians' hostage until X% got the 'vaccine' (the percentage conveniently rising when needed). Unfortunately most people still play politics like football, i.e. their team is the best, not realising the whole game is rigged and they will be ripped off either way.

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Don't listen to msm. When I walk past in, I'm enraged at treason

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Tremendous Succinct Riposte and Summation! Vaccine in need of an Epidemic! I still say prosecute Twerp/Rodent Fauci

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

I like it when people I respect debate one another. I take in their positions and make up my own mind. I'm not at all distracted.

This so-called pandemic may have been designed to make sure Trump wasn't re-elected. The media whipped up the hysteria for clicks and money and because they hate Trump. The Trump Administration pushed the so-called vaccines because Trump wanted to be re-elected. Pharma manufactured the so-called vaccines because they saw an opportunity to make money or maybe they were forced to by the government (see BOA purchase of ML in 2008). The Biden Administration pushed mandates because it saw an opportunity to divide and deflect blame. Historically democratic governments / deep state saw an opportunity for more control and power over their populations. Tech companies saw an opportunity to make money from restrictions on our freedoms and censorship of our speech. Medical institutions were some of the most egregious, instituting unscientific mandates, to qualify for government dollars instead of pushing back en masse. I could go on and on... The bottom line, power and money took precedence over the lives and well-being of everyday people.

I made a running list of everything that didn't add up. I didn't take a single shot. I am a data person and with data tried to persuade my family and friends not to take the shot or at least wait longer for more data to come out. But fear trumped data in every case.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The VAXXX IS THE BIOWEAPON. Patent trails prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. All of it from the USG and its DOD, DARPA, CDC< FDA< NIH surrogates. "They" are warring on Humankind on a global scale...

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You’re either a trillionaire calling the shots or a lab rat receiving them. I step out of the way and try to get others to safety from the madness.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

My research indicates an entirely real, synthetic and dangerous virus, which so far has turned out to be quite weak in the acute phase but may have a potentially devastating chronic phase which has not yet appeared in the population, lets hope it never does.

The vaccine however provides a payload of the pathogenic element of the virus, the spike protein, and is under any technical definition a bioweapon and is killing and maiming many.

This was a planned attack on the global population, with DoD influencing operations deployed across the world in unison with other states.

It did not pan out as intended and was rolled back.

Omicron was designed as a mild airborne vaccine to close down the operation, being developed via mouse model from an original release of sarscov2 and then released much later, and not being a natural variant.

PCR test results with DNA analysis was recovered globally and inserted into a Moderna AI platform for development of future bioweapon research. We willingly gave all our data to DoD bioweapon and transhuman research, for free, without realising it.

My 2 cents, for what its worth.

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I never took pcr test or any bullshit test.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

The critical point is when the population started to give into fear. Between the boomers who spent most of their lives in comfort and millennials who were pre-brainwashed there was only a small slice of population who could resist. Those were handled by the mandates, military style psychology and censorship...

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You’re welcome! Walked out over the mandates. I was like iron, like a lion.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Thank you for herding the cats and getting them heading in the direction we should all be heading towards: Truth, justice and proper, medically sound treatment.

I think some people have lost their marbles. I hope they recover them. Ego is a weedy garden requiring constant tending.

Thanks for staying the course and keeping your head.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Love your take! couldn’t agree more.

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The sense I get from this piece is that while it covers a massive amout of ground there is still a lack of malicious intent outlined.

Take the 4chan Moderna engineer, for example. I know you’ve referenced this previously so I’d guess you give it some weight.

If true then there is only one conclusion - malicious intent. The vaccine was the end game. But that’s not stated here. It would mean, among other things, that people didn’t simply “fall in line” with the CCP propaganda. That is very ambivalent and could imply stupidity rather than malice.

Yes, some are just stupid puppets and they would have had the benefit of getting off on their authority. In my state examples would be Hazzard and Chant, but there are plenty of others.

But higher up the chain? The likes of Fauci? Daszak? Fast Eddy Holmes? Surely there’s malicious intent there?

And this doesn’t even touch the possibility that this may not entirely be a CCP op. What’s the likelihood that this comes from the US, or their associated network of labs around the world? That it’s. it purely a CCP op but more of a “Deep state” op?

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Oh it's totally malicious intent. I might have to add an edit! The point of the article is just to get the reader to understand when diversions are being played out in front of them.

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Absolutely agree with the point.

Look, as you show, we're heading in the right direction. But we're often coming at it from different angles and that might create a little collision here and there.

That's part of the journey and, as you say, we need to roll with those disagreements and keep pushing forward. If we don't then those collisions that aren't accidental or natural or whatever you want to call them - meaning those that are deliberately inserted to create cracks - will get the better of us. We will lose our way and fall apart before we get to the end we all are working to see.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Sometimes it’s so very difficult to see the forest for the trees….. I’m grateful that there are those smarter than me to help the rest of us wade through the sewage.wink wink

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deletedDec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
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Well said

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I love this, and I love you for writing it.

My favorite is the Berenson dig. I made a futile, good-faith effort to shake him out of his narcissistic Paxlovid-shilling delusion, and then I let it go because of exactly what you said:

• “Letter to Alex Berenson on World Ivermectin Day” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world)

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Dr Ah Kahn Syed

Whoa. Thank you for this wonderful Christmas message. I'm glad I turned on the computer before packing it in for the night!

Sending back love and encouragement to all the mice, near and far, for everything you do. Strength is indeed found in focusing on truth and unity to accomplish the "flipping tables in the temple" housecleaning that is already in progress thanks to each of you.

Please also unite to advocate unceasingly for the ones who have been injured and cast aside, until they find justice and healing.

In all the darkness of these times, I'm grateful for all of you. May the God of all creation guard your steps and bless your work as we extinguish the gaslighting.

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What a wonderful message thank you. God bless and Merry Christmas

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Thank you, Kathy.....yes, we do need to unceasingly advocate for those who have been injured and have become medical pariahs. Sen. Ron Johnson has been their champion. God bless him and God bless you and Dr. Syed and those here who, even if they don't agree, are open-minded enough to read this article and the comments.

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